how to add editing live website on the website? - web

if you have ever worked with IPB Forums you will know that you can make changes to your site in the ACP (admin control panel) well what im wanting to do is make something like the one that they use for the "look & feel" part of the forums where you can make changes to the entire website from the one small area i want to add that to my ACP on my main site to make it easier to make changes.
yes i already own a copy of IPB its v3.2.3 if it makes any difference
i appreciate any and all help

Look into adding a "edit in place" function somewhere in your website/forum. Check out:
As long as you understand super basic mySQL, PHP, and heard of jQuery/know how to add jQuery plugins to your code, then you are set!
Here is their (link provided above's) demo page:


Asciidoctor navigation bar

I see that itself has a navigation (top) bar. I'm guessing that the website was written using asciidoctor source files. Either way, how do I add a navigation bar using asciidoctor?
This is possibly the wrong question to ask. Perhaps the right way to go is to use awestruct, Middleman, or Jekyll. Advice/suggestions are welcome.
Yes, the source is asciidoctor, but the site is using awestruct for the structure around the content. If you're looking at doing the same kind of thing, we recommend using some other site generation tool for the structure around the content.
Of course if you really want to do this in asciidoctor, you could. You'd need to create your own theme and craft the header that way, but it isn't really recommended because it ties your output to a medium.

Changing Drupal module template doesn't take effect

Okay, this could be a stupid question but I'm kind of new to this Drupal-stuff so I have to ask it anyway :)
I'm trying to implement the FBSS-module (FaceBook Style Status). It all works just fine. I was even able to change some colors and stuff in the CSS-file.
The thing is that I want to do some changes to the template, need to add and remove some stuff. I could hide stuff with CSS, but that sounds like a crappy solution.
I tried to edit:
But it has no effect what so ever. I tried to move it to my theme-folder. Same thing.
And yes, I've cleared the cache.
Update: Is there any way to find out if the module is actually using this template-file?
first, move it back to the module page - I bet this template is used by module.
secondly, if you change templates, it might require theme registry cache reset, so
go to /admin/build/themes.
You don't have to actually switch themes.
Do you have cache enabled? while developing, it's would be helpful to do 2 things:
1) disable cache
2) go to theme settings, and turn on "rebuild theme registry on every page load" or something that sounds like this.
and to be 100% sure, if you added new template you need to:
1) clear cache
2) go to admin/build/modules (that will rescan template files, etc)
3) go to admin/build/modules (that will rescan info about theme).
in the case of editing existing template, this also can help.
I've found, and I'm not sure if this solution would suit, that I apply a different theme and then re-apply my adjusted theme and all the changes propagate. No idea why but sometimes I don't see any changes until I do this.
Like I said, this may be isolated to myself, but it's worth a try to help you hit your deadline!

SharePoint 2010 - My Sites, modifications to navigation ribbon at the very top

After much online research and getting close to what I am looking for by hacking it together (ie. modifying templates and other files, exactly what every expert out there appears to advise against in terms of SharePoint customization) I have decided to go ahead and post my issue here to see if anybody has ever had any experience with this.
In essence, I start off with a plain My Sites host. I would like to keep the My Profile and My Content pages, and add a bunch of new content of top on that. For us, simplicity is of utmost importance and so when I created a new Web Part Page and noticed that it added an additional ribbon under the navigation menu, I decided that it had to go. This is what it looks like out of the box:
With ribbon
Notice that at this point I have already made a few modifications, such as removing the My Site link that by default appears all the way to the left of the other options. This sadly was accomplished in a very brute-force way.
Now, here is the ribbon-free navigation bar, which is just what I want to be able to design without making system changes that I will regret in the future (and that may be easily overwritten by a CU or hotfix)
Without ribbon
So I guess I should make this clear, I don't want the navigation gone, just customized (ie. no My Site string to the left of my options, no Site Actions drop-down for read-only users) and the Browse/Page ribbon that gets added by default everytime you create a new page, well that one just needs to be gone completely, as shown in the second screenshot.
I have read all about hiding ribbons (which just hides the whole thing, including navigation), customizing ribbons (no success in accomplishing this type of basic navigation after trying them out) and simply don't know what to do anymore.
Maybe I am just taking the wrong approach by modifying something instead of just creating it from scratch, at the end of the day it is nothing but a static navigation bar common to all the pages with the special current user drop-down all the way to the right, then if a user has write permissions, she would also get the Site Actions drop-down under Home, that's it.
Hopefully an answer to this question will help others as well who are looking to simplify their SharePoint My Sites host a bit, as out of the box the number of web components that users are presented with might be just a little too overwhelming for your everyday employee, at least in the industry that we operate in.
Anyway, thank you kindly in advance, I look forward to your replies. Do let me know if there is something that is not entirely clear from my explanation :)
If you take away user's Create Personal Site permission ( in your User Profile, the "My Site" link will go away.

Custom navigation with Liknlist web part

I'm using a standard link list web part. What I want to achieve is before my users click on the link a pop-up javascript warning box will display, stating that they are leaving the domain. In regular anchor tag I would preceed the URL with javascript:ShowWarning('');.
I've search the AllLinks table in the database but did not find the links was looking for.
Where or how are these stored?
Firstly, editing the SharePoint database directly is a really bad idea. You shouldn't do it unless you really, really know what you are doing, and even then you will probably break the system.
Secondly, any change made in the data will be what shows up in the editor, and I don't think the editor supports links that don't start with "http://".
A better approach is to use jquery to add the popup behaviour to the links when the page is loaded.

Employer wants any non-technical staff to be able to modify content - easy solution?

I'm in a bit of a pickle at work. My department designs a number of internal systems for the company, mostly data-reporting related. We have less than 10 true content pages that actually need to be maintained by a human. These pages were written in PHP and maintained through Dreamweaver by a non-technical staff members - they used the design editor, and avoided the code as much as possible. There were issues, but overall it worked well.
Recently this project was updated and converted to a ASP.NET Web Application. This resulted in some architecture changes, making the content harder to edit with a WYSIWIG editor (it's now revision controlled, it's compiled and thus must be re-deployed after modifications are made, etc.). We sort of assumed that the staff member who had been maintaining it would just continue to do so, now using Visual Studio's "Design" mode instead of Dreamweaver's. We were mistaken, and it isn't an option for technical and non-technical reasons.
The staff member will not be touching any HTML - we need a WYSIWIG editor (this is a requirement we were arguing with them over that). I started looking at CMS', mainly Drupal, but after a bit of playing around I see that content 'Blocks' don't really have a WYSIWIG editor, instead expecting HTML. Is this true for all CMS'? Is there some easy-to-setup CMS out there that comes with a WYSIWIG editor? Does anyone have any other ideas? Don't care what language it's in, I'll make something work.
This really isn't my area of expertise - I do application development primarily, with an occasional web front-end. Not sure I'm even asking the right question, but hoping someone can help.
WordPress makes use of TinyMCE, and it works pretty well for some NON techie clients of mine. You can write (PHP) scripts that will call the WP functions and pull the page content.
Back to the point, I have found the backend of WordPress to be usable and friendly to a good mix of people. We often use it for a backend and build something completely custom for the frontend, and have had good results.
They let you add easy WYSIWYG capability to any website, regardless of the technology used.
You just add a tag once in your source file, and let your users go to to add text content.
I am by no means a CMS expert, but I believe SiteCore might suit your needs. It is a .NET system, built on top of ASP.NET, and from my limited experience with it, the UI for business users is very usable.
Take a look on Joomla. It includes WYSIWYG editor. It is much simpler than Drupal
As Frank points out, TinyMCE is a great option, in fact you use it here :D. Have a look at some examples:
The good point is that TinyMCE is just javascript, so in theory you can add it to any CMS, or in fact to any HTML form.
Also, I think is the default input method for Joomla if you are interested.
I would recommend CKEditor (the successor to the FCKEditor), I haven't used FCKEditor in ASP .NET code, but have used it in PHP with a lot of success. I haven't gotten around to converting old code to CKEditor, but plan to in the future.
If this is something where you can load HTML files from your server that has FTP access...a quick and dirty solution I have used is, you supply ftp credentials and hook up the files and they are good to go. Non-technical customers of mine have liked the editor a lot. It allows you to specifically say what you want edited and what you don't.
In PHP the way I usually architect using CushyCMS is to have the main page do a require_once on the content page and the content page has the HTML block that I want them to be able to edit.
so the code looks like this:
//...other code
//...other code
where page_content.php looks something like this:
<div id="whatever" class="cushycms">
editable text here
Hope this helps.
I used to think that for user friendly editing, you need a WYSIWYG editor, such as the TinyMCE that has already mentioned. Not any more.
Editing content in such a rich text editor is not very handy. Very often you end up messing up the content, and either does a technically savvy person have to come to help, or you have to switch to CODE view (= HTML) to clean up the mess.
Now I'd be far more inclined to use something Markdown, like this site (and Reddit) uses. For most purposes, you don't need rich text, and it is just as handy a WYSIWYG tool. If you need a few rich text touches, like making some text bold or italic, this works quite easily too. Lists, either numbered or bulletted, are a snap. And making links... Those WYSIWYG tools always seem to be able to mess it up in ways you can't even imagine.
Plus, this way, the resulting HTML is always clean and minimal, and it's extremely hard for the user to mess up.
What about Expression Web? It is made to edit ASP.NET web pages, and can integrate with TFS
