Data retrieval - Database VS Programming language - programming-languages

I have been working with databases recently and before that I was developing standalone components that do not use databases.
With all the DB work I have a few questions that sprang up.
Why is a database query faster than a programming language data retrieval from a file.
To elaborate my question further -
Assume I have a table called Employee, with fields Name, ID, DOB, Email and Sex. For reasons of simplicity we will also assume they are all strings of fixed length and they do not have any indexes or primary keys or any other constraints.
Imagine we have 1 million rows of data in the table. At the end of the day this table is going to be stored somewhere on the disk. When I write a query Select Name,ID from Employee where DOB="12/12/1985", the DBMS picks up the data from the file, processes it, filters it and gives me a result which is a subset of the 1 million rows of data.
Now, assume I store the same 1 million rows in a flat file, each field similarly being fixed length string for simplicity. The data is available on a file in the disk.
When I write a program in C++ or C or C# or Java and do the same task of finding the Name and ID where DOB="12/12/1985", I will read the file record by record and check for each row of data if the DOB="12/12/1985", if it matches then I store present the row to the user.
This way of doing it by a program is too slow when compared to the speed at which a SQL query returns the results.
I assume the DBMS is also written in some programming language and there is also an additional overhead of parsing the query and what not.
So what happens in a DBMS that makes it faster to retrieve data than through a programming language?
If this question is inappropriate on this forum, please delete but do provide me some pointers where I may find an answer.
I use SQL Server if that is of any help.

Why is a database query faster than a programming language data retrieval from a file
That depends on many things - network latency and disk seek speeds being two of the important ones. Sometimes it is faster to read from a file.
In your description of finding a row within a million rows, a database will normally be faster than seeking in a file because it employs indexing on the data.
If you pre-process you data file and provided index files for the different fields, you could speedup data lookup from the filesystem as well.
Note: databases are normally used not for this feature, but because they are ACID compliant and therefore are suitable for working in environments where you have multiple processes (normally many clients on many computers) querying the database at the time.

There are lots of techniques to speed up various kinds of access. As #Oded says, indexing is the big solution to your specific example: if the database has been set up to maintain an index by date, it can go directly to the entries for that date, instead of reading through the entire file. (Note that maintaining an index does take up space and time, though -- it's not free!)
On the other hand, if such an index has not been set up, and the database has not been stored in date order, then a query by date will need to go through the entire database, just like your flat-file program.
Of course, you can write your own programs to maintain and use a date index for your file, which will speed up date queries just like a database. And, you might find that you want to add other indices, to speed up other kinds of queries -- or remove an index that turns out to use more resources than it is worth.
Eventually, managing all the features you've added to your file manager may become a complex task; you may want to store this kind of configuration in its own file, rather than hard-coding it into your program. At the minimum, you'll need features to make sure that changing your configuration will not corrupt your file...
In other words, you will have written your own database. old one, I know... just for if somebody finds this: The question contained "assume ... do not have any indexes" the question was about the sequential dataread fight between the database and a flat file WITHOUT indexes, which the database wins...
And the answer is: if you read record by record from disk you do lots of disk seeking, which is expensive performance wise. A database always loads pages by concept - so a couple of records all at once. Less disk seeking is definitely faster. If you would do a mem buffered read from a flat file you could achieve the same or better read values.


Athena: $path vs. partition

I'm storing daily reports per client for query with Athena.
At first I thought I'd use a client=c_1/month=12/day=01/ or client=c2/date=2020-12-01/ folder structure, and run MSCK REPAIR TABLE daily to make new day partition available for query.
Then I realized there's the $path special column, so if I store files as 2020-12-01.csv I could run a query with WHERE $path LIKE '%12-01% thus saving a partition and the need to detect/add it daily.
I can see this having an impact on performance if there was a lot of daily data,
But in my case the day partition will include one file at most, so a partition is mostly to have a field to query, not reduce query dataset.
Any other downside?
When using $path column, all table (partition) location needs to be fully listed.
if you have large number of objects in S3, this listing can become a bottleneck.
Partitions avoid this problem.
Of course, having large number of partitions is also a problem.
I don't know what the cardinality of client column, so hard to tell how many partitions to expect with this approach.
Currently Athena does not apply any optimisations for $path, which means that there is no meaningful difference between WHERE "$path" LIKE '%12-01% and WHERE "date" = '2020-12-01' (assuming you have a column date which contains the same date as the file name). Your data probably already has a date or datetime column, and your queries will be more readable using it rather than $path.
You are definitely on the right track questioning whether or not you need the date part of your current partitioning scheme. There are lots of different considerations when partitioning data sets, and it's not easy to always say what is right without analysing the situation in detail.
I would recommend having some kind of time-based partition key. Otherwise you will have no way to limit the amount of data read by queries, and they will be slower and more expensive as time goes. Partitioning on date is probably too fine grained for your use case, but perhaps year or month would work.
However, if there will only be data for a client for a short time (less than one thousand files in total, the size of one S3 listing page), or queries always read all the data for a client, you don't need a time-based partition key.
To do a deeper analysis on how to partition your data I would need to know more about the types of queries you will be running, how the data is updated, how much data files are expected to contain, and how much difference there will be from client to client.

Sorting enormous dataset

I have an enormous dataset (over 300 million documents). It is a system for archiving data and rollback capability.
The rollback capability is a cursor which iterates trough the whole dataset and performs few post requests to some external end points, it's a simple piece of code.
The data being iterated over needs to be send ordered by the timestamp (filed in the document). The DB was down for some time, so backup DB was used, but has received older data which has been archived manually, and later all was merged with the main DB.
Older data breaks the order. I need to sort this dataset, but the problem is the size; there is not enough RAM available to perform this operation at once. How I can achieve this sorting?
PS: The documents do not contain any indexed fields.
There's no way to do an efficient sort without an index. If you had an index on the date field then things would already be sorted (in a sense), so getting things in a desired order is very cheap (after the overhead of the index).
The only way to sort all entries without an index is to fetch the field you want to sort for every single document and sort them all in memory.
The only good options I see are to either create an index on the date field (by far the best option) or increase the RAM on the database (expensive and not scalable).
Note: since you have a large number of documents it's possible that even your index wouldn't be super scalable -- in that case you'd need to look into sharding the database.

Alternative of Cassandra for storing User data with high IO

We are looking for a technology stack which will have the following criteria.
We will be having around 10 million customer.
Each customer will be having around 20MB+ of data.
Data of each user will be updated everyday.
We need to store the data for more than six months.
We may need to query on the data any time within the time span of six months.
Currently we are thinking to use Cassandra, but the limitation of maximum storage per node in Cassandra should be less than 3TB, we are looking for other alternatives to use with or without Cassandra.
Well, I don't know if my suggestion applies for your case. We had a similar case with one of our products. There was created a blob field to record binary data, as pdf documents, that made the database grew considerably.
The solution we made was to create a second database, as a repository for records older then one year. At the application server there's a service running which:
1) Copies the records, from specific tables, older then one year to this second database;
2) Deletes records from the main database, once we have a copy in the other side;
3) Queries that need data older then one year are directed to this second database;
Sure, we had to do some implementations on the code to adapt to this situation, but is running good so far.
You can try ScyllaDB. It's a C++ reimplementation of Cassandra at 10x the speed. Scylla supports 10TB/node and there are examples of larger amounts per node. Proper disclosure - I work there but am speaking from experience.
You can definitely consider just to store the metadata itself in the database and the blobs on a separate nodes outside but it's complex and Scylla can store it all altogether. Such a similar system is already in production and we hope that user will eventually open source it

How does sqlite3 edit a big file?

Imagine a huge file that should be edited by my program. In order to increase read time I use mmap() and then only read out the parts I'm viewing. However if I want to add a line in the middle of the file, what's the best approach for that?
Is the only way to add a line and then move the rest of the file? That sounds expensive.
So my question is basically: What's the most efficient way of adding data in the middle of a huge file?
This question was previously asked here:
How to edit a big file
where the answer suggest using sqlite3 istead of a direct file. That makes me curious, how does sqlite3 solve this problem?
SQLite is a relational database. Its primary editing means is btree tables and btree indices. BTrees are designed to be edited in place even as records grow. In addition, SQLite uses the .journal file to recover from crashes while saving files.
BTrees pay only log (N) lookup time for any record by its primary key or any indexed column (this works out much faster even than sorting records because the log base is huge). Because BTrees use block pointers almost everywhere, the middle of the ordered list can be updated relatively painlessly.
As RichN points out, SQLite builds up wasted space in the file. Run VACUUM periodically to free it.
Incidentally I have written BTrees by hand. They are a pain to write but worth it if you must for some reason.
The contents of an SQLite database file is made up of records and data structures to access those records. SQLite keeps track of the used portions of the file along with the unused portions (made available when records are deleted.) When you add a new record and it fits in an unused segment, that becomes its location. Otherwise it is appended to the file. Any indices are updated to point to the new data. Updating the indices may append further index records. SQLite (and database managers, in general) don't move any content when inserting new records.
Note that, over time, the contents become scattered across the disk. Sequential records won't be located near each other, which could affect the performance of some queries.
The SQLite VACUUM command can remove unused space in the file, as well as fix locality problems in the data. See VACUUM Command

Is it bad to use INDEX in Cassandra if performance is not important?

We have recently started a "Big Data" project where we want to track what users are doing with our product - how often they are logging in, which features they are clicking on, etc - your basic user analytics stuff. We still don't know exactly what questions we will be asking, but most of it will be "how often did X occur over the last Y months?" type of thing, so we started storing the data sooner rather than later thinking we can always migrate, re-shape etc when we need to but if we don't store it it is gone forever.
We are now looking at what sorts of questions we can ask. In a typical RDBMS, this stage would consist of slicing and dicing the data in many different dimensions, exporting to Excel, producing graphs, looking for trends etc - it seems that for Cassandra, this is rather difficult to do.
Currently we are using Apache Spark, and submitting Spark SQL jobs to slice and dice the data. This actually works really well, and we are getting the data we need, but it is rather cumbersome as there doesn't seem to be any native API for Spark that we can connect to from our workstations, so we are stuck using the spark-submit script and a Spark app that wraps some SQL from the command line and outputs to a file which we then have to read.
The question
In a table (or Column Family) with ~30 columns running on 3 nodes with RF 2, how bad would it be to add an INDEX to every non-PK column, so that we could simply query it using CQL across any column? Would there be a horrendous impact on the performance of writes? Would there be a large increase in disk space usage?
The other option I have been investigating is using Triggers, so that for each row inserted, we populated another handful of tables (essentially, custom secondary index tables) - is this a more acceptable approach? Does anyone have any experience of the performance impact of Triggers?
Impact of adding more indexes:
This really depends on your data structure, distribution and how you access it; you were right before when you compared this process to RDMS. For Cassandra, it's best to define your queries first and then build the data model.
These guys have a nice write-up on the performance impacts of secondary indexes:
The main impact (from the post) is that secondary indexes are local to each node, so to satisfy a query by indexed value, each node has to query its own records to build the final result set (as opposed to a primary key query where it is known exactly which node needs to be quired). So there's not just an impact on writes, but on read performance as well.
In terms of working out the performance on your data model, I'd recommend using the cassandra-stress tool; you can combine it with a data modeler tool that Datastax have built, to quickly generate profile yamls:
For example, I ran the basic stress profile without and then with secondary indexes on the default table, and the "with indexes" batch of writes took a little over 40% longer to complete. There was also an increase in GC operations / duration etc.
