Session resets after every app restart in Node/Express - node.js

Whenever I make changes to my app, nodemon restarts the whole app, but every time this happens, my session gets destroyed. This is getting annoying since I have to sign in every time I make changes to my app. How do I avoid this from happening?
I'm using cookie based sessions since I only store the userid. My setup looks like this (in coffeescript):
app.use express.cookieParser()
app.use express.session
secret: 'mysecretkey'
app.use express.csrf()
And I save my session by doing this:
req.session.userid = user._id.toHexString() # it's a mongoDB ObjectID

By default expresssJS uses in-memory storage for sessions, so when your app is reset so are the in-memory session.
Since you are using mongoDB I would recommend using mongoDB for your session storage, or redis (which I haven't tried with node).
You can see this question on how to set up session support with express and mongo:
How to store session values with Node.js and mongodb?


how to using session in NodeJS/ExpressJS - postgreSQL

I'm using express-session / connect-pg-simple modules.
Why they doesn't save session information? And they every changed sid
How can I do That. enter image description here
Im tried server memory store session, No save session way.
They Never saved.
I want to GET /auth/login this session userInfo -> GET / this session must has userInfo.

Why use cookie-session in addition to passport.js?

My understanding of passport.js so far is that passport.js serializes the user object and sends an ID every time to the client. I am just starting with it so sorry if it's a silly question:
Instead of express-session, I am using cookie-session as I am a beginner. My understanding of cookie-session is that it sends a session ID every time, and this ID can be used to look up the database when needed.
Now, I don't understand why we can't just use the passport.js ID? Why do we need to use cookie-session in addition? Also, (this may be a little unrelated, but) is the difference between session-based authentication and token-based authentication that this ID that's shared is dynamic, or changing every time? Is this still the standard and modern way of doing it in 2020?
"Instead of express-session, I am using cookie-session as I am a beginner."
using cookie session does not make anyone beginner. If you are going to store large data, use express-session, cause it stores the data in the database or redis, keeps the database id of that data, so when it gets a request, fetch the database with that id and compare the request credentials. On the other hand, cookie-session stores the data upto 4kb in the cookie on the user browser and since only user-id is stored in the cookie with passport.js, generally cookie session is used.
(user, done ) => {
done(null,; // stores the id<4kb
When client authorizes your app, google send the responds to your callback url.
app.get("/auth/google/callback", passport.authenticate("google"))
passport.authenticate() will call req.login() this is where passport.user gets generated. req.login() will initiate the serializeUser() which determines which data of the user should be stored in the session.
Now this object will be assigned to req.session. so we will have req.session.passport.user
Everytime when you make a request to a server, browser automatically checks if there is cookie set related to that server and if there is it automatically attaches the cookie to the request. If you were using token based authentication, you had to manually attach the cookie to request everytime you make a request. Cookie is just transportation medium, you store data and move the data, you can even store the token in cookie. Cookie is not just related to authentication. If you have server-side project, you have to set cookie.(this is just a side node).
"My understanding of cookie-session is that it sends a session ID every time, and this ID can be used to look up the database when needed."
so far I explained how session is created. Now what happens when user makes a request?. In app.js file you should have two middleares.
app.use(passport.initialize()) this function checks if req.session.passport.user exists, if it does it will call passport.session(). if it finds a serialized user object in the session, it will consider this req is authenticated. And then deserializeUser() will be invoked. it will retrieve the user and attach it to req.user
You don't need to use session. It is totally upto you. Just put {session: false} in route. You don't need to write passport.serializeUser and passport.deserializeUser.
cookie-session puts cookie on client system, and it is sent each time with request. passportjs search that cookie and run deserializeUser to convert it into object and attach it with request object.
express-session stores session data on the server; it only saves the session identifier in the cookie, not session data.
where as cookie-session is basically used for lightweight session applications. it allows you to store the session data in a cookie but within the client [browser]. Only use it when session data is relatively small and easily encoded as primitive values See this question for more understanding
const express = require('express');
const { Router } = express;
const router = new Router();
.get('/', passport.authenticate('google', { session: false }))

ExpressJS - How to force update session (eli5)?

I am kind of new to Express and Node (I come from the front-end development world), so this might be a really stupid question.
Currently, I work on an Express JS app that uses express-session, sessionstore + memcache and cookie-parser for managing sessions.
I have a particular use case wherein I have one session variable (age) that is passed on to every view through a middleware that someone in the team who created the app had written:
response.locals.age = request.session.age
The request.session.age is populated from a UserAccount model that is fetched during login.
Now, this middleware is called before the the request reaches the controller, so by the time I get this in my view, the response.locals.age has already been set, which is displayed in the template as is.
My question is this: The age variable can be reset separately through an Admin interface. But because the session is set only upon login, the change doesn't reflect until I logout and login again. I do get the new age value by fetching the UserAccount model again, but I don't know how to refresh the session with the new value without having to logout and login again. I tried doing this:
req.session.age = res.locals.age = < UserAccountResponse >.age;
But this doesn't seem to work. What is the ideal way to 'force refresh' the session in this scenario in Express along with the mentioned middlewares? Thanks in advance!

How does passport js stores user object in session?

I am using node/express with passport in my development. I came across an article which says:
Express loads the session data and attaches it to the req. As passport stores the serialised user in the session, the serialised user object can be found at req.session.passport.user.
But to my surprise, the value for sessionID stores in the browser cookies remain the same before and after login. So where does the serialised user object is stored?
I thought that it was stored in the user sessionid cookie initially but it seems that this is not the case as I still can access my user object with req.session.passport.user
So where does the serialised user object is stored?
In Short
The serialized user object is stored in req.user by PassportJS taken from req.session.passport.user (which is is populated by Express) with the help of Passport's deserializeUser method.
Express adds the id of the session object into a cookie on user's browser, which is sent back to express in a header on every request. Express then takes the id from the header and search the session store (i.e. Mongo or whatever) and find the entry and load it to req.session.
PassportJS uses the content of req.session to keep track of the authenticated user with the help of serializeUser and deserializeUser methods (for more information on workflow of serializeUser and deserializeUser see my answer in this SO question).
Express is responsible for creating the session. when does the sessions gets created? That is when Express do not detect a session cookie. So the order in which you organize your session and passport configs in your app or server.js file is very important. If you declare your session and passport configs above static directory configs then all requests for static content will also get a session, which is not good.
See my answer to this SO question, where I have mentioned about static content access as well as how to selectively apply passport to certain routes, rather than default (you might not need to authenticate all the routes - hence you could avoid unnecessary session store lookup and de-serialization by attaching session only to requests that map to secure URLS see below).
//selectively applying passport to only secure urls
app.use(function(req, res, next){
passport.session()(req, res, next)
next(); // do not invoke passport
There is one amazing tutorial that I highly recommend you to read up if you want to understand the workflow of PassportJS.
You can look at the sessionID in the cookie as a key to a database where the session data is stored. Depending on what session handler you use with express, and what storage policy you use the data will be stored in different ways. This means that the sessionID can be the same value both before login, after a successful login, and even after a user logs out.
If you use express-session with MemoryStore the data will be saved in the memory of the node process, indexed on the sessionID. Look here for initialization of the store and here for storing of the data.
You could create a store where the data is serialized to the cookie, but none such are listed in the compatible session stores.

Node+Passport.js + Sessions + multiple servers

Passport is great. I now discovered that I have some problem with how it handles sessions.
I must be using it wrong.
All works well for me with login + sessions + user data I store in my database.
However I find that when I move to production environment (cloud on EC2 with multiple servers), I lose the login session each time.
This is now clear to me - probably happens since the session is unique to each server.
So my question is - how do I get around this..
I guess I will need to store my own cookie on the user's browser?
Does this mean that I cannot use express.session at all?
So basically what I was looking for (not sure it would be the same answer for everyone else) was a way to store session data between loadbalanced instances without making a DB call for every page view, which seems excessive to me, since I just need to keep the user signed in to Google/FB.
It seems that the answer I was looking for was the cookie-session middleware
This needs to replace the default express.session mechanism which uses MemoryStore. BTW MemoryStore itself gives you a warning when run that it will not scale past a single process, and also that it may cause a memory leak.
Which if I understand correctly is serializing the session data itself into the session cookie (encrypted) instead of just using a session ID in the session cookie.
This seems perfect to me. Obviously I don't expect it to work if you have a lot of session data, since a cookie is limited in size. In my case, I just needed the name, ID and avatar url, so I think this will suffice.
Thanks for everyone who helped.
You need to store your session data in a 'global' area, that is accessible to all your servers. This could be redis or another DB.
Take the example from MEAN.JS. Here they use express-session with a MongoDB storage container (since they are a MEAN stack ; ), via connect-mongo. Their project is super easy to set up, if just for an example.
Code while setting up express is like this:
//top of file
var session = require( 'express-session' )
mongoStore = require( 'connect-mongo' )( {
session: session
} );
//...later in setup
// Express MongoDB session storage
app.use( session( {
saveUninitialized: true,
resave: true,
secret: config.sessionSecret,
store: new mongoStore( {
db: db.connection.db,
collection: config.sessionCollection
} )
} ) );
// use passport session
app.use( passport.initialize() );
app.use( passport.session() );
