Intranet planning / what do i need - security

Ok so ive been tasked with doing "research" on building an intranet for a potential new client for my company and they want some kind of answer by Monday (like any company, they REALLY want this project).
That said, ive been doing "Reasearch" and have so many tabs/windows open that im going nuts and getting lost since my research doesn't have direction...taking in too much and need assistance.
i have 2 questions after a brief explanation.
Essentially, From my understanding, an Intranet is...well in plain
terms, a website that is offline? has a deeper framework because of
the documents that will be available(i think its for a school)and the
ppl who can access them but can also have access to the internet?
Since its for a school(not sure if its mainly for teachers or teachers
and students ) im assuming alot of documents either way.
aside form being private, throughout my research, ive read alot about file security, firewalls, and...and.. im starting to get overwhelmed.
Me myself, am a web designer/so-so developer. decent knowledge of js/jquery and php/mysql though i feel like im just getting started in the web-developer part. Good knowledge of standards HTML/css, designer tools etc...
That said, these are my questions.
1.What is actually involved in planning to create this? What tools( read CMS if possible ) can i use to create any of this. Like to make this happen what do i actually need, and need to know? what direction should i take. If you can direct me and help me close some of these 30+ links spread across my 3 monitors id owe ya lol.
i can build many things and dont mind giving it a HARD go but, this seems like a HUGE project and, im SURE that if my company takes this job, id be put on it. now i can do some of the parts of this project but not 100% sure im the right person for this. Theyre counting on me for a yes/no answer as to whether i can do it (they know its big and itll take time to accomplish) but so...with my skills posted above, am i the right person to do this? or is this more akin to an ACTUAL tried and true developer?
Thank you for your time and, any tips/links/cms info/ i mean ANYTHING that would make this easier PLEASE dont hesitate to share. i dont mind doing the research but i need direction.
i dont want to tell them "YES i can do it" and in a month or two im on pause stuck and the yes turns into a "no i cant do it"

If you have no experience in setting up networks, then you are probably not the man for the job (unless your client is willing to let you have a shot at it for the experience, on a no-win, no-fee basis). Certainly do not over-promise and under-deliver!
I deal with quite a lot of schools, and I know many of the smaller ones will use the secretary's computer as a server, with a simple Windows home network to place files in a shared directory. Its a cheap and cheerful alternative, within their own skillsets to manage.
You should also check with the govermental department with relevant oversight (Dept. of Education, I'd imagine) to see what guidlines, requirements, and grants, are available or required. There may be a specific recommended route to take here, with made to measure firewall protection provided to you.
Larger schools will have invested in proper servers, with automatic external backups in place. I'm not qualified to give advice on how to set those up however. Hopefully someone else here will :)
Best of luck!

CMS may be included as a Intranet website, but Intranet includes much more than CMS. Your best stragetic is tell your boss find a network system integrator to do this project collaboratively. Intranet involves more networking technology (L2, L3, switching, routing, firewall, wireless, etc etc) and physical instrument (ex. cabling).


Things to consider before launching a BIG website?

I’m about to launch a classifieds website like gumtree and OLX in South Africa…., but it’s not gonna be as big as Gumtree or OLX obviously. It’s going to operate in one province…planning to expand it over time.
The site works like a charm on my local machine, but I’m concerned coz I’ve never launched a big website before. Plus, I just graduated from University this year – no work experience. But I’m positive that if Facebook and Twitter were built by students, I too can build my own thing and run it successfully.
Are there any key issues to take into consideration before launching a big website ?
There is probably more to consider but I here are a few
Hire a lawyer and get a terms and conditions for your site with proper legality. You dont want to short yourself on this.
Get a decent backup and restore solution that you test and make sure that it works. Remember if you have paying clients with your site there will be implications for down time.
Get a security certificate https://
Know what you paying with your hosting solution. If your traffic does spike you could be in for a very large bill that you cant afford. And if you dont have scaling your site might run really slow. So get to know your hosting solution really well.
Good luck

Corporate Espionage of Website Source Code

This may not be the most technical question, but I was just interested, nonetheless...
How does a giant company like Google keep from having their code stolen by employees? Maybe I'm wrong, but I would assume that their source code to their search algorithms (amongst other things) would be valuable to their competitors (i.e. Microsoft).
I guess I can best phrase it like this:
What's keeping an unscrupulous
employee who has sufficient clearance from
accessing Google's code repository for
a specific project and copying significant amounts of code
to a flash drive and taking it to their
Fear of being sued?
Things within a company like Google are also compartmentalized. So not everybody has access to all code. If someone has access to code, you can bet that Google knows when they access it. I'm sure they have some kind of algorithm that looks and sees if somebody just downloads a lot of files very fast. The search algorithm isn't a small file obviously, it is a gigantic application.
All this would allow them to track who has stolen the code from within. There is also the fact that any self-respecting company or company with something to lose (i.e. Microsoft) would not take anything like this from somebody. They would probably even tell Google about it.
It is called protocol. The idea that only a few people get to know the code. In which then those few have to tell a major very embarrassing secret to the others. So then nobody can tell or else they get outed in the public. Which can be very simple like they like something, compared to as bashful as they are all the way to they killed somebody.
Many employers, including one that I've worked for, completely block flash drives.
In many cases, though, this is to protect non-technical confidential information.
Companies that are serious about protecting their assets will have access logging on their core systems and active scanning to detect suspicious patterns. Similar security is implemented for employees of government agencies (e.g. tax, social security) holding sensitive personal information. Users who access data outside of their assigned cases can be flagged and investigated.
I suspect (but don't know) that similar scanning could be implemented in high value source code repositories.
Some organizations block the use of removable media (It has been reported that some agencies have reacted to Wikileaks with such policies), in some cases by physically gluing up the USB/media ports. This restricts potential thiefs to network transfers of material which can be scanned.
I think companies such as Google will implement access control on their source code repository / version control system. So their employee would only be able to access source code in which they were involved. And their access could be revoked from previous repository if they're being assigned to different project. Its the same thing with normal internal documents, would a security-conscious company let documents be downloaded by any employee freely ?
I think codethis hit the nail on the head. Some fly-by-night operation may be interested, but Microsoft, Yahoo, etc - wouldn't touch stolen code with a ten foot pole. And the fly-by-night wouldn't have the infrastructure. If you didn't tell anybody it was stolen - it's not like you could get away with walking in to a company with an entire spider/searching algorithm on your thumbdrive and declare you wrote it last week.
The bigger threat is details of the search algorithm getting out. SEOers, as a whole, are rather shady - and many would kill for solid facts about how the algorithm ranked or downranked pages. Even then, Google has demonstrated the ability to change their ranking algorithms so quickly that it wouldn't much matter.
On the other hand, Google doesn't have that much super-secret code. Most of their cool stuff (MapReduce is publicly available (see Hadoop). This question is probably more applicable to a company like Adobe. Some of their Photoshop algorithms are really cool, and would probably hurt them if they got out - but again, no legit company would touch it.

Replacement or Migration strategy for Excel/Access

Is there a way of offering the flexibility of Excel/Access development that end users love while instilling centralised IT management so data and logic is secure, backed up, version controlled etc. The common options are to re-write in C#/ASP.Net/Java/Python/Your Choice, but that takes away control from the users. Is there a better way, and what do you do at your site?
There is a universal issue of users creating fantastically useful Excel/Access mini-apps that the IT department would like to bring under control. Users love the flexibility that Excel affords, especially on the fly changes, graphing and data import/export. In Access we have brilliant QBE. The downside is that after a short while there are legions of out of control spreadsheets/mdbs which are mission critical, with lots poorly understood business logic, and brittle code, they're a pain to support especially as staff move on.
This puts the IT dept in an awkward spot, they'd like to support these apps, but don't know enough about them. This is made more difficult as they are typically insecure with zero documentation.
Having been of both sides of the fence I would go after the root cause of the problem. Why do uses make their own little apps? Because it is too hard/expensive/time consuming/never turns out right when they go through the “proper” channels.
The other thing is they tend to know the business very well so whilst their coding might not be very good their knowledge of what needs doing is very good.
So what can we do to combat this problem? I personally think their should be a small team of people within IT whose job (or one of their jobs) is to develop these small applications. They should work very closely with the end users and not be locked in the ivory tower of IT.
In my current role I’m on the non-IT side of the fence, I have a few quite major applications that needed to be developed so I asked for an install of visual studio and some space on an SQL server. I had my request denied. So I just asked for SQL server space, again request denied (each request taking about a week to go through) So in the end I’m “stuck” in access.
Now these are very nice access apps with version control, comments in the (shock!) and all the other nice things but at the end of the day I was trying to do things the “right” way and ended up being forced down the access route. So when my apps try to get scaled up and I’m quoting a long time for a rewrite who is to blame?
Have you considered looking at SharePoint for department-level applications? Many professional developers will balk at the idea of using Sharepoint for "application development," but it truthfully can be a great way for "power users" to start putting their data and tools in a managed framework.
With SharePoint, you can manage the overall structure of the site and then set up users with elevated permissions within their respective departments. There are some great 3rd-party tools to help with keeping an eye on what's going on in your SharePoint site.
SharePoint is not a silver bullet by any means, but it is great for many multi-user applicatinos that need to keep up with a list of data.
(The following is not really related to my above answer, but your question really hit home and I thought I'd share my similar experiences and insights.)
Our company will be going through a similar process in the near future. I'm on the "end user" side of things and can sympathize with a lot of what Kevin Ross said. Sometimes Access and Excel are simply the best tools available for me to get the job done.
Here's an example: I was asked several years ago to come up with a system for creating Purchase Orders to a vendor in China for product for which there is a 3 month lead time. Our ERP software had a few features for procurement, but nothing that even came close to the complexity of the situation we were facing. Years later, after going through several iterations of the application in Excel (VLOOKUP was a lifesaver), Access ("So that is why people using relational databases. Awesome!), and back in Excel ("let's not make this so complicated"), I still find that these Micorosft Office apps are the best tools to get the job done.
What's the cost to not use these tools to get the job done?
Contract work to our ERP vendor to add a special feature for this ordering process: are you kidding me? We'd likely pay tens of thousands of dollars for an unflexible monolithic application with horrendous user experience...and we would still end up back in Excel.
Buy third party software designed for this exact process: I've seen an on-site demo of software that does exactly what I want for our procurement process. It starts at $100,000. There are probably other tools that we can get for a few thousand dollars, but at that price point, I've already emulated most of their features in my own application.
Try to finish the job "by hand." : Ha! I'm a programmer at heart, which means I'm lazy. If it takes a solid week of sitting at a desk to work up a purchase order (it actually did take this long), you can bet I'm going to work up a solution so that it only takes me a few hours (and now it does). Perhaps the guy after me will go back to doing most of it by hand, but I'll use the tools in my toolbox to save myself time and stress.
It's so hard to find the perfect application to allow for maximum creativity on the user end but still allow IT to "manage" it. Once you think you've found a solution for one thing, you realize it doesn't do something else. Can I write I printable report in this solution like I used to do in Access? Can I write complicated Excel formulas that tie multiple data sources together from different sheets ("You want me to learn what? No, I've never heard of a "SQuirreL query" before. VLOOKUP is just fine thankyouvermuch)? Can I e-mail the results to the people in my department? Can it automatically pull data from our back-end database like I do in Excel and Access? Can I write my own code, VBA or otherwise, to make my job easier? The list goes on.
In the end, the best advice I can give to any IT manager in your situation is to respect the other workers at your company. Let them know their work is important (even if it's only useful to them and the guy at the next desk over). Let them know you are not trying to make their job harder. Don't assume they are morons for creating mission-critical applications in office productivity software; they are just trying to get the job done with the tools at hand and are usually quite capable and intelligent people. Invite them to explore different solutions with you instead of just removing the tools they currently have in their toolbox and then replacing them with ones they don't know how to use.
At the end of the day, if you have users who are smart enough to shoot themselves in the foot by creating complicated apps in Excel and Access, they are probably smart enough to learn to use the appropriate tools to accomplish the same tasks. Invest the time and energy to involve them in the process and you will have a solution that works for everyone at the end.
You could try a hybrid approach: Allow your users to use Excel/Access to home-brew their own, specialized tools, but take the mission-critical stuff and put it under IT control. There are a few strategies that could help you with this:
Make sure that your IT department is firm on VBA. Not the "yeah-everybody-can-write-a-few-lines-of-basic" type of knowledge, but in-depth training, just like you would if it were a less simple programming language. Although "real programmers" will tell you otherwise, it is possible to write large, stable applications in VBA.
If you currently have the data in Access databases, move away from that and migrate it to an SQL Server. This allows you to do centralized backup and management, while still giving your power users the flexibility to "link" these SQL Server tables to their Access frontend.
Commonly used business logic should be under control of your IT department. This can be done either with VBA, by creating an Access library that is linked by your users, or in any of the .net languages, using COM interop. The latter sounds more complicated than it is, and it will increase the satisfaction of your IT department, since developing in .net is just much more rewarding than VBA (version control possible, etc.).
I would second one of Kevin Ross's main points:
I personally think their should be a
small team of people within IT whose
job (or one of their jobs) is to
develop these small applications. They
should work very closely with the end
users and not be locked in the ivory
tower of IT.
I think any IT department that has a lot of users using Access/Excel should have at least one properly trained and experienced specialist in developing apps on those platforms. That person would be the go-between to make sure that:
IT's priorities and policies get properly implemented in the home-grown apps.
the end users get expert help in converting their home-grown efforts into something more stable and well-designed.
I would second Tony's point that whoever works with the end users in revising these apps to meet IT standards should work side-by-side with the users. The Access/Excel specialist should be an advocate for the end users, but also for the IT policies that have to be followed.
I also think that an IT department could have a specialist or two on staff, but should also have a full-time professional Access and/or Excel developer as a consultant, since the on-staff people could probably handle day-to-day issues and management of the apps, while the professional consultant could be called in for planning and architecture and for the implementation of more complex feature sets.
But all of that would depend on the size of the organization and the number of apps involved. I don't know that it would be desirable to have someone on salary who is nothing but an Access/Excel specialist, precisely because of the problem you get with all salaried employees compared to consultants -- the employees don't see as wide a variety of situations as an active consultant with the same specialization is likely to see and thus the consultant is going to have broader experience.
Of course, I recognize that many companies do not like to outsource anything, or not something that important. I think that's unwise, but then again, I'm the person that gets hired by the people who decide to do it!
If it's mission critical, and it's in Access or Excel, is built poorly, and no one understands it, it is probably time to rebuild it properly.
When the 'users' are in control it usual means one particular person is in control of the architecture, design, coding and documentation... except they normally omit the documentation step. Source control and bug reporting, the touchstone of software development, is usually absent. Few instances of code reuse, due to the nature of Office apps (code modules usually embedded into documents) and VBA (little OOP, most VBA coders don't use Implements, etc). All this means that the resulting applications are not subject to get proper scrutiny and quality can suffer, meaning there are likely to be maintenace issues, escpecially when that one user leaves. I know because I used to be that person ;)
So in order to satisfy the IT department, the proper process needs to be applied. That one 'power' user can continue to own the design and coding but will get peer review, perhaps the serivces of a technical author and a dedicated tester, be required to use source control, perhaps consider integrating with enterprise systems, etc.
There is no getting around the use of Excel/Access. It's what's available, and still very powerful and flexible. The best thing to do is offer some guidelines as to how files should look and be set up. If everyone is using similar standards then the files will live longer and more productive lives, beyond the creator's tenure at the company.
You've got some excellent answers regarding dealing with the folks and the business side of things. So my response will be more technical.
If you are going to redesign the app have the developers work in the same offices as the users. Given the users updates every day or two. If the users have any minor suggestions give those to the users within a day or two. Ultra Frequent Application Deployment
Give the power users an Access MDB/ACCDB linked to the tables with a bunch of starter queries. Let them create the queries they need to export the data to Excel for their own purposes and distribution to clients.

Domain repository for requirements management - build or buy?

In my organisation, we have some very inefficient processes around managing requirements, tracking what was actually delivered on what versions, etc, do subsequent releases break previous functionality, etc - its currently all managed manually. The requirements are spread over several documents and issue trackers, and the implementation details is in code in subversion, Jira, TestLink. I'm trying to put together a system that consolidates the requirements info, so that it is sourced from a single, authoritative source, is accessible via standard interfaces - web services, browsers, etc, and can be automatically validated against. The actual domain knowledge is not that complicated but is highly proprietary and non-standard (i.e., not just customers with addresses, emails, etc), and is relational: customers have certain functionalities, features switched on/off, specific datasources hooked up - all on specific versions. So modelling this should be straightforward.
Can anyone advise the best approach for this - I a certain that I can develop a system from scratch that matches exactly the requirements, in say ruby on rails, grails, or some RAD framework. But I'm having difficulty getting management buy-in, they would feel safer with an off the shelf solution.
Can anyone recommend such a system? Or am I better off building it from scratch, as I feel I am? I'm afraid a bought system would take just as long to deploy, and would not meet our requirements.
Thanks for any advice.
I believe that you are describing two different problems. The first is getting everyone to standardize and the second is selecting a good tool for requirements management. I wouldn't worry so much about the tool as I would the process and the people. Having the best tool in the world won't help if your various project managers don't want to share.
So, my suggestion is to start simple. Grab Redmine or Trac and take on the challenge of getting everyone to standardize. Once you have everyone in the right mindset then you can improve the tools you use for storage.
{disclaimer - mentioning my employer's product}
The brief experiments I made with a commercial tool RequisitePro seemed pretty good me. Allowed one to annotate existing Word docs and create a real-time linked database of the identified requisistes then perform lots of analysis and tracking of them.
Sometimes when I see a commercial product I think "Oh, well nice glossy bits but the fundamentals I could knock up in Perl in a weekend." That's not the case with this stuff. I would certainly look at commercial products in this space and exeperiment with a couple (ReqPro has a free trial, I guess the competition will too) before spending time on my own development.
Thanks a mill for the reply. I will take a look at RequisitePro, at least I'll be following the "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM" strategy ;) youre right, and I kinda knew it, in these situations, buy is better. It is tempting when I can visualise throwing it together quickly, but theres other tradeoffs and risks with that approach.
While Requisite Pro enforces a standard and that can certainly help you in your task, I'd certainly second Mark on trying to standardize the input by agreement with personnel and using a more flexible tool like Trac, Redmine (which both have incredibly fast deploy and setup times, especially if you host them from a VM) or even a custom one if you can get the management to endorse your project.

Company seeking my personal projects during non-work at home?

Ok, so I'm building "Web 2.0/3.0" sites to make extra money. I currently run my own personal project sites with some advanced technology in the backend (AI stuff, recommendation system) that I've developed over the years. It's a subscription site for me to make money on the side.
Now, my company (they do web application/software technology, ad network) somehow found out I run several websites. They were like, "Hey Joe, you run so and so websites! Why not put them on our ad network?? The stuff you're doing is a threat to our technology -- we don't want you competing with us on the side. Let us have your websites and put it on our portfolio/ad network."
Ok, basically it seems they want the rights to my technology and personal project. Somehow they must've googled my name and linked it to some projects I'm working on on the side. Is this ethical for a company to do? Trying to own my personal project since it's got some cool technology and trying to own the rights to it? Just because I work for the company doesn't mean I'm gonna make an offer to them, right?
You probably need to consult a lawyer. What were the terms of your employment that you agreed to when you were hired? Was there a non-compete clause? Was there a required disclosure clause?
Depends on your employment contract. Your contract might say something like "anything you do, while in the employ of company XYZ, be it during work or non work hours belongs to us". It's time to talk to a lawyer, not ask StackOverflow, this isn't a technology/programming question.
Ethical? Yes, why not. If you're putting stuff out on the web and they can find it via Google, then why shouldn't they? If you don't want people to find stuff you've done on the web then don't put it on the web or use a robots.txt to hide it from Google. It's not completely unreasonable for them to at least wonder if you may be using technology that you developed while you were working for them.
Legal--maybe so, maybe not. Depends on the employment agreement that you signed when you joined the company. I'd consult an employment lawyer for real advice rather than asking here.
They may have web logs that demonstrate that you were working on your private web sites during work time--if you did so. I'd be very careful in how I proceed if I were you.
check your contract, and/or your state laws and case precedents. Talk to a lawyer.
IMHO it is unethical for them to attempt to take your intellectual property without compensation, even if you have a 'all your codez are belong to us' kind of work-for-hire agreement. But talk to a lawyer, and be prepared to walk, get sued, and countersue, if necessary. Someone trying to steal your lunch money is a bully and a thief, but they may just have a legal claim.
Unfrotunately, this is not a joke. Talk to a lawyer right away.
If what you do in any way competes with what your company does or uses technology, intellectual property, information or contacts that you gained because of your employment with your company, then you may have issues and should check your contract and see a lawyer.
The other side is: did you ever work on your sites (and this can include sending emails and the like) your personal projects at work? If so, you may be in trouble there too.
IANAL so that's all I'll say on the legalities.
You need to consult a lawyer to get a definitive answer to this question. The answer might depend on your employment contract, and the laws in your locale. Don't rely on anything people say on the internet regarding legal matters.
Regardless of whether or not it's within their rights to do so, I think it's unethical and foolish of them to pressure you like this. I imagine they have just lost any employee loyalty you might have had.
I think a proper response could be, "if you think there's ad revenue potential in my websites, make me an offer that reflects their value, and I'll consider it." After all, you started those sites to make money, right?
But first talk to a lawyer, to be sure you're in a position to negotiate.
Well a friendly way to go about it, and that they should probably be willing to accept if they are a reasonable lot, is to buy/lease your technology. This way you can get a nice sum of money for your work (since you mentioned the purpose of this site was to make extra money in your question).
Otherwise (if its a pet project first and foremost) you might as well tell them in a friendly manner that you keep that site as a hobby, and you'd prefer to not share it if thats ok, unless they let you work full time on your and a cut in the earnings, etc... (something most people would love to do, work on their pet projects and get paid a stable salary for it).
As always first try to reason with the other party in a civilized and friendly matter, it'll likely make both parties happier, and it'll be better than taking the legal route most of the time.
I am Not a Lawyer, and the laws almost certainly vary by country/state/province. But if you are working on a side project on your own time, on your own equipment, using only your own network resources, etc., then in my opinion, they have no right to your work.
If you signed some sort of vague non-compete contract, or something that says all the stuff you do on your own time is theirs, then you have less of a leg to stand on.
Your best bet is to ask a lawyer, if there's enough revenue from your subscription base to justify it.
Consult a lawyer! Regardless of your contractual obligations, any company has a right to be concerned if one of their employees is running a direct competitor on the side, especially if they can demonstrate that you have access to privileged information which you are using to compete (knowledge of their technologies, marketing strategy, customers etc).
