Create content error - Specified cast is not valid - orchardcms

I have a custom module. Migrations.cs looks like this.
public int Create()
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("MyModuleRecord", table => table
typeof(MyModulePart).Name, cfg => cfg.Attachable());
cfg => cfg
return 1;
This is the code I have in the controller.
var newcontent = _orchardServices.ContentManager.New<MyModulePart>("MyModule");
I get the invalid cast error from this New method in Orchard.ContentManagement ContentCreateExtensions.
public static T New<T>(this IContentManager manager, string contentType) where T : class, IContent {
var contentItem = manager.New(contentType);
if (contentItem == null)
return null;
var part = contentItem.Get<T>();
if (part == null)
throw new InvalidCastException();
return part;
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
This is the handler.
public class MyModuleHandler : ContentHandler
public MyModuleHandler(IRepository<MyModuleRecord> repository)

You are getting the InvalidCastException because the content item doesn't appear to have your MyModulePart attached.
If there were a driver for your part, then there is an implicit link somewhere that allows your part to be shown on a content item (I'm not sure how this is done, maybe someone else could elaborate - but it is something to do with how shapes are harvested and picked up by the shape table deep down in Orchard's core).
However since you don't have a driver, adding an ActivatingFilter to your part's handler class will make the link explicitly:
public MyModulePartHandler : ContentHandler {
public MyModulePartHandler() {
Filters.Add(new ActivatingFilter<MyModulePart>("MyModule");

Your part table name is wrong. Try renaming it to this (so the part before "Record" matches your part model name exactly):
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("MyModulePartRecord", table => table


Dapper Extensions custom ClassMapper isn't called on Insert()

I'm using Dapper Extensions and have defined my own custom mapper to deal with entities with composite keys.
public class MyClassMapper<T> : ClassMapper<T> where T : class
public MyClassMapper()
// Manage unmappable attributes
IList<PropertyInfo> toIgnore = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(x => !x.CanWrite).ToList();
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in toIgnore.ToList())
// Manage keys
IList<PropertyInfo> propsWithId = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith("Id") || x.Name.EndsWith("ID")).ToList();
PropertyInfo primaryKey = propsWithId.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Name, $"{nameof(T)}Id", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
if (primaryKey != null && primaryKey.PropertyType == typeof(int))
else if (propsWithId.Any())
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in propsWithId)
I also have this test case to test my mapper:
public void TestMyAutoMapper()
DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.DefaultMapper = typeof(MyClassMapper<>);
MySubscribtionEntityWithCompositeKey entity = new MySubscribtionEntityWithCompositeKey
SubscriptionID = 145,
CustomerPackageID = 32
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING))
var result = connection.Insert(entity);
var key1 = result.SubscriptionID;
var key2 = result.CustomerPackageID;
Note that I set the default mapper in the test case.
The insert fails and I notive that my customer mapper is never called. I have no documentation on the github page on the topic, so I'm not sure if there's anything else I need to do to make dapper extensions use my mapper.
Thanks in advance!
Looking at your question, you are attempting to write your own defalut class mapper derived from the existing one. I never used this approach; so I do not know why it is not working or whether it should work.
I explicitly map the classes as below:
public class Customer
public int CustomerID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public sealed class CustomerMapper : ClassMapper<Customer>
public CustomerMapper()
Map(x => x.CustomerID).Key(KeyType.Identity);
The AutoMap() will map rest of the properties based on conventions. Please refer to these two resources for more information about mapping.
Then I call SetMappingAssemblies at the startup of the project as below:
DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.SetMappingAssemblies(new[] { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() });
The GetExecutingAssembly() is used in above code because mapping classes (CustomerMapper and other) are in same assembly which is executing. If those classes are placed in other assembly, provide that assembly instead.
And that's it, it works.
To set the dialect, I call following line just below the SetMappingAssemblies:
DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.SqlDialect = new DapperExtensions.Sql.SqlServerDialect();
Use your preferred dialect instead of SqlServerDialect.
Apparently, the solution mentioned here may help you achieve what you are actually trying to. But, I cannot be sure, as I said above, I never used it.

Orchard Query For Page with Show on a menu checked

Hi I want to make a "Query" and put a filter for returning all pages that has "Show on a menu" checked. I did not find a way to do that.. Is it possible?
Try something like this:
using Orchard.Localization;
using Orchard.Projections.Descriptors.Filter;
using Orchard.Navigation;
using IFilterProvider = Orchard.Projections.Services.IFilterProvider;
namespace MyProject.Filters
public class MenuPartFilter : IFilterProvider {
public Localizer T { get; set; }
public ProductPartFilter() {
T = NullLocalizer.Instance;
public void Describe(DescribeFilterContext describe)
"Content", // The category of this filter
T("Content"), // The name of the filter (not used in 1.4)
T("Content")) // The description of the filter (not used in 1.4)
// Defines the actual filter (we could define multiple filters using the fluent syntax)
"MenuParts", // Type of the element
T("Menu Parts"), // Name of the element
T("Menu parts"), // Description of the element
ApplyFilter, // Delegate to a method that performs the actual filtering for this element
DisplayFilter // Delegate to a method that returns a descriptive string for this element
private void ApplyFilter(FilterContext context) {
// Set the Query property of the context parameter to any IHqlQuery. In our case, we use a default query
// and narrow it down by joining with the MenuPartRecord.
context.Query = context.Query.Join(x => x.ContentPartRecord(typeof (MenuPartRecord)));
private LocalizedString DisplayFilter(FilterContext context) {
return T("Content with MenuPart");

Unsupported Mapping Exception - Missing type map configuration in Automapper?

I'm sure I am missing something simple. First, I'll show all the code I have written to wire up the plumbing, then I'll show the exception message. Then, I'll set out what I have tried to fix it.
public class LicenceTrackerProfile : Profile
const string LicenceTrackerProfileName = "LicenceTrackerProfile";
public override string ProfileName
get { return LicenceTrackerProfileName; }
protected override void Configure()
// initialize mappings here
new ViewModelMappings(this).Initialize();
public class MapperBootstrapper
public void Configure()
var profile = new LicenceTrackerProfile();
AutoMapper.Mapper.Initialize(p => p.AddProfile(profile));
public abstract class MappingBase
private readonly Profile _profile;
protected MappingBase(Profile profile)
_profile = profile;
_profile.SourceMemberNamingConvention = new PascalCaseNamingConvention();
_profile.DestinationMemberNamingConvention = new PascalCaseNamingConvention();
public Profile Profile
get { return _profile; }
public class UniversalMapper : IUniversalMapper
private readonly IMappingEngine _mappingEngine;
public UniversalMapper(IMappingEngine mappingEngine)
_mappingEngine = mappingEngine;
public virtual TDestination Map<TSource, TDestination>(TSource source, TDestination destination)
return _mappingEngine.Map(source, destination);
public class ViewModelMappings : MappingBase, IMappingInitializer
private readonly Profile _profile;
public ViewModelMappings(Profile profile) : base(profile)
_profile = profile;
_profile.SourceMemberNamingConvention = new PascalCaseNamingConvention();
_profile.DestinationMemberNamingConvention = new PascalCaseNamingConvention();
public void Initialize()
// data to domain mappings
Profile.CreateMap<EFDTO.Enums.FileTypes, Domain.FileTypes>();
Profile.CreateMap<EFDTO.Licence, Domain.Licence>();
Profile.CreateMap<EFDTO.LicenceAllocation, Domain.LicenceAllocation>();
Profile.CreateMap<EFDTO.Person, Domain.Person>();
Profile.CreateMap<EFDTO.Software, Domain.Software>();
Profile.CreateMap<EFDTO.SoftwareFile, Domain.SoftwareFile>();
Profile.CreateMap<EFDTO.SoftwareType, Domain.SoftwareType>();
Note, the initialize method and Configure method are being called, so they're not being "missed".
Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping.
Mapping types: Software -> Software LicenceTracker.Entities.Software
-> LicenceTracker.DomainEntities.Software
Destination path: Software
Source value: LicenceTracker.Entities.Software
Ignoring columns. I planned to ignore columns, starting with all and then eliminating them by un-ignoring them 1 by 1 until I found the problem columns. However, to my surprise, the error occurs when I ignore all columns:
Profile.CreateMap<EFDTO.Software, Domain.Software>()
.ForMember(software => software.Licences, e => e.Ignore())
.ForMember(software => software.Name, e => e.Ignore())
.ForMember(software => software.SoftwareFiles, e => e.Ignore())
.ForMember(software => software.Type, e => e.Ignore())
.ForMember(software => software.Description, e => e.Ignore())
.ForMember(software => software.Id, e => e.Ignore())
.ForMember(software => software.TypeId, e => e.Ignore()
.ForMember(software => software.ObjectState, e => e.Ignore());
The Domain entities have [DataContract] (at class level) and [DataMember] (at method level) attributes. I added each of those attributes to the EF entities as well.
Other than that, I am out of ideas. It all seems to be wired up correctly.
What did I miss?
I'm back to heroically answer my question.
The problem was in the Service which created the UniversalMapper object (forgive the sloppy code, it is not final yet):
public class LicenceTrackerService : ILicenceTrackerService, IDisposable
LicenceTrackerContext context = new LicenceTrackerContext();
private MapperBootstrapper mapperBootstrapper;
private IUniversalMapper mapper = new UniversalMapper(Mapper.Engine);
private IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;
public LicenceTrackerService()
unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(context, new RepositoryProvider(new RepositoryFactories()));
mapperBootstrapper = new MapperBootstrapper();
Database.SetInitializer(new LicenceTrackerInitializer());
public int GetNumber()
return 42;
public List<LicenceTracker.DomainEntities.Software> GetSoftwareProducts()
var productsRepo = unitOfWork.Repository<Software>();
var list = productsRepo.Query().Select().ToList();
var softwareList = new List<LicenceTracker.DomainEntities.Software>();
foreach (var software in list)
var softwareProduct = new LicenceTracker.DomainEntities.Software();
softwareList.Add(Mapper.Map(software, softwareProduct));
return softwareList;
public void Dispose()
I'm still not sure why, but initializing the mapper outside of the constructor (default value style) was not happy. By moving that instantiation into the constructor of the service, it worked:
private IUniversalMapper mapper;
public LicenceTrackerService()
mapper = new UniversalMapper(Mapper.Engine);
There's obviously something about static properties (Mapper.Engine) and default instantiations that I'm not understanding.
Anyway, no big deal as I was planning to inject the UniversalMapper into the service anyway.
I've actually figured out the problem for real now. It is an ordering thing. With Automapper, I had to initialize the mapper with the Profile before inserting the Mapper.Engine into the UniversalMapper.
Obviously, the Get aspect of the Mapper.Engine property is not just a memory reference to an object. And yes, a quick glance at the code inside Automapper confirms that.
So, assigning the result of the Get property to the _mappingEngine field of the UniversalMapper must happen after that engine has been configured.

Automapper mapping IList<> to Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet<>

I am having some issues in the mapping mentioned in the title. Here are the details:
class MyDomain
public Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet<SomeType> MySomeTypes{ get; set; }
class MyDTO
public IList<SomeTypeDTO> MySomeTypes{ get; set; }
The mapping:
Mapper.CreateMap<MyDomain, MyDTO>().ForMember(dto=>dto.MySomeTypes, opt.ResolveUsing<DomaintoDTOMySomeTypesResolver>());
Mapper.CreateMap<MyDTO, MyDomain>().ForMember(domain=>domain.MySomeTypes, opt.ResolveUsing<DTOtoDomainMySomeTypesResolver>());
The Resolvers:
class DomaintoDTOMySomeTypesResolver: ValueResolver<MyDomain, IList<SomeTypeDTO>>
protected override IList<SomeTypeDTO> ResolveCore(MyDomain source)
IList<SomeTypeDTO> abc = new List<DemandClassConfigurationDTO>();
//Do custom mapping
return abc;
class DTOtoDomainMySomeTypesResolver: ValueResolver<MyDTO, Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet<SomeType>>
protected override Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet<SomeType> ResolveCore(SystemParameterDTO source)
Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet<SomeType> abc = new HashedSet<SomeType>();
//Do custom mapping
return abc;
Mapping from Domain to DTO works ok and as expected I get a MyDTO object with IList of "SomeTypeDTO" objects.
However mapping of the DTO to Domain throws the following error:
Exception of type 'AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException' was thrown.
----> AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException : Trying to map Iesi.Collections.Generic.HashedSet`1[SomeType, MyAssembly...] to Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet`1[SomeType, MyAssembly...]
Exception of type 'AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException' was thrown.
----> System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[SomeType]' to type 'Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet`1[SomeType]
What might I be doing wrong and what do the error messages imply? It almost seems that automapper is having some issues in mapping the ISet ( together with its concrete implementation HashedSet). My understanding is that in the above described scenario automapper should just use the ISet reference returned by "DTOtoDomainMySomeTypesResolver". I also don't see why I am getting the "cast from List to ISet error".
This is because AutoMapper currently doesn't support ISet<> collection properties. It works when the destination property of ISet<> is already instantiated (is not null), because the ISet<> actually inherits from ICollection<>, thus Automapper can understand that and will do the collection mapping properly.
It doesn't work when the destination property is null and is interface type. You get this error, because automapper actually found out it can be assigned from ICollection<> so it instantiates the property using generic List<>, which is default collection when automapper must create new collection property, but then when it tries to actually assign it, it will fail, because obviously List<> cannot be cast to ISet<>
There are three solution to this:
Create a feature request to support ISet<> collections and hope they will add it
Make sure the property is not null. Eg. instantiate it in constructor to empty HashSet<>. This might cause some troubles for ORM layers, but is doable
The best solution that I went with is to create custom value resolver, which you already have and instantiate the property yourself if it is null. You need to implement the IValueResolver, because the provided base ValueResolver will not let you instantiate the property. Here is the code snippet that I used:
public class EntityCollectionMerge : IValueResolver
where TDest : IEntityWithId
where TSource : IDtoWithId
public ResolutionResult Resolve(ResolutionResult source)
//if source collection is not enumerable return
var sourceCollection = source.Value as IEnumerable;
if (sourceCollection == null) return source.New(null, typeof(IEnumerable));
//if the destination collection is ISet
if (typeof(ISet).IsAssignableFrom(source.Context.DestinationType))
//get the destination ISet
var destSet = source.Context.PropertyMap.GetDestinationValue(source.Context.DestinationValue) as ISet;
//if destination set is null, instantiate it
if (destSet == null)
destSet = new HashSet();
source.Context.PropertyMap.DestinationProperty.SetValue(source.Context.DestinationValue, destSet);
Merge(sourceCollection, destSet);
return source.New(destSet);
if (typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(source.Context.DestinationType))
//get the destination collection
var destCollection = source.Context.PropertyMap.GetDestinationValue(source.Context.DestinationValue) as ICollection;
//if destination collection is null, instantiate it
if (destCollection == null)
destCollection = new List();
source.Context.PropertyMap.DestinationProperty.SetValue(source.Context.DestinationValue, destCollection);
Merge(sourceCollection, destCollection);
return source.New(destCollection);
throw new ArgumentException("Only ISet and ICollection are supported at the moment.");
public static void Merge(IEnumerable source, ICollection destination)
if (source == null) return;
var destinationIds = destination.Select(x => x.Id).ToHashSet();
var sourceDtos = source.ToDictionary(x => x.Id);
//add new or update
foreach (var sourceDto in sourceDtos)
//if the source doesnt exist in destionation add it
if (sourceDto.Key (sourceDto.Value));
//update exisiting one
Mapper.Map(sourceDto.Value, destination.First(x => x.Id == sourceDto.Key));
//delete entity in destination which were removed from source dto
foreach (var entityToDelete in destination.Where(entity => !sourceDtos.ContainsKey(entity.Id)).ToList())
Then on your mapping use opt => opt.ResolveUsing(new EntitCollectionMerge<Entity,Dto>()).FromMember(x => x.ISetMember) or if you have lots of collection like this you can add them automatically to all of them via typeMaps.

Subsonic 3, how to CRUD using LinqTemplates?

I am new to Subsonic, and it seems that I cant find out a natural way to do CRUD operations using the LINQ template classes. I guess in ActiveRecord, you could:
Product p = new Product();
p.ProductCode = "xxx";
Using the LINQTemplate generated classes however, how can I do the same thing? I can only use something like this below to insert a product object:
db.Insert.Into<UnleashedSaaS.PRODUCT>(prod => prod.Code, prod => prod.Description).Values("Product1", "Product1 Desc").Execute();
Who could kindly give me some hints? I'd really appreciate it.
All the CRUD happens in SubSonicRepository, which you can derive from. For example, I would have a class like this:
public class ProductRepository : SubSonicRepository<Product> {
public ProductRepository() : base(new NorthwindDB()) { }
// need this here because base doesn't expose the DB class that I know of
protected NorthwindDB _db;
protected NorthwindDB DB {
get {
if (_db == null) _db = new NorthwindDB();
return _db;
public void Save(Product product) {
if (product.ProductId == 0) {
Add(product); // Add is part of SubSonicRepository
} else {
public void Delete(Product product) { ... }
public List<Product> ListAll() {
var products = from p in DB.Products
select p;
return products.ToList();
public Product GetById(int id) {
return DB.GetByKey(id);
And so on. It's nice because you can consolidate all your data access methods in one place. If you have Sprocs, they're generated as methods on DB as well.
When I get time I'm going to work on adding a Save method to SubSonicRepository directly so you don't have to do the check yourself to see which method (Add or Update) to call.
I have modified the file to include:
public partial class <#=tbl.ClassName#>Repository : SubSonicRepository<<#=tbl.ClassName#>>
public <#=tbl.ClassName#>Repository() : base(new <#=DatabaseName#>DB()) { }
Insert that bunch of lines between
<# foreach(Table tbl in tables){#>
/// <summary>
right at the top, near the namespace declaration, in my file it can be inserted in line 18.
The last thing to do is to add another "using" statement, in line 10, the next line after System.Linq statement. Now it should look like:
using System.Linq;
using SubSonic.Repository;
That will generate a repository to give you access to basic functionality, but can be modified in another partial class.
Hope that helps.
