What is node.js based on, under the hood? - node.js

What is node.js based on, under the hood? Is it written from scratch, or is it based on another project?
(Also, can anybody pinpoint the web server technology that makes the http module?)

...is it based on another project?
Node.js leverages a couple of projects:
v8 (GOOG)
c-ares (from the authors of curl)
Via: http://blog.zorinaq.com/?e=34

Node.js is a event driven platform built on top of Chrome V8 javascript engine.
Its based on similar platforms built in other languages, for example Twisted in Python, EventMachine in Ruby or libevent in C.
Its written from scratch. You can read more about it here http://nodejs.org/about/. You can also join the nodejs developer mailing lists if you want a slightly deeper answer.
Specifically, about the node.js http server, extracted from Node about page linked above:
HTTP is a first class protocol in Node. Node's HTTP library has grown
out of the author's experiences developing and working with web
servers. For example, streaming data through most web frameworks is
impossible. Node attempts to correct these problems in its HTTP parser
and API. Coupled with Node's purely evented infrastructure, it makes a
good foundation for web libraries or frameworks.


Is Express.js necessary in learning Node.js?

Most books on Node.js have Express.js sections. Most Node tutorials I've seen are about web development with Node and Express. So, is the knowledge of Express required for a deep understanding of Node?
No, It isn't,
ExpressJs is framework build on top of nodejs, as they are many framework in different programming language it is the same for Javascript in the backend side.
Here is some of example of Framework
In the nodejs world ExpressJS is the popular one, so in many books it's normal to talk about It, as Javascript was firstly build for the web.
But NodeJS can be use for so many kind of application like
Data Streaming Apps
Server-Side Proxy
Big Data Analytics
Wireless Connectivity
System Monitoring Dashboard
And other many sort of application.
In the web world ExpressJS is the popular one.
So you don't have to learn ExpressJS to deep undestand nodejs. And you don't have to learn it if you would not build web application or API. You can also rely packages shiped with nodejs to build any sort of application even web application but it will take you more time than using existing package.]
You can search for any sort of package at NPM
no, a framework is never necessary to learn the language but the opposite, Learning the language is absolutely necessary to learn the framework.
According to express.js: "Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications." thats all.

What is absolutely necessary to have a website running on the web?

After a couple hours of searching top lists of free "web servers" and "web frameworks" on google, I realized I'm not sure what I'm looking at.
Let's take a couple of example softwares I have come across :
Apache HTTP server
Apache Tomcat
Questions :
Do all these work on the same scope/do the same thing?
If not, what is absolutely necessary to have my "helloworld.html" acessible from anywhere with internet? Let's consider I already have a dedicated server and a domain
Also if not, how do these work together/compliment eachother?
Each of this software has a different description on their website for what it does, what it is, who should use it, it really gets confusing when you're trying to find what is "fresh", what the cool kids are using
IIS and Apache are web servers that support a variety of different technologies for plugging code into the web servers. So, if you were using one of these web servers, you would also use some other framework and language runtime to plug into them.
Apache Tomcat is a Java-based server framework for web applications. From the wikipedia page: "Apache Tomcat, often referred to as Tomcat, is an open-source Java Servlet Container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements several Java EE specifications including Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java EL, and WebSocket, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment in which Java code can run." It may be used independently of the Apache Web Server. The "Apache" in the name has to do with it being part of the Apache open-source organization. So, if you want to program your server in Java, this is one of your options.
node.js is a Javascript-based framework that is both a framework and it's own web server. So, if you want to program your web server in Javascript, this is your main option. There are additional frameworks you might use with node.js such as Express to make programming your web server simpler.
Django is a python-based framework. If you want to program your web server in Python, this is one of your choices.
socket.io is really not like any of the others. socket.io is a layer on top of webSockets that gives you a whole bunch of additional features over webSockets. This would run in whatever server-side language and framework you were already using and you would have to select a socket.io library that was compatible with your server technology. You can see a list of features that socket.io adds on top of a webSocket here: Moving from socket.io to raw websockets?. webSockets themselves are used for continuous communication between server and client (more efficient than repeated Ajax calls) and for push notification from server to client.
So, if you were looking to select a technology from scratch, there are a number of different ways you could start your selection process.
If you have a preferred language (Java, Python, Javascript, Ruby, C#, etc...) you either know already or want to learn, then you can look at the frameworks that support your language and start there. The framework will indicate whether you need a companion web server or whether than is already part of the framework.
If you have an existing hosting company that you want to use, you may need to understand which technologies they support so you don't select something that would require you to change hosting companies. Not all hosting companies support all technologies and some are better specialists in some technologies.
If you have specific 3rd party code or libraries you want to use, you may want to investigate which languages/frameworks it can more easily be used with.
What is fresh and what the cool kids are using changes pretty regularly. I would suggest that's a crummy criteria. What makes more sense is to understand which technologies and frameworks are doing well with accelerating growth and a rich development community behind them vs. which ones may be falling out of favor. I haven't myself done any sort of overall survey to offer any sort of list of what's on the upswing and doing well vs. what is more stagnant.
I'm personally partial to node.js and the huge NPM library of open-source and compatible code you can draw from and the ability to use one language for both front-end and back-end. It is certainly one of the choices that is growing rapidly and has a vibrant development community behind it. But, it is not the only choice that would meet those qualifications.

How to use node.js server as a iis server?

Can I use node.js server as a web server?
Such as I will run aspx sites or wcf service in node.js server instead
of IIS? Can I do it without IIS?
There are several alternatives to IIS for hosting ASP.NET applications such as:
IIS Express
Apache (Mono)
Cassini (not actively developped)
Kayak Project (not actively developped)
C# WebServer (not actively developped)
Abyss (not actively developped)
There are probably others, but generally most of them aren't actively developed.
Node.js is a little different. It is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. It fetures a event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. It can still act as a web server and serve content. Node applications, to my knowledge, are written in JavaScript.
With this said:
Node.js can run on IIS, that's different from .NET running on Node.js
ASP.NET websites cannot run on Node.js
ASP.NET projects can benefit from using Node.js for some of its operations
ASP.NET has its own technology similar to Node.js and Socket.io called SignalR
TLDR - No, you can't.
These are different technologies, taken from Node.js website:
Node.jsĀ® is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily
building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an
event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and
efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run
across distributed devices.
It is feasible to develop an aspnx interpreter in javascript, but makes absolutely no sense to implement one programming language in another programming language.
There must be a reason of this question asked, you could instead tell us why do you desire to have Nodejs to become an aspx server, there might be more elegant solution.

What are the differences between Backbone.js and Node.js? And which is best? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm feeling a bit confused, there are so many frameworks out there for Node.js related 'stuff'. Would someone be able to give me an overview of What are the differences between Backbone.js and Node.js? And which is best? Thanks in advance.
I am quoting it from a couple of sources here:
Firstly, to quote from the stack overflow question here:
Most of the things you listed are related only because they are
written in or otherwise use JavaScript. Comparing them is much like
comparing apples to oranges. It's like asking what the difference is
between a Toyota Camry and a V6 engine. They are related, but do
different things.
Also known as Node.js, Node is the JavaScript environment on which we
run our server-side JavaScript code. It is based on the V8 JavaScript
engine. All of the JavaScript code you write, or install and run
from packages from NPM, GitHub, etc. is executed by the Node runtime
Backbone can be likened to as a Model-View-Controller
framework for JavaScript. I believe it was originally written for the
browser; it helps keep your client-side JavaScript clean by
implementing most common MVC patterns (as well as a couple other
things), allowing you to more easily connect your client-side
JavaScript to your server-side code.
Also, this is from an answer for the same question on Quora. Credit goes to Drew Harry:
They're almost completely unrelated. Traditionally, Backbone.js is a
client library and Node.js is a way to write server-side applications
in Javascript. Backbone aims to be a model + view system for binding
data models with DOM elements that represent that model visually in a
web page. Backbone also provides Collections of Models, as well as a
bunch of utility functions for synchronizing those models with their
server-side representations.
Node.js is just the v8 Javascript run-time environment packaged with a
standard library to do useful server-side things with Javascript.
There are lots of packages designed for Node (check out npm for ways
to easily install those packages, Backbone included) that extend it to
do all sorts of interesting things. It's possible to use Backbone.js
with Node.js, but Backbone isn't particularly designed with use on the
server in mind.
Go and upvote the above answer(s) if you find the material helpful.
Pretty much the only things those two have in common is that they're Javascript based and have a lot of hype surrounding them (not undeserved though).
node.js is a framework for Javascript server applications. It includes the V8 Javascript engine developed for Chrome. It's asynchronous and event-driven, so it's ideal for serving large numbers of small requests.
backbone.js is a framework for client-side web applications, specifically for so-called "single page web applications" where only a single HTML page is sent to the browser at the beginning, and every interaction thereafter is handled by AJAX requests and Javascript logic that transforms the page.
This means that the two can also work effectively together: an app implemented using backbone.js for the frontend could have its AJAX requests handled by a server part using node.js - a rather popular combination since it allows you to have an entire web app using only Javascript.
Backbone.js is a javascript library, similar to jQuery or YUI but addressing different needs.
Node.js is a javascript interpreter, similar to Internet Explorer or Firefox or Safari but addressing different needs.
I don't know much about backbone.js but I believe you can use it with Node.js since it uses regular javascript. You may need a DOM emulation layer for the DOM related stuff though.
Additional answer:
A bit of googling reveals that there are people out there using Backbone on Node.js. The advantage of this is obviously you'll be able to use the same framework and reuse code on both client and server.
See: http://nerds.airbnb.com/weve-launched-our-first-nodejs-app-to-product
More additional answer:
With regards to semantics I see that some people disagree what some terms in computing means. While the terms are loosely used, and while they are somewhat interchangeable, they do have fairly well defined meanings.
In general, an interpreter is an executable, that is, a program that takes as input some data and executes it as a program. V8 is not this. It cannot take javascript by itself and run it. It needs to be compiled into another program, an interpreter in order to run javascript.
V8 does ship with example code to build an interpreter though. That interpreter shipped with V8 is called V8-shell.
An engine is a library that implements an interpreter. This is exactly what V8 is.
The two terms above are somewhat interchangeable because the word "interpreter" can also validly be used in place of "engine" to describe what a library implements. But that usage of the word is similar to the usage of "MVC framework" or "UI toolkit" in that it is used as an adjective. So it is correct to say that an "interpreter" is a kind of library.
But the word was originally used to mean the binary that executes a programming language. When used this way one uses it as a noun as it refers to something on the file system. Used this way is similar to the usage of the "compiler". For example one would call clang a compiler in this sense and one would call llvm, the library used by clang, a compiler in the previous sense.
Lets take a look at something that is not javascript as an example:
tcl is a programming language
tcl is also the library that implements the interpreter for tcl. In other words the engine.
tclsh is the tcl interpreter
Let's take a look at another example:
ruby is a programming language
RubyC is one of the many engines for ruby
ruby is the interpreter that uses RubyC
Nobody uses the word "framework" when referring to the binary executable interpreter for the above two languages. It just sounds silly.
But wait you say, Node.js refers to more than just node.exe. It truly provides a bunch of additional features that can be used as a good foundation to write great programs. In other words a framework.
Well, yes. That being true does not make the usage of the word "interpreter" to refer to node.exe automatically invalid. Just as using the word "earth" to refer to the planet does not make using the word to refer to soil automatically invalid.
Besides, those extra functionality? That's true for tcl and ruby as well. It's also true for C. Those extra functionality like fs and http on Node.js are traditionally called standard library. While the Node.js project calls it a framework that's their choice. Almost nobody else calls their interpreter + standard library a framework. PHP for example is distributed exactly like Node.js with a bunch of very high level standard libraries but nobody would call PHP a framework. It's also a bit silly when people write actual frameworks on top of node - frameworks for a framework. But I'm not going to say they are wrong because they choose to call it that. It's just their way to describe what they've created. More power to them.
What I am saying is that people who say that node.js is not an interpreter is ignoring the usage of the word throughout the history of computing. I don't know. Coming from an asian background it's natural to me to assume that everything belongs to multiple categories. Maybe it's a western idea that things belong strictly to specific categories that I don't quite get.
So here are the facts:
Node.js is not simply a javascript library. You need node.exe to use the standard libraries that node ships with.
Backbone.js is on the other hand a standard javascript library. It is not an executable.
Node.js is the only example where an interpreter + library is called a framework so far. All other examples of framework I know of in programming refer to libraries that implement a design pattern.
Calling something "B" does not automatically make calling it "A" invalid.
One final thing: web browsers also come with a very large high level standard library for javascript. It's called the DOM (there's also a bunch of other stuff like Math and XMLHttpRequest but the DOM is the biggest). Accordingly one should call Internet Explorer and Firefox javascript frameworks but nobody does that.
Node.js :
Javascript for backend side. ( like : php, ruby on rails, python, etc. )
Backbone.js :
Javascript for frontend side ( running on the browser of your client )
backbone.js also uses jquery , more frameworks of javascript for client side are :
1. mootools
2. ExtJS
3. dojo
4. prototype
and many more ...
Both are javascript related but totally different.
Node is a interpreter/platform to execute javascript code in the server such as JDK or Ruby. To put it simple, you need NodeJS installed to interpret Backbone based script on the server.
When it comes to server side MVC., Geddy, RailwayJS, Express etc., considered to be serving the purpose better than Backbone.
Whereas Backbone is a champion MVC framework in the client side.
Node.js is a server-side platform designated for building network applications. It is built on Google's V8 Javascript Engine and uses asynchronous event-driven approach for building applications. Backbone.js is a simply javascript client library that makes it easier to create and maintain client-side code and comply with MVC pattern. Hence, they cannot be compared.
Backbone.js has a lot of alternatives that use slightly different approach to achieve the same goal. Most known are: knockout, ember.js and others. And it also can be plugged into node.js application.

Can we say node.js is a web server?

I found that I am confusing between web framework and web server.
Apache is a web server.
Tornado is a web server written in Python.
Nginx is a web server written in C
Zend is a web framework in php
Flask/Bottle is a web framework in Python
RoR is a web framework written in Ruby
Express is a web framework written in JS under Node.JS
Can we say node.js is a web server??? I am so confused between web server/ framework.
If somehow node.js is kind of webserver, not webframework (Express does), why do we need to put the whole node.js on top of Nginx server in useful practice??
Question on SO
Who can help???
Web server
Web server can refer to either the hardware (the computer) or the
software (the computer application) that helps to deliver content that
can be accessed through the Internet.1
The primary function of a web server is to deliver web pages on the
request to clients. This means delivery of HTML documents and any
additional content that may be included by a document, such as images,
style sheets and scripts.
A web server is the basic to delivering requests/pagess to the clients/user on the internet
Web framework
A web application framework is a software framework that is designed
to support the development of dynamic websites, web applications and
web services. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated
with common activities performed in Web development. For example, many
frameworks provide libraries for database access, templating
frameworks and session management, and they often promote code reuse.
A web framework uses a webserver to deliver the requests to client, but it is not the web server.
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily
building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an
event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and
efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run
across distributed devices.
But then again you can also create CLI apps so I think you should see it more as a platform to write javascript programs to run on your server(computer) using Javascript programming language instead of just in the browser as in the beginning. I think you could see it as Javascript++ ??
You can also write web server with node.js as you can see on the front page of node.js. In the beginning Ryan said you could put Nginx in front of node.js because of the stabilty of the project. The project was and still is pretty young. Nginx is a proven web server that will keep on running while node.js can crash. Then again a lot of user just use node.js for that.
I would say Node.js is a Runtime Environment or a Runtime Engine.
Probably the best definition I have found so far comes from an article by Rob Gravelle entitled "An Intro to Node.js":
Node.js is part runtime environment and part library for building network applications using server-side JavaScript. It uses Chrome's JavaScript runtime engine to execute JS code directly without the need for the browser sandbox.
Also the PCMAG.COM Encyclopedia provides the following definition of "runtime engine":
Software that certain applications depend on to run in the computer. The runtime engine must be running in the computer in order for the application to execute. It provides common routines and functions that the applications require, and it typically converts the program, which is in an interim, intermediate language, into machine language.
Also the Wikipedia article entitled "Run-time system" declares:
A run-time system (also called runtime system, runtime environment, or just runtime) implements the basic behavior of a computer language, whether the language is a compiled language, interpreted language, embedded domain-specific language, or is invoked via an API as is pthreads.
... A run-time system may implement behavior of tasks such as drawing text on the screen or making an Internet connection. It also typically acts as an abstraction layer that hides the complexity or variations in the services offered by the operating system.
Well, are there any runtime environments (or even software platforms) like Node.js out there? I guess JRE is a good example of such an environment. Node.js and JRE - they have many in common. They all have (a kind of) virtual machine, a class library and a framework to implement many types of applications, including CLI ones.
So, getting back to your question, can we say that Node.js is a web server? Let's change "Node.js" for "JRE" and answer if JRE is a web server. The answer is no.
All that we can say is that Node.js is a runtime environment which one may use to implement a web server. Well, that's my opinion.
Saying node is a webserver is like saying javacript can only run inside a browser, you can say that but it can also do a lot of other things.
[Javascript runtime enviroment(Chrome v8 engine) + Node
Can create a web server, can also be described as a
Application server
Web framework (uses nodejs's webserver to serve files)
Web server
In production most people use Nginx in front of node server as a proxy server to serve static files and other various elements like caching, routing etc.
I would classify node.js as a server framework, with packages available that can make use of it as an HTTP server, or a WebSocket server, or your own custom protocol, etc.
The reason you might put nginx in front of your node.js server is for HTTP load balancing and reverse proxying across several machines running your server application.
How I feel your pain !
Like many, I found it hard to get to the essence of Node.js because most people only write/talk about the part of Node that they find useful - and the part they find interesting is usually a secondary benefit of Node rather than its primary purpose. I must say that I think it's mad for people to say that Node is just a JavaScript runtime. Node's use of JavaScript - and its selection of the V8 runtime - are simply means to an end, the best tools for the problem that Node's developers wanted to solve.
Node's primary purpose was to make the management of user events in a web app more efficient. So Node is overwhelmingly used on the back end of a web app. Event management demands that something is listening at the server machine for these user events. So a http server must be set up to route each event to its appropriate handler script. Node provides a framework for quickly setting up a server to listen on a dedicated port for user requests. Node uses JavaScript for event handling because JavaScript allows functions to be called as objects. This allows the task to be executed immediately after an asynchronous request (e.g. to a file system, database or network) to be wrapped in a function and referenced as a parameter of the asynchronous request function call.
const mysql = require('mysql2');
const conn = mysql.createConnection(
database: "doa_statsbase",
user: "uoalabama_doas",
password: "*************"
. . .
. . .
const analyse_bigwheat_farmers = (err, result, fields) =>
. . . . .
. . . . .
return data_object;
. . .
. . .
let query = "SELECT * FROM us_farmers WHERE acreage > '1000' AND crop='wheat'";
mysql.query(query, (err, result, fields) =>
analyse_bigwheat_farmers(err, result, fields);
. . .
. . .
. . .
Not many other languages treat functions as objects and those that do may not have an interpreter as efficient as Google's V8 runtime. Most web developers already know JavaScript so there's no additional language learning with Node. What's more, having callback functions allows all user tasks to be put on a single thread without having explicit blocking applied to tasks demanding access to the database or file system. And this is what leads to the superior executional efficiency of Node under heavy concurrent use - the primary purpose for its development.
Today, most Node web applications use callbacks sparingly as JavaScript ES6 introduced the Promise construct in 2015 to handle asynchronous calls more easily and readably.
To help Node users quickly write back end code, Node's developers also organized both a built-in JS library for routine tasks (e.g. matters related to HTTP requests, string (de)coding, streams etc) and the NPM (Node Package Manager) repositary: this is an open source, user-maintained set of script packages for various standard and custom functions. All Node projects allow importation of NPM packages into a project via the established npm install command.
User requests handled via Node will be things needed by the web app like authentication, database querying, content management system (ApostropheCMS, Strapi CMS) updates, etc. All these will be sent to the Node port. (Where analysis of data got from a database is takes a lot of CPU time, this type of process is best put on a separate thread so it doesn't slow simpler user requests.) Other types of user request, e.g. to load another webpage, download CSS/JS/image files, etc, will continue to be sent by the browser to the default ports (typically ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) on the server machine where the web server program (Apache, NGinx, etc) will handle them in the mode of a traditional website.
[A side note here on request streaming to the server. Since most server machines' firewalls only allow the default ports 80/443 open, it is not usually allowed to directly send a Node.js request with another port in the URL, e.g. https://mynodeapp.com:3001/fetch-members. If one did, the server machine's firewall would simply ignore it as it directly references an illegal port.
Instead one could apply a URL to the request that has no explicit port number but which contains a virtual folder name that identifies the Node.js app, e.g. https://mynodeapp.com/mynodeapp/fetch-members. Then append some server directive code on the .htaccess file like:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^mynodeapp/(.*) https://localhost:3001/$1 [P]
Node.js requests given URLs in this way will thus find their way to the Node.js server for that web app via the nominated ports for the Node application, i.e. 3001 in the example here.]
So, in practice, Node is principally a framework for rapid server-creation and event-handling but one that replaces only some of the functions of the web server program.
Other non-backend uses of Node simply exploit one or other of its features, e.g. the JavaScript V8 engine. For example, the frontend build tools Grunt and Gulp use a frontend Node.js app to process a build script that can be coded to convert SASS to CSS, minify CSS/JS files, optimize image size or image loading, generate page-state HTML files for refreshing page-states in a single page application site, etc. But this sort of work is really just a by-product use of Node and not its principal use which is for making efficient backend processes for modern web applications.
Web server is something that serves its clients through internet over protocols and Web Framework is something like which we call as compiler. It consists of all the required libraries, syntax rules, etc.
And node.js is a framework!!
I think the problem is that the terminology of "web server" or "web application server" is dominated by the JEE world, and products, that are not as modularized as today's Javascript world of frameworks, which in turn can be combined more or less freely.
I see no reason why a technology, that can serve complex applications over the web, should not be called a web server, or web application server!
If you combine, let's say Nuxt as a frontend, with Feathers as a backend - you'll have a backend serving a REST API and a server-side rendered UI!
Of course, you could (mis)use that to serve static content - then I'd call it a web server, or you could use it to make and serve a full application - then I'd call it a web application server.
It's the combined features or qualities that sum up to serve a purpose - right? - Features like stability, scalability and such are IMHO something that will be added to those technologies, over time. For now, they're pretty new still.
No it's a runtime environment... so it is not a web server yet it does not need one to run. So probably this is why it could be confusing. It can run standalone without needing any webserver because it is a runtime itself but again it is not a webserver.
I just used Node.js for the first time to create a Discord bot. My thought was "Wow, Node.js is a server? I thought it was a JS library!" Or perhaps I could have thought about it as a framework.
Is it a web server? No but you can make one with it.
Is it a server? As in the software that receives queries and serves the result? Yes.
In my case, I have issued the command:
node index.js
And now Node.js is waiting for requests to respond to (via my bot). It's a server, but it isn't serving web pages.
Although Nodejs is treated as a pretty cool, lightweight runtime environment and consists an awesome package manager called npm in node ecosystem. You can spin up a REST API, web application server using express framework which serves to a dedicated port. And it primarily required no web server on top of it.
whereas web server's main agenda is to serve as layer 7 loadbalancer and proxy server. According to Industry Standard most commonly used web server is nginx due to reliability. Although you can configure a http proxy server using node libraries and express framework.
