How should I run a REST API with Meteor? - node.js

I need the Meteor server to handle a very simple POST request not coming from the application client. With Express, I'd just do something like'/something', function....
Is there an equivalent in Meteor? If not, how should I set this up, startup an Express server in a is_server context?

Meteor does not yet have the built in functionality to provide a restful API.

You can build basic routing into our application using Backbone, as in the Meteor example provided here:
You can do something like this:
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "dashboard",
"home": "dashboard",
"profile": "profile",
profile: function () {
Session.set("current_view", "profile")
this.navigate('profile', {trigger: true});
Also take a look at: How to expose a RESTful Web Service using Meteor

Alternatively you can serve RESTful APIs with Meteor using the meteor-collectionapi Atmosphere package. See also Is Meteor an option, if i need an additional REST API?.


Register with meteor using express

I want to call Accounts.createUser on my register routing, i pretty sure i'm doing something wrong.'/register', (req, res, next) => {
Is there a way to call a meteor method on express ??
If you are needing integrate your Express backend with your Meteor accounts, I would recommend you look account-js (as a decoupled way of manage accounts like Meteor accounts). It is possible integrate your user accounts between Meteor and Express, as an interesting use case.
Take a look at it:
Github project:
Meteor integration:

POST request with updating json file using create-react-app

I'm making a project using create-react-app. There is a configured server and so on. I'm using react-router-dom for routing in my app. There is 'Comments' component. When it starts render itself it goes to my local json file and takes comments from there using ajax. When user clicks 'submit' It sends POST request with form's fields to the same json file. I have code for adding a new object to my json file. It should work when user in '/api/comments' route . This is the code for adding a new object to my json file (requires express):
`'/api/comments', function(req, res) {
fs.readFile(COMMENTS_FILE, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
var comments = JSON.parse(data);
var newComment = {
text: req.body.text,
fs.writeFile(COMMENTS_FILE, JSON.stringify(comments, null, 4),
function(err) {
if (err) {
But I don't know where I shoud put this code if I'm using 'create-react-app' and it uses it's own configured server (as far I know). Maybe there is a way to change server which 'create-react-app' uses and put there this code to handle this route? Or maybe there is a way to handle this route using 'react-router'?
If I understand your question correctly the code you have posted here is server side code. The app you have made using create-react-app is a front end application and therefore does not have any server side code. You could however host a second server that would expose the api routes you need and then call into that server using a http library like axios.
I'm using a create-react-app and express as my api server. Setting up express to run alongside webpack-dev-server is a supported feature of create-react-app.
I use npm-run-all to fire-up both the client and proxy express api server in my start-up script defined in package.json. Here is what I believe is all that I needed to do:
In my file I defined a proxy setting in the devServer json block. Specifically:
proxy: { "/api": "http://localhost:3001" },
In my package.json file I configured a start script that uses npm-run-all to fire up both the react-app and express simultaneously.
I use server.js to fire-up express; this is where I store the equivalent of the code you outlined in your question.

Node angular 2 integration

Hi I have a node based server api, and have created a simple web app using angular 2.But I don't understand how to integrate both. I have done a little research but most of the websites are only offering how to built angular 2 application and no one offers node integration.
Notice that Nodejs is simple server-side Javascript, so you have to follow one of these approches:
Server side web app:
In this case all pages (and functionality) will render in server-side. You can find lots of framework for doing that. So you need no client-side framework like angularjs.
Client side web app + server side api: I think that is something you need. Server side api has build as rest api service and serves all your business functionality. In client-side angular just consumes these services. All client based functionally will handle with angularjs (like routing, async service call, manages states and etc)
Or if your question is how comminucate with node-js rest api look at this page: angular2 http
You can install any web server for angular like apache or nginx. For example u're using apache, when you run apache you can access angular web through http://localhost/project.
Follow this tutorial on how to install and run nodejs on window. On mac
You can call node server using REST API.
In your angular service for example :
$http.get('http://project/rest/getData', succFn).then(function (res) {
return succFn(;
}, 'error');
In nodejs (REST Server) :
apiRoutes.get('/getData', function (req, res) {
// Return any data to client
'code': '00',
'content': 'Return dummy or json here',
'remarks': 'Success'

build multiple layer restful API in node.js express

I am using node.js express to build simple rest API, I had built a API like
var building = req.params.building, floor = req.params.floor, site =;
console.log('query site ',site,building, floor);
when client did the AJAX request in angular.js
.success(function(data) {
}).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
the server doesn't respond to this kind of URL, unless I changed the express API to
But the way above is too tedious so I wonder if it is possible to build API in one sentence app.get('sites/:site/:building/:floor',function(){})
The following stackoverflow answer should help you out. But to answer your question, the below should work

CORS between AngularJS and Java Jersey Rest

I have a Java Webapplication using jersey rest which gets deployed on a local tomcat server.
This application is developed and tested within eclipse IDE.
Now in aptana IDE I have a AngularJS webapp which should connecct (using REST) to the jersey webapplication.
What steps do I have to make to establish the connection? Out of the box its not running because of the different contexts.
My current angularJS call:
WinesApp.factory('Wine', function ($resource) {
return $resource('/WinesApp/rest/wines/:wineId', {}, {
update: {method:'PUT'},
query: {method:'GET', isArray:false}
Which should become somethign like:
WinesApp.factory('Wine', function ($resource) {
return $resource('http://localhost:port/WinesApp/rest/wines/:wineId', {port:':8080'}, {
update: {method:'PUT'},
query: {method:'GET', isArray:false}
For CORS to work you need to send the appropriate headers from the server: for Jersey, see for exmaple Java/Jersey: A CORS-Compliant REST API. Then you simply call it from JavaScript like you wrote (while not strictly RESTful, it's easier to restrict your API to use GET and POST requests only, no PUT and DELETE). Finally, the curl command line utility comes in handy to test the server.
