Sum of separated elements in a list [duplicate] - haskell

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Split list and make sum from sublist?
Im trying to solve this problem.
I need to do a sum of elements from a list which are separated from each other only with "0".
So for example I can have something like this as input: [1,2,3,0,3,4,0,2,1]
and the output should be [6,7,3].
So far I managed to do something like this:
cut (x:xs) | x > 0 = x : (cut xs)
| otherwise = []
first (xs) = ( (foldl (+) 0 (cut (xs))) ) : []
second (xs) = ( (foldl (+) 0 (cut (reverse (xs)))) ) : []
test (xs) = first(xs) ++ second(xs)
Problem is that this only works with only 1 instance of "0" in my list.
I was trying to solve this by editing my cut function:
cut [] = []
cut (x:xs) | x > 0 = foldl (+) 0 ( x : cut xs) : []
| x == 0 = (cut xs)
But I cant figure out how to adjust it, so it will separate the sums. Right now it just throws the sum of all the elements as the output.

You can divide your problem into two tasks
Split a list into parts on zeros.
Sum parts.
For the first task we have Data.List.Split module which exports splitOn function.
It does precisely what we need:
> splitOn [1] [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0]
For the second task there is well-known map-function which applies a function to the each element of the list.
In our case this function is sum:
> map sum [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
> :m +Data.List.Split
> map sum . splitOn [0] $ [1,2,3,0,3,4,0,2,1]

For homework you should definitely follow dave's answer. However, here is a more advanced solution, employing groupBy as poor man's split:
import Data.List (groupBy)
map sum $ groupBy (const (/=0)) list
This might look cute, but note that there are still the zeros at the beginning of the sub-lists present, so you can't use this solution without changes if that matters (e.g if you need products instead of sums)
groupBy looks if the first element of the current group "fits together" with the current element of the list. In that case the current element will be added to the group, else a new group starts. E.g.
groupBy (\x y -> x `mod` y == 0) [81,3,9,25,5]
Here the test ist successful for 81 'mod' 3 and 81 'mod' 9, but not for 81 'mod' 25, which starts a new group. Again, 25 'mod' 5 is successful.
But in our case all elements "fit" in the current group as long as they are not 0, so we don't even have to look at the first element. And if a 0 is found, a new group is started.
const (/=0) means just \_ y -> y /= 0, so regardless what the first argument is, it just tests that the second element isn't 0. To see why, look at the definition:
const :: a -> b -> a
const a _ = a
Now our lambda can be written as
\x y -> const (/= 0) x y
As from the const call only the first of the two arguments "survives", we have
\x y -> (/= 0) y
... or...
\_ y -> y /= 0

Even if you're unable to install to install the split package and use Data.List.Split as Matvey suggests, you can still use the general approach:
Split the weird list with 0 separators into a more conventional list of lists.
Sum each list.
yourFunction = map sum . split
Now we have to write split.
split :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
In general, when we want to pull a list apart to synthesise something new, we need to use a fold.
split = foldr cons nil where
nil here should be whatever you want split [] to be.
nil = --TODO: exercise for you; clue: NOT []
cons meanwhile combines one of your numbers, with the answer from the previous step of the fold. Obviously, you'll need to do different things depending on whether or not the number is 0.
cons 0 xss = --TODO
cons x (xs : xss) = --TODO; why will this pattern match never fail?


How to create a Infinite List in Haskell where the new value consumes all the previous values

If I create a infinite list like this:
let t xs = xs ++ [sum(xs)]
let xs = [1,2] : map (t) xs
take 10 xs
I will get this result:
This is pretty close to what I am trying to do.
This current code uses the last value to define the next. But, instead of a list of lists, I would like to know some way to make an infinite list that uses all the previous values to define the new one.
So the output would be only
I have the definition of the first element [1].
I have the rule of getting a new element, sum all the previous elements.
But, I could not put this in the Haskell grammar to create the infinite list.
Using my current code, I could take the list that I need, using the command:
xs !! 10
> [1,2,3,6,12,24,48,96,192,384,768,1536]
But, it seems to me, that it is possible doing this in some more efficient way.
Some Notes
I understand that, for this particular example, that was intentionally oversimplified, we could create a function that uses only the last value to define the next.
But, I am searching if it is possible to read all the previous values into an infinite list definition.
I am sorry if the example that I used created some confusion.
Here another example, that is not possible to fix using reading only the last value:
isMultipleByList :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Bool
isMultipleByList _ [] = False
isMultipleByList v (x:xs) = if (mod v x == 0)
then True
else (isMultipleByList v xs)
nextNotMultipleLoop :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
nextNotMultipleLoop step v xs = if not (isMultipleByList v xs)
then v
else nextNotMultipleLoop step (v + step) xs
nextNotMultiple :: [Integer] -> Integer
nextNotMultiple xs = if xs == [2]
then nextNotMultipleLoop 1 (maximum xs) xs
else nextNotMultipleLoop 2 (maximum xs) xs
addNextNotMultiple xs = xs ++ [nextNotMultiple xs]
infinitePrimeList = [2] : map (addNextNotMultiple) infinitePrimeList
take 10 infinitePrimeList
infinitePrimeList !! 10
You can think so:
You want to create a list (call them a) which starts on [1,2]:
a = [1,2] ++ ???
... and have this property: each next element in a is a sum of all previous elements in a. So you can write
scanl1 (+) a
and get a new list, in which any element with index n is sum of n first elements of list a. So, it is [1, 3, 6 ...]. All you need is take all elements without first:
tail (scanl1 (+) a)
So, you can define a as:
a = [1,2] ++ tail (scanl1 (+) a)
This way of thought you can apply with other similar problems of definition list through its elements.
If we already had the final result, calculating the list of previous elements for a given element would be easy, a simple application of the inits function.
Let's assume we already have the final result xs, and use it to compute xs itself:
import Data.List (inits)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let is = drop 2 $ inits xs
xs = 1 : 2 : map sum is
print $ take 10 xs
This produces the list
(Note: this is less efficient than SergeyKuz1001's solution, because the sum is re-calculated each time.)
unfoldr has a quite nice flexibility to adapt to various "create-a-list-from-initial-conditions"-problems so I think it is worth mentioning.
A little less elegant for this specific case, but shows how unfoldr can be used.
import Data.List
nextVal as = Just (s,as++[s])
where s = sum as
initList = [1,2]
myList =initList ++ ( unfoldr nextVal initList)
main = putStrLn . show . (take 12) $ myList
in the end.
As pointed out in the comment, one should think a little when using unfoldr. The way I've written it above, the code mimicks the code in the original question. However, this means that the accumulator is updated with as++[s], thus constructing a new list at every iteration. A quick run at suggests it becomes quite memory intensive and slow. (4.5 seconds to access the 2000nd element in myList
Simply swapping the acumulator update to a:as produced a 7-fold speed increase. Since the same list can be reused as accumulator in every step it goes faster. However, the accumulator list is now in reverse, so one needs to think a little bit. In the case of predicate function sum this makes no differece, but if the order of the list matters, one must think a little bit extra.
You could define it like this:
xs = 1:2:iterate (*2) 3
For example:
Prelude> take 12 xs
So here's my take. I tried not to create O(n) extra lists.
explode ∷ Integral i ⇒ (i ->[a] -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
explode fn init = as where
as = init ++ [fn i as | i <- [l, l+1..]]
l = genericLength init
This convenience function does create additional lists (by take). Hopefully they can be optimised away by the compiler.
explode' f = explode (\x as -> f $ take x as)
Usage examples:
myList = explode' sum [1,2]
sum' 0 xs = 0
sum' n (x:xs) = x + sum' (n-1) xs
myList2 = explode sum' [1,2]
In my tests there's little performance difference between the two functions. explode' is often slightly better.
The solution from #LudvigH is very nice and clear. But, it was not faster.
I am still working on the benchmark to compare the other options.
For now, this is the best solution that I could find:
-- # infinite sum of the previous using fuse
recursiveSum xs = [nextValue] ++ (recursiveSum (nextList)) where
nextValue = sum(xs)
nextList = xs ++ [nextValue]
initialSumValues = [1]
infiniteSumFuse = initialSumValues ++ recursiveSum initialSumValues
-- # infinite prime list using fuse
-- calculate the current value based in the current list
-- call the same function with the new combined value
recursivePrimeList xs = [nextValue] ++ (recursivePrimeList (nextList)) where
nextValue = nextNonMultiple(xs)
nextList = xs ++ [nextValue]
initialPrimes = [2]
infiniteFusePrimeList = initialPrimes ++ recursivePrimeList initialPrimes
This approach is fast and makes good use of many cores.
Maybe there is some faster solution, but I decided to post this to share my current progress on this subject so far.
In general, define
xs = x1 : zipWith f xs (inits xs)
Then it's xs == x1 : f x1 [] : f x2 [x1] : f x3 [x1, x2] : ...., and so on.
Here's one example of using inits in the context of computing the infinite list of primes, which pairs them up as
ps = 2 : f p1 [p1] : f p2 [p1,p2] : f p3 [p1,p2,p3] : ...
(in the definition of primes5 there).

Haskell 99 Questions #27

I'm having trouble conceptualizing given answer for problem 27 in haskell's 99 problems
The Problem:
Group the elements of a set into disjoint subsets.
a) In how many ways can a group of 9 people work in 3 disjoint subgroups of 2, 3 and 4 persons? Write a function that generates all the possibilities and returns them in a list.
* (group3 '(aldo beat carla david evi flip gary hugo ida))
... )
b) Generalize the above predicate in a way that we can specify a list of group sizes and the predicate will return a list of groups.
The answer they give is this:
combination :: Int -> [a] -> [([a],[a])]
combination 0 xs = [([],xs)]
combination n [] = []
combination n (x:xs) = ts ++ ds
ts = [ (x:ys,zs) | (ys,zs) <- combination (n-1) xs ]
ds = [ (ys,x:zs) | (ys,zs) <- combination n xs ]
group :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[[a]]]
group [] _ = [[]]
group (n:ns) xs =
[ g:gs | (g,rs) <- combination n xs
, gs <- group ns rs ]
I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how the first section (the section defining the function "combination") operates.
I'm pretty new to haskell too, so explain it to me like I'm in 5th grade.
Any feedback appreciated.
combination 0 xs = [([],xs)]
If we want to choose 0 elements from xs, there is only one way. No elements are taken [] and all the elements xs are left there.
combination n [] = []
Otherwise, we want to choose n (>0) elements. If we want to chose them from the empty list [], there are no ways to do that -- it's impossible.
combination n (x:xs) = ts ++ ds
ts = [ (x:ys,zs) | (ys,zs) <- combination (n-1) xs ]
ds = [ (ys,x:zs) | (ys,zs) <- combination n xs ]
Otherwise, we want to choose n (>0) elements from a nonempty list x:xs. There are many ways to do that, which we separate in two groups as follows:
we decide to take the element x among the chosen ones, and we are left with choosing n-1 from xs. This is done in ts, which considers all the ways to choose n-1 elements from xs, and then adds x to the list of "chosen" elements ys.
we decide to drop the element x from the input list, and we are left with choosing n from xs. This is done in ds, which considers all the ways to choose n elements from xs, and then adds x to the list of "dropped" elements zs.
We then output all such combinations using ts++ds.
Function combination takes list and one number. It creates the combination of the list considering the list has to be divided only in two parts. This is simply the original problem reduced only with 2 numbers k and n-k.
It does this using ts and ds lists.
ts is when the first element is in first part and then recursion occurs with remaining list and k-1. ds is where first element is in second part and recursion occurs with k and remaining part. Once remaining part is computed first element is added to it.

Finding "gaps" in a list of numbers

I'm having trouble with going through a list. I made this code which gives me a list of numbers which are evenly divided by the sum of their digits. For example, consider the number 123: 123/6 = 20.5, so it will not be in the list. One the other hand 280 will be on the list, because 280/10 = 28.
let inaHelper x = (floor(x)`mod`10)+ (floor(x/10)`mod`10)+(floor(x/100)`mod`10)
let ina = [x | x <- [1..999] , x `mod` (inaHelper x) == 0 ]
But my problem now is: from the list above I only want the numbers that will not have a "neighbour" within a gap of 5 units. For example, the number 300 will be in the new list because it's neighbors (288 and 306) are not within the 5 unit gap.
I came up it this code:
let rare = [ x | x <- [ina] , ((x-5) >= [ina-1]) && ((x+5) <= [ina+1]) ]
I'm a beginner, can someone help?
An easy, though not very efficient, way would be to make a helper function which checks whether there is an element of a list within a certain range:
hasElemInRange :: (Int,Int) -> [Int] -> Bool
hasElemInRange (lo, hi) xs = -- left as exercise
(hint: you can use the any function)
and then you can include it in your list comprehension:
let rare = [ x | x <- ina, hasElemInRange (x-5,x+5) ina ]
Another idiom that you might consider is zipping a list with its own tail. So you can do:
ghci> let xs = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
ghci> zip3 xs (tail xs) (tail (tail xs))
Which will give you each element of the list with its "context", the element just before and after. Maybe you can figure out how to use that for what you need.

What does myFunction(x:y:xs) mean in Haskell

I am new to Haskell and I came across one thing that I can seem to come around.So I have this function:
merge :: [Int] -> [Int]
merge xs = merged ++ padding
where padding = replicate (length xs - length merged) 0
merged = combine (filter (/= 0) xs)
combine (x:y:xs) | x == y = x * 2 : combine xs
| otherwise = x : combine (y:xs)
combine x = x
The problem is that I can't quite grasp what combine does.I did my research and found that
myFunction(x:xs) ...
represents that "x" is somehow the head of my list,and I can do stuff with it,right?Does that mean that in myFunction(x:y:xs) ...
"x" is the last element and "y" would be the second to the last element in xs?Is this right or am I terribly wrong?Also what about the ":" after "| x == y = x * 2",I learned that in Haskell ":" means appending a value to a list,but in this context I really can't quite understand what it does...Some help would be much apreciated.
x:y:xs is a pattern that says, "This is a list with at least 2 elements.We will call the first and second elements of this list x and y. The remaining sublist, which we will call xs may be empty or non-empty". That is, it represents both the list [1,2] and [1,2,3,4.....] but not [1].
Your second query can be answered by rewriting
| x == y = x * 2 : combine xs
| (x == y) = ((x * 2) : combine xs) for clarity. This is a standard if-else flow, except that Haskell does not require you to put those parentheses explicitly. Note that the 'pipes' are called guards and work similar to a switch-case statement in Java/C#.

Pairs of elements from list

I want to convert [1,2,3,4] to [[1 2] [2 3] [3 4]] or [(1 2) (2 3) (3 4)]. In clojure I have (partition 2 1 [1,2,3,4]). How can I do it in haskell? I suspect there is such function in standard api but I can't find it.
The standard trick for this is to zip the list with it's own tail:
> let xs = [1,2,3,4] in zip xs (tail xs)
To see why this works, line up the list and its tail visually.
xs = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : []
tail xs = 2 : 3 : 4 : []
and note that zip is making a tuple out of each column.
There are two more subtle reasons why this always does the right thing:
zip stops when either list runs out of elements. That makes sense here since we can't have an "incomplete pair" at the end and it also ensures that we get no pairs from a single element list.
When xs is empty, one might expect tail xs to throw an exception. However, because zip
checks its first argument first, when it sees that it's the empty list, the second argument
is never evaluated.
Everything above also holds true for zipWith, so you can use the same method whenever you need to apply a function pairwise to adjacent elements.
For a generic solution like Clojure's partition, there is nothing in the standard libraries. However, you can try something like this:
partition' :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
partition' size offset
| size <= 0 = error "partition': size must be positive"
| offset <= 0 = error "partition': offset must be positive"
| otherwise = loop
loop :: [a] -> [[a]]
loop xs = case splitAt size xs of
-- If the second part is empty, we're at the end. But we might
-- have gotten less than we asked for, hence the check.
(ys, []) -> if length ys == size then [ys] else []
(ys, _ ) -> ys : loop (drop offset xs)
Just to throw another answer out there using a different approach:
For n=2 you want to simply zip the list with its tail. For n=3 you want to zip the list with its tail and with the tail of its tail. This pattern continues further, so all we have to do is generalise it:
partition n = sequence . take n . iterate tail
But this only works for an offset of 1. To generalise the offsets we just have to look at the genrated list. It will always have the form:
So all left to do is select every offsetth element and we should be fine. I shamelessy stole this version from #ertes from this question:
everyNth :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
everyNth n = map head . takeWhile (not . null) . iterate (drop n)
The entire function now becomes:
partition size offset = everyNth offset . sequence . take size . iterate tail
Sometimes is best to roll your own. Recursive functions are what gives LisP its power and appeal. Haskell tries to discourage them but too often a solution is best achieved with a recursive function. They are often quite simple as is this one to produce pairs.
Haskell pattern matching reduces code. This could easily be changed by changing only the pattern to (x:y:yys) to produce (a,b), (c,d), (e,f).
> prs (x:yys#(y:_)) = (x,y):prs yys
> prs "abcdefg"
