Thread title in post - forum

anyone knows how to add thread title variable (aka what hook to call) into Ad location templates>>ad_showthread_firstpost_start. I've tried calling it with {vb:raw threadinfo.title} but its not working. Vbulletin 4.
Thank you for any help

Solution very simple, It will be:

Try {vb:raw threadinfo.title} if you're looking to modify inside a template...


How to change the Field Help of standard field in Netsuite?

I would like to modify the Field Help of NetSuite's Standard / Native field. How to do?
Thanks for reading this question.
Any type of related information will definitely help me to move a step ahead towards solution.
I have tried without success UserEvent Script on BeforeLoad event this (SS2.0):
The example above is working only with fields created by scriptContext.form.addField.
There is no way to do it with ClientScript (no access to setHelpText method there).
And of course, there is no customization tool.
The only way is to use DOM, which is not recomended by Netsuite, and for sure is not a good practice.

Using prevNext Modx Addon

I need to display previous and next resource with tv in one parent using this addon in modx
But there is some simple documentation, and i can see it has a lot of options, is it posible that someone can show me simple example of tlp. shows clear description and parameters.
Use pdoNeighbors (part of pdoTools) - it has better documentation and examples.

how to create a multi database search in xpage?

I've been experiencing a lot of headache for this issue I'm in. I need to create a multi-database search in xpage, this search functions like a mini google in xpage where if I type, for example,"test" all databases with the same name or contains a title with test will display. I've already looked with the Openntf Project this seems to solve my problem but unfortunately I'm encountering some error and I'm not a java specialist so I'm still waiting for the creator of the project to reply. So if you know something or tricks to do this kind of stuff its really appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Take a look at this:
Plugin to client's sidebar
Custom control for XPages
Ok, so I got it right by playing with the code inside the javascript in this openntf project. ( it checks if the database is indexed or not, but unfortunately the script does not detect my indexed dbs so it throws nothing, i just comment out the line that checks it and it works! :) PageProxy: what is it and how does it work?

I found that PageProxy can be used to get data from page, but I don't understand what does it mean exaclty and what's the difference with HttpProxy.
In particular:
who/when starts the request?
how does the request interact with the page life cycle?
where does the data come from? There is no url property on PageProxy.
Thank you.
First see the following sample
If you use PageProxy then you have to set OnRefreshData event handler in the store

How to remove NSMenuItem gap above custom view

I was looking for something discussed in following posts.
Gap above NSMenuItem custom view.
Reverse engineering an NSMenu for a Status Bar Item
I tried the carbon code provided by Pierre Bernard
initially, i was getting same error "EXC_BAD_ACCESS on the line InstallControlEventHandler" like other had. I play with the code lots and accidently found the solution.
I have just replaced the InstallControlEventHandler function call to HIViewInstallEventHandler and everything is working fine.
Hope this will help others. Let me know if anyone need further clarification.
Special thanks to Pierre Bernard to provide great code.
Just replace the InstallControlEventHandler function call to HIViewInstallEventHandler and code will work fine.
