xe:restService not loading data after page is rendered - xpages

I have a xPage with following content:
<xe:restService id="restService" preventDojoStore="false">
<xe:viewJsonService viewName="vwChartData"
<xe:restViewColumn columnName="x" name="valuex"></xe:restViewColumn>
<xe:restViewColumn columnName="y" name="valuey"></xe:restViewColumn>
How to fetch the data after page load? From what I understand it should create a Dojo store, although it never loads the data.
When I add to the page a xe:djxDataGrid, hide it from user, I can easily access the data from created Dojo Store, either by referring directly the restService variable, or through djxDataGrid.
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[XSP.addOnLoad( function() {
var ds = eval('restService');
onComplete : function(items, request) {

When you look at the source code when using a data grid you would see all the source code necessary to link your Dojo store. Watch the XSP.onLoad for trigger code.


Error setting sessionScope variable in KendoUI grid to open document

My app uses KendoUI Grids for user views, but Xpages with custom controls for form pages (at least for now).
The Xpage looks for a sessionScope variable to determine if it is a new doc (nothing in the scope Var) or and update (unid is in the var).
<xe:this.createObject><![CDATA[#{javascript:var pc = new com.scoular.model.PC();
var unid = sessionScope.get("key");
if (unid != null) {
} else {
viewScope.status = pc.status;
return pc;}]]></xe:this.createObject>
This worked for a completely Xpage app. I just put a value in the sessionScope key and called the Xpage.
In the Kendo UI code I am using client-side javascript and I don't see a way to set the sessionScope.
I can control the URL, so I could switch gears and use that, however the data for my app is in a different DB than my code.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The easiest way is indeed using the URL:
call the XPage with a parameter ?key=... and change your CSJS code line to
var unid = param.key;
In case you really need to set a sessionScope variable from client side
then add this empty computed text field
value="#{javascript: if (param.key) {sessionScope.key = param.key} ''}" />
to your XPage and set the sessionScope variable in CSJS code with
XSP.partialRefreshGet("#{id:setSessionScope}", {params: {'key': 'your key'}})

Xpages attach event to partial refresh of pager in Data View

In a previous post I asked how to add a bootstrap class to a Data View. The answer was to add the class to the "table.dataview" in a script block. After the table is created the class is applied and all is well.
But when I use a pager the formatting disappears. I am using a partial refresh on the pager to only refresh the data table but doing so means that the bootstrap class does not get applied to the table.
I believe I need to add an event handler that will attach to the refresh action of the dataView to add the class. However I cannot get the event handler to work.
My code for the event handler is below.
<xp:eventHandler refreshMode="partial" submit="true"
id="applyCSS" refreshId="dataView1" event="parialRefresh"
value="what" loaded="false">
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:("table.dataview").addClass("table-striped table-hover table-bordered table-condensed")}]]></xp:this.action>
Oliver, the rendered=false was simply a typo - I was testing something and needed to temporarily suppress that.
Oliver and Paul,
Last night I was able to get the partial refresh to work.
I ran across this post by Mark Roden which explained how to do it. There were two different ways to accomplish this, one less and one more efficient. The code I used is below.
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock3">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[$('.dataView1PanelWrapper').on("DOMNodeInserted", function(){
$("table.dataview").addClass("table-striped table-hover table-bordered table-condensed")
However, and isn't there almost always a however in Xpages, I have some sortable columns in the view and clicking on the sort brings up the same problem! I lose the class assignment!
So now I would have to intercept that event too, right?
Concerned where this will end. Don't like the idea of DOM Manipulation, and only want to do it if I have too.
I started by using a simple view. It worked great, but for some reason the spacing was messed up in the pagers. I found that by moving the pagers out of the view itself, I was able to get the alignment issue fixed. I think it would be better just to use a view, as I can assign the class directly and won't have to do all this manipulation. It is however very good to know how to do this for the future.
Is that what you would suggest?
I have tried Paul Withers suggestion using an output script. This works on the initial page load, but not on any other changes to the data view - when the pager fires, or sorting or any of that. I am close, but no cigar yet. Any suggestions?
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock5" loaded="false">
Behavior = {
".dataview": {
found: function(node) {
dojo.addClass(node,".table-striped table-hover table-bordered table-condensed");
//node.addClass("table-striped table-hover table-bordered table-condensed");
dojo.ready(function() {
//Make sure that future pagers are also straightened out
dojo.subscribe("partialrefresh-complete", null, function(method, form, refreshId) {
Move your existing xp:scriptBlock with the working code inside a facet of the xe:dataView. Then the styling will get applied on initial load and on all partial refreshes.
You should call your CSJS stuff to add the class in the onComplete property of the event handler - hard to find, just highlight the event handler object in source code or outline and then open "All properties" to find the "onComplete" property. This event allows CSJS to be called.
BTW: why is the loaded property = false? The event will never we rendered.
dojo.behavior, dojo.ready and dojo.subscribe should allow you to manage this. dojo.behavior allows you to define a particular behaviour for a particular collection of elements which will be retrieved via a Dojo query. dojo.ready will (I believe) run the code when the page initially loads and dojo.subscribe("partialrefresh-complete", null, function(method, form, refreshId) {...} will run the code aftedr a partial refresh.
Here's sample code I used for converting a DataView's category column images to Font Awesome icons, so the Behavior = {...} bit will need amending.
Behavior = {
// Convert xp:pagers to Bootstrap
".catColumn a img": {
found: function(img_node) {
var imgSrc = dojo.getNodeProp(img_node, "alt").toLowerCase();
if (imgSrc.indexOf("collapse") >= 0) {
dojo.place('<i class="fa fa-minus-square"></i> ', img_node, 'replace');
} else {
dojo.place('<i class="fa fa-plus-square"></i> ', img_node, 'replace');
dojo.ready(function() {
//Make sure that future pagers are also straightened out
dojo.subscribe("partialrefresh-complete", null, function(method, form, refreshId) {

ComboBox onBlur to refresh the values of other ComboBoxes using a function

I have an xpage with 5 fields on it. Each field has code in the onBlur event to refresh the values of the ComboBoxes below it. I now have to add a bunch more fields to this application and I don't want to write the refresh code for each field. Rather, I would like to create a function that takes a parameter of which field I'm in and do the refresh with a loop.
I can't seem to get this to work. Below is the code I'm using in the onBlur event. I don't know the semantics of putting this code in a script library that can access each combobox and call the refresh code in a loop.
Any ideas?
<xp:comboBox id="vendorAppAdvSkills1">
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="-Select a Category-"
itemValue="-Select a Category-"></xp:selectItem>
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:getComponent( "vendorAppSkills1" ).getValue();}]]></xp:this.value>
<xp:eventHandler event="onblur" submit="false">
onComplete: function()
onComplete: function()
onComplete: function()
onComplete: function()
} )
} )
} )
} )
} );]]></xp:this.script>
Do you have validation on your XPage? If so, validation will be preventing any of the partial refreshes running.
If possible just set the refresh ID of the eventHandler to an area that encompasses all combo boxes. That would just call one partial refresh from the browser to the server.
With your current code you're calling 5 partial refreshes, each time posting the whole content of the browser across to the server, each time updating the whole page, but just pushing back an individual component. Performance is not going to be good, so the single refresh area is better practice (as well as being easier to code!).
As best practice, unless you're preventing validation, also ensure the refresh area includes a Display Errors control. Otherwise your users (including you when testing) will not know if validation has failed.

p:remoteCommand returns <eval> twice in ajax response

I try to render a new page in a new window (or tab) with the link I get from a selected page object in an autoComplete component.
After trying multiple options the only chance in my opinion is to use javascript to catch the submit, trigger a remote command, that gives me a javascript call with the link attribute from the page object.
JSF-Snipplet (with reduced attributes in autoComplete)
<h:form id="autoCompleteForm">
<p:autoComplete id="autoComplete" widgetVar="autoCompleteWidget" value="#{pageBean.selectedPage}" />
<p:remoteCommand action="#{pageBean.showPage}" name="showPage" />
some JS:
// form submit
('#autoCompleteForm').on('submit', function(e) {
// open link
var openLink = function(pageLink) {
window.open(pageLink, '_blank');
Bean part for action
public void showPage() {
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
context.execute("openLink('" + selectedPage.getLink() + ".xhtml')");
Everything works nice together, but the response contains the eval tag twice.
<update id="javax.faces.ViewState"><![CDATA[2851816213645347690:-2276123702509360418]]></update>
I tried different approaches with redirects or returning view names, but that all leads to no satisfying solutions (e.g. URL not changing or no new window).
Problem solved:
I had defined PrimePartialViewContextFactoryin my faces-config before:
By removing it the application acts like expected.
This also solves a problem (JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data) with pagination and sorting in DataTables.

How to update Beans or Scoped Variables when transitioning in XPages Mobile Controls

I'm having a problem trying to set values on a mobile page before transition into that page.
I have a scriptblock based on Tony McGuckin's OpenNTF XSnippet. http://openntf.org/XSnippets.nsf/snippet.xsp?id=calling-server-side-jscode-during-mobile-page-transitions
So when I transition to a page with the ID of "appPage3" I call the method "facilityCheckIn" if the JSON-RPC service.
I'm trying to set the value in a viewScoped managed bean and for testing am trying to set a normal viewScope variable.
As best as I can tell the Mobile Page is not picking up the changes. It's not showing the viewScope at all. I'm not sure what's up with that.
I believe the managed bean is getting it's value but it's like the page is getting rendered first. The value on the Mobile page is blank the first time
and then if I either refresh, or exit and go back to the page it does display. I tried accessing the bean via SSJS and EL.
I really need to be able to set values for mobile pages as I transition into and out of a page.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I've updated the code below to show the complete Mobile Page. I've not included anything for the custom control that should be displaying the fields but can if necessary.
I've created a 6ish minute video demonstrating the problem and that also shows all the relevant code.
<xp:styleSheet href="/.ibmxspres/dojoroot/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css"></xp:styleSheet>
<xp:styleSheet href="/mobile.css"></xp:styleSheet>
<xc:ccDebugToolbar defaultCollapsed="false"
<xe:singlePageApp id="singlePageApp1"
<xe:djxmHeading id="djxmHeading1" label="My Inventory"></xe:djxmHeading>
<xe:appPage id="homeID" pageName="home">
<xe:djxmHeading id="djxmHeading2" label="My Inventory">
<xe:appPage id="appPage2" pageName="facility" resetContent="true">
<xe:appPage id="appPage8" pageName="show" resetContent="true">
<xe:appPage id="appPage3" pageName="facilityCheckIn"
<xc:mob_page_CheckInOut header="Check In at Facility"
scanType="Receiving" scanLocation="Facility">
<xe:appPage id="appPage5" pageName="facilityCheckOut"
<xc:mob_page_CheckInOut header="Check Out from Facility"
scanType="Shipping" scanLocation="Facility">
<xe:appPage id="appPage6" pageName="showCheckOut"
<xc:mob_page_CheckInOut header="Check Out from Show"
scanType="Shipping" scanLocation="Show">
<xe:appPage id="appPage7" pageName="showCheckIn"
<xc:mob_page_CheckInOut header="Check In at Show"
scanType="Receiving" scanLocation="Show">
<!-- SUB PAGES -->
<!-- GET MANIFEST Page -->
<xe:appPage id="appPage4" pageName="manifest" resetContent="true">
<xe:jsonRpcService id="jsonRpcService1" serviceName="appService">
<xe:remoteMethod name="setCurrentPage">
<xe:remoteMethodArg name="pageName"></xe:remoteMethodArg>
<xe:remoteMethodArg name="direction"></xe:remoteMethodArg>
<xe:this.script><![CDATA[print("PageName " + pageName);
print("Direction " + direction);
viewScope.put("vsPage", "test");
return "";]]></xe:this.script>
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock1">
// Begin App Page 1
var newPage = dijit.byId("#{id:appPage3}");
if(null != newPage){
dojo.connect(newPage, "onBeforeTransitionIn", function(){
var deferred = appService.setCurrentPage("facilityCheckIn", "onBeforeTransitionIn");
deferred.addCallback(function(result) {
dojo.connect(newPage, "onBeforeTransitionOut", function(){
var deferred = appService.setCurrentPage("facilityCheckIn", "onBeforeTransitionOut");
deferred.addCallback(function(result) {
dojo.connect(newPage, "onAfterTransitionIn", function(){
var deferred = appService.setCurrentPage("facilityCheckIn", "onAfterTransitionIn");
deferred.addCallback(function(result) {
dojo.connect(newPage, "onAfterTransitionOut", function(){
var deferred =appService.setCurrentPage("facilityCheckIn", "onAfterTransitionOut");
deferred.addCallback(function(result) {
// End App Page 1
// Begin Home Page
var newPage = dijit.byId("#{id:homeID}");
if(null != newPage){
//console.log("Inside home Page")
dojo.connect(newPage, "onBeforeTransitionIn", function(){
var deferred = appService.homePageReset();
deferred.addCallback(function(result) {
dojo.connect(newPage, "onBeforeTransitionOut", function(){
var deferred = appService.homePageReset();
deferred.addCallback(function(result) {
// END Home Page
// Insert new Code ABOVE THIS LINE
}); // This ends the block that holds all the functions
I was faced with a similar problem some time ago and I had to create another XPage (with a SingleApplication) to navigate to instead of just jumping to an appPage within the same SingleApplication.
Not ideal, however, it also solved another issue for me since I wanted to be able to jump directly to the page in question (using a QR code).. ;-)
PS. Will follow your findings here to see if it can be done. This kind of issues with the mobile controls (I had some with typeahead as well) sort of pushed me in direction of other frameworks, for now, anyway...
David.... You said that doing a refresh did correct the issue, also Stephan mentioned that the transition to the new page happens before the result comes back from the RPC which I think is correct. So in your callback, while not optimal but may at least get you moving forward, you could fire off a partial refresh by using:
//I've had partial success with the "#{id:appPage3}" call, so I usually use a full
// dojo query like:
var appPageId = dojo.query("[id$='appPage3']")[0].id
I don't know if that will correct your issue, but it appears everything is working as it should with the exception of that value being populated.
Ok I believe I have this solved. I had no luck using the RPC control stuff from Tony's XSnippet. That works of you're leaving the page but not if your entering. This seems to work as desired.
To deal with entering you need to put your code in the Rendering event of the header.
