Haskell : unload module in WinGHCi - haskell

I loaded two modules (NecessaryModule1.hs and NecessaryModule2.hs as outlinked in Haskell : loading ALL files in current directory path). Now I want to unload NecessaryModule2.hs. I found an 'unload' function in System.Plugins.Load however but it did not work in WinGHCi. The error message I got was :
>unload NecessaryModule2
<interactive>:1:1: Not in scope: `unload'
Not in scope: data constructor `NecessaryModule2'
I tried
import System.Plugins.Load
but that did not work. Is there a way to unload modules in the manner described above?
[RESPONSE TO Riccardo]
Hi Riccardo, I tried your suggestion but I could not get it to work in WinGHCi. I had a file NecessaryModule1.hs as follows :
module NecessaryModule1 where
addNumber1 :: Int -> Int -> Int
addNumber1 a b = a + b
I went to the location of the file via the ':cd' command, and then did :
> :module +NecessaryModule1
<no location info>:
Could not find module `NecessaryModule1':
it is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.
Is this correct? Thanks [EDIT : see below for correction]
Just to explain why the above is incorrect (as explained by Riccardo), what needs to be done is the following :
If we have a file NecessaryModule1.hs as follows :
module NecessaryModule1 where
addNumber1 :: Int -> Int -> Int
addNumber1 a b = a + b
then we do :
> :load NecessaryModule1
[1 of 1] Compiling NecessaryModule1 ( NecessaryModule1.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: NecessaryModule1.
> addNumber1 4 5
> :module -NecessaryModule1
> addNumber1 4 5
<interactive>:1:1: Not in scope: `addNumber1'

Installed modules
You have to use ghci's commands in order to load (:module +My.Module) and unload (:module -My.Module) installed modules. You can also use :m instead of :module in order to write less, like this:
Prelude> :m +Data.List
Prelude Data.List> sort [3,1,2]
Prelude Data.List> :m -Data.List
Prelude> sort [3,1,2]
<interactive>:1:1: Not in scope: `sort'
Remember that the ghci prompt always reminds you the module currently imported: you can have a look at that in order to know what to unload with :m -Module.To.Unload.
Specific files
If the module you're trying to load isn't installed in the system (e.g. you wrote the source and simply saved the file somewhere), you need to use a different command, :load filename.hs. A quicker way is to pass the path to the file directly as a command-line argument to ghci, e.g ghci filename.hs. If you run winghci and you associated it to the .hs extension, simply double-click the file.
In both cases you will get a ghci prompt with the specified module correctly loaded AND imported in scope (provided you don't have get compilation errors instead). As before, you can now use :m [+/-] My.Module to load and unload modules, but please note that this is different from :load because :module assumes you already :loaded what you're trying to get in/out of scope.
E.g., if you have test.hs
module MyModule where
import Data.List
f x = sort x
you may load it by double-clicking it (on windows with winghci), by typing ghci test.hs in a console, or by loading ghci and typing :load test.hs (beware of relative/absolute paths).
Another useful ghci command is :reload, which will recompile the module you loaded before. Use it when you change the source file and you want to quickly update the module loaded in ghci.
Prelude> :load test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling MyModule ( test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: MyModule.
*MyModule> let xs = [1,2,3] in sort xs == f xs
*MyModule> :reload
Ok, modules loaded: MyModule.
:help will give you a complete list of all available commands.


ghci vs prelude Haskell

I have recently started learning Haskell and had some questions about ghci> prompt vs prelude> prompt?
When typing ghci i get this:
GHCi, version 9.2.4: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
when checking documentation I see things like this:
$ ghci
GHCi, version 6.12.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
also in addition to this I do not get into a module once I've loaded it
ghci> :load main
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( main.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
should look something like this?
ghci> :load main
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( main.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
I have tried looking online, tried compiling the program
GHCi is less verbose since version 9.0. This is because after a while the list of modules became very long, making the shell less effective.
Therefore since version 9.0, it keeps showing the ghci> prompt by default. You can set the prompt with %s> [ghc-doc] to show the loaded modules instead:
ghci> :set prompt "%s> "
Prelude> import Data.List
Prelude Data.List>
This was changed in GHC 9.0.1. Earlier versions showed the modules that were loaded, but now it just shows ghci>.
See the release notes for GHC 9.0.1: GHCi
GHCi prompt no longer lists loaded modules. The previous behavior can be restored with :set prompt "%s> " and :set prompt-cont "%s| ".

How to import rather than load modules on startup with 'stack ghci'?

I have a haskell package called prime-tools. When I use stack ghci inside the package directory, I expect it to open up an interactive ghci and automatically import prime-tools. Instead, I find that it loads all of the modules declared in the .cabal file.
For example, here is the extract from my .cabal file showing which modules are declared:
-- Modules exported by the library.
exposed-modules: PrimeTools.MathStuff, PrimeTools.Factors, PrimeTools.PQTrials, PrimeTools.Main, PrimeTools.Base, PrimeTools.Lucas
-- Modules included in this library but not exported.
other-modules: PrimeTools.Extras
And this is what happens as I receive the ghci> prompt after running stack ghci in the project folder:
Ok, modules loaded: PrimeTools.MathStuff, PrimeTools.Factors, PrimeTools.PQTrials, PrimeTools.Main, PrimeTools.Base, PrimeTools.Lucas, PrimeTools.Extras.
The problem with loading the modules instead of import prime-tools is that I can now use all functions defined in all modules whether or not they are exported.
An example of the issues arising from this distinction: there are two modules in package prime-tools which have implementations of a function called pfactor. One of them is exported, and intended to be used by the end user of the package, while the other is for internal use only and not exported.
Before someone comments, there is good reason to have two implementations of pfactor, but it's not relevant to my question.
My question: how can I use stack to automatically start up a ghci environment with the local version of ghc and import the package whose folder I run the command in?
My desired behaviour would be equivalent to running the following sequence of commands:
stack ghci
ghci> :module -PrimeTools.MathStuff
ghci> :module -PrimeTools.Factors
ghci> :module -PrimeTools.PQTrials
ghci> :module -PrimeTools.Main
ghci> :module -PrimeTools.Base
ghci> :module -PrimeTools.Lucas
ghci> :module -PrimeTools.Extras
ghci> import PrimeTools.MathStuff
ghci> import PrimeTools.Factors
ghci> import PrimeTools.PQTrials
ghci> import PrimeTools.Main
ghci> import PrimeTools.Base
ghci> import PrimeTools.Lucas
The key here is that I want to import the exposed-modules declared in the .cabal file and not to load any modules. I don't mind if the other-modules are also imported, though. Is there a way I can do this using stack without having to run this long sequence of commands every time?
A reasonable workaround is defining a custom GHCi macro for importing your modules the way you want it. Create a .ghci file in your project root along these lines:
:def deload (\_ -> return
":module -PrimeTools.MathStuff\n\
\import PrimeTools.MathStuff"
With this, the :deload command in GHCi will remove from scope and then re-import PrimeTools.MathStuff -- you can add as many modules as you want to the list. Though I have written this using multiline string syntax, you can have any String -> IO String expression within the parentheses, so feel free to spell or extend it however you see fit.

Import non-exported function in ghci [duplicate]

I made a mistake in another question that could have been solved by viewing
:t myfunctionofinterest
for a function I was using in a library.
However, when I am in my project root, and run
$ stack ghci
And my Main.hs has:
import MyLib
And my module does:
module MyLib {
bunchOfFunctions -- but not myfunctionofinterest
} where
import SomeDB.ModuleThatExposes -- myfunctionofinterest
myfunc :: IO ()
myfunc = do
myfunctionofinterest a b c -- place where I misuse myfunctionofinterest and could have used :t on it to see it had 3 args
I can't :t myfunctionofinterest in the main since it's not exposed, nor does Import MyLib.myfunctionofinterest explicitly
help, since it was something defined in an import. While I know I could expose it then check it, :a to compile, and then edit the lib to hide it again, is there anything that allows that more quickly and directly?
This seems like it must be a common pattern. What do you do when you need to check the type of something used in a library as you develop?
Quoting the GHCi docs:
The :module command provides a way to do two things that cannot be done with ordinary import declarations:
:module supports the * modifier on modules, which opens the full top-level scope of a module, rather than just its exports.
The additional * makes GHCi load the bytecode version of the module. This will not be as performant, but you'll get access to unexported bindings.
λ> :m *MyLib
λ> :t myfunctionofinterest
If you get
module 'MyLib' is not interpreted; try ':add *MyLib' first
you may have to do :load first (the advice about :add doesn't always do the trick):
λ> :l *MyLib
λ> :m *MyLib
λ> :t myfunctionofinterest

How to quit one level of imported package

In haskell interactive mode, ghci.
If I have imported one package, such as: import Data.List
I went to Prelude Data.List>
My question is, how to get back to "Prelude"
GHCi "meta" commands begin with :. One of them, :modules (:m for short) lets you modify the currently loaded modules. :m by itself will reset all of the loaded modules returning you to Prelude>.
You can also use :m +MODULE to "add" the module MODULE or :m -MODULE to remove the module MODULE.

How can I import a Haskell module in GHCi?

I am trying to teach myself Haskell from the book Learn You A Haskell for Great Good. I got up to the last section of chapter 7 (Modules), where it tells how to create your own module. I did a copy and paste of the Geometry module given in the book at the beginning of the section. The name of the file is Geometry.hs, as the book suggested, and the file is in the bin directory for ghci, which is where I previously was able to successfully do a load using :l for another .hs file.
When I type the following command in GHCi
import Geometry
I get the following error:
Could not find module 'Geometry' It is not a module in the current
program or in any known package
I must be doing something that is obviously wrong, but I can't figure out what it is.
When you use import ModuleName in GHCi, it works (mostly) in the same way import Data.List works: GHC checks your local package database for the module, loads it, and brings its (exported) contents into scope.
However, Geometry isn't a module of a package installed with ghc-pkg. Therefore, GHC doesn't know that a module Geometry exists at all. Neither does it interactive variant GHCi.
But if you :load a program, things change. GHC will take its used modules into account:
-- Foo.hs
module Foo where
foo :: IO ()
foo = putStrLn "Hello from foo!"
-- Main.hs
module Main where
import Foo (foo)
main :: IO ()
main = foo
$ cd /path/to/your/files
$ ghci
GHCi, version 7.10.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Prelude> import Foo
<no location info>:
Could not find module ‘Foo’
It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.
Prelude> :l Main.hs
[1 of 2] Compiling Foo ( Foo.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main, Foo.
*Main> :l Main.hs
*Main> foo
Hello from foo!
*Main> import Foo
*Main Foo> -- module now loaded
As you can see, importing Foo first failed. However, after we've actually loaded the program that uses Foo, we were able to use import Foo in GHCi.
So if you want to use import in GHCi, make sure that GHC can find your module, either by including it in a wrapper or installing it. If you just want to load the module itself, use :load.
TLDR: the Learn you a Haskell book fails to mention that you have to :load the Geometry.hs file first. Then :m to go back to Prelude and then import Geometry works.
It is now also possible to add the lib flag when installing packages, i.e. to run cabal install --lib packagename and then to import the corresponding package directly in GHCi. In the present case, for example cabal install --lib hgeometry would facilitate importing modules from this geometry package.
