I'm trying to write a function searching for a given element in a rose tree and returning it's location.
It may be clearer when I show you what I already got:
Given a tree with a definition:
data Tree text = Node value
[Tree value]
for example:
test = Node "1" [
Node "11" [
Node "111" [],
Node "112" [
Node "1121" [], Node "1122" [], Node "1123" []
Node "12" []
11 12
111 112
1121 1122 1123
I'm looking for a function search:
search :: String -> Tree String -> [Integer]
search 1123 test -> should return [1,2,3]
- first subtree of 1=11 -> 2nd subtree of 11=112, 3rd subtree of 112=1123
I know how to iterate through tree,
display (Node v xs) = v ++ concatMap display xs
But have no idea how can I assign integer value to every element of subtrees array and additionally pass it recursively from upper to lower parts of the tree.
Can you guys direct me where/how to look for a solution? I'm very new to Haskell..
The easiest way is to let the function return the list of all paths to a node with the desired data (there should only ever be at most one in the tree, I suppose, but that doesn't matter) first, and then use the first of these:
searchList :: (Eq a) => a -> Tree a -> [[Integer]]
searchList val (Node dat subs)
| val == dat = [[]] -- empty path
| otherwise = concat [map (c:) (searchList val t) | (c,t) <- zip [1 .. ] subs]
search :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> [Integer]
search val t = case searchList val t of
(p:_) -> p
_ -> error "Value not found"
If Daniel Wagner's suspicion is correct and your trees are tries, you can search more efficiently, but the principle remains the same, however, since we now know that we either have one node with the desired data or none, the result is more appropriately a Maybe [Integer]:
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Control.Monad -- for the MonadPlus instance of Maybe
searchTrie :: String -> Tree String -> Maybe [Integer]
searchTrie target (Node val subs)
| val == target = Just []
| val `isPrefixOf` target = case dropWhile smaller (zip [1 .. ] subs) of
((c,t):_) -> fmap (c:) $ searchTrie target t
_ -> Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
smaller (_,Node v _) = v < take (length v) target
I am new in Haskell. I trying to learn implementation of N-ary trees in Haskell. I tried to construct N-ary tree and so I create my own data type
data Tree = Empty | Node Integer [Tree] deriving Show
I want to construct my Tree from the list. I want to construct such Tree that going to take List elements one by one . If element is smaller it is going to be subtree of previous element else it going to be sibling.My problem is in the base cases and recursion parts. So I write such a code:
arrin :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer {-this function takes an array -}
arrin (x:xs) i {- and indexs and return the element-}
| i == 0 = x {-of that array which on that index -}
| otherwise = arrin xs (i-1)
listToTree :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Tree
listToTree _ [] = Empty {-First Input will be zero initially-}
listToTree 11 _ = Empty {-Lets assume that the lenght of my list is 10-}
listToTree 0 a = Node ( arrin a 0 ) [listToTree 1 a]
listToTree num a {-I need your help in this part what should i do-}
| arrin a num > arrin a (num+1) = Node ( arrin a num ) [listToTree (num+1) a]
| otherwise = Node ( arrin a num ) [Empty]
Any kind of comments and answers will be appreciated.
Why does your function take an integer as first argument? Also it is not clear if the tree should end in "Node int []" or "Node int empty". If you are ready to accept [Tree] as output you don't even need empty which would probably only really be necessary for the empty list. In that case, the function could be as follows.
listToTree :: [Integer] -> [Tree]
listToTree [] = []
listToTree [x] = [Node x []]
listToTree (x1:x2:xs)
| x2 < x1 = [Node x1 (listToTree (x2:xs))] -- subtree
| otherwise = Node x1 [] : listToTree (x2:xs) -- sibling
Making tree like data structures is relatively easy in Haskell. However, what if I want a structure like the following:
A (root)
/ \
/ \ / \
So if I traverse down the structure through B to update E, the returned new updated structure also has E updated if I traverse through C.
Could someone give me some hints about how to achieve this? You can assume there are no loops.
I would flatten the data structure to an array, and operate on this instead:
import Data.Array
type Tree = Array Int -- Bounds should start at (1) and go to sum [1..n]
data TreeTraverse = TLeft TreeTraverse | TRight TreeTraverse | TStop
Given some traverse directions (left, right, stop), it's easy to see that if we go left, we simply add the current level to our position, and if we go right, we also add the current position plus one:
getPosition :: TreeTraverse -> Int
getPosition = getPosition' 1 1
getPosition' level pos (TLeft ts) = getPosition' (level+1) (pos+level) ts
getPosition' level pos (TRight ts) = getPosition' (level+1) (pos+level + 1) ts
getPosition' _ pos (TStop) = pos
In your case, you want to traverse either ABE or ACE:
traverseABE = TLeft $ TRight TStop
traverseACE = TRight $ TLeft TStop
Since we already now how to get the position of your element, and Data.Array provides some functions to set/get specific elements, we can use the following functions to get/set tree values:
getElem :: TreeTraverse -> Tree a -> a
getElem tt t = t ! getPosition tt
setElem :: TreeTraverse -> Tree a -> a -> Tree a
setElem tt t x = t // [(getPosition tt, x)]
To complete the code, lets use your example:
example = "ABCDEF"
exampleTree :: Tree Char
exampleTree = listArray (1, length example) example
And put everything to action:
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "Traversing from A -> B -> E: " ++ [getElem traverseABE exampleTree]
putStrLn $ "Traversing from A -> C -> E: " ++ [getElem traverseACE exampleTree]
putStrLn $ "exampleTree: " ++ show exampleTree ++ "\n"
putStrLn $ "Setting element from A -> B -> E to 'X', "
let newTree = setElem traverseABE exampleTree 'X'
putStrLn $ "but show via A -> C -> E: " ++ [getElem traverseACE newTree]
putStrLn $ "newTree: " ++ show newTree ++ "\n"
Note that this is most-likely not the best way to do this, but the first thing that I had in mind.
Once you've established identity, it can be done.
But first you must establish identity.
In many languages, values can be distinct from each other, but equal. In Python, for example:
>>> a = [1]
>>> b = [1]
>>> a == b
>>> a is b
You want to update E in one branch of the tree, and also update all other elements for which that element is E. But Haskell is referentially transparent: it has no notion of things being the same object; only equality, and even that is not applicable for every object.
One way you could do this is equality. Say this was your tree:
/ \
/ \ / \
1 2 2 3
Then we could go through the tree and update all the 2s to, say, four. But this isn't exactly what you want in some cases.
In Haskell, if you want to update one thing in multiple places, you'll have to be explicit about what is and isn't the same thing. Another way you could deal with this is to tag each different value with a unique integer, and use that integer to determine identity:
/ \
/ \ / \
(id=1)"foo" (id=2)"bar" (id=2)"bar" (id=3)"baz"
Then we could update all values with an identity of 2. Accidental collisions cannot be a problem, as there can be no collisions except those that are intentional.
This is essentially what STRef and IORef do, except they hoist the actual value into the monad's state and hide the identities from you. The only downside of using these is you'll need to make much of your code monadic, but you're probably not going to get away from that easily whatever you do. (Modifying values rather than replacing them is an inherently effectful thing to do.)
The structure you gave was not specified in much detail so it's impossible to tailor an example to your use case, but here's a simple example using the ST monad and a Tree:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Tree
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.STRef
createInitialTree :: ST s (Tree (STRef s String))
createInitialTree = do
[a, b, c, d, e, f] <- mapM newSTRef ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
return $ Node a [ Node b [Node d [], Node e []]
, Node c [Node e [], Node f []]
dereferenceTree :: Tree (STRef s a) -> ST s (Tree a)
dereferenceTree = traverse readSTRef
test :: ST s (Tree String, Tree String)
test = do
tree <- createInitialTree
before <- dereferenceTree tree
let leftE = subForest (subForest tree !! 0) !! 1
writeSTRef (rootLabel leftE) "new" -- look ma, single update!
after <- dereferenceTree tree
return (before, after)
main = do
let (before, after) = runST test
putStrLn $ drawTree before
putStrLn $ drawTree after
Observe that although we only explicitly modified the value of the left E value, it changed on the right side, too, as desired.
I should note that these are not the only ways. There are probably many other solutions to this same problem, but they all require you to define identity sensibly. Only once that has been done can one begin the next step.
I'm stuck with my homework task, somebody help, please..
Here is the task:
Find all possible partitions of string into words of some dictionary
And here is how I'm trying to do it:
I use dynamical programming concept to fill matrix and then I'm stuck with how to retrieve data from it
-- Task5_2
retrieve :: [[Int]] -> [String] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [[String]]
retrieve matrix dict i j size
| i >= size || j >= size = []
| index /= 0 = [(dict !! index)]:(retrieve matrix dict (i + sizeOfWord) (i + sizeOfWord) size) ++ retrieve matrix dict i (next matrix i j) size
where index = (matrix !! i !! j) - 1; sizeOfWord = length (dict !! index)
next matrix i j
| j >= (length matrix) = j
| matrix !! i !! j > 0 = j
| otherwise = next matrix i (j + 1)
getPartitionMatrix :: String -> [String] -> [[Int]]
getPartitionMatrix text dict = [[ indiceOfWord (getWord text i j) dict 1 | j <- [1..(length text)]] | i <- [1..(length text)]]
getWord :: String -> Int -> Int -> String
getWord text from to = map fst $ filter (\a -> (snd a) >= from && (snd a) <= to) $ zip text [1..]
indiceOfWord :: String -> [String] -> Int -> Int
indiceOfWord _ [] _ = 0
indiceOfWord word (x:xs) n
| word == x = n
| otherwise = indiceOfWord word xs (n + 1)
dictionary = ["la", "a", "laa", "l"]
string = "laa"
matr = getPartitionMatrix string dictionary
test = retrieve matr dictionary 0 0 (length string)
Here is a code that do what you ask for. It doesn't work exactly like your solution but should work as fast if (and only if) both our dictionary lookup were improved to use tries as would be reasonable. As it is I think it may be a bit faster than your solution :
module Partitions (partitions) where
import Data.Array
import Data.List
data Branches a = Empty | B [([a],Branches a)] deriving (Show)
isEmpty Empty = True
isEmpty _ = False
flatten :: Branches a -> [ [ [a] ] ]
flatten Empty = []
flatten (B []) = [[]]
flatten (B ps) = concatMap (\(word, bs) -> ...) ps
type Dictionary a = [[a]]
partitions :: (Ord a) => Dictionary a -> [a] -> [ [ [a] ] ]
partitions dict xs = flatten (parts ! 0)
parts = listArray (0,length xs) $ zipWith (\i ys -> starting i ys) [0..] (tails xs)
starting _ [] = B []
starting i ys
| null words = ...
| otherwise = ...
words = filter (`isPrefixOf` ys) $ dict
go word = (word, parts ! (i + length word))
It works like this : At each position of the string, it search all possible words starting from there in the dictionary and evaluates to a Branches, that is either a dead-end (Empty) or a list of pairs of a word and all possible continuations after it, discarding those words that can't be continued.
Dynamic programming enter the picture to record every possibilities starting from a given index in a lazy array. Note that the knot is tied : we compute parts by using starting, which uses parts to lookup which continuations are possible from a given index. This only works because we only lookup indices after the one starting is computing and starting don't use parts for the last index.
To retrieve the list of partitions from this Branches datatype is analogous to the listing of all path in a tree.
EDIT : I removed some crucial parts of the solution in order to let the questioner search for himself. Though that shouldn't be too hard to complete with some thinking. I'll probably put them back with a somewhat cleaned up version later.
Can someone tell me why this code isn't producing what I want.
data BST = MakeNode BST String BST
| Empty
add :: String -> BST -> BST
add new Empty = (MakeNode Empty new Empty)
add string tree#(MakeNode left value right)
| string > value = MakeNode left value (add string right)
| string < value = MakeNode (add string left) value right
| otherwise = tree
listToBST :: [String] -> BST
listToBST = foldr add Empty
If we create and function which takes a BST and returns a list in sorted order, modelled after sort . nub, then your Tree is fine as quickcheck tells us. QuickCheck is very easy to use.
import Data.List
import Test.QuickCheck
data BST = MakeNode BST String BST
| Empty
deriving (Show)
add :: String -> BST -> BST
add new Empty = (MakeNode Empty new Empty)
add string tree#(MakeNode left value right)
| string > value = MakeNode left value (add string right)
| string < value = MakeNode (add string left) value right
| otherwise = tree
test = ["alice", "blup", "test", "aa"]
manual_test = inorder (foldr add Empty test) == sort (nub test)
prop_inorder = property inorder_test
where inorder_test :: [String] -> Bool
inorder_test xs = inorder (foldr add Empty xs) == sort (nub xs)
-- return sorted nodes
inorder :: BST -> [String]
inorder (Empty) = []
inorder (MakeNode l x r) = inorder l ++ (x : inorder r)
Just load ghci and then run quickCheck prop_inorder.
Other useful functions are:
reverseOrder :: BST -> [String]
reverseOrder Empty = []
reverseOrder (MakeNode l x r) = reverseOrder r ++ (x : reverseOrder r)
asList :: BST -> [String]
asList Empty = []
asList (MakeNode l x r) = x : (asList l ++ asList r)
And also think about making your tree more general by parameterizing over a:
data BST a = Empty | MakeNode (BST a) a (BST a)
You can make it than an instance of Functor, Monad, Foldable and all kind of handy typeclasses.
I tried it and it seems ok to me. It could help if you gave an example of an input that it doesn't work for.
I think the problem may be that string comparison does not work the way you expect ("123" < "7" because "1" < "7"). If I'm right, you might want to use Ints instead of Strings or even better, the class Ord of all the types that can be ordered using (<).
module Main where
import Data.List
import Data.Function
type Raw = (String, String)
icards = [("the", "le"),("savage", "violent"),("work", "travail"),
("wild", "sauvage"),("chance", "occasion"),("than a", "qu'un")]
data Entry = Entry {wrd, def :: String, len :: Int, phr :: Bool}
deriving Show
-- French-to-English, search-tree section
entries' :: [Entry]
entries' = map (\(x, y) -> Entry y x (length y) (' ' `elem` y)) icards
data Tree a = Empty | Tree a (Tree a) (Tree a)
tree :: Tree Entry
tree = build entries'
build :: [Entry] -> Tree Entry
build [] = Empty
build (e:es) = ins e (build es)
ins :: Entry -> Tree Entry -> Tree Entry
find :: Tree Entry -> Word -> String
translate' :: String -> String
translate' = unwords . (map (find tree)) . words
so i'm trying to design function ins and find but i am not sure where to start.any ideas?
I have no idea by which criteria the tree should be sorted, so I use just wrd. Then it would look like:
ins :: Entry -> Tree Entry -> Tree Entry
ins entry Empty = Tree entry Empty Empty
ins entry#(Entry w _ _ _) (Tree current#(Entry w1 _ _ _) left right)
| w == w1 = error "duplicate entry"
| w < w1 = Tree current (ins entry left) right
| otherwise = Tree current left (ins entry right)
How to get there?
As always when using recursion, you need a base case. Here it is very simple: If the tree is empty, just replace it by a node containing your data. There are no children for the new node, so we use Empty.
The case if you have a full node looks more difficult, but this is just due to pattern matching, the idea is very simple: If the entry is "smaller" you need to replace the left child with a version that contains the entry, if it is "bigger" you need to replace the right child.
If both node and entry have the same "size" you have three options: keep the old node, replace it by the new one (keeping the children) or throw an error (which seems the cleanest solution, so I did it here).
A simple generalization of Landei's answer:
ins :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
ins x Empty = Tree x Empty Empty
ins x (Tree x' l r) = case compare x x' of
EQ -> undefined
LT -> Tree x' (ins x l) r
GT -> Tree x' l (ins x r)
For this to work on Tree Entry, you will need to define an instance of Ord for Entry.