Getting "Access from host not allowed, or unknown host" from Torque PBS Server using qstat command - pbs

I'm trying to run command qstat but instead of getting the queue status I'm seeing this error:
Cannot resolve default server host 'torqueserver' - check server_name
file. qstat: cannot connect to server torqueserver (errno=15010)
Access from host not allowed, or unknown host
How can I solve that?

Is 'torqueserver' the hostname of the node running pbs_server? In the server_name file located in /server_name (default for is /var/spool/torque) the actual hostname of the node running pbs_server should be in that file.


How do I set up my Linux Azure VM so that I can connect via a browser?

I'm working on a Linux VM on Azure which was set up by someone else (so I don't know all the details). I'm trying to connect it to a domain name.
The server has a "Hello World" program, so when I go to "" I should be seeing "Hello World". Currently I'm just getting
Safari can't open the page "" because Safari can't find the server "my"
I thought I'd start with making sure that the IP address connects to the server (which it did at one point. So I enter the IP address of the server (let's say it's "12.345.678.901") in the browser, and it can't connect... I get the error
Can't open the page "12.345.678.901" because the server where this page is located isn't responding
There's an Inbound port rule to allow connections for port 8080, so I tried "12.345.678.901:8080" but this time got
Can't open the page "12.345.678.901:8080" because Safari can't connect to the server
I don't know what to try next. Presumably something needs to be enabled on the server to allow the browser to connect?
The other inbound port rules are ssh on port 22 (TCP) and then what I assume are the standard Azure ones (I can't edit or delete them anyway).
To view your Linux VM inside the browser, you need to install a web server. Easiest to install and get working straight away is nginx.
First thing you need to do is SSH(port 22) into your VM using the username and IP address of the machine:
ssh username#ipaddress
Which will prompt you to enter a passphrase to gain access to the VM.
This also assumes your SSH public key exists inside ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the VM. If you don't have this setup then you need to get the owner of the VM to copy your public key into this file. Otherwise you won't be able to connect and get a Permission denied (publickey) error.
Assuming the above works, you can install the nginx webserver with the following two commands:
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install nginx
Then once this web server is installed, add an HTTP inbound port 80 rule inside the network settings. For security reasons, having your web server listen on this port is probably unsecure long term. Its just easier to get working when you choose this port to begin with, because its the default.
You can see what the default listening port by viewing the server configuration host file with cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/default:
#server {
# listen 80;
# listen [::]:80;
# server_name;
# root /var/www/;
# index index.html;
# location / {
# try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
# }
Which shows the default port of 80. You can change this default port to 8080, then run sudo service nginx restart to restart the server and apply the changes. Additionally, you can have a look at this How to make Nginx Server Listen on Multiple Ports tutorial, which goes into more depth on how to configure listening ports for nginx webservers.
You should then be able to view your VM from a browser window(blurred out my IP address for security reasons):
You can also have a look at this Quickstart: Create a Linux virtual machine in the Azure portal tutorial for a step by step on how to get this setup in Azure.
You should first check to see if you have an entry for The reason could be that you do not have a DNS Entry and when you are trying to connect to it via the browser. Since you tried connecting to it via IP and it still did not work, I would suggest you check your Webserver configurations to make sure it is correctly listening for port 8080. Also, ensure that your webserver is also turned on as well. You can tail the webserver log and try to hit it via the IP like you did earlier and see if you see any errors in the logs. It would at least tell you if your request you are making on your browser is actually getting to the webserver.

Accessing cups from node within a docker container

So I have a node server within a docker container. Right now I would like to have it communicate with the parent system's CUP server. However when I do an ajax call to the server, with port 631 exposed I get a 400 bad request error.
When looking at the CUPS logs it gives this reason for the rejection:
Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "host.docker.internal:631"
Now to even access the parent machine I have to use host.docker.internal to gain access, but I have not figured out a way to get cups to ignore the host or think its localhost.
Cups is watching for any serverAlias, and anything on port 631 so it "should" accept the call. Any ideas?
I had the same problem with CUPS (2.3.4) on osx. I spent several hours to fix the invalid Host: field error.
It seems that there's a bug, even when using SeverAlias * on cups conf.
For those who are looking for a workaround:
We have to change the Host header sent from the docker container to localhost in order to do so, I managed to set up an Nginx container listening on port 8888 and rewriting the Host field while proxy_pass to the host’s CUPS server.
This is the nginx conf.d:
server {
listen 8888;
location / {
proxy_pass http://host.docker.internal:631;
proxy_set_header Host localhost;
Now instead of connecting to host.docker.internal:631 we connect the cups client to localhost:8888. (I have set up the nginx sever on the same docker container, you might want to set up a separate container depending on your needs)

How to set a Loopback nodeJS backend on Apache HTTP server running on CentOS

I've moved the backend (nodeJs+Loopback) of my application on a server CentOS. When I run it, it's listening on "localhost:3000". If I type "curl http://localhost:3000" while I'm on the server's terminal I get a response. When I try to call the application from remote, I use the real IP address instead of localhost, but it doesn't work.
The error is:
[proxy:error] (13)Permission denied:HTTP: attempt to connect to failed
Do I need to setup some configuration?
Thank you
Have you tried # setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 ??
Check out the bottom of this link:

Apache http server fails to restart

We do frequent deployments using udeploy and there is a last step there to automatically restart apace http server using sudo ./apachectl -k restart.
But sometimes the server fails to restart with below error:-
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
Please note not all the times only sometimes. I verified everything with no duplicate Listen directives for port 80 in httpd conf files, no password prompt issues in ssl key files. I don't have root access to server so can't actually verify if there are any other processes that bind port 80 before main apache server starts. But is there anything else that could be causing the issue.
Any help or suggestions here would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure of the timing, but perhaps add a second attempt to start when there is a failure and that might allow for enough time to free any resources which might be in use.

connecting jconsole to linux box connection failed

I am new to linux and just deployed a java program to run on a linux server. I tried to connect from my windows machine to the linux box with jconsole and got an error.
Connection Failed: non-JRMP server at remote endpoint
I searched online and found the following suggestion was to run the following:
false -jar [YOUR JAR NAME]
I entered the following into a batch file and executed it. I then tried to connect using jconsole using the follow command
as suggested but still cannot (Connection failed: retry)/
I got the same issue but the reason was different, I was hitting http port instead of JMX port.
The error message appeared same as in your case but later I figured out it was port issue.
Since JMX process runs on different port so be careful while opening JConsole on remote server.
Resolved situation by setting hostname to ipaddress when calling process on linux
I faced this problem at localhost.
Wrong port was used.
So, I changed my JMX port to be different from application port in my run configuration and yet, the port changes did not take effect until the application container was restarted.
Fixing above resolved my issue.
Another possible reason for error message Connection failed: non-JRMPserver at remote endpoint: the RootCA-certificate of the server hasn't been added into the client's cacerts file.
