Makefile errors while executing in Linux - linux

I have one requirement in my automation.
I need to pass values like 1, 2, 3 to MY_IMAGE in command line in Linux.
I had defines activities for all these inputs in other make file.
The code similar to below i wrote for my requirement. Issue was whenever I passes values like MY_IMAGE=1, MY_IMAGE=2, MY_IMAGE=3
it's printing only echo ACT_DO=XYZ;
It's not displaying the other info whenever I selected 2 or 3. Can anyone check and correct my code.
export MY_IMAGE
if [ $img_value :="1" ]
echo ACT_DO=XYZ;
if [ $img_value :="2 ]
echo ACT_DO=ABC;
if [ $img_value :=3 ]
echo ACT_DO=ETC;
echo ""$img_value" is unsupported";
exit 1;

Your code has a quote in the wrong place, and uses := which doesn't mean anything, as far as I know. It's also implemented confusingly.
Try this:
export MY_IMAGE
case "$img_value" in
1 ) echo ACT_DO=XYZ ;;
2 ) echo ACT_DO=ABC ;;
3 ) echo ACT_DO=ETC ;;
* )
echo "\"$img_value\" is unsupported"
exit 1
The first two lines are not required for this code, but I presume you wanted that for something else.


creating multiple user named and numbered files without loop from bash

Totally new in bash programming and got a problem like this:
N empty files should be created. The file sum N and also the file name should be given from users via command line.
no loop and getopts should be used.
I've tried something like this which i found from google but it doesn't works. I got confused between linux and windows bash scripts. Hope someone can help me with the problem. Thank you!
echo $N
if [ $N > 0 ]
touch xyzfile_$N
$N = $N - 1
goto start
echo "no data will be created"
The command line and the result should be (for example if N=7) look like this:
command line:
./createfiles -n filename 7
expected result:
You can do this using a recursive shell function:
fn() {
# add some sanity checks to check parameters
touch "$1_${2}"
(($2 > 1)) && fn "$1" $(($2 - 1))
This part is a recursive call:
(($2 > 1)) && fn "$1" $(($2 - 1))
Where it basically calls itself by decrementing 1 from 2nd argument as long as $2 is greater than 1.
Then just call it as:
fn filename 7
It will create 7 files as:
filename_1 filename_2 filename_3 filename_4 filename_5 filename_6 filename_7
I ended up the question with a for-loop like this:
createfile() {
touch "$1_${i}"
createfile $1 ${2}
It works great actually. And now I tried to solve the problem with getopts and it seems a function call doesn't work in the case option

Breaking out of nested function loops in Bash

I am using a nested function to partition and making the filesystem for drives attached to a new Linux box.
I am having a strange issue trying to break out of all loops.
I am keeping track of the nested loop index and using "break n".
When the user replies "n" to the question "Do you have any additional drives to partition?" i expect to break out of all nested loops and continue with the script, but what happens is that the question gets asked again.
Can you help me figure this out?
# Choosing which drive to work on
read -p "Please type the name of the disk you want to partition: " DISK
while true; do
read -p "Are you sure you want to continue ? y (partition)/n (choose another drive) /x (continue) " ynx
case $ynx in
[Yy]* )
containsElement "$DISK"
if [ $? == 1 ]; then
initializeDisk $DISK
# remove element from found disk to prevent trying to partition it again.
FOUNDDISKS=( "${FOUNDDISKS[#]/$delete}" )
echo "${red}$DISK is not a valid choice, please select a valid disk.${reset}"
[Nn]* )
break $((INIT_STARTED));;
[Xx]* )
* ) echo "Please answer y or n. x to continue the script.";;
# Any additional disks to partition?
while true; do
read -p "Do you have any additional drives to partition ? y/n " yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* )
#chooseDisks $FOUNDDISKS
break $((INIT_STARTED));;
[Nn]* )
break $((INIT_STARTED));;
* ) echo "Please answer y or n";;
I expect this:
break $((INIT_STARTED));;
to end the nth loop and exiting the function.
Don't play with nested logic break, just use some variable like $userStop and instead of while true; do put
userStop = false
# replace break $((INIT_STARTED));; by
# userStop = true
I ended up changing the code to avoid breaking within a loop.
Thanks guys for directing me the right way.
i expect to break out of all nested loops and continue with the script
You can run the function in a subshell and use exit.
if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "The user entered it all!"
exit 0
echo "The user is still entering... $1"
( chooseDisks $(($1 - 1)) )
# Imagine the user 5 times enters something
( chooseDisks 5 )
But the best would be to refactor your code to just have a big while true; do loop in the beginning. There is no need to make this function recursive.

Parsing long and short args in ksh using loop

I am trying to parse arguments in ksh. Can't do getopt for the same as in short options I have two/three characters. Currently I am using for loop. Its stupid but am unable to find something better.
Question: How do I set option+value as one unit in order to parse?
Also if eval set -- $option will help me then how do I use it? echo on option does not show the expected "--" at the end. Am I assuming something wrong?
I am thinking of using a variable to keep track of when an option is found but this method seems too confusing and unnecessary.
Thanks for your time and help.
Update 1:
Adding code as pointed out. Thanks to markp, Andre Gelinas and random down-voter in making this question better. Trying to execute the script as given in line 2 and 3 of code - or any other combination of short and long options passed together.
# bash --one 123 --two 234 --three "some string"
# bash -o 123 -t 234 -th "some string"
# the following creates problems for short options.
#options=$(getopt -o o:t:th: -l one:two:three: "--" "$#")
#Since the below `eval set -- "$options"` did not append "--" at the end
#eval set -- "$options"
for i in $#; do
options="$options $i"
options="$options --"
# TODO capture args into variables
Attempted code below TODO until now:
for i in $options; do
echo $i
Will be capturing the args using:
while true; do
case $1 in
--one|-o) shift; ONE=$1
--two|-t) shift; TWO=$1
--three|-th) shift; THREE=$1
--) shift; break
Try something like this :
#Default value
# getopts configuration
USAGE="[-author?Andre Gelinas <>]"
USAGE+="[+DESCRIPTION?Try out for GetOps]"
USAGE+=$'[+SEE ALSO?\aman\a(1), \aGetOpts\a(1)]'
while getopts "$USAGE" optchar ; do
case $optchar in
print "ONE = "$ONE
print "TWO = "$TWO
print "THREE = "$THREE
You can use either --one or -o. Using --man or --help are also working. Also -o and -s are numeric only, but -t will take anything. Hope this help.

Bash prompt with the last exit code

I've been trying to customize my Bash prompt so that it will look like
[feralin#localhost ~]$ _
with colors. I managed to get constant colors (the same colors every time I see the prompt), but I want the username ('feralin') to appear red, instead of green, if the last command had a nonzero exit status. I came up with:
\e[1;33m[$(if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then echo "\e[0;31m"; else echo "\e[0;32m"; fi)\u\e[m#\e[1;34m\h \e[0;35m\W\e[1;33m]$ \e[m
However, from my observations, the $(if ...; fi) seems to be evaluated once, when the .bashrc is run, and the result is substituted forever after. This makes the name always green, even if the last exit code is nonzero (as in, echo $?). Is this what is happening? Or is it simply something else wrong with my prompt? Long question short, how do I get my prompt to use the last exit code?
As you are starting to border on a complex PS1, you might consider using PROMPT_COMMAND. With this, you set it to a function, and it will be run after each command to generate the prompt.
You could try the following in your ~/.bashrc file:
PROMPT_COMMAND=__prompt_command # Function to generate PS1 after CMDs
__prompt_command() {
local EXIT="$?" # This needs to be first
local RCol='\[\e[0m\]'
local Red='\[\e[0;31m\]'
local Gre='\[\e[0;32m\]'
local BYel='\[\e[1;33m\]'
local BBlu='\[\e[1;34m\]'
local Pur='\[\e[0;35m\]'
if [ $EXIT != 0 ]; then
PS1+="${Red}\u${RCol}" # Add red if exit code non 0
PS1+="${RCol}#${BBlu}\h ${Pur}\W${BYel}$ ${RCol}"
This should do what it sounds like you want. Take a look a my bashrc's sub file if you want to see all the things I do with my __prompt_command function.
If you don't want to use the prompt command there are two things you need to take into account:
getting the value of $? before anything else. Otherwise it'll be overridden.
escaping all the $'s in the PS1 (so it's not evaluated when you assign it)
Working example using a variable
PS1="\$(VALU="\$?" ; echo \$VALU ; date ; if [ \$VALU == 0 ]; then echo zero; else echo nonzero; fi) "
Working example without a variable
Here the if needs to be the first thing, before any command that would override the $?.
PS1="\$(if [ \$? == 0 ]; then echo zero; else echo nonzero; fi) "
Notice how the \$() is escaped so it's not executed right away, but each time PS1 is used. Also all the uses of \$?.
Compact solution:
PS1='... $(code=${?##0};echo ${code:+[error: ${code}]})'
This approach does not require PROMPT_COMMAND (apparently this can be slower sometimes) and prints [error: <code>] if the exit code is non-zero, and nothing if it's zero:
... > false
... [error: 1]> true
... >
Change the [error: ${code}] part depending on your liking, with ${code} being the non-zero code to print.
Note the use of ' to ensure the inline $() shell gets executed when PS1 is evaluated later, not when the shell is started.
As bonus, you can make it colorful in red by adding \e[01;31m in front and \e[00m after to reset:
PS1='... \e[01;31m$(code=${?##0};echo ${code:+[error: ${code}]})\e[00m'
How it works:
it uses bash parameter substitution
first, the ${?##0} will read the exit code $? of the previous command
the ## will remove any 0 pattern from the beginning, effectively making a 0 result an empty var (thanks #blaskovicz for the trick)
we assign this to a temporary code variable as we need to do another substitution, and they can't be nested
the ${code:+REPLACEMENT} will print the REPLACEMENT part only if the variable code is set (non-empty)
this way we can add some text and brackets around it, and reference the variable again inline: [error: ${code}]
I wanted to keep default Debian colors, print the exact code, and only print it on failure:
# Show exit status on failure.
__prompt_command() {
local curr_exit="$?"
local BRed='\[\e[0;91m\]'
local RCol='\[\e[0m\]'
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u#\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
if [ "$curr_exit" != 0 ]; then
The following provides a leading green check mark when the exit code is zero and a red cross in all other cases. The remainder is a standard colorized prompt. The printf statements can be modified to present the two states that were originally requested.
PS1='$(if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then printf "\033[01;32m""\xE2\x9C\x93"; else printf "\033[01;31m""\xE2\x9C\x95"; fi) \[\e[00;32m\]\u#\h\[\e[00;30m\]:\[\e[01;33m\]\w\[\e[01;37m\]\$ '
Why didn't I think about that myself? I found this very interesting and added this feature to my 'info-bar' project. Eyes will turn red if the last command failed.
eyes=(O o ∘ ◦ ⍤ ⍥) en=${#eyes[#]} mouth='_'
face () { # gen random face
[[ $error -gt 0 ]] && ecolor=$RED || ecolor=$YLW
if [[ $1 ]]; then printf "${eyes[$[RANDOM%en]]}$mouth${eyes[$[RANDOM%en]]}"
else printf "$ecolor${eyes[$[RANDOM%en]]}$YLW$mouth$ecolor${eyes[$[RANDOM%en]]}$DEF"
info () { error=$?
[[ -d .git ]] && { # If in git project folder add git status to info bar output
git_clr=('GIT' $(git -c color.ui=always status -sb)) # Colored output 4 info
git_tst=('GIT' $(git status -sb)) # Simple output 4 test
printf -v line "%${COLUMNS}s" # Set border length
date=$(printf "%(%a %d %b %T)T") # Date & time 4 test
test=" O_o $PWD ${git_tst[*]} $date o_O " # Test string
step=$[$COLUMNS-${#test}]; [[ $step -lt 0 ]] && step=0 # Count spaces
line="$GRN${line// /-}$DEF\n" # Create lines
home="$BLD$BLU$PWD$DEF" # Home dir info
date="$DIM$date$DEF" # Colored date & time
# Line | O_o |homedir| Spaces | Git status | Date| o_O | Line |
printf "$line $(face) $home %${step}s ${git_clr[*]} $date $(face) \n$line" # Final info string
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\n$(info)\n$ '
case "$TERM" in xterm*|rxvt*)
PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)} $(face 1) \w\a\]$PS1";;
Improved demure answer:
I think this is important because the exit status is not always 0 or 1.
if [ $EXIT != 0 ]; then
PS1+="${Red}${EXIT}:\u${RCol}" # Add red if exit code != 0
PS1+="${Gre}${EXIT}:\u${RCol}" # Also displays exit status
To preserve the original prompt format (not just colors),
you could append following to the end of file ~/.bashrc:
PS1_ORIG=$PS1 # original primary prompt value
PROMPT_COMMAND=__update_prompt # Function to be re-evaluated after each command is executed
__update_prompt() {
if [ $PREVIOUS_EXIT_CODE != 0 ]; then
local RedCol='\[\e[0;31m\]'
local ResetCol='\[\e[0m\]'
local replacement="${RedCol}\u${ResetCol}"
# Replace username color
## Alternative: keep same colors, append exit code
#PS1="$PS1_ORIG[${RedCol}error=$PREVIOUS_EXIT_CODE${ResetCol}]$ "
See also the comment about the alternative approach that preserves username color and just appends an error code in red to the end of the original prompt format.
You can achieve a similar result to include a colored (non-zero) exit code in a prompt, without using subshells in the prompt nor prompt_command.
You color the exit code portion of the prompt, while having it only appear when non-zero.
Core 2$ section of the prompt: \\[\\033[0;31;4m\\]\${?#0}\\[\\033[0;33m\\]\$ \\[\\033[0m\\]
Key elements:
return code, if not 0: \${?#0} (specificly "removes prefix of 0")
change color without adding to calculated prompt-width: \\[\\033[0;31m\\]
\\[ - begin block
\\033 - treat as 0-width, in readline calculations for cmdline editing
[0;31;4m - escape code, change color, red fg, underline
\\] - end block
\\[\\033[0;31;4m\\] - set color 0;31m fg red, underline
\${?#0} - display non-zero status (by removing 0 prefix)
\\[\\033[0;33m\\] - set color 0;33m fg yellow
\$ - $ or # on EUID
\\[\\033[0m\\] - reset color
The full PS1 I use (on one host):
declare -x PS1="\\[\\033[0;35m\\]\\h\\[\\033[1;37m\\] \\[\\033[0;37m\\]\\w \\[\\033[0;33m\\]\\[\\033[0;31;4m\\]\${?#0}\\[\\033[0;33m\\]\$ \\[\\033[0m\\]"
Note: this addresses a natural extension to this question, in a more enduring way then a comment.
function my_prompt {
local retval=$?
local field1='\u#\h'
local field2='\w'
local field3='$([ $SHLVL -gt 1 ] && echo \ shlvl:$SHLVL)$([ \j -gt 0 ] && echo \ jobs:\j)'"$([ ${retval} -ne 0 ] && echo \ exit:$retval)"
local field4='\$'
PS1=$'\n'"\e[0;35m${field1}\e[m \e[0;34m${field2}\e[m\e[0;31m${field3}\e[m"$'\n'"\[\e[0;36m\]${field4}\[\e[m\] "
PROMPT=$'\n''%F{magenta}%n#%m%f %F{blue}%~%f%F{red}%(2L. shlvl:%L.)%(1j. jobs:%j.)%(?.. exit:%?)%f'$'\n''%F{cyan}%(!.#.$)%f '
Images of prompt

Is there a "goto" statement in bash?

Is there a "goto" statement in bash ? I know It is considered bad practice, but I need specifically "goto".
If you are using it to skip part of a large script for debugging (see Karl Nicoll's comment), then if false could be a good option (not sure if "false" is always available, for me it is in /bin/false):
# ... Code I want to run here ...
if false; then
# ... Code I want to skip here ...
# ... I want to resume here ...
The difficulty comes in when it's time to rip out your debugging code. The "if false" construct is pretty straightforward and memorable, but how do you find the matching fi? If your editor allows you to block indent, you could indent the skipped block (then you'll want to put it back when you're done). Or a comment on the fi line, but it would have to be something you'll remember, which I suspect will be very programmer-dependent.
No, there is not; see §3.2.4 "Compound Commands" in the Bash Reference Manual for information about the control structures that do exist. In particular, note the mention of break and continue, which aren't as flexible as goto, but are more flexible in Bash than in some languages, and may help you achieve what you want. (Whatever it is that you want . . .)
It indeed may be useful for some debug or demonstration needs.
I found that Bob Copeland solution elegant:
# include this boilerplate
function jumpto
cmd=$(sed -n "/$label:/{:a;n;p;ba};" $0 | grep -v ':$')
eval "$cmd"
jumpto $start
# your script goes here...
jumpto foo
echo "This is not printed!"
echo x is $x
results in:
$ ./
x is 100
$ ./ foo
x is 10
$ ./ mid
This is not printed!
x is 101
You can use case in bash to simulate a goto:
case bar in
echo foo
echo bar
echo star
If you're testing/debugging a bash script, and simply want to skip forwards past one or more sections of code, here is a very simple way to do it that is also very easy to find and remove later (unlike most of the methods described above).
echo "Run this"
cat >/dev/null <<GOTO_1
echo "Don't run this"
echo "Also run this"
cat >/dev/null <<GOTO_2
echo "Don't run this either"
echo "Yet more code I want to run"
To put your script back to normal, just delete any lines with GOTO.
We can also prettify this solution, by adding a goto command as an alias:
shopt -s expand_aliases
alias goto="cat >/dev/null <<"
goto GOTO_1
echo "Don't run this"
echo "Run this"
goto GOTO_2
echo "Don't run this either"
echo "All done"
Aliases don't usually work in bash scripts, so we need the shopt command to fix that.
If you want to be able to enable/disable your goto's, we need a little bit more:
shopt -s expand_aliases
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ] ; then
alias goto="cat >/dev/null <<"
alias goto=":"
goto '#GOTO_1'
echo "Don't run this"
echo "Run this"
goto '#GOTO_2'
echo "Don't run this either"
echo "All done"
Then you can do export DEBUG=TRUE before running the script.
The labels are comments, so won't cause syntax errors if disable our goto's (by setting goto to the ':' no-op), but this means we need to quote them in our goto statements.
Whenever using any kind of goto solution, you need to be careful that the code you're jumping past doesn't set any variables that you rely on later - you may need to move those definitions to the top of your script, or just above one of your goto statements.
Although others have already clarified that there is no direct goto equivalent in bash (and provided the closest alternatives such as functions, loops, and break), I would like to illustrate how using a loop plus break can simulate a specific type of goto statement.
The situation where I find this the most useful is when I need to return to the beginning of a section of code if certain conditions are not met. In the example below, the while loop will run forever until ping stops dropping packets to a test IP.
# Loop forever (until break is issued)
while true; do
# Do a simple test for Internet connectivity
PacketLoss=$(ping "$TestIP" -c 2 | grep -Eo "[0-9]+% packet loss" | grep -Eo "^[0-9]")
# Exit the loop if ping is no longer dropping packets
if [ "$PacketLoss" == 0 ]; then
echo "Connection restored"
echo "No connectivity"
This solution had the following issues:
Indiscriminately removes all code lines ending in a :
Treats label: anywhere on a line as a label
Here's a fixed (shell-check clean and POSIX compatible) version:
# GOTO for bash, based upon
goto() {
cmd=$(sed -En "/^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*$label:[[:space:]]*#/{:a;n;p;ba};" "$0")
eval "$cmd"
goto "$start" # GOTO start: by default
#start:# Comments can occur after labels
echo start
goto end
# skip: # Whitespace is allowed
echo this is usually skipped
# end: #
echo end
There is one more ability to achieve a desired results: command trap. It can be used to clean-up purposes for example.
There is no goto in bash.
Here is some dirty workaround using trap which jumps only backwards:)
#!/bin/bash -e
trap '
echo I am
sleep 1
echo here now.
echo foo
goto trap 2> /dev/null
echo bar
$ ./
I am
here now.
This shouldn't be used in that way, but only for educational purposes. Here is why this works:
trap is using exception handling to achieve the change in code flow.
In this case the trap is catching anything that causes the script to EXIT. The command goto doesn't exist, and hence throws an error, which would ordinarily exit the script. This error is being caught with trap, and the 2>/dev/null hides the error message that would ordinarily be displayed.
This implementation of goto is obviously not reliable, since any non-existent command (or any other error, for that manner), would execute the same trap command. In particular, you cannot choose which label to go-to.
Basically in real scenario you don't need any goto statements, they're redundant as random calls to different places only make your code difficult to understand.
If your code is invoked many times, then consider to use loop and changing its workflow to use continue and break.
If your code repeats it-self, consider writing the function and calling it as many times as you want.
If your code needs to jump into specific section based on the variable value, then consider using case statement.
If you can separate your long code into smaller pieces, consider moving it into separate files and call them from the parent script.
I found out a way to do this using functions.
Say, for example, you have 3 choices: A, B, and C. A and Bexecute a command, but C gives you more info and takes you to the original prompt again. This can be done using functions.
Note that since the line containg function demoFunction is just setting up the function, you need to call demoFunction after that script so the function will actually run.
You can easily adapt this by writing multiple other functions and calling them if you need to "GOTO" another place in your shell script.
function demoFunction {
read -n1 -p "Pick a letter to run a command [A, B, or C for more info] " runCommand
case $runCommand in
a|A) printf "\n\tpwd being executed...\n" && pwd;;
b|B) printf "\n\tls being executed...\n" && ls;;
c|C) printf "\n\toption A runs pwd, option B runs ls\n" && demoFunction;;
This is a small correction of the Judy Schmidt script put up by Hubbbitus.
Putting non-escaped labels in the script was problematic on the machine and caused it to crash. This was easy enough to resolve by adding # to escape the labels. Thanks to Alexej Magura and access_granted for their suggestions.
# include this boilerplate
function goto {
cmd=$(sed -n "/$#label#:/{:a;n;p;ba};" $0 | grep -v ':$')
eval "$cmd"
goto $start
echo "start"
goto bing
echo boom
goto eof
echo bang
goto boom
echo bing
goto bang
echo "the end mother-hugger..."
A simple searchable goto for the use of commenting out code blocks when debugging.
if ${GOTO}; then
echo "GOTO failed"
fi # End of GOTO
echo "GOTO done"
Result is-> GOTO done
My idea for creating something like "goto" is to use select with case and assign a variable, which I then check in an if statement. Not perfect, but may help in some cases
#!/usr/bin/env bash
select goto in Ubuntu Debian Quit ; do
case $goto in
Ubuntu) { CHOICE="Ubuntu" ; break ; } ;;
Debian) { CHOICE="Debian" ; break ; } ;;
Quit) { echo "Bye" ; exit ; } ;;
*) { echo "Invalid selection, please try again..." ; } ;;
if [ "$CHOICE" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
echo "I'm in Ubuntu"
if [ "$CHOICE" == "Debian" ]; then
echo "I'm in Debian"
Why don't anyone just use functions directly ?
BTW functions are easier to deal with than making a new thing
My style :
# Your functions
function1 ()
function2 ()
functionn ()
# Execute 1 to n in order
for i in {1..n}
# with conditions
for i in {1..n}
[ condition$i ] && function$i
# Random order
Example for above style :
# Your functions
function1 ()
echo "Task 1"
function2 ()
echo "Task 2"
function3 ()
echo "Task 3"
Output :
Task 1
Task 3
Task 2
Drawbacks :
Script in an organized way.
Less problems and not prone to errors.
You can make function inside a existing function.
Move back and forth without any problems.
