Using Groovy's CliBuilder to get option error when the option is not first argument - groovy

my question is :
when i pass the script with :
groovy MyScript.groovy -o mtest -f filetest
the script can get the -o option.
but when i change the place of the option.
groovy MyScript.groovy -f filetest -o mtest
it can't get the option of -o
do i miss something?
the groovy code is:
def cli = new CliBuilder()
cli.with {
usage: 'Self'
h longOpt:'help', 'U should input a analyze script with -o dataFileName!'
o longOpt:'output', 'The file which should be analyzed.', args:1, required:true
f longOpt:'file', 'File'
def opt = cli.parse(args)
def action
if( args.length == 0) {
if( opt.h ) {
groovy MyScript.groovy -f filetest -o mtest
print result is :
[-f, filetest,-o,mtest]
groovy MyScript.groovy -o mtest -f filetest
print result is :
[-o,mtest,-f, filetest]

Think you need to specify args on your -f option as well (as it takes an argument) ie:
def cli = new CliBuilder().with {
usage: 'Self'
h longOpt:'help', 'U should input a analyze script with -o dataFileName!'
o longOpt:'output', 'The file which should be analyzed.', args:1, required:true
f longOpt:'file', 'File', args:1
def opt = cli.parse( args )
if( opt ) {
println args
println opt
println opt.o


Cannot create annotated git tag from groovy script

Groovy Version: 3.0.8 JVM: 11.0.10 Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS: Linux
I have this script:
def shellCommand(String cmd) {
def process = cmd.execute()
def output = new StringWriter(), error = new StringWriter()
process.waitForProcessOutput(output, error)
println "exit value=${process.exitValue()}"
println "OUT: $output"
println "ERR: $error"
def gitRelease() {
def cmd001 = "git tag -a -m \"Release 0.0.777\" 0.0.45"
When I run it from command line I get below error:
$ groovy myScript.groovy
exit value=128
ERR: fatal: Failed to resolve '0.0.45' as a valid ref.
Same error if I try with slashy string:
def cmd001 = /git tag -a -m "Release 0.0.777" 0.0.45/
If I instead run git directly it works:
$ git tag -a -m "Release 0.0.777" 0.0.45
$ git tag
Creating a simple tag from the above groovy script works:
def gitRelease() {
//def cmd001 = "git tag -a -m \"Release 0.0.777\" 0.0.45"
def cmd001 = "git tag 0.0.46"
$ groovy myScript.groovy
exit value=0
Any suggestions?
The String.execute method often gives issues in unexpected places
There's another List.execute method that gives much more expected results
def cmd1 = ["git", "tag", "-a", "-m", "Release 0.0.777", "0.0.45"]
You should also change
def shellCommand(String cmd) {
def shellCommand(List cmd) {

How to access value of a jenkins groovy variable in shell script for loop

When i am passing value of a variable declared in jenkins Groovy script its value is not retained in for loop which is running on a remote server. Strange thing is i am able to access the same value outside the for loop.
Here is the sample code i am trying to use
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def config
def COMMANDS_TO_CHECK='curl grep hello awk tr mkdir bc'
pipeline {
agent {
label "master"
stages {
stage ('Validation of commands') {
steps {
script {
sh """
/usr/bin/sshpass -p passwrd ssh user#host << EOF
echo $COMMANDS_TO_CHECK ---> This is printed
echo ${CURRENT_COMMAND} ---> Why This is not printed?
echo \${CURRENT_COMMAND} ----> Why This is not printed?
[workspace#3] Running shell script
+ /usr/bin/sshpass -p passwrd ssh user#host
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
curl grep hello awk tr mkdir bc
+ exit
You can wrap sh in """ ... """ as below
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def config
pipeline {
agent {
label "master"
stages {
stage ('Validation of commands') {
steps {
script {
sh """#!/bin/sh
/usr/bin/sshpass -p password ssh username#hostname << EOF
COMMANDS_TO_CHECK="curl grep hello awk tr mkdir bc"
if [ \${status} -eq 0 ]
echo \${CURRENT_COMMAND} command is OK
echo "Failed to find the \${CURRENT_COMMAND} command"

Can I avoid this subshell in a POSIX sh script?

I am trying to comprehend how, if even it can be done, can I avoid subshell?
Is this the only way the code can be written or is there another way?
I tried to use braces { ... }, but it won't pass shellcheck and won't run.
is_running_interactively ()
# test if file descriptor 0 = standard input is connected to the terminal
[ -t 0 ]
is_tput_available ()
# check if tput coloring is available
command -v tput > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
tput bold > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
tput setaf 1 > /dev/null 2>&1
some_other_function ()
# so far unfinished function
# is this a subshell? if so, can I avoid it somehow?
( is_running_interactively && is_tput_available ) || # <-- HERE
printf '%b' "${2}"
It is a compound-list, and yes those commands are run in a subshell. To avoid it, use curly braces instead of parentheses:
{ is_running_interactively && is_tput_available; } || ...

Groovy: Seems like a scope issue but cannot find where, can you?

I wrote some functions to help me writing Jenkins pipelines.
The following functions, are responsible to returning a shell command output:
def gen_uuid(){
randomUUID() as String
def sh_out(cmd){
String uuid = gen_uuid()
sh """( ${cmd} )> ${uuid}"""
String out = readFile(uuid).trim()
sh "set +x ; rm ${uuid}"
return out
That shown, here's another function:
Map get_started_by(){
withCredentials([ // Use Jenkins credentials ID of artifactory
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: '0b8d591a-f4ce-XXXX-XXXX-faecb504d3d0', usernameVariable: 'J_USER', passwordVariable: 'J_PASS'],
List startedBy = sh_out("""
set +x; curl -u ${J_USER}:${J_PASS} '${env.BUILD_URL}api/json' 2>/dev/null | \
python -mjson.tool | \
awk -F'"' '/(userId|userName)/{print \$4}'
return [
userId: startedBy[0],
userName: startedBy[1]
Which returns the userId and userName of the user who issue the job run.
Then, my problem is in this function:
def run_in_stage_func(String stage_name, Closure command, String sendTo){
String started_by = get_started_by()
String ulink = "<#${started_by['userId']}>"
String jlink = "(<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)"
println "============================================================"
stage (stage_name) {
try {
if (currentBuild.result == 'FAILURE') {
error "Build failed, see log for further details."
println "============================================================"
} catch (Exception ex) {
def except = "${ex}"
slackSend channel: channel, color: 'danger', teamDomain: null, token: null,
message: " :${ulink} *Failed to build ${env.JOB_NAME}*! :x: ${jlink} (<!here|here>)"
echo "Pipeline failed at stage: ${stage_name}"
throw ex
When I run the job, I get the following error:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: userId for class: java.lang.String
What could be the reason that the line ' String ulink = "<#${started_by['userId']}>" ' - is not working as intended?
You cast the result of get_started_by() to String explicitly. To fix it, change your code to
def started_by = get_started_by()
Map started_by = get_started_by()

CHECK_GEARMAN CRITICAL - function 'BulkEmail' is not registered in the server

I am using the nagios to monitor gearman and getting error "CRITICAL - function 'xxx' is not registered in the server"
Script that nagios execute to check the gearman is like
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# taken from: gearmand-0.24/libgearman-server/server.c:974
# function->function_name, function->job_total,
# function->job_running, function->worker_count);
# this code give following result with gearadmin --status
# FunctionName job_total job_running worker_count
# AdsUpdateCountersFunction 0 0 4
use strict;
use warnings;
use Nagios::Plugin;
my $VERSION="0.2.1";
my $np;
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new(usage => "Usage: %s -f|--flist <func1[:threshold1],..,funcN[:thresholdN]> [--host|-H <host>] [--port|-p <port>] [ -c|--critworkers=<threshold> ] [ -w|--warnworkers=<threshold>] [-?|--usage] [-V|--version] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-t|--timeout=<timeout>]",
version => $VERSION,
blurb => 'This plugin checks a gearman job server, expecting that every function in function-list arg is registered by at least one worker, and expecting that job_total is not too much high.',
license => "Brought to you AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY, under GPL. (C) Remi Paulmier <remi.paulmier\>",
shortname => "CHECK_GEARMAN",
$np->add_arg(spec => 'flist|f=s',
help => q(Check for the functions listed in STRING, separated by comma. If optional threshold is given (separated by :), check that waiting jobs for this particular function are not exceeding that value),
required => 1,
$np->add_arg(spec => 'host|H=s',
help => q(Check the host indicated in STRING),
required => 0,
default => 'localhost',
$np->add_arg(spec => 'port|p=i',
help => q(Use the TCP port indicated in INTEGER),
required => 0,
default => 4730,
$np->add_arg(spec => 'critworkers|c=i',
help => q(Exit with CRITICAL status if fewer than INTEGER workers have registered a particular function),
required => 0,
default => 1,
$np->add_arg(spec => 'warnworkers|w=i',
help => q(Exit with WARNING status if fewer than INTEGER workers have registered a particular function),
required => 0,
default => 4,
my $ng = $np->opts;
# manage timeout
alarm $ng->timeout;
my $runtime = {'status' => OK,
'message' => "Everything OK",
# host & port
my $host = $ng->get('host');
my $port = $ng->get('port');
# verbosity
my $verbose = $ng->get('verbose');# look for gearadmin, use nc if not found
my #paths = grep { -x "$_/gearadmin" } split /:/, $ENV{PATH};
my $cmd = "gearadmin --status -h $host -p $port";
if (#paths == 0) {
print STDERR "gearadmin not found, using nc\n" if ($verbose != 0);
# $cmd = "echo status | nc -w 1 $host $port";
$cmd = "echo status | nc -i 1 -w 1 $host $port";
foreach (`$cmd 2>/dev/null | grep -v '^\\.'`) {
my ($fname, $job_total, $job_running, $worker_count) =
split /[[:space:]]+/;
$runtime->{'funcs'}{"$fname"} = {job_total => $job_total,
job_running => $job_running,
worker_count => $worker_count };
# print "$fname : $runtime->{'funcs'}{\"$fname\"}{'worker_count'}\n";
# get function list
my #flist = split /,/, $ng->get('flist');
foreach (#flist) {
my ($fname, $fthreshold);
if (/\:/) {
($fname, $fthreshold) = split /:/;
} else {
($fname, $fthreshold) = ($_, -1);
# print "defined for $fname: $runtime->{'funcs'}{\"$fname\"}{'worker_count'}\n";
# if (defined($runtime->{'funcs'}{"$fname"})) {
# print "$fname is defined\n";
# } else {
# print "$fname is NOT defined\n";
# }
if (!defined($runtime->{'funcs'}{"$fname"}) &&
$runtime->{'status'} <= CRITICAL) {
($runtime->{'status'}, $runtime->{'message'}) =
(CRITICAL, "function '$fname' is not registered in the server");
} else {
if ($runtime->{'funcs'}{"$fname"}{'worker_count'} <
$ng->get('critworkers') && $runtime->{'status'} <= CRITICAL) {
($runtime->{'status'}, $runtime->{'message'}) =
"less than " .$ng->get('critworkers').
" workers were found having function '$fname' registered.");
if ($runtime->{'funcs'}{"$fname"}{'worker_count'} <
$ng->get('warnworkers') && $runtime->{'status'} <= WARNING) {
($runtime->{'status'}, $runtime->{'message'}) =
"less than " .$ng->get('warnworkers').
" workers were found having function '$fname' registered.");
if ($runtime->{'funcs'}{"$fname"}{'job_total'} > $fthreshold
&& $fthreshold != -1 && $runtime->{'status'}<=WARNING) {
($runtime->{'status'}, $runtime->{'message'}) =
" jobs for $fname exceeds threshold $fthreshold");
$np->nagios_exit($runtime->{'status'}, $runtime->{'message'});
When the script is executed simply by command line it says "everything ok"
But in nagios it shows error "CRITICAL - function 'xxx' is not registered in the server"
Thanks in advance
After spending long time on this, finally got the answer all that have to do is.
yum install nc
nc is what that was missing from the system.
With Regards,
Bankat Vikhe
Not easy to say but it could be related to your script not being executable as embedded Perl.
Try with # nagios: -epn at the beginning of the script.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# nagios: -epn
use strict;
use warnings;
Be sure to check all the hints in the Perl Plugins section of the Nagios Plugin Development Guidelines
