Determine whether a value is a function in Haskell - haskell

Is it possible to write a function isFunc :: a -> Bool to determine whether an arbitrary value is a function (of any kind) such that
foo :: Int -> Int
bar :: Char -> Char -> Char
> isFunc foo
> isFunc bar
> isFunc 3
> isFunc 'a'
I'm using Data.Dynamic so I can't determine the type in advance.

What are you asking for and what you need to do with Data.Dynamic seem to be different things. You need to know the exact type of value before extracting it with fromDyn/fromDynamic. To determine whether Dynamic contains a function value you need to analyze TypeRep:
isFuncDynamic x = typeRepTyCon (dynTypeRep x) == typeRepTyCon (typeOf2 id)
(Forgive me if this is not the most concise implementation.)

Parametricity says no. The only functions of type
a -> Bool
are constant functions.
However, with a bit of ad hoc polymorphism and a bit more chutzpah, you can do this:
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
class Sick x where
isFunc :: x -> Bool
instance Sick (a -> b) where
isFunc _ = True
instance Sick x where
isFunc _ = False
and then it looks like you have
*Sick> isFunc 3
*Sick> isFunc id
But it does seem like a peculiar thing to do. What use is the resulting Bool to you?


Is it possible to overload logical operators (&& e.g.) in Haskell?

I'm working with many-valued logic and trying to overload basic logic functions.
I haven't problem with overloading Num and Eq operators, but I don't know how to overload &&, || and not.
Is it possible? Thanks for answers!
Haskell doesn't really have overloading (=ad-hoc-polymorphism) at all. +, * etc. are not functions but class methods: “overloading” them is more like defining concrete descendants of an OO interface / purely-abstract class than overloading functions in, say, C++.
The logical operators OTOH are just ordinary functions, which are defined in the Prelude once and for all.
However, in Haskell, infix operators are mostly treated just as a special kind of function name, they're not part of the actual syntax definition. Nothing prevents you from defining new, different operators with the same purpose, e.g.
class Booly b where
true :: b
false :: b
(&&?) :: b -> b -> b
(||?) :: b -> b -> b
infixr 3 &&?
infixr 2 ||?
instance Booly Bool where
true = True
false = False
(&&?) = (&&)
(||?) = (||)
instance Booly MVBool where
true = ...
In fact, it's enough if the new names are disambiguated by module qualifiers:
import Prelude hiding ((&&), (||))
import qualified Prelude
class Booly b where
true :: b
false :: b
(&&) :: b -> b -> b
(||) :: b -> b -> b
infixr 3 &&
infixr 2 ||
instance Booly Bool where
true = True
false = False
(&&) = (Prelude.&&)
(||) = (Prelude.||)
There is no such thing as overriding in Haskell in the monkeypatching sense.
There's also no way to hook an extension into something that wasn't built to be extended.
You can simply shadow the definition of e.g. && but this would 1) not affect the semantics of && in other modules and 2) would be confusing.
So I would use something as simple as:
-- laws should be defined for the class and instances QuickChecked/proved against these laws
class Logic a where
(&.&) :: a -> a -> a
(|.|) :: a -> a -> a
instance Logic Bool where
(&.&) = (&&)
(|.|) = (||)
data MultiBool = False' | True' | Perhaps | CouldBe | Possibly | Unlikely
instance Logic MultiBool where
No, it's not possible. The type of && is Bool -> Bool -> Bool, and Haskell doesn't allow ad-hoc overloading. You can shadow the declaration, but then you can't use the operator for both booleans and your mvl values in the same module without qualification.
I recommend you define similar-looking operators such as &&? for your mvls.
You can't override them, but you can define your own.
infixr 3 <&&> <||>
<&&> :: ??? -> ??? -> ???
<&&> ...
(&&) is defined as
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
So unless you don't load the Prelude, or load it qualified, you cannot overload that operator.
There is however a typeclass that does more or less what you are looking for: Data.Bits with signatures like:
(.&.) :: Bits a => a -> a -> a
(.|.) :: Bits a => a -> a -> a
complement :: Bits a => a -> a
Data.Bits is normally used to represent bitwise operations. You could decide to ignore the remaining operators (return some default value) or assign a useful property to it.
Otherwise you can define similar operators. In that case one betters defines a typeclass first:
class Logic a where
land :: a -> a -> a
lor :: a -> a -> a
lnot :: a -> a
lnand :: a -> a -> a
lnand x = lnot . land x
lnor :: a -> a -> a
lnor x = lnot . lor x

Using a monadic boolean value in a guard? (PatternGuard)

I just found out about the PatternGuards language extension, which seems really nice.
I'm in a situation where I want to pattern match a value out, apply a monadic boolean function on that value, and only do something if the result is False. Otherwise I want to execute a default action (that might not be as simple as listed below).
This can be achieved by using an if after doing the pattern matching, but I would rather not duplicate the code for the default action, or move that out in a separate function (ie. keep the fall through behaviour of guards)
Is there a way to do this without the if?
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, PatternGuards #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
newtype MyM a = MyM (StateT Int (Either String) a)
deriving ( MonadState Int
, Monad, Applicative, Functor
foo :: Int -> MyM Bool
foo = undefined
bar :: Either a Int -> MyM Int
bar (Right n)
| ok <- foo n, ok == False = return 42
bar _ = return 0
The above code gives the error message
Couldn't match expected type ‘MyM Bool’ with actual type ‘Bool’
In the second argument of ‘(==)’, namely ‘False’
In the expression: ok == False
What you're asking for is impossible, and for good reasons. Let's say that foo modifies the state, but the condition in the guard doesn't match. How would you deal with this state modification? Patterns are separate from the values, so matching a pattern can't result in altering results.
You really need to have the call to foo in the RHS that decides what to do with its output.
In some cases, where the monad is a data type you can match on, you can do things like
foo :: Int -> Maybe Bool
bar :: Either a Int -> MyM Int
bar (Right n)
| Just False <- foo n = ...
but only because you can match directly on the value of the monad.
Also in some cases extensions lambda-case and multi-way if-expressions can make your life somewhat easier.

List of any `DataKind` in GADT

GADTs & DataKinds are unexplored territory for me, so some of the limitations and capabilities of them are unknown to me.
The Question
So I'm writing an AST for a JavaScript code emitter, and I've identified one edge case between expressions and that is that they can either be a reference or not. So I've used GADTS and datakinds to type this aspect of JavaScript expression semantics. The ast looks something like this.
Subset of the expression AST
-- at the moment I'm just using a bool to identify if the expression
-- behaves as an reference, but I'll probably change it due to the fact
-- a bool is pretty vague
data JSExp :: Bool -> * where
JSNumber :: Double -> JSExp False
JSBool :: Bool -> JSExp False
JSReference :: Text -> JSExp True
JSProperty :: JSExp a -> Text -> JSExp True
JSAssign :: JSExp True -> JSExp b -> JSExp b
This looks all fine and dandy, because an assignment expression requires the first expression to be a reference like a property expression ("test".shadyProperty) or a reference/identifier.
The problem
Now I want to add an array literal expression, in JavaScript it shouldn't matter what is in this list so lists like this are legal
[a, 1, true, a.b]
In my AST however this is not legal because there are multiple types in the list
data JSExp :: Bool -> * where
-- ...
JSArray :: [JSExp ???] -> JSExp False
let aref = JSReference "a"
in JSArray [aref, JSNumber 2, JSBool True, JSProp aref "b"]
What goes in the place of ??? for the type? A similar problem occurs when I want to build out a constructor for JSObject's and JSFunctionCall's, as these are also expressions.
Idris's soultion
In Idris ??? would look something like this.
data JSExp : Bool -> Type where
JSArray : List (JSExp _) -> JSExp False
JSNumber : Float -> JSExp False
JSBool : Bool -> JSExp False
-- ...
Potenial soultions
Wrapping type
One soultion that isn't like the Idris one, would to have a wrapper type like this
data JSExpWrap = Refs (JSExp True) | NoRef (JSExp False)
This would make the api of my library gross and it's not what I'm looking for.
In Summary
I'm looking for the equivalent that's found in Idris, and an explanation of the implications of the solution. If there's no equivalent, a solution of the next best thing is what I'm looking for.
You can use existentials:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, PolyKinds #-}
data Exists :: (k -> *) -> * where
This :: p x -> Exists p
data JSExp :: Bool -> * where
JSArray :: [Exists JSExp] -> JSExp False
test = let aref = JSReference "a"
in JSArray [This aref, This (JSNumber 2), This (JSBool True), This (JSProperty aref "b")]
Or with some sugar:
infixr 5 !:
(!:) :: p x -> [Exists p] -> [Exists p]
x !: xs = This x : xs
test = let aref = JSReference "a"
in JSArray $ aref !: JSNumber 2 !: JSBool True !: JSProperty aref "b" !: []

Is there a compiler-extension for untagged union types in Haskell?

In some languages (#racket/typed, for example), the programmer can specify a union type without discriminating against it, for instance, the type (U Integer String) captures integers and strings, without tagging them (I Integer) (S String) in a data IntOrStringUnion = ... form or anything like that.
Is there a way to do the same in Haskell?
Either is what you're looking for... ish.
In Haskell terms, I'd describe what you're looking for as an anonymous sum type. By anonymous, I mean that it doesn't have a defined name (like something with a data declaration). By sum type, I mean a data type that can have one of several (distinguishable) types; a tagged union or such. (If you're not familiar with this terminology, try Wikipedia for starters.)
We have a well-known idiomatic anonymous product type, which is just a tuple. If you want to have both an Int and a String, you just smush them together with a comma: (Int, String). And tuples (seemingly) can go on forever--(Int, String, Double, Word), and you can pattern-match the same way. (There's a limit, but never mind.)
The well-known idiomatic anonymous sum type is Either, from Data.Either (and the Prelude):
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable)
It has some shortcomings, most prominently a Functor instance that favors Right in a way that's odd in this context. The problem is that chaining it introduces a lot of awkwardness: the type ends up like Either (Int (Either String (Either Double Word))). Pattern matching is even more awkward, as others have noted.
I just want to note that we can get closer to (what I understand to be) the Racket use case. From my extremely brief Googling, it looks like in Racket you can use functions like isNumber? to determine what type is actually in a given value of a union type. In Haskell, we usually do that with case analysis (pattern matching), but that's awkward with Either, and function using simple pattern-matching will likely end up hard-wired to a particular union type. We can do better.
I'm going to write a function I think is an idiomatic Haskell stand-in for isNumber?. First, we don't like doing Boolean tests and then running functions that assume their result; instead, we tend to just convert to Maybe and go from there. So the function's type will end with -> Maybe Int. (Using Int as a stand-in for now.)
But what's on the left hand of the arrow? "Something that might be an Int -- or a String, or whatever other types we put in the union." Uh, okay. So it's going to be one of a number of types. That sounds like typeclass, so we'll put a constraint and a type variable on the left hand of the arrow: MightBeInt a => a -> Maybe Int. Okay, let's write out the class:
class MightBeInt a where
isInt :: a -> Maybe Int
fromInt :: Int -> a
Okay, now how do we write the instances? Well, we know if the first parameter to Either is Int, we're golden, so let's write that out. (Incidentally, if you want a nice exercise, only look at the instance ... where parts of these next three code blocks, and try to implement that class members yourself.)
instance MightBeInt (Either Int b) where
isInt (Left i) = Just i
isInt _ = Nothing
fromInt = Left
Fine. And ditto if Int is the second parameter:
instance MightBeInt (Either a Int) where
isInt (Right i) = Just i
isInt _ = Nothing
fromInt = Right
But what about Either String (Either Bool Int)? The trick is to recurse on the right hand type: if it's not Int, is it an instance of MightBeInt itself?
instance MightBeInt b => MightBeInt (Either a b) where
isInt (Right xs) = isInt xs
isInt _ = Nothing
fromInt = Right . fromInt
(Note that these all require FlexibleInstances and OverlappingInstances.) It took me a long time to get a feel for writing and reading these class instances; don't worry if this instance is surprising. The punch line is that we can now do this:
anInt1 :: Either Int String
anInt1 = fromInt 1
anInt2 :: Either String (Either Int Double)
anInt2 = fromInt 2
anInt3 :: Either String Int
anInt3 = fromInt 3
notAnInt :: Either String Int
notAnInt = Left "notint"
ghci> isInt anInt3
Just 3
ghci> isInt notAnInt
Okay, but now do we need to write another type class for each type we want to look up? Nope! We can parameterize the class by the type we want to look up! It's a pretty mechanical translation; the only question is how to tell the compiler what type we're looking for, and that's where Proxy comes to the rescue. (If you don't want to install tagged or run base 4.7, just define data Proxy a = Proxy. It's nothing special, but you'll need PolyKinds.)
class MightBeA t a where
isA :: proxy t -> a -> Maybe t
fromA :: t -> a
instance MightBeA t t where
isA _ = Just
fromA = id
instance MightBeA t (Either t b) where
isA _ (Left i) = Just i
isA _ _ = Nothing
fromA = Left
instance MightBeA t b => MightBeA t (Either a b) where
isA p (Right xs) = isA p xs
isA _ _ = Nothing
fromA = Right . fromA
ghci> isA (Proxy :: Proxy Int) anInt3
Just 3
ghci> isA (Proxy :: Proxy String) notAnInt
Just "notint"
Now the usability situation is... better. The main thing we've lost, by the way, is the exhaustiveness checker.
Notational Parity With (U String Int Double)
For fun, in GHC 7.8 we can use DataKinds and TypeFamilies to eliminate the infix type constructors in favor of type-level lists. (In Haskell, you can't have one type constructor--like IO or Either--take a variable number of parameters, but a type-level list is just one parameter.) It's just a few lines, which I'm not really going to explain:
type family OneOf (as :: [*]) :: * where
OneOf '[] = Void
OneOf '[a] = a
OneOf (a ': as) = Either a (OneOf as)
Note that you'll need to import Data.Void. Now we can do this:
anInt4 :: OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String]
anInt4 = fromInt 4
ghci> :kind! OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String]
OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String] :: *
= Either Int (Either Double (Either Float [Char]))
In other words, OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String] is the same as Either Int (Either Double (Either Float [Char])).
You need some kind of tagging because you need to be able to check if a value is actually an Integer or a String to use it for anything. One way to alleviate having to create a custom ADT for every combination is to use a type such as
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
data a :+: b = L a | R b
infixr 6 :+:
returnsIntOrString :: Integer -> Integer :+: String
returnsIntOrString i
| i `rem` 2 == 0 = R "Even"
| otherwise = L (i * 2)
returnsOneOfThree :: Integer -> Integer :+: String :+: Bool
returnsOneOfThree i
| i `rem` 2 == 0 = (R . L) "Even"
| i `rem` 3 == 0 = (R . R) False
| otherwise = L (i * 2)

Checking for a particular data constructor

Let's say that I defined my own data-Type like
data MyData = A arg| B arg2| C arg3
How would I write a function (for instance: isMyDataType) that checks wether the given argument is one out of the particular types in MyData and successively returns a boolean (True or False) , e.g. typing in Ghci:
isMyDataType B returns True and isMyDataType Int returns False.
I believe you want functions to test for particular constructors:
isA :: MyData -> Bool
isB :: MyData -> Bool
If so, then you can write these yourself or derive them. The implementation would look like:
isA (A _) = True
isA _ = False
isB (B _) = True
isB _ = False
To derive them automatically, just use the derive library and add, in your source code:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.DeriveTH
data MyData = ...
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show}
derive makeIs ''MyData
-- Older GHCs require more syntax: $( derive makeIs ''MyData)
Also note: your data declaration is invalid, the name must be capitalized, MyData instead of myData.
Finally, this whole answer is based on the assumption you want to test constructors, not data types as you said (which are statically checked at compile time, as Tarrasch said).
Haskell always checks that the types makes sense. The compiler would complain immediately if you wrote isMyDataType 4, because 4 is not of type MyData, it's of type Int.
I'm not sure this is what you asked for, but either way I strongly suggest for you to try out what you've asked here in practice, so you can see for yourself. Most important is that you check out type signatures in haskell, it is key for learning haskell.
You can use Maybes. You can create a set of functions that check for each of the types
getA, getB, getC :: MyData a -> Maybe a
getA x = case x of {(A v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing}
getB x = case x of {(B v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing}
getC x = case x of {(C v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing}
This affords some practical idioms for certain tasks:
allAs :: [MyData a] -> [a]
allAs xs = mapMaybe getA xs
printIfA :: Show a => MyData a -> IO ()
printIfA x = maybe (return ()) print $ getA x
