linux curl save as utf-8 - linux

Trying to use linux curl to download an xml file from an url.
Pretty sure that the xml is encoded in UTF-8,
suspecting curl -o doesnt save as UTF-8.
Is there anyway to force save to UTF-8 with curl ?
Thanks for the suggestion, what i found out:
Because the xml feed is dynamic, not all the time it contain any utf-8 characters.
Sometimes it doesnt have utf-8 character in the whole content at all even though it is set as utf-8 in the xml encoding and header content type: charset=utf-8. When it contain a utf-8 character at least, it will be save as utf-8.
When this happen, curl doesn't download as utf-8, which makes sense as there are no utf-8 chars, why is there a need to store as utf-8.
This is damn tricky, some validator has to valid against utf-8 hence i still need a solution to force it to utf8 because by default all my xml shld be in utf8-encoding.
tried the suggested by using iconv f iso8859-1 utf-8 doesnt work for this case as i am suspecting it is not in iso8859-1 either.
Still need a better solution.

curl does not do any conversion of the file it downloads. If the HTTP server serves you the XML in another encoding (e.g., ISO8859-1) that his how curl will save it to disk too.
To workaround your problem, you can use "iconv" as follows:
curl URL | iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 > output.xml
Hope this help.

Have you tried adding the Accept-Charset header? I had a similar issue downloading a file which was downloading with the wrong encoding. When I set the Accept-Charset header it works:
curl -H "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" URL | iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 > output.xml


iconv command is not changing the encoding of a plain text file to another encoding

In Linux I created a plain text file. using "file -i" I am seeing file encoding is "us-ascii" . After trying below commands it is still showing output file encoding as "us-ascii". Could you please tell me how to change encoding? or Is there any way to download some encoded file which I can't read.
iconv -f US-ASCII -t ISO88592//TRANSLIT -o o.txt ip.txt
iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT -o op.txt ip.txt
I am expecting either iconv change the encoding or I can download some encoded file.
If your file contains only ASCII character, then there's no difference between the ASCII, UTF-8 and different ISO8859-x encoding. So after conversion, you will end up with the exactly same file.
A text file does not store any information about what encoding was used. Therefore, the file applies a few rules but at the end of the day, it's just a guess. And as the files are identical, the result will alwazys be the same.
To see a difference, you will must use characters that are encoded differently with the different encoding or are not avaialbe at all in one of the encodings, e.g. ă, € or 😊.

Convert files between UTF-8 and ISO-8859 on Linux

Every time that I get confronted with Unicode, nothing works. I'm on Linux, and I got these files from Windows:
$file *
file1: UTF-8 Unicode text
file2: ISO-8859 text
file3: ISO-8859 text
Nothing was working until I found out that the files have different encodings. I want to make my life easy and have them all in the same format:
iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859 file1 > test
iconv: conversion to `ISO-8859' is not supported
Try `iconv --help' or `iconv --usage' for more information.
I tried to convert to ISO because that's only 1 conversion + when I open those ISO files in gedit, the German letter "ü" is displayed just fine. Okay, next try:
iconv -f ISO-8859 -t UTF-8 file2 > test
iconv: conversion from `ISO-8859' is not supported
Try `iconv --help' or `iconv --usage' for more information.
but obviously that didn't work.
ISO-8859-x (Latin-1) encoding only contains very limited characters, you should always try to encode to UTF-8 to make life easier.
And utf-8 (Unicode) is a superset of ISO 8859 so it will be not surprised you could not convert UTF-8 to ISO 8859
It seems command file just give a very limited info of the file encoding
You could try to guess the from encoding either ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-15 or the other from 2~14 as suggested in the comment by #hobbs
And you could get a supported encoding of iconv by iconv -l
If life treats you not easy with guessing the real file encoding, this silly script might help you out :D
As in other answers, you can list out the supported formats
iconv -l | grep 8859
A grep will save your time to find which version of your encoding is/are supported. You can provide the <number> as in my example or ISO or any expected string in your encoding.

How can I change text file encoding?

I want to change file encoding utf-8 -> euc-kr.
Use iconv tool:
iconv -f utf-8 -t euc-kr file
There is a node.js library at that might help you without resorting to external tools.

How to remove non UTF-8 characters from text file

I have a bunch of Arabic, English, Russian files which are encoded in utf-8. Trying to process these files using a Perl script, I get this error:
Malformed UTF-8 character (fatal)
Manually checking the content of these files, I found some strange characters in them.
Now I'm looking for a way to automatically remove these characters from the files.
Is there anyway to do it?
This command:
iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -c file.txt
will clean up your UTF-8 file, skipping all the invalid characters.
-f is the source format
-t the target format
-c skips any invalid sequence
Your method must read byte by byte and fully understand and appreciate the byte wise construction of characters. The simplest method is to use an editor which will read anything but only output UTF-8 characters. Textpad is one choice.
can do it
iconv -f cp1252 foo.txt
None of the methods here or on any other similar questions worked for me.
In the end what worked was simply opening the file in Sublime Text 2. Go to File > Reopen with Encoding > UTF-8. Copy the entire content of the file into a new file and save it.
May not be the expected solution but putting this out here in case it helps anyone, since I've been struggling for hours with this.

encoding problem?

i work with txt files, and i recently found e.g. these characters in a few of them:
what could these characters be? wrong character-encoding? i just want to use normal UTF-8 TXT files, but when i use:
iconv -t UTF-8 input.txt > output.txt
it's still the same.
When i open the files in gedit, copy+paste them in another txt files, then there's no characters like in the ones in pastebin. so gedit can solve this problem, it encodes the TXT files well. but there are too many txt files.
why are there -like chars in the text files? can they be converted to "normal chars"? I can't see e.g.: the "Ì" char, when i open the files with vim, only after i "work with them" (e.g.: awk, etc)
It would help if you posted the actual binary content of your file (perhaps by using the output of od -t x1). The pastebin returns this as HTML:
The first line corresponds to U+00C3 U+0152. THe last line corresponds to U+00C3 U+00A9, which is the string "\ux00e9" in UTF ("\xc3\xa9") with the UTF-8 bytes reinterpreted as Latin-1.
From man iconv:
The iconv program converts text from
one encoding to another encoding. More
precisely, it converts from the
encoding given for the -f option to
the encoding given for the -t option.
Either of these encodings defaults to
the encoding of the current locale
Because you didn't specify the -f option it assumes the file is encoded with your current locale's encoding (probably UTF-8), which apparently is not true. Your text editors (gedit, vim) do some encoding detection - you can check which encoding do they detect (I don't know how - I don't use any of them) and use that as -f iconv option (or save the open file with your desired encoding using one of those text editors).
You can also use some tool for encoding detection like Python chardet module:
$ python -c "import chardet as c; print c.detect(open('file.txt').read(4096))"
{'confidence': 0.7331842298102511, 'encoding': 'ISO-8859-2'}
..solved !
i just right clicked on the folders containing the TXT files, and pasted them to another folder.. :O and presto..theres no more ugly chars..
