Design-time support on composite control - user-controls

I'm creating a specific DataGridView control that includes two scrollbars so that I can control their size and visibility. So, I have created a User control that contains the DataGridView and the two scrollbars inside a 2x2 TableLayoutPanel.
The issue I'm facing is that when I add my control to a Windows Form, I can't set my DataGridView's DataSource or define the column styles from the design view, because the link that I use for that when I use a common DataGridView (that little white arrow appearing on the top right side of the DataGridView) is not appearing.
While doing some testing, I saw that if I inherit my control from DataGridView, that link appears. But if I do that, I guess that I can only extend the functionality for the DataGridView, but I need my control to be a composite control.
So, that's my question: how can I get those design-time capabilities on my custom control? I am specially interested on the columns layout and the datasource.
Best regards.

If you are doing a usercontrol (a control that has an .ascx codebehind file) there seems to be no way to control this:
How to hide the inner controls of a UserControl in the Designer?
If you are doing a WebControl (a class that inehrits from WebControl with no .ascx file) you may create your own designer and maybe somehow output the designers of both conrols. Have a look at: it explains how to create a webcontrol and its desgner.
Some things with usercontrols/webcontrols seem to be easy but are hard to implement...
Hope this helps!


Create and Load Custom Controls into FormView

i have a Form View in MFC. I try to include a dynamic Field, like C# User Control, where i can include other Controls, based on the clicked Item in the Lists.
I already found a User Control in Toolbox.
My question is:
Is it possible to create Form Views in Ressource View and add it to my Form View dynamically?
Can I use the Custom User Control to Replace it with my created FormView?
My FormView looks like this: Imagelink (Green Box should be filled with selected Control).
It is embedded in a TabView Item.
Or if this didnt work, i would bind different FormViews (Create same FormView with different green controls) to that TabView without the Ressource View at Runtime, is that possible?
I'm new to MFC and created my Prototype in C# .NET, so this is very hard to understand :)
I've found the solution. I'm now using different Groupboxes to arrange the Controls. I can show and hide them. Only the positioning should be a little bit hard.

changing styleclass and disableoutputtag on panels within a facet using themes

I am not an expert on themes but i would like to know if it is possible to accomplish that:
Once i pull a panel into a facet i am hiding the panel by disabling the output tag and setting a special css class only for the designer client.
Has somebody tried to do that automatically in themes by checking if the panel is in a facet(Maybe ask for the key: property)?
I have tried to change the panel but i dont know how to set a certain style class based on a property of the panel.
To my best knowledge: A theme styles content rendered, not attributes that define if content gets rendered or not.
You have 2 options you could use:
create your own little extension library with controls you want to use everywhere. Add one 'containerPlaceholder' (or whatever you would call it) that doesn't render any own output, but only it's children.
use a snippet you simply paste into your source code.
don't use a panel or div, but add your custom controls to the callbacks. Makes your XPage more readable (that's what I do)
Hope that helps

Dynamically add / remove editable area to custom control embedded in XPage

Okay... this is a little difficult to explain but I will try my best.
In Custom Control while adding properties in Property Definition we can set "Allow multiple instances" which allows us to add multiple instances of that property when the control is embedded in XPage.
Similarly, I need to know whether it is possible to add (and remove) Editable Areas in a custom control when it is embedded in XPage? What I plan is that I would have a repeat control inside my custom control and I would be able to put the contents in each editable area in every loop of that repeat.
Is this the right way to go about or am I looking at this problem incorrectly? Any solution not involving editable areas is also welcome :)
Update 4 Apr 2013:
A use case context I am looking for is a simple carousel where contents of each screen in carousel can have different contents. These contents would be put into each (dynamically added) editable area. The contents can be very different from each other with one screen containing only text, other only image and another both image and text.
Look at the table walker example in the 26 original exercises. It does mostly what you are looking for (conceptually). You won't need multiple editable areas. Whatever is inside the repeat gets repeated.
What you want to do is to give the control a custom property "boolean editMode" so you can render that one line to be edited - if that's the UI pattern you want to follow.
You also could consider a dojo table with Ajax which allows for a familiar spreadsheet UI

How can a graphic be placed in the OneUI .lotusBanner area using the Application Layout Control

I am using the Extension Libraries Application Layout Control and need to have a banner graphic placed in the .lotusBanner div on the right. How can this be done as it seems that the Application Layout Control can't be modified.
You could use the utilityLinksFacet on the extended control that Steve Pridemore did.
or you could use onload javascript to add it.
I was able to place a graphic in the upper right of the Application Layout Control in the Banner area by doing the following:
In the control under the Banner > Utility links I added a Basic node. For the node I specified the href and image. This worked and placed the image n the correct spot.
Artifacts of this were the location of the Banner Application links. To remedy this I used some CSS for the .lotusBanner ul.lotusLinks {margin-top: 45px;position:absolute;}
The margin-top was to push the links down so I could enlarge the logo that is used by the Application Layout Control.
The applicationLayout control in ExtLib is, as you have found out, locked down to only allow certain aspects of the configuration to be changed by the developer. You can add links to different sections of the applicationLayout but nothing beyond that.
One possible alternative is to NOT use the applictionLayout control itself but create your own approximation of it in a custom control, You would need to add all the necessary panels/divs with the special oneUI2 classes in all the correct places and then add editable areas and callbacks within these panels for the parts that you would want to customize throughout the application. All of the other sections in the applicationLayout control, like the bannerUtilityLinks are created using the ListofLinks control that is also found in the Extension Library.

Winforms c# outlook like Interface

I have already asked the same question but in regards with MDI Application design. Now just for R&D purpose so that we can go with 2 solutions to our user. Can somebody plz help me out...
We are developing an OutLook Style Application using C# Winforms. In that application we are using Microsoft Table Control. Which is what we need to show our UI. In the left hand pane we have menu and in the right hand we are displaying our UserControl. Like CustomerManager. This UserControl is doing Adding, Updating, Deleting ect etc but we want to put the common action buttons, Like Add,Delete,Save on the top toolbar.
So far so good, Now what we need to acheve is regardless of UserControl. What ever UserControl is loaded in the MainForm's TableControl. When the save button is clicked it should process the data on that UserControl. Obviously we will write the logic of the Save Action on each UserControl.
Please help...
I may advice you the Krypton Toolkit. You will write an Outlook style app in seconds.
For all who ended up here like me in search of a free toolkit: As Vulkanino suggested to use Krypton, I loooked it up.
This is now open source Freeware and can be found unter: Krypton Toolkit
Create a Base user control that contains your Add, Delete, Save methods and events. Then create every other functional control that inherits from the Base control.
When you action the main toolbar buttons, you can safely cast each user control in your given container, to the Base user control.
Some MSDN links you might want to read up on:
