How to launch an Blackberry app on device turn on/switch on - blackberry-eclipse-plugin

I did the following but it not work for always.It works if i launch the app manually and then turn off the device and turn on the device my app is launched. But before turning off the device if i switched to another app then after switch-on the device,"My app is not getting launch".
import net.rim.device.api.system.ApplicationDescriptor;
import net.rim.device.api.system.ApplicationManager;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
public class MyApp extends UiApplication
public static void main(String args[]) {
if (args.length == 0)
ApplicationDescriptor current = ApplicationDescriptor.currentApplicationDescriptor();
ApplicationManager manager = ApplicationManager.getApplicationManager();
manager.scheduleApplication(current, System.currentTimeMillis()
+ 2000, true);
System.out.println("restarted !");
MyApp app = new MyApp();
public MyApp()
pushScreen(new MyScreen());
Please's important...and thanks a lot.

Im not a blackberry expert, but I develop for iOS and Android. The on/off switch or power button is hardly linked to the device, and the action performed when it's pressed is written in the operating system, not in an application, I don't think you'll find an event listener for this button to be pressed, just imagine the security issues it could raise if an app could prevent the phone from turning off (or on ...)

In your Eclipse project, open the Blackberry_App_Description.xml file, go to the "Alternate Entry Points" tab, add a new entry to the list, enable its "Auto-run on startup" option, and give it an "Application argument" value of your choosing. You can then update your main() function to look for that value when the app runs:
public static void main(String args[])
if ((args != null) && (args.length > 0) && (args[0].equals("MyValue")))
System.out.println("System Startup !");
MyApp app = new MyApp();

On android its totally possible. You only have to register a broadcast receiver with the correct filter and add the permission on the manifest.
I think you should not think of this function from the buttons point of view and more on the power on event point of view.


Android Studio 3.2.1: Silent Mode Toggle app crashes when clicked even though no error in code

I'm just starting to learn coding for Android App by following the book Android App Development for Dummies to create the Silent Mode Toggle App.
Everything seems fine in the code (no error except for warning that:
"Casting 'findViewById(' to 'ImageView' is redundant.
This inspection reports unnecessary cast expressions."
I have read through a similar problem here (Application Crashes - Silent Mode Toggle - Android for Dummies) and it says to try:
1) Change "extends ActionBarActivity" to just "extends Activity" and import - mine is already as such.
2) delete or comment the 'if' in the onCreate method out - mine don't have this section.
3) change the parameter of the setContentView to: R.layout.fragment_main - not very sure what this means but don't seem to be relevant to my code? (his codes and mine are slightly different) Code
package com.dummies.silentmodetoggle;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import com.dummies.silentmodetoggle.util.RingerHelper;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
AudioManager audioManager;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
audioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(AUDIO_SERVICE);
FrameLayout contentView =
(FrameLayout) findViewById(;
contentView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
private void updateUi() {
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
int phoneImage = RingerHelper.isPhoneSilent(audioManager)
? R.mipmap.ringer_off
: R.mipmap.ringer_on;
protected void onResume(){
// Update our UI in case anything has changed.
The book says to create a java file at: "src/main/java/com/dummies/silentmodetoggle/util/" but did not state how. Since I do not have a util folder so I'd created a package (New>Package) at "src/main/java/com.dummies.silentmodetoggle" and added the RingerHelper java file in the util folder. Note sure if this is the problem? The code is as below:
package com.dummies.silentmodetoggle.util;
public class RingerHelper {
// private to prevent users from creating a RingerHelper object
private RingerHelper(){}
/* Toggles the phone's silent mode */
public static void performToggle(AudioManager audioManager) {
// If the phone is currently silent, then unsilence it. If
// it's currently normal, then silence it.
/* Returns whether the phone is currently in silent mode. */
public static boolean isPhoneSilent(AudioManager audioManager){
return audioManager.getRingerMode()
Error from LogCat when I clicked the button on app
2018-12-01 22:11:44.029 30122-30122/com.dummies.silentmodetoggle E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.dummies.silentmodetoggle, PID: 30122
java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to change Do Not Disturb state
at android.os.Parcel.readException(
at android.os.Parcel.readException(
at com.dummies.silentmodetoggle.util.RingerHelper.performToggle(
at com.dummies.silentmodetoggle.MainActivity$1.onClick(
at android.view.View.performClick(
at android.view.View$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
2018-12-01 22:11:44.672 1315-1315/? E/EGL_emulation: tid 1315: eglCreateSyncKHR(1901): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
Otherwise the app seems to work fine, ie, when I click on the volume button of the device itself to silent, the app image will change to silent and vice versa. It just crashes when I try to click on the image of the app itself.
I really have no idea what's going on. Please help. Thanks very much!
You need to add permissions for Do Not Disturb State. I was facing the same issue and I added the following lines to my code in onCreate method and it works fine Now:
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
Intent intent = new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_POLICY_ACCESS_SETTINGS);

Open custom Acumatica screen as popup from button on Bills and Adjustments screen

I have a completely custom screen with its own BLC and DACs, and I want to open it as a popup from a button placed on the Bills and Adjustments screen. I have coded it as follows:
public class APInvoiceEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<APInvoiceEntry>
public PXAction<APInvoice> LaunchOpenSource;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Open Source")]
protected void launchOpenSource()
APInvoice apinvoice = (APInvoice)Base.Document.Current;
if (apinvoice != null)
//var url = "http://localhost/AcumaticaDB2562/?ScreenId=AC302000&OpenSourceName=Bills+and+Adjustments&DataID=" + apinvoice.RefNbr;
OpenSourceDataMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<OpenSourceDataMaint>();
graph.OpenSourceDataHeader.Current = graph.OpenSourceDataHeader.Search<xTACOpenSourceHeader.openSourceName, xTACOpenSourceHeader.dataID>("Bills and Adjustments", apinvoice.RefNbr);
if (graph.OpenSourceDataHeader.Current != null)
throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, "Open Source")
Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow
I've included all the relevant DACs and BLC for my custom screen in the Class Library project I'm using to customize the 'Bills and Adjustments' screen where I'm adding the button.
The problem I'm having is that I get the following error message when launching the button:
I've set all the relevant permissions for the screen that uses the OpenSourceDataMaint BLC to 'Delete' in 'Access Right By Role', 'Access Rights By User', and 'Access Rights By Screen'. Nothing makes any difference.
Looks like DataSource is trying to find a node in SiteMap with GraphType equal to full name off your OpenSourceDataMaint class and fails:
public class PXBaseDataSource : DataSourceControl, IAttributeAccessor, INamingContainer, ICompositeControlDesignerAccessor, ICommandSource, IPXCallbackHandler, IPXScriptControl, IPXCallbackUpdatable, IPostBackDataHandler
private static string getFormUrl(Type graphType)
PXSiteMapNode node = getSiteMapNode(graphType);
if (node == null)
throw new PXException(string.Format(ErrorMessages.GetLocal(ErrorMessages.NotEnoughRightsToAccessObject), graphType.Name));
String url = node.Url;
//if (url.Contains("unum=")) url = PXUrl.IgnoreQueryParameter(url, "unum");
return PXUrl.TrimUrl(url);
Could you please check if TypeName is properly defined for PXDataSource inside your custom Aspx page? Also could you please check if your custom Aspx page also exists in Cst_Published folder and if values set for PXDataSource.TypeName property are identical inside Pages and Cst_Published folders?
One more thing to check, does the Site Map screen show the right GraphName for your custom screen? - would be beneficial if you can provide a screenshot for verification.
If possible, please provide your customization package, that can be published locally (even with compiled assembly) - this would greatly speed up the investigation process.
The solution, for me, was to put the code (shown below) in a customization window instead of a class library project in Visual Studio. Since the code needs to have a reference to another published customization, putting it inside an Acumatica code window takes care of this. There is no reference to the published custom screen customization in my class library project, and this obviously causes issues - and I'm not sure how to handle that.
public class APInvoiceEntryExt:PXGraphExtension<APInvoiceEntry>
public PXAction<APInvoice> LaunchOpenSource;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Open Source")]
protected void launchOpenSource()
APInvoice apinvoice = (APInvoice)Base.Document.Current;
if (apinvoice != null)
AssistantController.OpenSourceDataMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<AssistantController.OpenSourceDataMaint>();
graph.OpenSourceDataHeader.Current = graph.OpenSourceDataHeader.Search<AssistantController.xTACOpenSourceHeader.openSourceName
,AssistantController.xTACOpenSourceHeader.dataID>("Bills and Adjustments", apinvoice.RefNbr);
throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, "Open Source")
Mode = PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.NewWindow

Internet Connectivity Listener in Xamarin.Forms

I am new in Xamarin.Forms and I want to check internet connectivity status in iOS and Android app. In fact using CrossConnectivity Plugins I am able to check internet connectivity successfully but It is not working as Listener. For example, When I open my app and internet connection is not there then it shows me message that "No internet connection" and now if I ON my mobile data then also it shows me same message. I am using below code for this:
string isConnected=CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected?"Connected":"No Connection";
My app is not able to listen the changing status of internet connectivity in middle something.
Using the plugin CrossConnectivity, you need to listen to changes via the event ConnectivityChanged, so in your page, or your App class, add this code to write an event handler:
CrossConnectivity.Current.ConnectivityChanged += (sender, args) =>
//your implementation
this.DisplayAlert("Connectivity Changed", "IsConnected: " + args.IsConnected.ToString(), "OK");
I have the solution for Android but i haven't started working on ios part
(better than nothing ;)
First Create a broadcastReceiver
public class Localize: BroadcastReceiver
public static Context context;
public Localize(Context ctx)
context = ctx;
public override void OnReceive (Context context, Intent intent)
isNetworkAvailable (context);
public void isNetworkAvailable(Context context)
Boolean state = false;
ConnectivityManager connectivity = (ConnectivityManager)
if (connectivity != null)
NetworkInfo[] info = connectivity.GetAllNetworkInfo();
foreach (NetworkInfo nwork in info)
if (nwork.GetState () == NetworkInfo.State.Connected) {
ConnectionDetected();//Execute your fonction here
Then register your broadcastreceiver with intent in your activity (in MainActivity for example)
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.ConnectivityAction);
receiver = new Localize(this);
RegisterReceiver(receiver, filter);
This should work as long as your application is running.. If you want a service that runs even if your App is killed you should create a service and then register broadcastReceiver in your service..
this also works if you download package. I haven't tested it thoroughly

Metro UI on an Android App

I am currently developing an app where my user interface would be similar to that of the METRO UI of windows app but not very similar. I made a relative layout where the "windows" would be places. Given that I have formatted them properly. How do I add simple animations such as changing images on each window on display (ie. without having to let the users touch in order to trigger animations.)
Here is an animation I would like to imitate but would start even without user touch/hover.
You should create an Asynctask and call it recursively, (ignore the types of the parameters):
public class AnimateAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String>{
protected String doInBackground(String... vURL) {
//do some waiting
//trigger animations
protected void onPostExecute(String a) {
AnimateAsyncTask atsk = new AnimateAsyncTask();

i need such a thread which can run in background determine the time after every second, in blackberry

i need such a thread which can run in background, determine the time after every second, in blackberry. if any code or link anybody know. plz send it.
Thanks in advance.
the following is the code:
public class MyApp extends Application
public Timer _timer;
public TimerTask _timerTask;
public static void main(String[] args)
MyApp theApp = new MyApp();
public MyApp()
_timer = new Timer();
_timerTask = new TimerTask(){
public void run() {
//Do what u want here
_timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(_timerTask, 0,10000);
Notice that class MyApp is extending Application and not UiApplication,this thing makes this app hidden, if u also want to hide the icon of this app from the Menu then go to Blackberry_App_Descriptor.xml file and check the "Do not Display the Application icon on home screen", And , if you want to auto start this app on Startup check "Auto Start on startup" in same file.
