uml plugin for netbeans 6.5.1 - uml

i looked for uml plugin for netbeans 6.5.1 but i can not find the link,
where can i download UML plugin for 'Netbeans 6.5.1' ide ?
and is there any tutorial on how to use it?

Read this. The UML plugin can be found in this version of NetBeans by default.

The plugin was not moved from the main installer to the update center and can be installed via the Tools > Plugins menu in the IDE.
Five diagram types are supported: activity, class, sequence, state and use case diagrams.


WebStorm 2018.3: project tool window colours?

Is it possible to configure the foreground/background colours of the WebStorm Project Tool Window? I have been unable to find the settings.
No, as it's defined in UI theme. UI themes (used for dialogs, tool windows, etc.) are Java Look&Feels. This is a standard way to style Swing applications. As such, they are hardcoded and can't be changed easily.
Note that it's technically possible to install any third-party L&F into JVM and use it in WebStorm ( see, for instructions). Custom themes can also be implemented as plugins, like Material UI and Afterglow Theme - you can give them a try.
Note that we’re working on a feature allowing themes customization in IntelliJ Platform. Please follow IDEA-132299 to get updates.

How do I open android projects using emacs ede

The emacs documentation mentions that global-ede-mode supports android projects.
It mentions a function to declare the android sdk location, which I cannot find in emacs.
It also mentions that ede includes tools to interface with android tools, such as build and run emulators. These tools I cannot find either.
Has anybody had any luck using emacs built in ede mode to access android projects?
Currently running lubuntu 14.04 with emacs 24.3.1
The Android support for EDE is part of the CEDET project at, but that part wasn't included during the last merge from the CEDET repository into Emacs. Apparently that support wasn't removed form the manual. :)
If you download the sources from bzr, you will discover lisp/cedet/cedet-android.el, and lisp/cedet/ede/android.el which is the the support you found described in the manual.
In theory, you might be able to pull those two files down from bzr and just add to your own lisp repository, though it is always safest to download the entirety of the CEDET code and use it's install mechanism to ensure everything works correctly.
Once installed, you will find that the Development menu as project and target options that list things like starting up the debugger, or easily navigating between different .xml sources and your java source.

Export DSL from MagicDraw

I made an UML profile (with stereotypes) in MagicDraw. I also made a special diagram type for my profile as well as some new buttons.
But when I open my project on another PC, everything is gone - I can't see my diagram or my buttons any more.
How can I export/save my DSL settings?
On their website MagicDraw UML states that models generated in ver 1.7 of java might have issues with working on java 1.6.
I think this is true for the latest ver of MagicDraw UML.
Maybe your first PC is running 1.7 and the other 1.6.

Plugin for UML in Eclipse

Please advise me for plugin that I can install in my ecliipse(indigo) for generating uml and sequence diagrams from existing code.
My personal favorite is
It quickly visualizes java class as UML, there is also commercial tools for sequence diagrams
The best UML for Java with Eclipse Indigo is EclipseUML Omondo but not free and very expensive.
You don't today have any other tool for indigo which can do this job. Some other tools say they can do it but I have never been able to install them or to successfully reverse a simple method into a sequence diagram !!

How can I create a class diagram from my J2ME project? (NetBeans used to do this)

I have created a game and would like to automatically create a class diagram from my J2ME code. NetBeans (pre 6.5 I think) used to have UML plugin to do this, but as I am using the latest 6.8 version of NetBeans I can't use this old UML plugin anymore!
Does anyone know how I can automatically create a class diagram from my J2ME project?
Unfortunately, I try to find any free reverse engineering uml tool and find nothing good except netbeans uml editor.
EclipseUML Omondo Free Edition is quite good, but on free edition do not support reverse engineering As far as I know. But if you need a one time diagram - you can try trial EclipseUML Omondo Studio Edition. But in this case you need port project to eclipse - not so hard as it looks. Good luck!
umbrello seems to do the job! link text
Although I do have to manually drag and drop classes to get them to display! but thats better than making the whole thing manually I suppose!
