Opening device file and error code in linux-kernel - linux

I am new to kernel programming and I have two questions:
My device is getting registered (by dynamic registration) but my
application is not able to open the device file. What could be the
possible reasons?
What would be the appropriate error code to return when my device
driver detects an divide by zero?
My code implements simple arithmetic operations in the kernel. I use an ioctl() based interface to communicate between user space and the kernel.
if(out.b==0) /*checking for divide by zero*/

We can't possibly answer the first question if you don't show us your code.
As for the second, EINVAL or perhaps ERANGE.
In your case you need to make the distinction between the information you return in the ioctl_param structure (that's a really bad variable name by the way) and the return status of the ioctl() call itself.
Remember that ioctl() returns 0 if it completes successfully, and sets errno if it fails.
The kernel and C library take care of most of that for you. Usually all you have to do is return -EINVAL or similar from your ioctl() function.
Something like this:
if(out.b == 0) /*checking for divide by zero*/
return -EINVAL;
out.res=out.a / out.b;


Can eBPF modify the return value or parameters of a syscall?

To simulate some behavior I would like to attach a probe to a syscall and modify the return value when certain parameters are passed. Alternatively, it would also be enough to modify the parameters of the function before they are processes.
Is this possible with BPF?
Within kernel probes (kprobes), the eBPF virtual machine has read-only access to the syscall parameters and return value.
However the eBPF program will have a return code of it's own. It is possible to apply a seccomp profile that traps BPF (NOT eBPF; thanks #qeole) return codes and interrupt the system call during execution.
The allowed runtime modifications are:
SECCOMP_RET_KILL: Immediate kill with SIGSYS
SECCOMP_RET_TRAP: Send a catchable SIGSYS, giving a chance to emulate the syscall
SECCOMP_RET_ERRNO: Force errno value
SECCOMP_RET_TRACE: Yield decision to ptracer or set errno to -ENOSYS
The SECCOMP_RET_TRACE method enables modifying the system call performed, arguments, or return value. This is architecture dependent and modification of mandatory external references may cause an ENOSYS error.
It does so by passing execution up to a waiting userspace ptrace, which has the ability to modify the traced process memory, registers, and file descriptors.
The tracer needs to call ptrace and then waitpid. An example:
waitpid(tracee_pid, &status, 0);
When waitpid returns, depending on the contents of status, one can retrieve the seccomp return value using the PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG ptrace operation. This will retrieve the seccomp SECCOMP_RET_DATA value, which is a 16-bit field set by the BPF program. Example:
ptrace(PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG, tracee_pid, 0, &data);
Syscall arguments can be modified in memory before continuing operation. You can perform a single syscall entry or exit with the PTRACE_SYSCALL step. Syscall return values can be modified in userspace before resuming execution; the underlying program won't be able to see that the syscall return values have been modified.
An example implementation:
Filter and Modify System Calls with seccomp and ptrace
I believe that attaching eBPF to kprobes/kretprobes gives you read access to function arguments and return values, but that you cannot tamper with them. I am NOT 100% sure; good places to ask for confirmation would be the IO Visor project mailing list or IRC channel (#iovisor at
As an alternative solution, I know you can at least change the return value of a syscall with strace, with the -e option. Quoting the manual page:
-e inject=set[:error=errno|:retval=value][:signal=sig][:when=expr]
Perform syscall tampering for the specified set of syscalls.
Also, there was a presentation on this, and fault injection, at Fosdem 2017, if it is of any interest to you. Here is one example command from the slides:
strace -P precious.txt -efault=unlink:retval=0 unlink precious.txt
Edit: As stated by Ben, eBPF on kprobes and tracepoints is definitively read only, for tracing and monitoring use cases. I also got confirmation about this on IRC.
It is possible to modify some user space memory using eBPF. As stated in the bpf.h header file:
* int bpf_probe_write_user(void *dst, const void *src, u32 len)
* Description
* Attempt in a safe way to write *len* bytes from the buffer
* *src* to *dst* in memory. It only works for threads that are in
* user context, and *dst* must be a valid user space address.
* This helper should not be used to implement any kind of
* security mechanism because of TOC-TOU attacks, but rather to
* debug, divert, and manipulate execution of semi-cooperative
* processes.
* Keep in mind that this feature is meant for experiments, and it
* has a risk of crashing the system and running programs.
* Therefore, when an eBPF program using this helper is attached,
* a warning including PID and process name is printed to kernel
* logs.
* Return
* 0 on success, or a negative error in case of failure.
Also, quoting from the BPF design Q&A:
Tracing BPF programs can overwrite the user memory of the current
task with bpf_probe_write_user(). Every time such program is loaded
the kernel will print warning message, so this helper is only useful
for experiments and prototypes. Tracing BPF programs are root only.
Your eBPF may write data into user space memory locations. Note that you still cannot modify kernel structures from within you eBPF program.
It is possible to inject errors into a system call invocation using eBPF:
There is a bpf function called bpf_override_return(), which can override the return value of an invocation. This is an example using bcc as the front-end:
According to the Linux manual page:
bpf_override_return() is only available if the kernel was compiled with the CONFIG_BPF_KPROBE_OVERRIDE configuration option, and in this case it only works on functions tagged with ALLOW_ERROR_INJECTION in the kernel code.
Also, the helper is only available for the architectures having the CONFIG_FUNCTION_ERROR_INJECTION option. As of this writing, x86 architecture is the only one to support this feature.
It is possible to add a function to the error injection framework. More information could be found here:

In general, on ucLinux, is ioctl faster than writing to /sys filesystem?

I have an embedded system I'm working with, and it currently uses the sysfs to control certain features.
However, there is function that we would like to speed up, if possible.
I discovered that this subsystem also supports and ioctl interface, but before rewriting the code, I decided to search to see which is a faster interface (on ucLinux) in general: sysfs or ioctl.
Does anybody understand both implementations well enough to give me a rough idea of the difference in overhead for each? I'm looking for generic info, such as "ioctl is faster because you've removed the file layer from the function calls". Or "they are roughly the same because sysfs has a very simple interface".
Update 10/24/2013:
The specific case I'm currently doing is as follows:
int fd = open("/sys/power/state",O_WRONLY);
write( fd, "standby", 7 );
close( fd );
In kernel/power/main.c, the code that handles this write looks like:
static ssize_t state_store(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_attribute *attr,
const char *buf, size_t n)
suspend_state_t state = PM_SUSPEND_STANDBY;
const char * const *s;
char *p;
int len;
int error = -EINVAL;
p = memchr(buf, '\n', n);
len = p ? p - buf : n;
/* First, check if we are requested to hibernate */
if (len == 7 && !strncmp(buf, "standby", len)) {
error = enter_standby();
goto Exit;
((( snip )))
Can this be sped up by moving to a custom ioctl() where the code to handle the ioctl call looks something like:
if (!data->frozen) {
error = -EPERM;
error = enter_standby();
(so the ioctl() calls the same low-level function that the sysfs function did).
If by sysfs you mean the sysfs() library call, notice this in man 2 sysfs:
This System-V derived system call is obsolete; don't use it. On systems with /proc, the same information can be obtained via
/proc/filesystems; use that interface instead.
I can't recall noticing stuff that had an ioctl() and a sysfs interface, but probably they exist. I'd use the proc or sys handle anyway, since that tends to be less cryptic and more flexible.
If by sysfs you mean accessing files in /sys, that's the preferred method.
I'm looking for generic info, such as "ioctl is faster because you've removed the file layer from the function calls".
Accessing procfs or sysfs files does not entail an I/O bottleneck because they are not real files -- they are kernel interfaces. So no, accessing this stuff through "the file layer" does not affect performance. This is a not uncommon misconception in linux systems programming, I think. Programmers can be squeamish about system calls that aren't well, system calls, and paranoid that opening a file will be somehow slower. Of course, file I/O in the ABI is just system calls anyway. What makes a normal (disk) file read slow is not the calls to open, read, write, whatever, it's the hardware bottleneck.
I always use low level descriptor based functions (open(), read()) instead of high level streams when doing this because at some point some experience led me to believe they were more reliable for this specifically (reading from /proc). I can't say whether that's definitively true.
So, the question was interesting, I built a couple of modules, one for ioctl and one for sysfs, the ioctl implementing only a 4 bytes copy_from_user and nothing more, and the sysfs having nothing in its write interface.
Then a couple of userspace test up to 1 million iterations, here the results:
time ./sysfs /sys/kernel/kobject_example/bar
real 0m0.427s
user 0m0.056s
sys 0m0.368s
time ./ioctl /run/temp
real 0m0.236s
user 0m0.060s
sys 0m0.172s
I agree with #goldilocks answer, HW is the real bottleneck, in a Linux environment with a well written driver choosing ioctl or sysfs doesn't make a big difference, but if you are using uClinux probably in your HW even few cpu cycles can make a difference.
The test I've done is for Linux not uClinux and it never wanted to be an absolute reference profiling the two interfaces, my point is that you can write a book about how fast is one or another but only testing will let you know, took me few minutes to setup the thing.

Testing whether memory is accessible in Linux

Given an untrusted memory address, is there a way in Linux to test whether it points to valid, accessible memory?
For example, in mach you can use vm_read_overwrite() to attempt to copy data from the specified location. If the address is invalid or inaccessible, it will return an error code rather than crashing the process.
write from that memory (into /dev/null, for example (EDIT: with /dev/null it might not work as expected, use a pipe)), and you'll receive EFAULT error if the address is unaccessible.
I have no idea how to test for writable memory without destroying its content if it is writable.
This a typical case of TOCTOU - you check at some point that the memory is writeable, then later on you try to write to it, and somehow (e.g. because the application deallocated it), the memory is no longer accessible.
There is only one valid way to actually do this, and that is, trap the fault you get from writing to it when you actually need to use it.
Of course, you can use tricks to try to figure out if the memory "may be writeable", but there is no way you can actually ensure it is writeable.
You may want to explain slightly more what you are actually trying to do, and maybe we can have some better ideas if you are more specific.
You can try msync:
int page_size = getpagesize();
void *aligned = (void *)((uintptr_t)p & ~(page_size - 1));
if (msync(aligned, page_size, MS_ASYNC) == -1 && errno == ENOMEM) {
// Non-accessibe
But this function may be slow and should not be used in performance critical circumstance.

Linux device driver handling multiple interrupt sources/vectors

I am writing a device driver to handle interrupts for a PCIe card, which currently works for any interrupt vector raised on the IRQ line.
But it has a few types that can be raised, flagged by the Vector register. So now I need to read the vector information and be a bit cleverer...
So, do I :-
1/ Have separate dev nodes /dev/int1, /dev/int2, etc for each interrupt type, and just doc that int1 is for vector type A etc?
1.1/ As each file/char-devices will have its own minor number, when opened I'll know which is which. i think.
1.2/ ldd3 seems to demo this method.
2/ Have one node /dev/int (as I do now) and have multiple processes hanging off the same read method? sounds better?!
2.1/ Then only wake the correct process up...?
2.2/ Do I use separate wait_queue_head_t wait_queues? Or different flag/test conditions?
In the read method:-
wait_event_interruptible(wait_queue, flag);
In the handler not real code! :-
int vector = read_vector();
if vector = A then
wake_up_interruptible(wait_queue, flag)
EDIT: notes from peoples comments :-
1) my user-space code mmap's all of the PCIe firmware registers
2) User-space code has a few threads, each perform a blocking read on the device driver device nodes, which then returns data from the firmware when an interrupt occurs. I need the correct thread woken up depending on the interrupt type.
I am not sure I understand correctly what you mean with the Vector register (a pointer to some documentation would help me precise for your case).
Anyway, any PCI device gets a unique interrupt number (given by the BIOS or some firmware on other architectures than x86). You just need to register this interrupt in your driver.
priv->name = DRV_NAME;
err = request_irq(pdev->irq, your_irqhandler, IRQF_SHARED, priv->name,
if (err) {
dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot request IRQ\n");
goto err_out_unmap;
One other thing that I do not really understand is why you would export your interrupts as a dev node: interrupts are certainly something that need to remain in your driver/kernel code. But I guess here you want to export a device that is then accessed in userspace. I just find /dev/int no to be a good naming.
For your question about multiple dev nodes: if your different interrupt sources then provide access to different hardware resources (even if on the same PCI board) I would go for option 1), with a wait_queue for each device. Otherwise, I would go for option 2)
Since your interrupts are coming from the same physical device, if you chose option 1) or option 2), the interrupt line will have to be shared and you will have to read the vector in your interrupt handler to define which hardware resource raised the interrupt.
For option 1), it would be something like this:
static irqreturn_t pex_irqhandler(int irq, void *dev) {
struct pci_dev *pdev = dev;
int result;
result = pci_read_config_byte(pdev, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, &myirq);
if (result) {
int vector = read_vector();
if (vector == A) {
} else if (vector == B) {
wake_up_interruptible(wait_queue, flag);
} else {
return IRQ_NONE;
For option 2, it would be similar, but you would have only one if clause (for the respective vector value) in every different interrupt handler that you would request for every node.
If you have different chanel you can read() from, then you should definitely use different minor number. Imagine you have a card whith four serial port, you would definitely want four /dev/ttySx.
But does your device fit whith this model ?
First, I assume you're not trying to get your code into the mainline kernel. If you are, expect a vigorous discussion about the best way to do this. If you're writing a simple interrupt handling driver for a card which is mostly driven by mmap from user-space, there are a lot of ways to solve this problem.
If you use multiple device nodes (option 1), you can also implement poll so that a single application can open multiple device nodes and wait for a selection of interrupts. The minor number will be sufficient to tell them apart. If you have a wake queue for each vector, you can wake only the relevant listeners. You'll need to latch the vector after a successful poll to be sure that the read succeeds.
If you use a single device node (option 2), you'll need to add some extra magic so that the threads can register their interest in particular interrupt vectors. You could do this with an ioctl, or have the threads write the interrupt vectors to the device. Each thread should open the device node to get its own file descriptor. You can then associate the list of requested vectors with each open file descriptor. As a bonus, you can let the application read the interrupt vector from the device, so it knows which one happened.
You'll need to think about how the interrupt gets cleared. The interrupt handler will need to remove the interrupt, then store the result so it can be passed to user-space. You might find a kfifo useful for this rather than a wait queue. If you have a fifo for each open file descriptor, you can distribute the interrupt notifications to each listening application.

polling file descriptor

for the embedded MIPS-based platform I'm implementing a small program to poll GPIO, i.e. I'm using chip vendor's user level GPIO library with basic functionality (open /dev/gpio, read, write pin etc.). The design is straightforward:
int gpio_fd;
fd_set rfds;
gpio_fd = gpio_open(...);
while (1) {
FD_SET(gpio_fd, &rfds);
if (select(gpio_fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) > 0) {
if (FD_ISSET(gpio_fd, &rfds)) {
/* read pins and similar */
But I'm facing a serious problem - this application when ran with '&' at the end, i.e. put it in background, consumes 99% CPU, this is obviously because of tight loop, but I observed the similar approach in many networking code and it worked fine.
Am I missing something, can it be a defect of the gpio library ?
Actually, just a single "while(1) ; " does the same effect. Can it be the "natural" behavior of the kernel?
The select call should block until the file descriptor is readable.
What may be happening is that the device driver does not support the select call, and so it exits immediately rather than blocking.
Another possibility is that the call to gpio_open does not actually give you a real Unix file descriptor. If that were open("/dev/gpio", O_RDWR) or something like that I'd have a lot more faith in it.
