Hard real time in user space with preempt_rt patch - linux

From: https://rt.wiki.kernel.org/articles/f/r/e/Frequently_Asked_Questions_7407.html
Real-time only has impact on the kernel; Userspace does not notice the difference except for better real time behavior.
Does it mean that if we write the applications in user space, they won't get the hard real time effect?

It depends what you mean with "real-time effect". Usually you want a guaranteed timing behavior in a real-time system. You won't get that. However, your application will run more "smoothly" and will be more responsive. For many best-effort systems, that will be sufficient.

No, that's not what it meant.
It means that with PREEMPT_RT you get lower maximum latency in user-space without the need of adapting your code or using additional libraries/tools. In practice: PREEMPT_RT doesn't need user-level applications to use specific APIs.
The APIs within the kernel code, instead, are significantly changed (e.g., by changing any spinlock to a mutex, etc.)
By the way, keep in mind that PREEMPT_RT reduces the maximum latency experienced by a task, but the system throughput will be lower (i.e., more context switches) and the average latency likely increased.

I believe that question can be best answered in context -- asking if there were any APIs introduced by that specific patchset that application authors can use -- and none are added by this patchset. You won't need to recompile your application and there is no benefit to recompiling. You also won't be locked into any specific API.
If you have a well-written userspace application that relies on being able to run as soon as possible when hardware conditions dictate it should respond, then yes, these patches can help. But you can still write poor applications that prevent good real-time behavior and the patchset cannot help you.

It means that Real-Time Patch will manipulate some codes in kernel and the effect of this manipulation is that we will have a fine grained preemptive kernel.
All programs in user space will benefit from real-time preemptive kernel, without any modification. even no recompile is needed!
PREEMPT_RT patch goal is to convert Linux to a Hard Real Time System and it`s really good for most of the tasks. but in safety critical systems such as military and aerospace, Linux has nothing to offer and we should use other RTOSes like VxWorks, QNX and Integirty!


What options do I have for running recurring events on a microsecond resolution from a kernel driver?

I want to create a simulation of an actual device on an x86 Linux Kernel. Part of this will involve simulating timings as close to possible as I can get. Based on some research it seems I will need at least microsecond resolution timing. I understand that on a non-realtime system it won't be possible to get perfect timing, but I don't perfect, just as close as I can get, perhaps with hacking around with thread scheduling / preemption options.
What I actually want to do is perform an action every interval, i.e. run a some code every Xµs. I've been trying to research the best ways to do this from a Kernel driver as well as some research into whether it's possible to do this reasonably accurately from user mode (keeping the above paragraph in mind). One of the first things that caught my eye was the HPET timer, that is programmable to generate interrupts based on programmable comparators. Unfortunately, it seems on many chipsets it has been rather buggy in the past, and there's not much information on using it for anything that obtaining a timestamp or using it as the main clock source. The linux Kernel provides an HPET driver that in the past, seemed to provide both kernel and user mode interfaces, but seems only to provide a barely documented usermode interface in more recent kernel versions. I've also read about various other kernel functions and interfaces such as the hrtimer interface and the various delay functions, though I'm having a bit of trouble understanding them and if they are suited for my purpose.
Given my current use case, what are the best options I have running recurring events at a µs resolution from say a kernel driver? Obviously accuracy is probably my biggest criteria, but ease of use would be second.
Well, it's possible to achieve your accuracy in userspace -- clock_nanosleep is one ideal option, which has relative and absolute mode. Since clock_nanosleep is based on hrtimer in kernel mode, you may want to use hrtimer if you'd like to implement it in kernel space.
However, to make the timer work accurately, there're two IMPORTENT things worth mentioning.
You should set the timerslack of your process (either by writing nonzero value in ns to /proc/self/timerslack_ns or via prctl(PR_SET_TIMERSLACK,...)). This value is considered as the 'tolerance' of the timer.
The CPU power management also matters here. The CPU has many different Cstates, each of which has a different exit latency. So you need to configure your cpuidle module to not use Cstates other than C0, e.g. for an Intel CPU you could simply write 1 to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu$c/cpuidle/state$s/disable to disable state $s of CPU $c. Or just add idle=poll to your kernel options to let CPU keep active (in C0) while kernel idle. NOTE that this significantly influences the power of the computer and leads the cooling fans to make noise.
You can get a timer with delays under 10 microseconds if the two things mentioned above are configured correctly. There is a trade-off between latency and power consumption that you should made.

Implementation of clock()

I was going through stackoverflow threads on various mechanisms for computing CPU time of a process.
How is clock() internally implemented ? Does it use rdtsc() ( If that's the case then it is sensitive to migration between cores ).
Also, getrusage() implemented ? Does it also depend on TSC ?
Thanks in advance
The kernel keeps track of CPU utilization for processes in sizes of ticks.
Both clock() and getrusage() are both based on these.
Ticks are accumulated by processes by the kernel using a sampling method in which the kernel receives a hardware interrupt for the clock and executes the clock handler, which adds the tick to the currently running process. At least, this is how it worked last time I looked.
So, rtdsc does not come into play at all - which is a good thing since rdtsc does not measure accurately across CPUs.
You could easily glance at some libc code. Here is the time/ directory of musl-libc
On several libraries, some low level timing syscalls are using VDSO to avoid paying the cost of a real syscall (from user-space to kernel and back), so somehow uses RTDSC.
But I am surprised that you ask. If it is curiosity, just study the source code of free software implementation. Otherwise, trust the specifications & the implementations.
Gory details could be complex, since implementation and system specific. The real implementation could be dynamically tuned at run-time (eg thru VDSO set-up in the kernel).

Windows CE (RTOS) class-libraries for latency of interrupts and threads and USB?

I am getting started in working with Windows CE to utilize RTOS to reduce latency concerns with interrupts and threads and USB. What class-libraries(visual c++) can you point me to that would be good to have learned well to speed up the learning curve?
That's a really, really broad question. The most important piece of advice I'll give you is that if you're after determinism and speed (your reference to an RTOS leads me to think you consider these important) then you need to be aware that any memory allocation or deallocation in a piece of code makes it non-deterministic.
C++ classes often have allocations and deallocations buried in them, so whatever you choose (and whatever you write), use them wisely. Sometimes they'll allow you to provide custom allocators (e.g. Boost) which you can use to just pull memory from an already allocated heap you create somewhere.
Keep the real-time parts of the code as small and simple as possible.

Do you expect that future CPU generations are not cache coherent?

I'm designing a program and i found that assuming implicit cache coherency make the design much much easier. For example my single writer (always the same thread) multiple reader (always other threads) scenarios are not using any mutexes.
It's not a problem for current Intel CPU's. But i want this program to generate income for at least the next ten years (a short time for software) so i wonder if you think this could be a problem for future cpu architectures.
I suspect that future CPU generations will still handle cache coherence for you. Without this, most mainstream programming methodologies would fail. I doubt any CPU architecture that will be used widely in the next ten years will invalidate the current programming model - it may extend it, but it's difficult to drop something so widely assumed.
That being said, programming with the assumption of implicit cache coherency is not always a good idea. There are many issues with false sharing that can easily be avoided if you purposefully try to isolate your data. Handling this properly can lead to huge performance boosts (rather, a lack of huge performance losses) on current generation CPUs. Granted, it's more work in the design, but it is often required.
We are already there. Computers claim cache coherency but at the same time they have a temporary store buffer for writes, reads can be completed via this buffer instead of the cache (ie the store buffer has just become a incoherent cache) and invalidate requests are also queued allowing the processor to temporarily use cache lines it knows are stale.
X86 doesn't use many of these techniques, but it does use some. As long as memory stays significantly slower than the CPU, expect to see more of these techniques and others yet devised to be used. Even itanium, failed as it is, uses many of these ideas, so expect intel to migrate them into x86 over time.
As for avoiding locks, etc: it is always hard to guage people's level of expertise over the Internet so either you are misguided with what you think might work, or you are on the cutting edge of lockfree programming. Hard to tell.
Do you understand the MESI protocol, memory barriers and visibility? Have you read stuff from Paul McKenney, etc?
I don't know per se. But I'd like to see a trend toward non-cache coherent modes.
The conceptual mind shift is significant (can't just pass data in a method call, must pass it through a queue to an async method), but it's required as we move more and more into a multicore world anyway. The closer we get to one processor per memory bank the better. Because then we're working in a world of network message routing, where data is just not available rather than having threads that can silently stomp on data.
However, as Reed Copsey points out, the whole x86 world of computing is built on the assumption of cache coherency (which is even bigger than Microsoft's market share!). So it won't go away any time soon!
Here is a paper from reputed authors in computer architecture area which argues that cache coherence is here to stay.
"Why On-Chip Cache Coherence Is Here to Stay" -By Martin, Hill and Sorin
You are making a strange request. You are asking for our (the SO community) assumptions about future CPU architectures - a very dangerous proposition. Are you willing to put your money where our mouth is? Because if we're wrong and your application will fail it will be you who's not making any money..
Anyway, I would suspect things are not going to change that dramatically because of all the legacy code that was written for single threaded execution but that's just my opinion.
The question seems misleading to me. The CPU architecture is not that important, what is important is the memory model of the platform you are working for.
You are developing the application is some environment, with some defined memory model. E.g. if you are currently targeting x86, you can be pretty sure any future platform will implement the same memory model when it is running x86 code. The same is true for Java or .NET VMs and other execution platforms.
If you expect to port your current application at some other platforms, if the platform memory model will be different, you will have to adjust for it, but in such case you are the one doing the port and you have the complete control over how you do it. This is however true even for current platforms, e.g. PowerPC memory model allows much more reorderings to happen than the x86 one.

When should I write a Linux kernel module?

Some people want to move code from user space to kernel space in Linux for some reason. A lot of times the reason seems to be that the code should have particularly high priority or simply "kernel space is faster".
This seems strange to me. When should I consider writing a kernel module? Are there a set of criterias?
How can I motivate keeping code in user space that (I believe) belong there?
Rule of thumb: try your absolute best to keep your code in user-space. If you don't think you can, spend as much time researching alternatives to kernel code as you would writing the code (ie: a long time), and then try again to implement it in user-space. If you still can't, research more to ensure you're making the right choice, then very cautiously move into the kernel. As others have said, there are very few circumstances that dictate writing kernel modules and debugging kernel code can be quite hellish, so steer clear at all costs.
As far as concrete conditions you should check for when considering writing kernel-mode code, here are a few: Does it need access to extremely low-level resources, such as interrupts? Is your code defining a new interface/driver for hardware that cannot be built on top of currently exported functionality? Does your code require access to data structures or primitives that are not exported out of kernel space? Are you writing something that will be primarily used by other kernel subsystems, such as a scheduler or VM system (even here it isn't entirely necessary that the subsystem be kernel-mode: Mach has strong support for user-mode virtual memory pagers, so it can definitely be done)?
There are very limited reasons to put stuff into the kernel. If you're writing device drivers it's ok. Any standard application: never.
The drawbacks are huge. Debugging gets harder, errors become more frequent and hard to find. You might compromise security and stability. You might have to adapt to kernel changes more frequently. It becomes impossible to port to other UNIX OSs.
The closest I've ever come to the kernel was a custom filesystem (with mysql in the background) and even for that we used FUSE (where the U stands for userspace).
I'm not sure the question is the right way around. There should be a good reason to move things to kernel space. If there aren't any reasons, don't do it.
For one thing, debugging is made harder, and the effect of bugs is far worse (crash/panic instead of simple coredump).
Basically, I agree with rpj. Code has to be in user-space, unless it's REALLY necessary.
But, to emphasize your question, which condition?
Some people claims that driver has to be in the kernel, which is not true. Some drivers are not timing sensitive, in fact lots of drivers are like that.
For example, the framer, RTC timer, i2c devices, etc. Those drivers can be easily moved to user space. There are even some file-systems that are written in user-space.
You should move to kernel space where the overhead, eg. user-kernel swap, becomes unacceptable for your code to work properly.
But there are lots of way to deal with this. For example, the /dev/mem provides a good way to access your physical memory, just like you do it from the kernel space.
When people talk about going to RTOS, I'm usually skeptical.
These days, the processor is so powerful, that most of the time, the real-time aspect becomes negligible.
But even, let's say, you're dealing with SONET, and you need to do a protection switching within 50ms (actually even less, since the 50ms constrains applies to the whole ring), you still can do the switching very fast, IF your hardware supports it.
Lots of framer these days can give you a hardware support that reduces the amount of writes that you need to do. Your job is basically responds to the interrupt as quickly as possible. And Linux is not bad at all. The interrupt latency I got was less 1ms, even if I have tons of other interrupts running (eg. IDE, ethernet, etc.).
And if that's still not enough, then maybe your hardware design is wrong. Some things are better left on the hardware. And when I said hardware, I mean ASIC, FPGA, Network Processor, or other advanced logic.
Code running in the kernel accesses memory, peripherals, system functions in ways that are different from userspace code and thus has the ability to be more efficient. Not to mention the reduced security restrictions for kernel code. However, all this usually comes at a cost, such as increasing the possibility of opening the kernel up to security threats, locking up the OS, complicating the debugging, and so forth.
If your people want really high priority, determinism, low latency etc, the right way to go is to use some real-time version of Linux (or other OS).
Also look at the preemptible kernel options etc. Exactly what you should do depends on the requirements, but to put the code in kernel modules is not likely the right solution, unless you are interfacing some hardware directly.
Another reason to not move code into kernel space is that when you use it in production or commercial situations, you will have to publish that code due to the GPL agreement. A situation that many software companies don't want to come into. :)
As general rule. Think on what you want to know and if that is something you would see in an operating system development book or class then it has a good chance to belong into the kernel. If not, keep it out of the kernel. If you have a very good reason to break that rule, be sure, you will have enough knowledge to know it by yourself or you will be working with someone that has that knowledge.
Yes, might sound harsh, but this exactly what I meant, if you don't know, then be almost sure the answer is no, don't do it in the kernel. Moving your development to kernel space opens a giant can of worms that you must be sure to be able to handle.
If you just need lower latency, higher throughput, etc., it is probably cheaper to buy a faster computer than to develop kernel code.
Kernel modules may be faster (due to less context switches, less system call overhead, and less interruptions), and certainly do run at very high priority. If you want to export a small amount of fairly simple code into kernel space, this might be OK. That is, if a small piece of code is found to be crucial to performance, and is the sort of code that would benefit from being placed in kernel mode, then it may be justified to place it there.
But moving large parts of your program into kernel space should be avoided unless all other options are completely exhausted. Aside from the difficulty of doing so, the performance benefit is not likely to be very large.
If you're asking such a question, then you shouldn't go to the kernel layer. Basically just wondering means you don't need to. The time of the context switch is so negligible that it doesn't matter anyway these days.
