How to design redis pub/sub for an instant messaging system? - node.js

I am new to redis pub/sub. I have a chat facility in the system which is like IM. So I would like to use redis pub/sub. As I have examined the samples most of them are designed based on a chat room. In my system I will have multiple chat rooms between users like;
So, the lines above are the rooms. And I have implemented the server with node.js like below;
var store = redis.createClient();
var pub = redis.createClient();
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
var sub = redis.createClient();
sub.on("message", function(pattern, data){
data = JSON.parse(data);
socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "chat", key: pattern, nick: data.nickname, message: data.text }))
socket.on('message', function (messageData) {
store.incr("messageNextId", function(e, messageId) {
var room = ""
var from = messageData.clientId > socket.nickname ? socket.nickname : messageData.clientId;
var to = messageData.clientId < socket.nickname ? socket.nickname : messageData.clientId;
room = from + ":" + to;
var message = { id: messageId, nickname: socket.nickname, text: messageData.text };
store.rpush("rooms:" + room, JSON.stringify(message), function(e, r) {
pub.publish(room, JSON.stringify(message))
As you can see I am creating a new redis subscriber for each connection. In other chat room samples redis subscriber client is created globally. And there exists only three connections all the time and that solves their problem because when a publisher publishes a message all connected clients should get it. But I have a constraint here. I want to open a chat session between two users and only these users should be the subscribers. The code above works as I would like to but I do not know if it is OK for redis to create a new subscriber client for each connection.
It would be great to hear your suggestions. Thanks in advance.

As always, you need to benchmark things like this for your own use-case -- it's not possible to give general advice. You might need to increase the maximum number of open files on your system, either system-wide or for the redis user. This also applies to the user running your web server, of course.
That said, you should make sure to listen for socket.on('disconnect') and quit() the redis subscriber when a user leaves. You might also be interested to know that has a redis backend, which leverages redis pub/sub, and it also has the concept of rooms, so you might save yourself some trouble by using that since you're already depending on
Edit: After a quick check, I get this error message from Redis after 991 subscribers:
Ready check failed: Error: Error: ERR max number of clients reached
Here is from the default redis.conf:
# Set the max number of connected clients at the same time. By default
# this limit is set to 10000 clients, however if the Redis server is not
# able ot configure the process file limit to allow for the specified limit
# the max number of allowed clients is set to the current file limit
# minus 32 (as Redis reserves a few file descriptors for internal uses).
# Once the limit is reached Redis will close all the new connections sending
# an error 'max number of clients reached'.
# maxclients 10000
My system (Ubuntu 11.11) comes with a default nofile limit of 1024, so my quick test should fail after 992 connected clients, which seems about right from the test (I also have one client for the publisher). My suggestion to you is to inspect your nofile limit (on my system it's in /etc/security/limits.{conf,d/*} and your redis maxclients setting, and then benchmark, benchmark, benchmark!


optimize number of redis connections with a node.js-application

I have a question about redis connections.
I'm developing an app in react native which will use websockets for chat messages. My backend consists of a node.js-app with redis as pubsub mechanism for
I'm planning on deploying on heruko. I'm currently on the free hobby plan, which has a limit of 20 connections to redis.
My question now is: how can I optimize my code so that a minimum of connections are used. I'm ofc planning to upgrade my heroku plan once I launch, but then still I want to optimize.
My node.js-code looks like this (simplified):
const Redis = require('ioredis');
const pubClient = new Redis(/* redis url */);
const subClient = new Redis(/* redis url */);
const socketClient = new Redis(/* redis url */);
const io = require('')(server);
io.on('connection', async (socket) => {
// store in redis so I can send messages to individual users
// based on the user ID
const userId = socket.handshake.query.userId;
await socketClient.hset('socketIds', userId,;
socket.on('message', async (data) => {
* data {
* userId,
* message
* }
const data2 = JSON.parse(data);
// get the based on the user ID
const socketId = await socketClient.hget('socketIds', data2.userId);
// send the message to the correct'message', data.message);
So when I deploy this code to heroku, when started, it will create 3 connections to the same redis server. But what if 2-3-4-... people connect to this node.js-server? If 2 people connect, will there be 6 redis-connections, or only 3? Like: will the node.js-server initiate every time a users accesses the server 3 new redis connections, or will it always be 3 connections?
I'm trying to track all connections with CLIENT LIST in redis-cli, but I does not give me the correct thing I guess. I was just testing my code with only one user connection to the socket server and it gave me 1 client in redis (instead of 3 connections).
Thanks in advance.
It doesn't matter how many people are using the app, each client instance will have only 1 socket at any time, which means you'll see at most 3 clients per node process.
You see only 1 connection because by default ioredis initiates the connection when the first command is executed, and not when the client is created. You can call client.connect() in order to initiate the socket without executing a command.

Adding a user to a room connected to a different server with Node, SocketIO and Redis

I am working on writing server-side code in node.js for a swift based iOS application. Currently, the code works when running it on one EC2 instance, but I am working on setting up a network load balancer so that it can more appropriately scale with incoming user traffic. I decided that the easiest way to achieve this is to use the redis adapter. So now, my server.js file includes:
const app = new Koa();
const server = http.createServer(app.callback));
const io = require('')(server);
const redisAdapter = require('');
io.adapter({ host: 'my-elasticache-redis-endpoint', port: 6379 })
Based on the documentation, this seemed like the only step that was necessary from a code standpoint to get redis actually working in the project, but I may be missing something. From an architecture perspective, I enabled sticky sessions on the target group and set up two servers, both running this code. In addition, if I print out the socket io information, I can see that it has adequately connected to the redis endpoint.
The issue is as follows. Lets say I have two people, Person A and Person B, each connected to different servers. The application is supposed to function like so:
Person A adds person B to a socket room. Then the server emits an event to everyone in that room saying that person B has joined, so the front end can respond accordingly.
This is done through the following function:
protected async r_joinRoom(game: GameEntity, player: PlayerEntity): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
let socket: any;
socket = this._io.sockets.connected[player.socket_id];
if (!socket) {
socket = this._socket;
socket.join(`game/${}`, (err: any) => {
if (err) {
return rej(new GameError(`Unable to join the room=${}.\n${err}`));
The premise here is that Person B is a player, and as a player, he has an associated socket id that the server is keeping track of. I believe the issue, however, is that socket = this._io.sockets.connected[player.socket_id]; Does not find the connected player, because he is technically connected to a different server. Printing out the socket shows it as null, and if I subsequently have that exact same function run on the server player B is connected to, he joins the room no problem. Therefore, when the emitted events takes place following 'adding' person B to the room, only person A's phone gets the event, and not B. So is this an issue with my Redis setup? Or is there a way to get all the connected clients to any of the servers running the node.js app?
I ended up answering my own question. When you add to the room, you have to do it directly from the adapter. From the documentation, that means I would switch socket.join... to
io.of('/').adapter.remoteJoin('<my-id>', 'room1', (err) => {
if (err) { /* unknown id */ }
// success
using that remoteJoin function worked off the bat

Can't receive redis data from socket io

I'm building a realtime visualization using redis as pubsub messenger between python and node. There's a python script always running which sets a redis hash with hmset. That side of the app is working fine, if I enter the following example command: "HGETALL 'sellers-80183917'" in a redis client I end up getting the proper data.
The problem is in the js side. I'm using socketio and redis nodejs libraries to listen to the redis instance and publish the results online through a d3js viz.
I run the following code with node:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var redis = require('redis');
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('')(http);
var sredis = require('');
io.adapter(sredis({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379 }));
redisSubscriber = redis.createClient(6379, 'localhost', {});
redisSubscriber.on('message', function(channel, message) {
io.emit(channel, message);
app.get('/sellers/:seller_id', function(req, res){
var seller_id = req.params.seller_id;
res.render( 'seller.ejs', { seller:seller_id } );
http.listen(3000, '', function(){
console.log('listening on *:3000');
And this is the relevant part of the seller.ejs file that's receiving the user requests and outputting the viz:
var socket = io('http://localhost:3000');
var stats;
var seller_key = 'sellers-'.concat(<%= seller %>);
socket.on(seller_key, function(msg){
stats = [];
console.log('Im in');
var seller = $.parseJSON(msg);
var items = seller['items'];
for(item in items) {
var item_data = items[item];
stats.push({'title': item_data['title'], 'today_visits': item_data['today_visits'], 'sold_today': item_data['sold_today'], 'conversion_rate': item_data['conversion_rate']});
The problem is that the socket_on() method never receives anything and I don't see where the problem is as everything seems to be working fine besides this.
I think that you might be confused as to what Pub/Sub in Redis actually is. It's not a way to listen to changes on hashes; you can have a Pub/Sub channel called sellers-1, and you can have a hash with the key sellers-1, but those are unrelated to each other.
As documented here:
Pub/Sub has no relation to the key space.
There is a thing called keyspace notifications that can be used to listen to changes in the key space (through Pub/Sub channels); however, this feature isn't enabled by default because it'll take up more resources.
Perhaps an easier method would be to publish a message after the HMSET, so any subscribers would know that the hash got changed (they would then retrieve the hash contents themselves, or the published message would contain the relevant data).
This brings us to the next possible issue: you only have one subscriber connection, redisSubscriber.
From what I understand from the Node.js Redis driver, calling .subscribe() on such a connection would remove any previous subscriptions in favor of the new one. So if you were previously subscribed to the sellers-1 channel and subscribe to sellers-2, you wouldn't be receiving messages from the sellers-1 channel anymore.
You can listen on multiple channels by either passing an array of channels, or by passing them as a arguments:
redisSubscriber.subscribe([ 'sellers-1', 'sellers-2', ... ])
// Or:
redisSubscriber.subscribe('sellers-1', 'sellers-2', ... )
You would obviously have to track each "active" seller subscription. Either that, or create a new connection for each subscription, which also isn't ideal.
It's probably a better idea to have a single Pub/Sub channel on which all changes would get published, instead of a separate channel for each seller.
Finally: if your seller id's aren't hard to guess (for instance, if it's based on an incremental integer value), it would be trivial for someone to write a client that would make it possible to listen in on any seller channel they'd like. It might not be a problem, but it is something to be aware of.

Error: Redis connection to failed - connect EMFILE

So I created, an realtime application using, redis and node.js.
The problem is that with 30 users, I'm already reaching the number of connections of the server ( I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.
And I think it has something to do about the way I connect to redis.
So on one page, I have at most 12 channels to subscribe to. On two connections, one has 6 channels and the other has the other 6 channels.
Before showing my node js code, what I do, is for each channel, I create a new redis client, so let's say that I have an insert and update channel, on the node.js code, so my code wiil be:
var data = io.of('/data');
data.on('connection', function(client) {
var insert = redis.createClient();
var update = redis.createClient();
insert.on("message", function(channel, message) {
client.emit('data_insert', message);
update.on("message", function(channel, message) {
client.emit('data_update', message);
I believe that this is the problem, and that why, with 30 users I'm exceeding the limit of connections of the server, since 30 * 12 + 2 * 30 = 420, plus a few others for everything else, and it's easy to reach 1024.
So how can I optimize the code, to reduce the number of connections per client to one or two the max?
Does it help, to have the var insert = redis.createClient(); outside the data.on('connection')??
You should not be creating one (or more) redis connections per client - just keep using the same global one. Further, there's really no reason to create a client for each channel you want to subscribe to. Just use the channel argument to figure out which thing to do with the data (in this case, you're doing the same thing on each channel, so even less point in having separate ones).
var data = io.of('/data');
var redis = redis.createClient();
data.on('connection', function(client) {
redis.on("message", function(channel, message) {
if(channel == 'insert')
client.emit('data_insert', message);
else if(channel == 'update')
client.emit('data_update', message);
There are probably better ways to do this, but this is a fairly direct translation of your code into something that uses only one redis connection.
Note that redis subcribers can only subscribe - you will need a second client to publish or do any other redis operations.
just for your information (I lost this evening with that)
This does not work (it defaults connecting to localhost:6379 whatever you put in the url):
const redisURL = "redis://"
redis.createClient( redisURL )
but this DOES WORK (it tries to connect too
redis.createClient( {url: redisURL} )
Use's namespace. Within each namespace you can also define rooms but namespace should be enough for your needs.

Hosting multiple instances of a node.js server

I'm new to node.js and I'm working on learning how to use to create multiple chat servers on my domain.
Here's the scenario:
you log onto the site
you pick a chat room or create a chat room
you join that individual chat room while other chat rooms are going on at the same time
Pretty standard operation on the web but I have yet to find a way to do it. Specifically, how to host it on your domain.
When creating and testing I always just use my localhost and tell the server to listen(8000) . However, how do write a script that:
A) creates a new listening port dynamically for each new chat sever?
B) how do I host it (I use Hostmonster)?
Instead of creating a separate server for each chat room, you could run all of them from the same server and just maintain a map of chat room name to the sockets involved in it.
For example,
//store a map of chat room name to sockets here
var chatRooms = {};
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
//when someone wants to join a chat room, check to see if the chat room name already exists, create it if it doesn't, and add the socket to the chat room
socket.on('joinChatRoom', function (data.message) {
var chatRoomName = data.message;
chatRooms[chatRoomName] = chatRooms[chatRoomName] || [];
//set the chatRoomName into the socket so we can access it later
socket.set( "chatRoomName", chatRoomName, function() {
//when we receive a message
socket.on( "chatMessage", function(data) {
var chatMessage = data.message;
//figure out what chat room this socket belongs to
socket.get( "chatRoomName", function(err,chatRoomName) {
//iterate over the sockets in the chat room and send the message
chatRooms[chatRoomName].each(function( chatRoomSocket ) {
chatRoomSocket.emit("chatMessage", { message : chatMessage } );
Note, this code is untested and is just an idea (you should probably treat it more like pseudocode). There are a bunch of things it doesn't handle like cleanup upon disconnects, errors, etc. There are probably lots of other (and better) ways to accomplish this too but hopefully it'll give you some more ideas.
