I have converted the Clouds Midnight theme to use it in notepad++, however it still does not seem to be the same. I have downloaded the monaco font, however even this font is not the same as you see here.
I have put the converted theme into the C:\Program Files\Notepad++\themes directory,
Thoughts? It must be something simple that im missing! Cheers!
The font used is Inconsolata-dz, downloadable (for free) here: http://nodnod.net/2009/feb/12/adding-straight-single-and-double-quotes-inconsola/
I have what I would consider the perfect theme colors for my Sublime Text Editor 3 application; however, the only thing that is very annoying and hard to see is the comment colors. They're the same color as the background but maybe just one shade lighter.
I've seen some other posts on here on editing theme color files within Sublime Text but for some reason it seems like the data isn't taking effect. It's like it's going off of cached data or something.
For example, I'm using the "Monokai" theme. I've edited /opt/sublime_text/Packages/Color Scheme - Default.sublime-package and searched for Monokai. I changed the hex color code under lineHighlight, and restart Sublime. Nothing changes. In fact, I've changed numerous hex color codes under that section and restarted Sublime Text and absolutely nothing has change.d
What am I doing wrong here? I'm running this on Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon
I was unable to change comments color by editing Monokai.tmTheme even after purging cache or sublime reinstall.
For Sublime 3.1.1 Build 3176 editing Monokai.sublime-color-scheme works.
1. Open Package Resource Viewer
2. Open Color Scheme
3. Open Monokai color scheme
4. Add you desired color in variables (pick here)
5. Change comment color
6. Enjoy your new comments color!
I've done exactly what you said, changed the value under lineHighlight in Monokai.tmTheme in Color Scheme - Default.sublime-package, restarted Sublime Text and it worked just fine. I'm running Build 3103 on Manjaro Linux.
Sublime Text stores its settings and cache ~/.config/sublime-text-3, I suggest temporarily renaming this folder, which should take you to a freshly installed state. Then make sure Sublime Text really restarts and that your color scheme changes are really in place.
I encountered the same problem. I found the following way solved my problem.
According to #Саша Черных, one can go to
tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com/#!/editor/theme/Monokai to create and download a customized theme. Then, in Sublime Text 3, from [References -> Browse Packages...], you can find where your Packages folder locates. Just put the downloaded file "Monokai.tmTheme" in that folder, restart app, then it's done.
In kate (or QtCreator), I've a font named "Fixed[Misc]". I'd like to retrieve the font file(s) but I didn't find them:
in my font directory, I've a "misc" directory, but I can't find exactely the font I've in kate...
could you give me some informations on how it works and how to get the glyphs I've in kate ?
Fixed[Misc] is the default monospace font of the legacy core fonts subsystem of x-windows
You do not want to dig into this, this subsystem is a mess of legacy fonts in weird pre-opentype multi-file formats and incomplete unicode coverage which are quasi unmaintained and have been on the killing block for about a decade (and wayland/mir will finish them up soon).
I'm not sure if kate is even supposed to show you those fonts if a modern font systems like fontconfig is activated (this may be distribution dependent) but if you're only seeing core fonts in your apps you have a deployment problem because QT and KDE do know how to do better when built/deployed properly.
I have a plugin that I installed that does this:
I really like this function (highlighting HTML colors) but I don't know plugin does it. I want to put it on the another copy of Notepad++ but installing plugins is a rather big thing and I don't want to have to install them all - it gets cumbersome.
Does anyone know which plugin highlights my colors?
It's a wonderful feature.
I think that you are referring to the HTML Color plugin. You can find it here
I think that feature was taken out of Notepad++ due to the users' inability to read the text at times if the colors were too overwhelming. Instead, I recommend trying to install the Quick Color Picker or HTML Color plugins. They are about as close as you're going to get:
Quick Color Picker: https://code.google.com/p/nppqcp/
HTML Color: http://npp.campulka.net/
Source: Notepad++ hover preview on link or color?
Check Quick Color Picker for Notepad++.
The plugin puts the colored underline under the color code based on it's value and thus is not obtrusive in reading the text.
I'm using it without any issues with the Notepad++ v6.9.2
I just ran into this and resolved it as follows:
Download and install the UDL file found at https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/userDefinedLanguages (get the zip file with all languages). Instructions for installation are on that page. Close Notepad++ and reopen, then go in your Notepad++ menu to "Language". You should now see a long alphabet list with subcategories off to the right indicated by an > Go to H then click on the > and select HTML with your HTML file open in Notepad++ The moment you do that, all your HTML syntax will (should!) be highlighted.
I have downloaded the VS2012 Theme editor but would now like to to find more themes for it. Specifically, I am after .vstheme files, but haven't been able to find any. I'm hoping to get a nice dark theme that works with the theme editor. I am not interested in settings files as used in VS2010. I write in C++ if that is relevant.
I found this site to be pretty good with a great mix of themes.
One with actual *.vstheme extension: http://studiostyl.es/schemes/c-dark-scheme-for-use-with-expression-dark-theme
I downloaded and modified a style file and placed it in the Notepad++ themes folder. I was able to select it and have it update the style as expected. I then went to Settings -> Style Configurator and changed the font of COMMENT of language VHDL to MS Gothic, hit save, and closed and exited Notepad++. I am able to relaunch Notepad++ and still see the change (I'm running Notepad++ in admin mode on Win7).
The only file that I can see a new timestamp on is my XML theme file, but I don't see MS Gothic anywhere in the file. Where is this information being stored? It is overriding the settings from my theme file. I also checked %APPDATA%\Notepad++\stylers.xml but I don't see it there either.
I realize I can change it back through the GUI, but I'd like to know how to get back to my original theme without selecting every style in the language manually (as I've made multiple changes). If I could edit (or delete) a file, I would prefer it.
Look in your %APPDATA%\Notepad++ folder, specifically for the stylers.xml file.
Uninstall Notepad++
Reinstall it again, but this time check the first box, the one that says "Don't use %APPDATA%..... "
The reason is that Notepad++ install all the files at administrator profile, if you are using another user then you are screw, it will not work properly, you have to run it always as an administrator so it can work properly. To avoid this, just do as i said.
If files are going to APPDATA, then you can create a folder called "themes" and then inside that place your new xml themes. Then close and reopen notepad++ and you should see your new style in the "Select theme:" drop down. Whatever you named the file should be what appears in the dropdown
If you are on Windows 10 the path to add the new theme is :
stylers.xml is located one director/ folder above the themes :
Just as a complement to the other answers, if you made the changes on another theme than the default theme (stylers.xml) then your changes are saved to
For example, if you modified the choco theme, then look for the %APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes\choco.xml.
You will also find a choco.xml in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\themes but this one is not where your changes are saved.
I tried Rbastardo answer, but even when I check "Don't use %APPDATA%....." when installing Notepad++, the changes are still saved in %APPDATA%.
In case this helps someone in the future, if you installed Notepad++ via Scoop then look for your themes directory here: