vim: highlight pbs scripts - vim

I am trying to figure out how to get my PBS scripts to highlight in bash format with vim. PBS scripts are just bash scripts that dont start with the clasic shebang but are used on a queuing system on a cluster computer. There must be a way to alias anything that looks like this to :set syntax=sh-- without having to type that, right? Here is an example of a simple PBS script.
####Parameterized PBS Script ####
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
#PBS -l nodes=1
#PBS -o /users/me/jobOuts/${PBS_JOBNAME}_${PBS_JOBID}.o
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -m abe
START=$(date +%s)
echo `pwd`
sleep 10
END=$(date +%s)
S=$(( $END - $START ))
TOTALTIME=`printf "%dh:%dm:%ds\n" $h $m $s`

Add these line to your .vimrc:
filetype on
syntax on
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.PBS set filetype=sh
And read :h autocommand, it worth the time.


how to redirect the output file of a bash script to a desired folder

Hello I'm running this bash script here and the command "bwa index .." will generate several files, and this command doesn't have the "-o" flag for specifying output path. I want to redirect these files into a new folder. I've searched online and all the answers I came across are redirecting files generated to a specific file name, but how to generally just redirect the output files into a new folder? Thanks very much!
### qsub to run from anywhere
### first step of BMW, making indexed fasta file
#PBS -N bwa_index
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
#PBS -l mem=64gb
#PBS -o /gpfs/data/mcnerney-lab/liuweihan/chip_seq/becker_lab/bwa_index.out
#PBS -e /gpfs/data/mcnerney-lab/liuweihan/chip_seq/becker_lab/bwa_index.err
module load gcc/6.2.0
module load bwa/0.7.17
bwa index -p mm10_bwa_idx -a bwtsw /gpfs/data/mcnerney-lab/liuweihan/chip_seq/becker_lab/mm10.fa
echo END
You can change to the target directory and then run the bwa command. Using pushd and popd will ensure that rest of the script runs in correct directory.
pushd some_directory
bwa index -p mm10_bwa_idx -a bwtsw /gpfs/data/mcnerney-lab/liuweihan/chip_seq/becker_lab/mm10.fa
You can define a variable and use it in your script.
You can pass arguments to your script and capture them via $1, $2, $3 and so on.
Third if you wanted to be fully dynamic by using option ( e.g. --output | -o ) you can use a simple parse as bellow:
# main flags, both longs and shorts
ARGS=`getopt -o "o::" -l "output:" -- "$#"`
eval set -- "$ARGS"
declare -A _output;
# extract options and their arguments into variables.
while true ; do
case "$1" in
-o | --output )
shift 2;
* )
echo "Internal error!" ; exit 1
echo "output: ${_output['path']}";
And usage is super simple, you can use --output <YOUR-PATH> or -o <YOUR-PATH>
# test
./ --output /path/to/dir
output: /path/to/dir
./ -o /path/to/dir
output: /path/to/dir

how to submit multiple jobs using a single .sh file

I am using WinSCP SSH Client to connect my Windows PC to a HPC system. I created a file called including following code:
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -N Rjobname
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:AMD
#PBS -l walltime=400:00:00
#PBS -l mem=20gb
module load mplus/7.4
mplus -i mplus1.inp -o mplus1.out > output_${PBS_JOBID}.log
It simply calls mplus1.inp file and save results of the analysis in the mplus1.out file. I can do it on Linux one by one. I can do the same for mplus2.inp file running file below:
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -N Rjobname
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:AMD
#PBS -l walltime=400:00:00
#PBS -l mem=20gb
module load mplus/7.4
mplus -i mplus2.inp -o mplus2.out > output_${PBS_JOBID}.log
However, I have 400 files like this (,, I was wondering if there is a way to create a single file in order to run all 400 jobs in linux.

Job summited with qsub does not write output and enters E status

I have a job called
#!/bin/sh -e
#PBS -S /bin/sh
#PBS -o /my/many/directories/file.log
#PBS -e /my/many/directories/fileerror.log
#PBS -r n
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
echo 'hello'
sleep 10
I submit it with qsub
It counts to 10 seconds, but it doesn't write hello to file.log or anywhere else. If I include a call to another script I need that I programmed (and runs outside the cluster), it just goes to Exiting status after said 10 seconds and plainly ignores the call.
Help, please?
Thanks Ott Toomet for your suggestion! I found the problem elsewhere. The .tschrc file had "bash" written in it. Don't ask me why. I deleted it and now the jobs happily run.

Qsub job runs but doesn't write to file

I am running a parallelised code on an SGE cluster, via the qsub command.
The code (which compiled successfully on the system on which it is supposed to run) is meant to take a file of input values, minimise some function of those values, and then output the new values to the same input file.
The job executes succesfully (code 0), and runs for about 40 minutes of walltime: but nothing is written to the input file.
This is my script to submit the jobs:
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=20:mpiprocs=20,walltime=02:00:00
#PBS -o some/path
#PBS -e some/path
#PBS -q smp
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -P Name
#PBS -N minMg-1
module load gcc/5.1.0
module load chpc/openmpi/1.10.2/gcc-5.1.0
mpirun -np 20 $SRCDIR/myexecutable args < inputfile.inp
I can't see why the thing executes successfully, but doesn't write to inputfile.inp. Strangely, I also don't get the standard ".o" and ".e" files, either. I am sure my mistake may be obvious to someone in the know! Any help would be deeply appreciated.

Running samtools from a qsub

I'm trying to run some samtools commands from a qsub call (to run on a cluster). For some reason, the commands do not seem to be recognized. However, if I copy-paste the command and run it directly from the terminal cluster, it works fine. Has anybody experienced such issues or have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
My qsub (this doesn't work):
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS JOB_NAME="QSH_$(whoami)"
#PBS RES_LIST="nodes=${NODE_NUM}:ppn=${NODE_PPN}"
#PBS QUEUE="high"
samtools index /data/test.bam /data/test.bai
If I run the command directly from the terminal, it works:
samtools index /data/test.bam /data/test.bai
Did you remember to cd into your working dir? I do not believe that qsub expands the $ variables in e.g. PBS cd ${DIR_WORK}.
Try with this script:
#PBS WALLTIME=24:00:00
echo `pwd`
