How to show details by default with NSIS installer - nsis

With NSIS a basic build will have a "Show Details" button which will show the installer script messages. Is there a way to make this the default such that the user does not have to click "Show Details"?

Set ShowInstDetails attribute to show


How to change Uninstaller icon in NSIS?

I have a file compiled with NSIS.
Since MUI_ICON is used, after executing the installer file, the desired icon is displayed in the progress stage,
If you use MUI_UNICON, the desired icon is displayed in Add/Remove Programs.
However, an executable file and Uninstall.exe were created using the Installer, but
This Uninstall.exe shows the default icon for NSIS, not the one I intended.
Default icon: modern-uninstall-colorful.ico
How can I change this default icon at build time?
MUI_UNICON is correct and will change the uninstaller .exe icon.
If you see the wrong icon in Explorer then that is because it is caching the old icon. Rename your .exe and it should show the new icon. You can verify the icon by looking at the resources with Resource Hacker...

TortoiseGit Diff not showing up in context menu

I have Windows 7 with TortoiseGit 2.2.0 on my machine.
Added a Git user recently, she got 2.4.0 installed on her Windows 10 machine.
The issue is with the right-click context menu on her machine. The options "Diff" and "Diff with previous version" are not showing up in the Windows context menu or the "extended" TortoiseGit menu on her machine. Other items, like Push/Pull/Fetch show up fine in the extended menu.
These items were all checked in the "Set Extend Menu Item" options in TortoiseGit. I tried adding them to the "Context Menu" settings as well, tried restarting her machine after. This did not work, either. The Diff options just are not showing up in her menus. We've tried right-clicking both files and folders in the git repositories. They just never show up.
What might not be set right?
Checking for "Extended context menu" the item is only shown when you hold the SHIFT key when opening the context menu - this is also stated above the list. To move it to the TortoiseGit submenu, uncheck it on the "Context menu" settings page.
Please see

How to disable close button in the ABORT Message box in nsis?

I have used nsi script for creating exe file.In the installation steps I have one message box which shows confirmation dialog box if user wants to cancel the installation.
!define MUI_ABORTWARNING "Are you sure want to abort the installation"
It produces following message box:
In this message box contains disable x close button in the above of the i want to remove that [x] close button.
Is there any other message box is available to do this job?
NSIS uses the normal MessageBox and that only allows you control the buttons. Close means cancel/no/abort and this is normal windows behavior...
To change this you would need to implement a custom dialog and recompile NSIS.

How to activate Content Assist - Java Proposals

I have installed eclipse in Ubuntu 12.10. After working for a few days, I created my first CDT C++ project and stay there for while. Now when I go back to my Java project I found that when I type in a variable name and press "." nothing appears.
However, I can bring the context menu back by select "Edit" -> "Content assit" -> "Java Proposals". The problem is it is not convenient at all. When Click "Default Proposals" an empty context menu with "No Default proposal" appears. I have also confirmed that the right aspect "Java" is being activated.
How to return back to the original status (the Java proposals menu brings by default)?
Eclipse Platform version is 3.7.0.I20120502-2000
I have just fixed this problem by scanning all preferences options. However it is still not explain why it was disappeared because I didn't change anything there.
In "Preferences" dialog choose "Java" -> "Editor" -> "Content Assist" -> "Advanced", in my case the top list box there are some check box have not checked, including "Java Proposals". The problem has been fixed by check that box and click "OK" button.
I will leave this answer here for a while before I mark it as right, to hear better advices.
Quick Access Content Assist
you can type and search "Java Proposal" in "quick access", to find the "content assist" menu
Ctrl + 3 ==>Go to "Quick Access" menu
Type and search "Java Proposals"
Check that Bok and Click ok...
searching content assist through Quick Access

Possible to hide all details in NSIS installation progress page?

Using the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS), I'm looking for a way to hide the details on the MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES page when having a setup with Modern UI 2.
Currently an example of what I have is this:
And this would be what I want to achieve:
(German only, sorry)
As you see, there is no information about the individual file being copied as well as no way to show the details.
I've searched the documentation of Modern UI 2 but found no function to call to make these two controls (label and button) hidden.
My question is:
Is there a way to hide the file label and the details button that are being shown during a setup installation progress?
With the help of Anders, I've managed to do what I want:
First, I put
ShowInstDetails nevershow
ShowUninstDetails nevershow
at the top of my NSI file. Next, I put
SetDetailsPrint none
inside at the beginning of the Section "All files" section, and I put
SetDetailsPrint none
inside at the beginning of the Section "Uninstall" section.
Both, my setup and my uninstaller now runs without showing details.
ShowInstDetails nevershow + SetDetailsPrint none
ShowInstDetails nevershow
SetDetailsPrint none
