Presenter with swappable sub-presenters - gwt-mvp

Using GWT 2.4 with MVP, I have a presenter where the top portion can swap between a read-only presenter of a set of data or an editor for that data, depending on how you arrived at the page.
Without using GWTP, how can I swap between those two presenters and the underlying views?
Currently, the classes looks like this:
public class MainPagePresenter implements Presenter, MainPageView.Presenter, ParentPresenter {
private MainPageViewview;
private final ClientFactory clientFactory;
private StaticDataPresenter staticPresenter;
private SomeOtherPresenter otherPresenter;
I'd like for StaticDataPresenter to become some structure that can either hold a StaticDataPresenter or a DynamicDataPresenter that lets you edit.
Thanks for your input.

public interface DataPresenter {
void handleEdit();
public class StaticDataPresenter implements DataPresenter {
public void handleEdit() {
// Do nothing.
public class DynamicDataPresenter implements DataPresenter {
public void handleEdit() {
// Do something.
public class MainPagePresenter implements Presenter, MainPageView.Presenter, ParentPresenter {
private MainPageView view;
private final ClientFactory clientFactory;
private DataPresenter dataPresenter;
private SomeOtherPresenter otherPresenter;
public void switchDataPresenter(DataPresenter dataPresenter) {
this.dataPresenter = dataPresenter;
DataPresenterView dataPresenterView = view.dataPresenterView();

Your MainPageView can have a DeckPanel with both the StaticDataPresenter's view, and the SomeOtherPresenter's view.
MainPagePresenter can then tell the MainPageView to switch what is being displayed based on your needs.

What I ended up doing was putting both editors on the page, and then turning on and off the visibility in the presenter.
Thanks for your suggestions. They helped.


repository always null after initilization of testing containers

I am attempting to use TestingContainers. I was able to get it to run but my tests are always null. I am trying to avoid mocking but rather having real data.
class OrderDataRepositoryTest extends AbstractTestConfiguration {
private OrderDataRepository orderRepository;
private AutoCloseable closeable;
public void init() {
closeable = MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this);
void closeService() throws Exception {
void getAllUsersTest() {
List<Order> orders = orderRepository.findAll();
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
public abstract class AbstractTestConfiguration {
private MySQLContainer database = new MySQLContainer("mysql:8.0");
public void test() {
class TentingContainerApplicationTests {
url: jdbc:mysql:8.0:///test?TC_INITSCRIPT=file:src/main/resources/init.sql
driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
The commented out
is what I tried. Of course mock works out but I want real data for the #services and #repository classes.
If you want to test your database-related code in isolation (I assume you're using Spring Data JPA) then #DataJpaTest fits perfectly.
This annotation will create a sliced Spring context for you that contains only persistence relevant beans like: DataSource, EntityManager, YourRepository. This doesn't include your service classes, your #Component classes, or #RestController.
By default, this annotation tries to configure an embedded in-memory database as the DataSource. We can override this (and you already did with some of your code examples) behavior to use Testcontainers:
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
class OrderDataRepositoryTest {
static MySQLContainer database = new MySQLContainer("mysql:8.0");
static void setDatasourceProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry propertyRegistry) {
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.url", database::getJdbcUrl);
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.password", database::getPassword);
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.username", database::getUsername);
private OrderDataRepository orderRepository;
void shouldReturnOrders() {
If you want to write another test that includes all your beans and also starts the embedded servlet container, take a look at #SpringBootTest for writing integration tests.
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class MyIntegrationTest {
static MySQLContainer database = new MySQLContainer("mysql:8.0");
static void setDatasourceProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry propertyRegistry) {
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.url", database::getJdbcUrl);
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.password", database::getPassword);
propertyRegistry.add("spring.datasource.username", database::getUsername);
private ServiceA serviceA;
private OrderDataRepository orderDataRepository;
When working with a Spring TestContext for your test and Mockito, make sure to understand the difference between #Mock and #MockBean.

Mockito: How to test a class's void method?

Unit test noob here.
I have three classes: Db1Dao, Db2Dao, ExecuteClass where Db1Dao, Db2Dao are database access objects for two different databases. My goal is to fetch some data from db1 using Db1Dao and run executeClass.execute() to "put" the processed data into db2 using Db2Dao.
My ExecuteClass looks like this:
class ExecuteClass {
private Db1Dao db1Dao;
private Db2Dao db2Dao;
public void execute() {
List<String> listOfString = getExternalData(someParam);
List<Metadata> metadatum = db1Dao.get(someInputs);
... I do something to generate a list of new class `A` based on listOfString & metadatum ...
try {
} catch (PutException e){
public List<String> getExternalData(SomeClass someParam){
... do something
return listOfString;
Now I want to test:
Given a specific listOfString (returned by getExternalData) and a specific metadatum (returned by db1Dao.get):
Will I get the desired listOfA?
Am I able to call db2Dao.put and its input parameter is listOfA?
Particularly, I have hard-coded sample listOfString and metadatum and desired listOfA (and they will be passed via an object MockData, see the following code) but I don't know how to write the test using Mockito. The following is a test class I wrote but it does not work:
class TestClass extends BaseTest {
private Db1Dao db1Dao;
private Db2Dao db2Dao;
private ExecuteClass executeClass;
public void setUp() {
executeClass = new ExecuteClass(db1Dao, db2Dao);
public void executeClassTest(final MockData mockData) throws PutException {
Mockito.when(db1Dao.get(Mockito.any(), ...))
ExecuteClass executeClassSpy = Mockito.spy(executeClass);
// executeClass.execute(); not working neither...
List<A> listOfA = mockData.getDesiredListOfA();
Could anyone please let me know? Thank you in advance!!
You should not create a spy of the same class you want to test. Instead, try to write a unit test for the smallest amount of code (e.g. a public method) and mock every external operator (in your case Db1Dao and Db2Dao).
If testing a public method involves calling another public method of the same class, make sure to mock everything inside the other public method (in your case getExternalData). Otherwise, this other public method might be a good candidate for an extra class to have clear separation of concerns.
So, remove the ExecuteClass executeClassSpy = Mockito.spy(executeClass); and make sure you setup everything with Mockito what's called within getExternalData.
To now actually, verify that Db2Dao was called with the correct parameter, either use your current approach with verifying the payload. But here it's important to 100% create the same data structure you get while executing your application code.
Another solution would be to use Mockito's #Captor. This allows you to capture the value of why verifying the invocation of a mock. Later on, you can also write assertions on the captured value:
private ArgumentCaptor<ClassOfListOfA> argumentCaptor;
public void yourTest() {
assertEquals("StringValue", argumentCaptur.getValue().getWhateverGetterYouHave);
The following code worked for me.
I partially accepted #rieckpil's answer. I used #Captor which is very handy.
The reason I had to mock getExternalData() is because its implementation is still a "TODO".
class TestClass extends BaseTest {
private Db1Dao db1Dao;
private Db2Dao db2Dao;
private ArgumentCaptor<List<A>> argumentCaptor;
private ExecuteClass executeClass;
public void setUp() {
executeClass = new ExecuteClass(db1Dao, db2Dao);
public void executeClassTest(final MockData mockData) throws PutException {
Mockito.when(db1Dao.get(Mockito.any(), ...))
ExecuteClass executeClassSpy = Mockito.spy(executeClass);
List<A> listOfA = mockData.getDesiredListOfA();
assertEquals(listOfA, argumentCaptor.getValue());

Cannot override tranlations (journal-lang)

I would like to override some Liferay's modules tranlations. I am fallowing:
It works but not for all strings. First of all I would like to override some strings in journal-lang module (com.liferay.journal.lang), but this module doesn't have servlet context name. I have tried to skip that but it doesn't work. How can I override these strings?
I'm also trying to override some core strings (from portal-impl) but some of them remains untranslated. For example "Add Field" (add-field) from defining new form view. Any possible solutions?
journal-lang is a language components. In order to override some string from them you have to create a component for bundle com.liferay.journal.web or com.liferay.journal.service.
You've to create a CustomResourceBundle with extends ResourceBundle
#Component(immediate = true, property = { "" }, service = ResourceBundle.class)
public class DefaultCustomResourceBundle extends ResourceBundle {
public Enumeration<String> getKeys() {
return _resourceBundle.getKeys();
protected Object handleGetObject(String key) {
return _resourceBundle.getObject(key);
private final ResourceBundle _resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("content.Language", UTF8Control.INSTANCE);
And this should override translations accross the portal.

How can I use multiple mocks of an interface for a Java EE "#Inject private Instance<T> implementations"?

I have an interface:
public interface Service {
void doService();
And a class:
public class ServiceUser {
private Instance<Service> serviceImplementations;
public void work() {
serviceImplementations.forEach(service -> service.doService());
And a testcase:
public class ServiceUserTest {
private Service firstImpl;
private Service secondImpl;
private ServiceUser serviceUser;
public void testAllImplementationsCalled() {;
When I run the testcase, I get a NullPointerException in ServiceUser, where on debugging serviceImplementations is null. If I create two fields in ServiceUser I can get the two instances injected (both mocks are injected, I checked during debugging).
public class ServiceUser {
private Instance<Service> serviceImplementations;
private Service firstImpl;
private Service secondImpl;
public void work() {
serviceImplementations.forEach(service -> service.doService());
How can I make this work?
Surprisingly, I couldn't find a good existing fake or test double for Instance<T>, as in Instance<Service> serviceInstance = TestingInstance.of(firstImpl, secondImpl);.
You might want to create one—not using Mockito, but rather as an actual implementation—and test and use it. The interface is relatively small, particularly if you just throw UnsupportedOperationException on the select methods, and then you'll have an implementation you can use in all of your test cases.
Because it's not a mock, you would need an alternative to #InjectMocks, though; given the fragility of #InjectMocks as dependencies change, this may not be a bad thing anyway.

How do I get input from a user using j2me canvases? is this even possible?

I am currently trying to learn J2ME and build a connect four game (some of you might know this as 'four in a row'). I've More or less got all of the aspects of my game working, apart from one thing that is driving me mad! This is of course getting the text from the user!
For the two player mode of the game I want to be able to allow each player to enter their name. I am struggling to find a working example of text input that doesn't use the main Midlet.
For example the examples on just use a single midlet (no classes or canvases or anything).
As it stands my application's main midlet start method simply opens a main menu class:
package midlet;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import view.*;
public class Main extends MIDlet {
public void startApp() {
MainMenu mm = new MainMenu();
public static void showScreen(Displayable screen) {
public void pauseApp() {
public static void quitApp() {
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
The main menu class is as follows:
package view;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import lang.*;
import model.*;
import midlet.Main;
public class MainMenu extends List implements CommandListener {
private Command ok = new Command(StringDefs.currDefs.getString("TEXT_OK"), Command.OK, 1);
public MainMenu() {
super(StringDefs.currDefs.getString("TEXT_TITLE"), List.IMPLICIT);
// we we add in the menu items
append(StringDefs.currDefs.getString("TEXT_PLAY1"), null);
append(StringDefs.currDefs.getString("TEXT_PLAY2"), null);
append(StringDefs.currDefs.getString("TEXT_HIGHSCORETABLE"), null);
append(StringDefs.currDefs.getString("TEXT_HELP"), null);
append(StringDefs.currDefs.getString("TEXT_QUIT"), null);
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {
if (c == ok) {
int selectedItem = this.getSelectedIndex();
if (selectedItem != -1) {
switch (selectedItem) {
case 0:
GameBoard gameBoard = new model.GameBoard();
GameCanvasOnePlayer board = new GameCanvasOnePlayer(gameBoard);
case 1:
GameBoard gameBoardTwo = new model.GameBoard();
GameCanvasTwoPlayer GameCanvasTwoPlayer = new GameCanvasTwoPlayer(gameBoardTwo);
case 2:
HighScores hc = new HighScores();
case 3:
Help he = new Help();
case 4:
QuitConfirmation qc = new QuitConfirmation();
When a two player game is selected (case 1 in the above switch) from this menu I would like two text boxes to appear so that I can get both player names and store them.
What would be the best way of going about this? is this even possible with canvases? And do you know where I can find a relevant example or at least something which may help?
You can either:
1. Make the user enter his input in an ugly Textbox (which takes the whole screen)
2. Use the textbox control I've written from scratch a long time ago which is available here
and looks something like this (3 Textfields shown):
I've got a solution! well sort of.
I can create a form without using the main midlet:
The following main class is part of a source package called midlet (much like in my project):
package midlet;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import view.*;
public class Main extends MIDlet {
private static UsernameForm unameForm=new UsernameForm();
private static MIDlet instance;
public void startApp() {
showScreen(unameForm); // show user name form
public static String getUsername1() {
public static String getUsername2() {
public void pauseApp() {
public static void showScreen(Displayable d) {
Display.getDisplay(instance).setCurrent(d); // show next screen
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
The next bit of code is the username form class that is part of a source package called view:
package view;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
public class UsernameForm extends Form implements CommandListener {
private String username1="";
private String username2="";
private TextField tfUsername1=new javax.microedition.lcdui.TextField("User 1","User1",40,TextField.ANY);
private TextField tfUsername2=new javax.microedition.lcdui.TextField("User 2","User2",40,TextField.ANY);
private Command cmdOK=new Command("OK",Command.OK,1);
public UsernameForm() {
super("User details");
public void commandAction(Command cmd,Displayable d) {
if (cmd==cmdOK) {
* #return the username1
public String getUsername1() {
return username1;
* #param username1 the username1 to set
public void setUsername1(String username1) {
this.username1 = username1;
* #return the username2
public String getUsername2() {
return username2;
* #param username2 the username2 to set
public void setUsername2(String username2) {
this.username2 = username2;
So it looks like there's no easy way of doing it using canvases, I think I am better of using 'ugly forms' instead as they should work whatever the device.
That's a really sticky situation. Basically you will need to use J2ME's input text widget (which by the way looks horrible). If you don't, you'll end up having to implement all the logic behind the different types of phone keyboards and you won't have access to the dictionary... Your canvas will basically only be capturing keystrokes, not text input...
Here you need to, implement custom Items, all you need to do is to extend the part of the canvas where to want the user/player to enter his/her name to the CustomItems, and implement the customItems predefined abstract methods, and write method for Key Strokes and that's available in the nokia forum. They have explained it pretty good. Check out the Nokia forum.
