How to find most visited pages in site collection using sharepoint 2010 - sharepoint

I want to find 3 top most viewed pages in the entire site collection and display their page titles. Using Web analytics webpart, I got top most 10 pages URL. But i want the page title and the not URL. Is there anyway to do that?

This post( can give you a reference. The solution can help us to log the source of SharePoint events , actually include the 'Viewing' action.You can store those information at an isolated database for analyzing the “top” reports.


Display Most Viewed Page in SharePoint on Home Page

I am a beginner on SharePoint. I am trying to fetch the most viewed pages and display them on the front page in one section. Please help me how can I show Most Viewed Pages on homepage of my SharePoint site.
We could use Highlighted content web part to display most viewed page on home page:
Page analytics data is not accessible for filtering in a web part. You would need to code a custom web part for that.
It would also help immensely if you could detail what version of SharePoint you are working with, because the availability of tools varies wildly between online and on premises versions.

Share news articles between sites

Does anyone know if it is possible to share data between sites on a Kentico platform, such as news articles? I have tried searching but could not find an answer.
Thank you,
Yes. If you want the content to be the same and keep the URLs and Domains separate, then this is best accomplished with linked documents between the sites. This way if they are updated on either site, they will remain in sync on the other site. Read more here:
Basically what you'd want to do in your content tree, is click "new page" and then select "Link an existing page" from the bottom of the next menu. After that, you will see a content tree to select a page from. Use the site selector in the top left to choose a different site, and then select the page you'd like to link in.
Note: Keep in mind that the page type will need to be allowed in that section of the tree (for example, if you are trying to nest a news article under a folder but folders are not an allowed parent type, you will get an error).
If you'd like to pull data from another site in via repeater and leave the content on the other site, then you can user a repeater or similar viewer control, and specify a site within the properties in order to pull the pages from the other site.
Each of these methods assumes the Kentico sites are on the same instance of Kentico with a shared database.
If you have multiple sites in one Kentico instance, in your repeater getting the news articles, specify the site you want to get the news articles from and it will be displayed on that site. If you want to combine them then create a custom query and use the query repeater to show the news articles.

How to find out new pages / lists / listitems added to the intranet site?

Is it possible to find what new pages / lists / listitems have been added to the intranet site and generate a report on daily basis ?
We have to implement this on sharepoint 2010 and also on sharepoint 2013 websites.
We are using C#.NET.
I am aware that we can find newly created listitems by creating a listview and then sorting it by DATE as TODAY-2 where 2 is no. of days prior.
But, how can I implement same for all lists in the site?
I am doing research on the web analytics in sharepoint 2010, but this doesnot seem to serve my purpose.
Have you come across similar requirement?
I wrote you a small manual on how to create a separate ASPX-page in the _layouts folder. If something is unclear feel free to ask me in the comments of this answer.
I am assuming that you have already a solution set up for both versions SP2010 and SP2013.
Add a new ASPX-page (application-page) to the layouts mapped folder in your solution, lets name it "ViewNewContent.aspx".
In the codebehind in the page_load function, code something that loads all items that have creation date > some defined date and display them on the aspx page. Load the list using the GUID that you will pass as a Get-Parameter to the aspx-page (ViewNewContent.aspx?List={Some-GUID})
Now create a custom action that displays on all lists and redirects the user to the your page with the ListId added: ViewNewContent.aspx?List={ListId}
I hope this gives you a basic idea on how to do this.

Top 3 most visited pages in sharepoint 2010

I want to show top 3 most visited pages in my home page of sharepoint site. I need to find out the Title of the Top 3 pages and display them in a link. I found out the way. But it display all the pages like allpages.aspx, settings.aspx... I need only top 3 most user created pages. So far I have been unable to figure out the best way to do this. Any suggestions to get me started would be appreciated.
You can create your custom Web Analytics Web Part derived from OOTB WAWP. Check some solution here:
In your custom code you can make filtration functionality and skip undesired pages.

Search Center on SharePoint Publishing site

Can someone give me some directions on how to setup SharePoint Search Center so I can get results from the list and that they have some custom (modified) link?
I have Forms authentication (and anonymous access) enabled with alternate access mapping.
Right now in the Default zone I get results from the data in lists and they all point to the AllItems.aspx. If try search from the Internet zone I don't get any results from the lists and I am guessing that this is because of some security settings. But if make them to show how will I customize resulting link so that list items are shown with some publishing page.
For example if I keep news in the News list and when I do search I want to get result with link in following format
where the itemID is he id of the news item.
Can I customize link in the result ?
You can customize the result link using the Core Search Results web part. It is all in the XSL which is available if you modify the shared properties of the web part.
The problem is that this page is meant to show search results of all types including documents in SharePoint, files potentially outside of SharePoint, web pages, business data, etc.
You may want to have a custom search results page that uses a specific scope or managed property query such that you can be sure the results will be list items. This can probably be done without any coding (if you don't consider XSL coding) and you could still use the Core Search Results web part.
Another option may be similar, but use the Data Form/View web part (through SharePoint Designer) or the Content Query Web Part (Publishing Infrastructure feature required).
