I am new in JavaFx 2.0, and I am facing a problem with arabic text where javafx print it in incorrect order. I tried to find a solution in internet, but there is no resource about. So, doe any one have an idea how to solve this problem in JavaFx 2.0 ?
There is a right-to-left support in JDK8 earl access. There a Node has the Method setNodeOrientation(NodeOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT);
Unfortunately Bi-Directional text is not yet supported.
You may want to track and vote for corresponding Feature Request: http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-17411
I have looked everywhere for the following issue, but unfortunately not able to find the solution. I an using JSF 2.2, richfaces, Netbeans 7.3.1 and GlassFish Server. I am trying to build a GUI for selecting multiple items in the rich:picklist, adding them to the right and clicking a submit button which would execute methods (having JDBC calls) associated with each of the selected items on the right and hence populating the tables in Database. Any working example would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You can see a live demo of all richfaces components here http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/
Here all the components usage and its tag information every thing is clearly given. Still if you feel any problem with understanding then you can post another question with a specific problem. The question you have asked is a very general one. no offense.
Hope above link helps you.
I am in the process of localizing my application. Everything works well except one issue. According to the Apple docs, if you have a specific region, it should be selected first and then to the more general. So for instance, in my project, I have:
While I am set to US English in my settings, Monotouch is picking the en.lproj before en_US.lproj when it should be the other way around. Is this a bug or is this not supported?
Thanks, that link helped. And I re-read the docs and it does not work that way I thought on iOS, only OSX. So iOS only looks at locale only eg. en.lproj.
I can't find a resource that clarifies the programming differences between Polaris and Orion versions. I've been googling for a few days now.
Probably you already read this article written by Jukka Niiranen
The Next Dynamics CRM User Experience: Orion
I think Gemini release will bring (at least) the possibility to use Xrm javascript with the new forms (actually is really a shame to don't be able to pre-fill a field or to do some show/hide logic) and provide the xml definition that will replace the ribbon.
I'm not sure if there is such a document yet. Before we start with Orion, we have to pass Gemini, first. And given the inconsistency between road maps and reality this far, it could as well be that Orion will be known as CRM-2014.
I tried the simpledroid with INotifyPropertyChanged and ICommand successfully.
I want to do the same with monotouch and xib designer,but without TouchDialog. Is there a way to implement without inheriting from mvx class as in monodroid?
Is it possible to do the same with MonoMac without Dialog as Portable Library in MonoMac or XaMac in supported now?
I understand what is your goal.
I think you want to start learning MvvmCross for Monotouch with a basic application example as you probably did with SimpleDroid. I tried to do the same without success.
Why ? Because SimpleDialogTouch is an "Advanced" example in my opinion. When you learn Monotouch, you use xib to design your view. But the sample tells you to learn a new tool "Monotouch Dialog" which is a way to display controls programmatically.
You get those errors because the sample implements the ViewModel only for Dialog and not for xib or classic binding.
Finally, you will have to dig into MvvmCross to build your own SimpleTouch implementation. The problem is that you don't have a lot of documentation, but Stuart is the best supporter for a beginner or you can switch to advanced Mvx features if you don't need to understand the underground of MvvmCross. There are a lot of samples, tutorials and posts to tweak Mvx.
Hope that helps.
Is there a way to implement without inheriting from mvx class as in monodroid?
I don't believe this is supported in the current source.
There is an effort underway to separate out the databinding code in MvvmCross so it can be used more easily with other frameworks - e.g. we might try porting MvvmLight across too. This is where my effort is currently focused.
If you need this now, then I think you could fairly easily create this simple binding yourself if you wanted to - but you'd have to take a look at what the SimpleDialog version does - it's not too big a code to copy across to the XIB version - https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/blob/vnext/Cirrious/Cirrious.MvvmCross.Dialog.Touch/Simple/MvxSimpleTouchDialogViewController.cs
But... why not just implement a proper portable MvxViewModel instead?
Is it possible to do the same with MonoMac without Dialog as Portable Library in MonoMac or XaMac in supported now?
Portable libraries are not supported in any release from Xamarin yet - there is an unofficial installer that Jeff very kindly provided - but it's not a release...
For MvvmCross MonoMac/XaMac support, there is one non-PCL version from #deapsquatter around, but I don't believe this has data-binding yet.
I will be working on a PCL and data-binding release for MonoMac or XaMac - but it's on a spare time basis - no-one's come forward with a customer project to fund that work yet. If you or anyone wants to assist with this port, then you are very welcome... but it will be quite technical work - there are changes I intend to make 'under the covers' - so the easiest place for others to help will probably be in later work - adding more views, more bindings, doing QA, making samples, etc.
Note: "Simple" bindings are not the future for MvvmCross and may get dropped from a future release. However, this will only happen after I've separated out the Binding code so that it can be used with other libraries - the first of which will probably be a simple binding example.
I personally don't see much difference or advantage in using these so-called Simple bindings... but maybe I'm missing something...
I don't often have need for tomahawk components anymore since jsf 2.0 provides great selectOneMenu support and most of other functionality I used to use them for, but when it comes to a selectOneRadio component I don't know of another provider with a layout="spread" option. This is essential from time to time to achieve a certain layout I'm asked for.
I'm using Tomahawk for exactly this purpose but recently discovered some serialization issues caused by this component during failover. I was wondering if anyone has discovered another provider with similar "spread" functionality or if anyone has written/published an alternative based on h:selectOneRadio?
We also wanted to use the "spread" option - in our case for DDA compatibility (no using tables for layout) but for political reasons were unable to use Tomahawk. We ended up writing our own custom renderer for radio buttons and checkboxes.
It wasn't too hard, took me a few hours to get it working the way we wanted. I'm at home for a couple of days without access to the code base so I can't give you the exact code but it's a pretty simple matter of overriding the encodeBegin() and decodeBegin() (or encodeEnd() and decodeEnd() depending on your usecase) methods and writing the html appropriate for your application.