So, this is what I want:
<span>Field 1</span><span>Field 2</span><span>Field 3</span><br />
<span>Content A1</span><span>Content B1</span><span>Content C1</span><br />
<span>Content A2</span><span>Content B2</span><span>Content C2</span><br />
<span>Content A3</span><span>Content B3</span><span>Content C3</span><br />
Now I want that Field1 has that width as the biggest Constant A1 / Constant A2 / Constant A3 have. In other words, each column auto expand to the maximum width of content. Just like in tables. Is it doable?
you can use this css :
display: table-cell;
I have JSF data table and only one column has column header.
I need to hide the column with header text based on the condition and when I do that the entire header row shrinks because the other columns don't have header text.
To prevent this, I need to set 'empty' string and I tried a few tricks but nothing seem to work.
<p:dataTable ....>
<p:column headerText=" " >
How do I set empty string headerText attribute?
Thx in advance.
Depending on your Primefaces version you could use this code to force the creation of the html element
<p:dataTable ....>
<p:column headerText=" " >
With early version this should create the div but make it very small, so you can add css style to adjust to your wish, something like
.ui-datatable thead th {
min-height: xx px;
min-width: yy px;
I think you can solve your problem event with only the second part, so only with css.
I have a Tablix table object that is grouped by column invoiceNumber. The number of rows in the table is not static. I want a bottom border only on the very last row of the table (so no borders between the middle rows.)
On the last cell I have a custom function in the Border property:
=IIF(ROWNUMBER("invoiceNumber") = COUNT(Fields!invoiceTotal.Value, "invoiceNumber"), "Solid", "None")
<Textbox Name="Textbox41">
<Style />
<Style />
<Style>=IIF(ROWNUMBER("invoiceNumber") = COUNT(Fields!invoiceTotal.Value, "invoiceNumber"), "Solid", "None")</Style>
But the system still puts a border under every cell. Should I place the function somewhere else?
Thank you!
After you have chosen a field name, then you start typing in the value textbox, the dropdown defaults to a width of 150px which causes lots of things to be cut off. A scrollbar shows up so you can scroll left and right, but I would like to figure out how to set the minimum width of this element.
The css path to the element defining this is:
body > div.gwt-SuggestBoxPopup > div > table > tbody > tr.suggestPopupMiddle > td.suggestPopupMiddleCenter > div > div
It seems to be an inline style in the element
<div class="" style="overflow: auto; position: relative; zoom: 1; height: 322px; width: 150px;">
The field dropdown seems to re-size dynamically, so it does not get scroll bars, the suggest box starts at 150px and resizes sometimes, but it doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason.
I added the following to my stylesheet:
.suggestPopupMiddleCenter > div > div
min-width: 300px; !important
But that also affects the field dropdown, which appears to be working properly.
Is this a bug, or is there a configuration that I can use that will allow the value suggestion box dropdown to dynamically resize based on the widest element?
It is hard wired in the tardis branch
It probably could use some rule to choose the width. Best if you raise a bug and make a suggestion?
I have a rich:autocomplete dropdown selector in my application. In the dropdown list that appears as the user begins entering text, the strings that have been loaded into the list of selections will happily display out to the entire width of the dropdown. However, once you make a selection only about 34 characters of the string will be displayed, with the result that the end user has to scroll left and right in the input box to see the entire string, see here (StackOverflow won't allow me to post inline images yet):
Here's the offending table cell in the frontend XHTML file. It uses the JSF and richfaces namespaces and there's a backing bean that creates the autocomplete suggestion list and executes other business logic, but I believe this is the only relevant code:
<td height="20" class="addborderright addborderbottom inputbox" colspan="4">
<!-- nb: richfaces autocomplete to ensure proper name entry -->
<h:message styleClass="errormsg" for="campusName" />
<rich:autocomplete id="campusName" length="50" mode="client" minChars="1"
layout="table" autofill="true" selectFirst="true"
style="width:370px" fetchValue="#{fn}" var="fn" maxlength="100">
To make the dropdown box left-justify text and be the same as the width of the input field the following CSS is at the top of the XHTML file:
text-align: left; float: left;
.rf-au-lst-dcrtn .rf-au-lst-scrl {
width: 370px; !important
However, there doesn't appear to be a CSS property relating to the width of the displayed text in the input box, so it appears cut off to the end user, and only fills about half the available space in the input box! Could someone please help? Thanks!
rf-au-fnt is the class of the input, you're already overriding it so just add the width.
As a sidenote, rather than directly overriding the RichFaces classes you should set a class for the component and then write stylesheets like
.myAutocomplete .rf-au-fnt {text-align: left; float: left; width: 370px !important
This way you don't change something you wouldn't want to.
I am looking for a way to say set a maxWidth size to 80% in FXML.
Much like in web development.
<VBox fx:id="testVB" prefWidth="600">
But this does not:
<VBox fx:id="testVB" prefWidth="80%">
I know that in Straight JavaFX2 non-fxml you can create insets? What is the best way to do this outside of code in FMXL?
I'm not sure you can. You need to use the GridPane layout component. In this component, you can specify rows and columns constraints, and in these constraints you can specify a width as a percentage. For example:
<TitledPane text="testGridPane" GridPane.columnIndex="0" GridPane.rowIndex="0" />
<ColumnConstraints hgrow="SOMETIMES" minWidth="10.0" percentWidth="80.0" prefWidth="100.0" />
<ColumnConstraints hgrow="SOMETIMES" minWidth="10.0" percentWidth="20.0" prefWidth="100.0" />
<RowConstraints minHeight="10.0" prefHeight="30.0" vgrow="SOMETIMES" />
This code defines a GridPane with a first column with a width of 80%. The TitledPane is set in the first cell of the first column of this GridPane, and can (because you need to be sure that the width constraints of the TitledPane match your needs) occupy 80% of the width of the GridPane.
Please note that I removed all information not relevant to your question. By the way, Oracle's Scene Builder tool is very useful to define complex FXML layout.
It seems like many answers have already been provided and they should work. However, there is a way to set percentages:
<Screen fx:factory="getPrimary" fx:id="screen" />
This would help you detect the dimensions of the current screen, the application is being displayed on. Now that we have the display dimensions, we can play with it in FXML as follows:
<HBox fx:id="hroot" prefHeight="${screen.visualBounds.height}" prefWidth="${screen.visualBounds.width}"> Your FXML elements inside the root... </HBox>
Note that I use visualBounds, since this would get me the available space on the screen, since I don't want an overlap with the taskbar in Windows for example. For fullscreen applications, you would just use 'bounds'.
Now, to come to your point of using percentages, you can actually play with the value of the prefheight and prefWidth. You can put calculations inside the ${}.
If you want to have all your elements use relative sizes, just refer to them, using their ID and width or height property, and make your calculation.
<VBox fx:id="VBSidebar" prefWidth="${hroot.width*0.15}" prefHeight="${hroot.height}"> more elements.. </VBox>
Hope this helps!
You can simulate it - basic example that simulates 50% for two cols in an HBox. You can add dummy panes to get thirds, etc.
HBox {
VBox {
static hgrow : "ALWAYS",
Label {
text : "Privacy",
alignment : "CENTER",
styleClass : ["h2", "heading"]
VBox {
static hgrow : "ALWAYS",
Label {
text : "Messages",
alignment : "CENTER",
styleClass : ["h2", "heading"]
Label {text:""}