Only port 80 works for websites - iis

I hosting a dedicated Server(win2008 Standart). IIS is installed. There are several Websites bound to different ports(eg SharepointServicesCentralAdministration to 17012).
Every website work well if is bound to port 80 but if i change the port i get timeout (connection via internet) - local it works well.
(Hardware and software firewall are down.)
For some additional test a c# TcpClient Instance is listening on port 12345. If i try connect via internet i get exception:
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond - seems the same issue...
Any idea what could be wrong?

You most likely have port 80 forwarded to your machine from your internet bordering router/firewall.
You would need to have the other ports forwarded as well in your router/firewall for these other ports to work.
This also assumes you already opened the local firewall ports as you mentioned above, which is also required!

Is it possible for other computers in the local subnet to connect? Probably only the local subnet is allowed. The setting needed for ip-restrictions has to be installed:


Why can't this port be accessed outside of the local machine?

I have a node.js server running on an EC2 instance. I can connect to my index.html page by visiting 12.345.678.900:2112 (not the actual site, just an example). Later on, I open a socket connection that is listening on port 3113. When I'm on the machine itself, I can access the webpage through the localhost (localhost:3113/foo). When I try to access it outside the local machine through 12.345.678.900:3113/foo, I can't access it. The socket connection is successful and the server is listening on 3113 when I run netstat, but it just doesn't allow me to access the page. I have a feeling my ports may be blocked, but from what I tell it shouldn't be. I don't have this problem when I run this server on my local machine however.
Incoming Connections
Since curl was telling me port 3113 wasn't open, but it wasn't being blocked on AWS I looked through my code and realized that I opened port 3113 but then closed it soon after, which meant that while I was getting a log statement telling me the port was open since it was closed almost immediately I wasn't able to access the port.
When you setup TCP listening port, you had to specify IP address and port number. If your server is listening on, then it won't be accessible from its external IP address. You can also specify the special as the IP address, which indicates that you want to listen on that port in "all" IP addresses (for some definition of "all").
If your machine have multiple network interfaces (e.g. multiple network cards, or virtualised network interface), then it's possible to have the same ip address actually being on different networks and you'll have to specify the specific network interface when you listen to them. But if you did set up something unusual like that, you probably already know about these networking stuffs already. Note that if you have Docker or virtual machines, they may also creates virtual network interface for each containers/VM.
On AWS/EC2, your machine may also have internal IP address that's only accessible from your VPC and an Elastic IP which can be accessed directly from the outside world. You didn't say which "external" IP address you were using.
Finally, you may have firewall installed on the server. ipfw or iptable may have rules blocking external listening port.

Can ping a local server IP but can't browse a site into the server

I have a server connected to the network with the ip I can ping the ip but when i try to access from the browser to the server's localhost, obviusly with the IP, i can't.
What is wrong??
There was a network error... not configuration!! Thanks for help! Problem solved!
Check if the port you are trying to connect is open. If it is not, you have to bring up the port first, Example: if you are trying to run an app from tomcat, start tomcat first,
There are multiple reasons why this would happen:
The server is not set up to receive incoming connections. Check your firewall settings
The server isn't publicly visible (Meaning the server will appear to a ping, but all the ports are closed
The server isn't able to make outbound connections, again, check the firewall.
To test ports, either port forward, or put the server in to a DMZ (All ports are open)
Manually attempt a file transfer or another service by using ftp <IP of server>:<port number eg 21) or an SSH tunnel. If the FTP passes, then the HTTP port of the server may be down (port 80/8080).
Verify the router interconnecting your PC and the server isn't restricting local peer crosstalk.

Amazon Nodejs webserver

I'm getting stuck here, so i have an amazon ec2 (standard redhat server) host up and working. i can connect to it personally no problem, however it cannot be connected to outside of my ip.
I've checked the rules and i have port 80 and 3000 open to to be able to communicate, however outside of my computer (and computers in this network) i can not connect.
Everything I've found is about connecting to ssh which works fine, i have no rules in iptables, i haven't dealt much with them before, but since i can connect to the service i don't think its the issue.
Web server is running, i can connect from my computer to it, and any others in my local network, but nothing outside of it works.
i do have httpd installed as well as a simple forward from the browser to port 3000, however i cant connect to it either from outside my network.
so this is a new one for me, the dns forwarding works in houst, but not outside. so inside and outside here, i can use IP address to connect, but inside only i can connect with my dns lookup. not sure what caused this, but its not an amazon problem at least. going to look at that side.

Azure User Defined Endpoint at Ubuntu not working

I got a problem with Azure Endpoint using Ubuntu.
Online port scanner reported that port 1194 is closed even though the End point was defined to be open at Azure Web Interface for that VM
UFW, aka Ubuntu Firewall is inactive.
No IP Table was defined in Ubuntu
On Azure web management interface, endpoint called VPN, port TCP 443 and UDP
1194 was set to open, bidirectional allowing direct return. Public and Private port is both 1194, and both 443
lfor and netstat on ubuntu reported thata service is listening on 1194, got NC to listen to 443
From Ubuntu, I can see the internet. Pinging Google, getting updates works fine.
I can remote into the machine using default port 22, which is a default open endpoint defined by Azure Ubuntu Image
Restarted Ubuntu everytime a setting change.
Tried deleting and re-creating Endpoint rule, failed
Tried shutting down the VM, and delete and recreate endpoint rule, failed
I CAN Telnet to my local host from Ubuntu via 443.
From my local computer, unable to telnet to the Ubuntu server via 443. Ok on 22, terminated because of protocol mismatch, but that is of course fine.
Online port scanners all report that 1194 was closed and so is 443
Some help would be appreciated.
I think that you need to manually configure the endpoint.
Please check for more information.

How to make your website online using XAMPP & ROUTER? (already tried the steps but the result is..)

Can someone help me?
I already tried this steps:
Open Port 80
Set rules in windows firewall (inbound rules, port 80, both protocols, allow connection, etc..)
Port forwarding
Port 80 & 443 enabled
but I still cannot access my server.
I used "Open Port Check Tool" of to check if it is open, the result: Connection timed out
Pinged my external ip address on external computers, the result: Request timed out
Images showing the logs:
Do a google search for your ISP + port 80. Chances are pretty big that your ISP doesn't allow it for security reasons.
A way around this is to host on a different port than 80.
If it is not your ISP blocking port 80, maybe XAMPP isn't allowing connections other than the ones comming from your localhost. Take a look at this Error when trying to access XAMPP from a network
