Convert first letter of given file to lower case - linux

I want to convert the 1st letter of each line to lower case up to the end of the file. How can I do this using shell scripting?
I tried this:
plat=`echo $plat |cut -c1 |tr [:upper:] [:lower:]``echo $plat |cut -c2-`
but this converts only the first character to lower case.
My file looks like this:
Expected result:

You can do that with sed:
sed -e 's/./\L&/' Shell.txt
(Probably safer to do
sed -e 's/^./\L&\E/' Shell.txt
if you ever want to extend this.)

plat=`echo $plat |cut -c1 |tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'``echo $plat |cut -c2-`

Pure Bash 4.0+ , parameter substitution:
>"$outfile" # empty output file
while read ; do
echo "${REPLY,}" >> "$outfile" # 1. character to lowercase
done < "$infile"
mv "$outfile" "$infile"

Here is a single sed command that uses only POSIX sed features:
sed -e 'h;s,^\(.\).*$,\1,;y,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,;G;s,\
These are two lines, the first line ending in a backslash to quote the newline character.


sed no output on no pattern match

I want sed to give me a single line output irrespective of whether the matched pattern is found and substituted, or even if there is no pattern match, with same command options.
1. echo "700K" | sed -n 's/[A-Z]//gp' // gives one output
2. echo "700" | sed -n 's/[A-Z]//gp' // no output
Is there any way in sed i can get a single output for second case without removing the "-n" option, forcing it to print the input irrespective of substitution made or not?
It is not clear for me why you need to keep the -n option but if you really do need to keep it you can use the following sed command:
echo "700" | sed -n 's/[A-Z]//g;p'
this will first make the substitution if possible then print the line.
You don't need to mess with all these sed options. Use sed in it's simpliest format which will make a substitution if pattern is found:
$ echo "700K" | sed 's/[A-Z]//g'
$ echo "700" | sed 's/[A-Z]//g'
$ sed --version
sed (GNU sed) 4.4
$ sed 's/[A-Z]//g' <<<$'700\n700K\n500\n3500A'

optimize xargs argument enumeration

Can this usage of xargs argument enumaration be optimized better?
The aim is to inject single argument in the middle of the actual command.
I do:
echo {1..3} | xargs -I{} sh -c 'for i in {};do echo line $i here;done'
echo {1..3} | for i in $(xargs -n1);do echo line $i here; done
I get:
line 1 here
line 2 here
line 3 here
which is what I need but I wondered if loop and temporary variable could be avoided?
You need to separate the input to xargs by newlines:
echo {1..3}$'\n' | xargs -I% echo line % here
For array expansions, you can use printf:
printf '%s\n' "${ar[#]}" | xargs -I% echo line % here
(and if it's just for output, you can use it without xargs:
printf 'line %s here\n' "${ar[#]}"
Try without xargs. For most situations xargs is overkill.
Depending on what you really want you can choose a solution like
# Normally you want to avoid for and use while, but here you want the things splitted.
for i in $(echo {1 2 3} );do
echo line $i here;
# When you want 1 line turned into three, `tr` can help
echo {1..3} | tr " " "\n" | sed 's/.*/line & here/'
# printf will repeat itself when there are parameters left
printf "line %s here\n" $(echo {1..3})
# Using the printf feature you can avoid the echo
printf "line %s here\n" {1..3}
Maybe this?
echo {1..3} | tr " " "\n" | xargs -n1 sh -c ' echo "line $0 here"'
The tr replaces the spaces with newlines, so xargs sees three lines. I would not be surprised if there were a better (more efficient) solution, but this one is quite simple.
Please note I have modified my previous answer to remove the use of {}, which was suggested in the comments to eliminate a potential code injection vulnerability.
There is a not well known feature of GNU sed. You can add the e flag to the s command and then sed executes whatever is in the pattern space and replaces the pattern space with the output if that command.
If you are really only interested in the output of the echo commands, you might try this GNU sed example, which eliminates the temporary variable, the loop (and the xargs as well):
echo {1..3} | sed -r 's/([^ ])+/echo "line \1 here"\n/ge
it fetches one token (i.e. whatever is separated by the spaces)
replaces it with echo "line \1 here"\n command, with \1 replaced by the token
then executes echo
puts the output of the echo command back into pattern space
that means it outputs the result of the three echos
But an even better way to get the desired output is to skip the execution and do the transformation directly in sed, like this:
echo {1..3} | sed -r 's/([^ ])+ ?/line \1 here\n/g'

How do I replace single quotes with another character in sed?

I have a flat file where I have multiple occurrences of strings that contains single quote, e.g. hari's and leader's.
I want to replace all occurrences of the single quote with space, i.e.
all occurences of hari's to hari s
all occurences of leader's to leader s
I tried
sed -e 's/"'"/ /g' myfile.txt
sed -e 's/"'"/" "/g' myfile.txt
but they are not giving me the expected result.
Try to keep sed commands simple as much as possible.
Otherwise you'll get confused of what you'd written reading it later.
sed "s/'/ /g" myfile.txt
This will do what you want to
echo "hari's"| sed 's/\x27/ /g'
It will replace single quotes present anywhere in your file/text. Even if they are used for quoting they will be replaced with spaces. In that case(remove the quotes within a word not at word boundary) you can use the following:
echo "hari's"| sed -re 's/(\<.+)\x27(.+\>)/\1 \2/g'
Just go leave the single quote and put an escaped single quote:
sed 's/'\''/ /g' input
also possible with a variable:
sed "s/$quote/ /g" input
Here is based on my own experience.
Please notice on how I use special char ' vs " after sed
This won't do (no output)
2521 #> echo 1'2'3'4'5 | sed 's/'/ /g'
but This would do
2520 #> echo 1'2'3'4'5 | sed "s/'/ /g"
The -i should replace it in the file
sed -i 's/“/"/g' filename.txt
if you want backups you can do
sed -i.bak 's/“/"/g' filename.txt
I had to replace "0x" string with "32'h" and resolved with:
sed 's/ 0x/ 32\x27h/'

Delete empty lines using sed

I am trying to delete empty lines using sed:
sed '/^$/d'
but I have no luck with it.
For example, I have these lines:
and I want it to be like:
What should be the code for this?
You may have spaces or tabs in your "empty" line. Use POSIX classes with sed to remove all lines containing only whitespace:
sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d'
A shorter version that uses ERE, for example with gnu sed:
sed -r '/^\s*$/d'
(Note that sed does NOT support PCRE.)
I am missing the awk solution:
awk 'NF' file
Which would return:
How does this work? Since NF stands for "number of fields", those lines being empty have 0 fields, so that awk evaluates 0 to False and no line is printed; however, if there is at least one field, the evaluation is True and makes awk perform its default action: print the current line.
-n '/^\s*$/!p'
-v '^$'
-v '^\s*$'
-v '^[[:space:]]*$'
'/^[ \t]*$/ {next;} {print}'
'!/^[ \t]*$/'
sed '/^$/d' should be fine, are you expecting to modify the file in place? If so you should use the -i flag.
Maybe those lines are not empty, so if that's the case, look at this question Remove empty lines from txtfiles, remove spaces from start and end of line I believe that's what you're trying to achieve.
I believe this is the easiest and fastest one:
cat file.txt | grep .
If you need to ignore all white-space lines as well then try this:
cat file.txt | grep '\S'
Below is TAB:\
Below is space:\
"; echo "$s" | grep . | wc -l; echo "$s" | grep '\S' | wc -l
Another option without sed, awk, perl, etc
strings $file > $output
strings - print the strings of printable characters in files.
With help from the accepted answer here and the accepted answer above, I have used:
$ sed 's/^ *//; s/ *$//; /^$/d; /^\s*$/d' file.txt > output.txt
`s/^ *//` => left trim
`s/ *$//` => right trim
`/^$/d` => remove empty line
`/^\s*$/d` => delete lines which may contain white space
This covers all the bases and works perfectly for my needs. Kudos to the original posters #Kent and #kev
The command you are trying is correct, just use -E flag with it.
sed -E '/^$/d'
-E flag makes sed catch extended regular expressions. More info here
You can say:
sed -n '/ / p' filename #there is a space between '//'
You are most likely seeing the unexpected behavior because your text file was created on Windows, so the end of line sequence is \r\n. You can use dos2unix to convert it to a UNIX style text file before running sed or use
sed -r "/^\r?$/d"
to remove blank lines whether or not the carriage return is there.
This works in awk as well.
awk '!/^$/' file
You can do something like that using "grep", too:
egrep -v "^$" file.txt
My bash-specific answer is to recommend using perl substitution operator with the global pattern g flag for this, as follows:
$ perl -pe s'/^\n|^[\ ]*\n//g' $file
This answer illustrates accounting for whether or not the empty lines have spaces in them ([\ ]*), as well as using | to separate multiple search terms/fields. Tested on macOS High Sierra and CentOS 6/7.
FYI, the OP's original code sed '/^$/d' $file works just fine in bash Terminal on macOS High Sierra and CentOS 6/7 Linux at a high-performance supercomputing cluster.
If you want to use modern Rust tools, you can consider:
cat datafile | rg '.' line with spaces is considered non empty
cat datafile | rg '\S' line with spaces is considered empty
rg '\S' datafile line with spaces is considered empty (-N can be added to remove line numbers for on screen display)
cat datafile | sd '^\n' '' line with spaces is considered non empty
cat datafile | sd '^\s*\n' '' line with spaces is considered empty
sd '^\s*\n' '' datafile inplace edit
Using vim editor to remove empty lines
For me with FreeBSD 10.1 with sed worked only this solution:
sed -e '/^[ ]*$/d' "testfile"
inside [] there are space and tab symbols.
test file contains:
fffffff next 1 tabline ffffffffffff
ffffffff next 1 Space line ffffffffffff
ffffffff empty 1 lines ffffffffffff
============ EOF =============
NF is the command of awk you can use to delete empty lines in a file
awk NF filename
and by using sed
sed -r "/^\r?$/d"

Text formating - sed, awk, shell

I need some assistance trying to build up a variable using a list of exclusions in a file.
So I have a exclude file I am using for rsync that looks like this:
I need to build up a string to be used as a variable to feed into egrep -v, so that I can use the same exclusion list for rsync as I do when egrep -v from a find -ls.
So I have created this so far to remove all "*" and "/" - and then when it sees certain special characters it escapes them:
cat exclude-list.supt | while read line
echo $line | sed 's/\*//g' | sed 's/\///g' | 's/\([.-+_]\)/\\\1/g'
What I need the ouput too look like is this and then export that as a variable:
Can anyone help?
A few issues with the following:
cat exclude-list.supt | while read line
echo $line | sed 's/\*//g' | sed 's/\///g' | 's/\([.-+_]\)/\\\1/g'
Sed reads files line by line so cat | while read line;do echo $line | sed is completely redundant also sed can do multiple substitutions by either passing them as a comma separated list or using the -e option so piping to sed three times is two too many. A problem with '[.-+_]' is the - is between . and + so it's interpreted as a range .-+ when using - inside a character class put it at the end beginning or end to lose this meaning like [._+-].
A much better way:
$ sed -e 's/[*/]//g' -e 's/\([._+-]\)/\\\1/g' file
Now we can pipe through tr '\n' '|' to replace the newlines with pipes for the alternation ready for egrep:
$ sed -e 's/[*/]//g' -e 's/\([._+-]\)/\\\1/g' file | tr "\n" "|"
$ EXCLUDE=$(sed -e 's/[*/]//g' -e 's/\([._+-]\)/\\\1/g' file | tr "\n" "|")
$ echo $EXCLUDE
Note: If your file ends with a newline character you will want to remove the final trailing |, try sed 's/\(.*\)|/\1/'.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
SEXCLUDE_supt=$(sed '1h;1!H;$!d;g;s/[*\/]//g;s/\([.-+_]\)/\\\1/g;s/\n/|/g' file)
This should work but I guess there are better solutions. First store everything in a bash array:
SEXCLUDE_supt=$( sed -e 's/\*//g' -e 's/\///g' -e 's/\([.-+_]\)/\\\1/g' exclude-list.supt)
and then process it again to substitute white space:
SEXCLUDE_supt=$(echo $SEXCLUDE_supt |sed 's/\s/|/g')
