Run a jar file as a linux service - linux

I want to know how i can run a .jar file as a linux service. I am new to linux, so most of the online resources were not of much help.. Any input regarding this will be helpful..

It depends how you want to run jar. You can always run a java program as background task.
In bash
$nohup <path to java> -classpath <classpath> classname &
It looks like Java service wrapper is a solution that could fit your case.


Getting Started with Mobius SparkClr (on Linux)

I am looking to try the C# driver with an existing (stand alone) spark cluster (on Ubuntu Linux) which I interact happily with via python or scala.
I am unclear as to how to run a simple c# example having downloaded the latest Mobius release to the linux box. What I am unclear about are those two extra parameters required for the clr spark submit (over and above the ones that are normally required). I am encountering various errors when i try to follow the submit args as documented (or I have misunderstood the instructions)
Firstly, for the --exe, does one simply point to the .exe file or is it required to pass; --exe [mono] [my_app.exe] [params]
Secondly, remote-spark-clr seems to insist on a HDFS path but I am running spark without HDFS. Is HDFS actually necessary?
Thirdly, and related to question (two), if distributing exe/packages for workers, must these also be in a hdfs path or can I put them somewhere sensible on the "regular" file system.
In short, I am looking for confirmation that HDFS is not required and a simple one-liner submit example that can run an exe in some location. The combinations I have tried are not working for me sadly.
Running Mobius on Linux requires a small trick:
Create shell scripts that are launching your executables using mono
Add the extension .exe to your shell scripts so that they are accepted by sparkclr-submit.
Make sure your shell scripts are linux encoded - we had issues when they had CRLF line endings.
If your application is called Driver.exe, I recommend to create a file with the following content:
exec mono ./Driver.exe "$#"
Similarly, create a file with the following content:
exec mono ./CSharpWorker.exe "$#"
In your App.config set the following value in appSettings:
<add key="CSharpWorkerPath" value=""/>
Finally, when submitting your application, use the following arguments:
$SPARKCLR_HOME/scripts/ \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode client \
--exe \
Note that the --exe argument only takes the name of the file, the path is the next argument.
You can place your applications on the regular file system (don't need to use HDFS), but according to my experience, Mobius will internally use HDFS to distribute the application to the workers. I don't know if you can avoid it.

run Groovy CLI from groovy jar placed in war

I know about Groovysh, but I need to know if it is possible to run groovy CLI directly from groovy.jar placed in deployed war servlet (using one command). I can simplify question. Is there possibility to run Groovy CLI like it works, for example, in Clojure?
java -cp clojure-1.4.0.jar clojure.main
And CLI appears in terminal. This is how things look in clojure. I am looking for one line command which will run groovy CLI in terminal (using only groovy library to run it). I was looking for help in javadoc, found classes which should help, but don't know how to run it. :f
(If someone knows solution which doesn't meet all criterias, also please answer.)
It seems that it needs groovy.jar, commons-cli.jar, antlr.jar, asm-util.jar and jline.jar. So I've added those files in my war file in WEB-INF/lib directory. Maybe it's good solution to make my own jar which role will be to call Groovy CLI from other jars, but now the question is, how ro run jar placed in WEB-INF/lib directory inside deployed war application via command line?
Seems like groovysh depends on more libs than the embeddable version contains. I managed to do what you want by using the following command:
$ java -classpath '*'
But the current directory had to be the dir where all the groovy libs are; i.e. $GROOVY_HOME/lib:
$ cd $GROOVY_HOME/lib
$ java -classpath '*'
Groovy Shell (2.0.6, JVM: 1.6.0_24)
Type 'help' or '\h' for help.

Tomcat deploy: make included scripts executable

I'm devellopping a WebApplication (for Tomcat) using netbeans on Windows 7. For the Webapplication to run I need to run a insall-script once.
This script (*.bat for windows and *.sh for linux is included in my war-file (WEB_INF).
Now everytime I deploy the WAR-file and want to run the script on linux I have to call
chmod +x
Is there a way that this script can be made executable by default? I don't want to have to execute some extra commands after the deploy to make the script executable.
For clarification:
I'm not new to Linux and I know how to set executable-rights on files. That's not the problem. My problem is: What do I have to do, so that this script is executable right after tomcat deployed my *.war-file (unpacked it). If I would be using Linux for development as well, I would try to set the rights according in my sources (maybe I'll try it when I have a little more spare time). But I am using Windows and netbeans.
Are there any attributes I can set to achive my goal, or is it possible to achive this using ant?
By the way: Are there security related issues with this approach? The script looks for java executable and calls a javabased GUI-installer...
Change permissions during initialization of the application, the following:
String [] command = {"/bin/chmod","+x",};
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process pr = rt.exec( command );
allows your application to set executable permissions before using the script. It is not executable right after tomcat deployed your war file but just before your application uses it.
Assuming you are invoking the same "" everytime, you need to set the execute bit only once. Also, the executable bit need to be set only for the user (the command you have provided will set it for everyone).
chmod u+x

Ant build in linux

I'm trying to run an ant build in linux and I'm getting odd results. I can't seem to get anything to run without specifying each and every library on the classpath, so I systematically added every jar in the "lib" and "ant/dep/lib" locations to the classpath explicitly.
It runs a bit without any issues (it's a setup batch, so in the first phase of the script, it uses a lot of "input" tasks), then I receive the message that was not found. Looking around, I discovered it was located in ant-nodeps.jar and I had added it to the class path, but no change.
Complete failure due to missing libraries I can understand, but why would the build partially function if I was sure I was including every library (including ant-nodeps.jar)?
The script file to launch it is as follows:
PARAMS="-Dant.home=$ANT_HOME -Dsystem.type=as400 -Dis-as400=y"
java -classpath $LIBS:$ANTLIBS $PARAMS -buildfile install/install.xml
Any help would be appreciated, even if only suggestions for what to try.
EDIT: In light of oers observation, I realized that there are shell scripts for ant afterall (have pity, I'm no expert in linux), so I'm going to attempt to use it to launch ant rather than try to do the same thing myself. I'll let everyone know of my progress and/or if I was able to fix it doing it that way.
I looked into the shellscript on my machine.
There is an additional parameter set:
Perhaps this is needed?
ant_exec_command="exec \"$JAVACMD\" $ANT_OPTS
-classpath \"$LOCALCLASSPATH\"
-Dant.library.dir=\"$ANT_LIB\" $ant_sys_opts
-cp \"$CLASSPATH\"
Using the ant scripts to launch the setup seemed to do the trick, specifying parameter -lib as lib and -buildfile as install/install.xml.

Long running java process

I have inherited a java system which should be run in the background on a Linux server. The directions call for it to be started java -jar start.jar. This seems a little too fragile for my liking. I'd like it to actually run in the background, ideally starting up automatically at boot time.
What is the best way to achieve this? I've looked into running the system within a screen environment, which works fine, but won't automatically start up when the system reboots.
You can write an init.d script for it! (init.d scripts are started in specified runlevels at startup time)
Or you can start it in the background with & in the end of the command.
java -jar start.jar &
What kind of distribution do you use? Debian?
Have a look at: Creating your own init.d script
At least on ubuntu, I'd put this command in the /etc/rc.local file with an & at the end.
+1 on using an init.d script
You should also consider using jsvc ( in your init.d script to allow you to use privileged resources while running the service as an unprivileged user. jsvc is bundled with at least Debian and Ubuntu.
