mib2c - show all variable attributes - attributes

I am very new to mib2c, and I need to list all attributes which belong to one variable.
I work with mib2c tool from NET-SNMP and there are configuration templates for generating the code.
There are variables with many attributes, look like:
I would like to see all these attributes, in order to use them in the generated code.
I know, for mib2c attributes there is man page, but there is not everything. (For example I know the attribute $var.needlength exists, and it is not mentioned in that man page).
I don't know how the $var is defined and fulfilled.
How can I list all attributes of $var?

I'm not sure how you can do this programmatically, given the constraints of the mib2c pseudo-Perl but I just looked in /usr/bin/mib2c (it's a script, not a compiled executable so you can easily examine the code) and found the following.
There are only four undocumented variables in the mib2c script:
There are many more documented variables in the mib2c script:
That being said, I'm not sure what exactly you are hoping to find, so I'm not sure that this really answers your question.


Scons: command-line build variables without restrictions on allowed values

Used Scons version: 3.0.1 (for historic reasons)
I want to add a command-line build variable in my Scons script which is not limited by which values it expects. Both EnumVariable and ListVariable require you to provide a list of allowed values or elements.
I want a variable that (just like a C++ define can be passed to g++ via -Dfoo=bar (or at least -Dfoo_bar) ) can be passed to the Scons script.
Anything like
scons my_define=foo_bar
scons my_define=foo=bar,gnarl=argl
scons my_define=foo my_define=bar
would work.
I did not find anything like that in the user guide or searching via Google.
Is this possible? If yes, how?
Yes. It's in the users guide at
While there are validated variable types provided by the various vars.Add*() methods. You can have a non-validated variable by just using plain vars.Add()
Here's an example from the manpage.
vars.Add('CC', help='The C compiler')

Pycharm docstring: code references and docstring inheritance

I'm currently going through my project in Jetbrains Pycharm 2017.1.5, documenting all my python 3.6 classes and methods, and several things stand out to me about the docstring format.
I want to link to other methods / functions / classes from some of the docstrings, but I cannot figure out how to do this. The documentation for restructuredText is very, very extensive, but it doesn't say anything about referencing other docstrings with Pycharm. In fact, the vast majority of the snippets from that page do not even work in Pycharm. (Why is that?)
I've managed to find that you can use :class:`<class_name>` to reference a class, but :class:`<class.method>`does not work, and similarly named constructs like :func:`<func_name>` do not create a hyperlink. I've also seen :ref:`<name>` come up, but that one doesn't work either.
(I would switch to Epytext (it has everything I want, plus it's much simpler) in a heartbeat if not for this error: You need configured Python 2 SDK to render Epydoc docstrings in the Ctrl + Q frame.)
It would also be extremely helpful if there was a way to inherit the docstring in subclasses / overridden methods. Pycharm does this automatically if you leave the docstring blank, which makes me think it is possible to do it manually. But, again, I can't find any information on it.
It's turning out to be mind-blowingly complicated to do something so, so simple. So, any help will be appreciated!
I want to link to other methods / functions / classes from some of the docstrings, but I cannot figure out how to do this.
You're correct that the reStructuredText documentation does not cover this, because it's not a feature of reStructuredText.
Likely you are (explicitly, or implicitly via some tool) using the Sphinx system – a superset of Docutils – to allow (among many other features) references between different docstrings.
Sphinx defines several Docstring “roles” (the :foo: before the backtick-quoted text) for different purposes:
doc, a reference to an entire document.
ref, an arbitrary cross-reference.
… many others.
For specifically Python code, the “domain” py has its own specific set of roles for Python code docstrings:
Reference a module; a dotted name may be used. This should also be used for package names.
Reference a Python function; dotted names may be used. The role text needs not include trailing parentheses to enhance readability; they will be added automatically by Sphinx if the add_function_parentheses config value is True (the default).
Reference a module-level variable.
Reference a “defined” constant. This may be a Python variable that is not intended to be changed.
Reference a class; a dotted name may be used.
Reference a method of an object. The role text can include the type name and the method name; if it occurs within the description of a type, the type name can be omitted. A dotted name may be used.
Reference a data attribute of an object.
Reference an exception. A dotted name may be used.
Reference an object of unspecified type.

Puppet 4: how to add calling class variables to scope of a defined type

In Puppet 3 and prior, templates in defines inherited scope from their calling class the same way native defined types do, so if I had a file resource with a template source created by a define, that template could make use of variables set in the calling class no matter which class called the define.
In Puppet 4 (also tested with Puppet 3.8 future parser), that appears to no longer be the case, and it is causing breakage that is hard to even measure in my environment, which has relied on this behavior for tens of thousands of lines of code. Is there any way at all to get this back? After looking into it, even converting the defines into native types doesn't solve the problem, as they rely on the ability to gather server-side information about what templates are available in different modules via custom functions, and everything in a native resource type appears to happen on the client.
Is this fixable, or do I attempt to wait for Puppet 5?
Edit: Don't get too caught up in the word 'scope' here -- I need any way to pass all class variables to a define and unpack them there so that they are available to templates, or a way to have a native type see what files are inside specified modules on the puppetmaster. I will accept any bizarre, obscure message passing option as long as it has this result, because the classes do not know where the templates are -- only the define does, because it's making use of the helper functions that scan the filesystem on the server.
Edit 2: To prove this works as expected in Puppet 3.8.5, use the following:
# Minimal define example for debugging
define so1::autotemplate (
$ensure = 'present',
$module = $caller_module_name,
) {
$realtemplate = "${module}${title}"
file { $title :
ensure => $ensure,
owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0600',
content => template($realtemplate),
in modules/so2/manifests/example.pp:
# Example class calling so1::autotemplate
class so2::example (
$value = 'is the expected value'
) {
so1::autotemplate { '/tmp/qwerasdf': }
in modules/so2/templates/tmp/qwerasdf:
Expected value: <%= #value %>
In Puppet 3.8.5 with future parser off, this results in /tmp/qwerasdf being generated on the system with the contents:
Expected value: is the expected value
In Puppet 3.8.5. with parser = future in environment.conf (and also Puppet 4.x, though I tested for this example specifically on a 3.8.5 future parser environment), this results in the file being create with the contents:
Expected value:
Edit 3: two-word touch-up for precision
In Puppet 3 and prior, defines inherited scope from their calling class the same way native defined types do, so if I had a file resource with a template source created by a define, that template could make use of variables set in the calling class no matter which class called the define.
What you're describing is Puppet's old dynamic scoping. The change in scoping rules was one of the major changes in Puppet 3.0; it is not new in Puppet 4. There was, however, a bug in Puppet 3 that templates still used dynamic scope. That was fixed in Puppet 3.5, but only prospectively -- that is, when the future parser is enabled. Defined types themselves went through the scoping change in Puppet 3.0.0, along with everything else. The scope changes were a big deal (and Puppet devoted considerable effort to alerting users to them) when they first went into place, but nowadays there's no big deal here.
it is causing breakage that is hard to even measure in my environment, which has relied on this behavior for tens of thousands of lines of code.
I'm sorry you're having that experience.
Is there any way at all to get this back?
No. Puppet scoping rules do not work the way you want them to do. That they did work that way in templates (but not most other places) in Puppet 3 was and still is contrary to Puppet's documentation, and never intentional.
Is this fixable, or do I attempt to wait for Puppet 5?
There is no way to get dynamic variable scoping in templates or elsewhere in Puppet 4, and I have no reason to think that there will be one in Puppet 5.
If you need a template to expand host variables from the scope of a particular class, then you can get that by evaluating the template in the scope of that class. Alternatively, an ERB template can obtain variables from (specific) other scopes by means of the scope object. On the other hand, if you want to expand the template in the scope of a defined type, then you could consider passing the needed variables as parameters of that type.
There may be other ways to address your problem, but I'd need more details to make any other suggestions. (And that would constitute a separate question if you choose to ask it here on SO.)

Get a list of all the arguments a constructor takes

Is it possible to get a list of all the arguments a constructor takes?
With the names and types of the parameters?
I want to automatically check the values of a JSON are good to use for building their equivalent as a class instance.
Preferably without macros... I have build a few, but I still find them quiet confusing.
Must work with neko and JS, if that maters.
I think you want to look at Runtime Type Information (rtti)
From the Haxe Manual: The Haxe compiler generates runtime type information (RTTI) for classes that are annotated or extend classes that are annotated with the #:rtti metadata. This information is stored as a XML string in a static field __rtti and can be processed through haxe.rtti.XmlParser. The resulting structure is described in RTTI structure.
Alternative; If you want to go with macros, this might be a good start

Are All Dynamic Languages Typo-friendly?

With Java on one side and Ruby/Groovy on the other, I know that in the second camp I'm free to make typos which will not get caught until run-time. Is this true of all dynamically-typed languages?
Edit: I've been asked to elaborate on the type of typo. In Ruby and in Groovy, you can assign to a variable with an accidental name that is never read. You can call methods that don't exist (obviously your tests should catch this, it's been said). You can refer to classes that don't exist, etc. etc. Basically any valid syntax, even with typographical errors, is valid in both Ruby and Groovy.
In Perl, if you declare use strict in your code, then you must declare your variables with my. Typos in variable names will then be caught at compile-time. This is one of the biggest things I miss when coding in Python.
Python is typo-friendly in the way you described in your question.
But this does not mean that these 'typos' can only be caught # runtime.
When using a code analyzer like pylint (ideally integrated into your development environment) you'll catch 'most' of these consistently before hitting 'run'.
For the most part, yes. Dynamic typing and not requiring declaration of variables are language properties that are frequently found together.
However, these are not inherently related. A language can easily have dynamic typing while requiring variable names to be declared before use. As ire_and_curses mentions, this can be achieved in Perl via the "use strict" directive.
Here's what happens when I try to get into the pitfalls you mentioned in Squeak and Dolphin, two implementations of the dynamic language Smalltalk 80.
You can assign to a variable with an accidental name that is never read
The Smalltalk language requires temp and instance variables to be declared. If I try to compile a method containing an undefined variable I get a compile-time error.
| anArray |
anArrray := Array with: 2 with: 1. "Unknown variable anArrray"
Creating variables dynamically is not something dynamic languages have to allow. There's a difference between typeless declarations and no declaration at all.
You can call methods that don't exist
The compiler issue a warning if you use a selector (i.e. method name) that is entirely unknown.
The compiler won't bother if I call the method paint on an array because there's another class in the system implementing paint. That error will only be caught at runtime.
If however I call the method sortt (while I intend to call sort) the compiler generates a warning. When developing top-down you can proceed pass these warnings.
| anArray |
anArray := Array with: 2 with: 1.
anArray paint. "Runtime error. You can't paint an array but perhaps a Shape"
anArray sortt. "Compile-time warning"
You can refer to classes that don't
This is not allowed. Though in Squeak you can quickly create a new class from the error dialog if needed.
