Why am I receiving http error 403.14 when using ISAPI redirect in IIS 7.5 - iis

I am trying to test using IIS as a load balancer for a Java application running on Tomcat. When I try to load the site in a browser after following the tutorial at this site, an IIS error page appears reading "HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden. The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory." I revisited every detail of the tutorial and haven't found any missteps.
The one big variation is that I'm using a Java application with Tomcat 5.5 bundled with it.
I simplified things by narrowing the workers down to the load balancer and one Tomcat instance/AJP worker.
I've consulted other tutorials and the Apache-provided documentation, which led me to move the isapi_redirect.dll, workers.properties, and uriworkermap.properties files into the Tomcat directories and move the isapi_redirect.properties settings into the registry (and adjust directory paths referenced in properties files and IIS to match). I continue to receive the 403.14 error. When I enable directory listing in IIS, the site loads a listing of the files in the bin directory.
The isapi_redirect log isn't being generated, so I believe the problem is in the IIS or isapi_redirect setup. What might I be missing that would lead to a 403.14 error?
I am using Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5, ISAPI_redirect 1.2.35, Tomcat 5.5.


IIS option "Unlisted File Extensions are not allowed" filtering all servlet calls to WebSphere

We are running IIS 8.5.9600.16384 with Windows 2012 R2, with IIS routing URLs that map to servlets to a WebSphere Application Server 8.5 instance. In IIS, we have configured a web server instance, where it serves static files from the disk, at the same time the IIS-WAS connector ensures URLs that call the Java server are routed properly. This configuration is running correctly with no issues.
As part of our security hardening process we need to enable the "Unlisted File Extensions are not allowed" option, however it ends up blocking URLs that should be routed to our WAS server. We added a white list of allowed extensions (htm, html, js, xml, etc), along with a period (".") - which was recommended on stackoverflow. The files from the static site are being served properly, but IIS is still blocking all the servlet application calls.
Is it possible to enable this option for this configuration? Or is IIS truly unable to route extensionless-URLs to WAS when this option is enabled?

ISAPI Redirect Issue. ColdFusion 11

My laptop died and I had to set up everything afresh on a new one. Everything has gone smoothly till I tried to browse a website I had running on the old laptop. The home page loaded fine and database and everything connected. However, when I browsed to a page that required a login and would normally redirect me to the login page, the following error occurred:
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been
removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Requested URL http://zbay_sys:80/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll
Physical Path
I was running CF9 on the old laptop, but thought I might as well upgrade to CF11 in the process.
So, I'm running ColdFusion 11 on IIS Windows 10.
I used Web Platform Installer to install ISAPI redirect module.
I only have a basic knowledge of IIS and ISAPI stuff and am struggling to debug this.
There is no Jakarta virtual directory. Should this have been created automatically?
Manually adding the jakarta virtual directory fixed the issue

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error Cannot read configuration file

I have been searching for this error all over the internet but no matter what I try to fix this problem nothing actually works. And the detailed message that I got after I copied a url from fiddler and put it in the browser and is as follows.
Module IIS Web Core
Notification BeginRequest
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070003
Config Error Cannot read configuration file
Config File \?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\myservices\web.config
Actually what has happened in the past that I had this service called "myservices" working all fine when I used visual studio to create a virtual directory for it in IIS. But then what I did, I tried to do a web deploy of this service in IIS and removed ("myservices" from Default Web Site tree which I had created by creating a virtual directory from within VS 2013). And what I observed is, that after I web deployed "myservices" it didn't work the same way as it was working previously when (I created a virtual directory for "myservices" in IIS through VS2013 but had it removed to see whether the web deployed version of it would behave the same way). Therefore when I analyzed the cause of HTTP error 500.19 through Fiddler (for the web deployed service) it said (Config Error Cannot read configuration file and
Config File \?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\myservices\web.config) but when I physically try to look into the folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot I could never find myservices folder as such (what to talk of web.config file in it). Then I manually created a folder called "myservices" in C:\intepub\wwwroot directory and put my web.config file there to see if the web deployed service would still work, but it didn't. Then I removed this folder called "myservices" and obviously the web.config file inside of it and also removed the web deployed service from Default Web Site Tree.
And now after all this mess even if I go to visual studio and try to create a virtual directory for my service "myservices" (I can see it in Default Web Site Tree in IIS ) but it would throw the same error as http 500.19 as the web deployed version of this service. In other words whatever I tried it messed up my services even when it's not a web deployed version which previously was not the case. I literally request everybody out there to please guide/suggest me with whatever experience they have as to what went wrong in all this trial and error endeavor of mine.
This may be a long shot, but sometimes web.config files get corrupted (our code repository occasionally does this) and you cannot see it with the naked eye. take a simple web.config file that you know is not corrupt and start rebuilding the file from there if it works. We have also used a hex editor (like XVI32) where we can see the corruption, but its much easier to rebuild from a fresh file.
If your problem is not the web.config but the virtual folders, then do the same methodology. Start over with what works and go from there. It could be the web deploy tool that is causing the corruption.
When nothing worked, all I did, was uninstalled IIS rebooted my machine re-installed it again and the HTTP 500.19 is gone.It seems like my IIS was corrupted.

IIS Browse link does nothing and 404 error

My client had to reinstall the whole server, so I redeployed my ASP.NET MVC app, but I can't browse it. I deployed successfully with the FTP and the website is in the proper local directory.
When I click the link (on the right panel of IIS) Browse crm on *:80, nothing happens. No error, no IE or Chrome opening, just nothing. I also tried to access the app by typing localhost or localhost/myapp (which should be the right path) directly in the web browser and I got
HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found
I did not install the IIS, but I did the configuration. Have I missed something?
Windows Server 2008 R2
All the roles previously activated have been activated
The MVC framework has been installed and SQL also.
Enabled the IIS tracing and it didn't trace anything
Make sure the application is running under the correct version of .NET. MVC applications targeting 4.0 running under a 2.0 application pool will return 404. Make sure the site binding is pointing at the correct directory of the application you just deployed. When all else fails, try putting a simple .html file into the site and accessing that through the browser. If that fails, it means that IIS is not set up to serve the site, so check bindings, application pools, and home directories.

IIS -> Isapi_Redirect -> Tomcat

I've been trying for days to get Tomcat up and running through IIS via the Jakarta Connector.
I've followed all of Microsoft's instructions -- put the connector .dll in %tomcatdir%\bin\win32\i386\, added the registry entry, added a filter (pointing to the .dll) to the default web site... and yet, any time I try to access a Tomcat web app, I get the "You are not authorized to view this page" error.
Has anyone experienced this? Help!
I use this redirect with Tomcat 5.5 and IIS 5 or 6. I haven't tried it with IIS 7.
You have to modify the uriworkermap.properties file to choose which paths to redirect, but besides that it works pretty much straight up. It adds all the registry garbage for you.
Ah, except on IIS 6 you have to add the isapi redirect.dll into its application whitelist.
Try this mate, it can help you.
It tells you how to configure access to tomcat website via IIS and the necessary to set up tomcat server as a windows service and then forward the website to IIS via port 80. You will do this by installing a custom ISAPI filter in IIS that understands how to use the AJP protocol (Apache JServ Protocol) to communicate with tomcat. The main idea is to use Tomcat Connector ISAPI available to download from apache web site.
I used it with IIS 8 and 7
