How to fix me51n user exit EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010? - hook

I have problem with me51n. I have an include in EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010 that has a bunch of codes which we use it to receive errors. The problem of mine is;
-When i run me51n with required datas(mat. number, quantity, etc.) I get some errors which also includes the error that I'm expecting on the first time, however when i terminate me51n and run it again with the same exact data, i dont get my error. I have debugged it and put a break point on my include in EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010 and it never gets to my breakpoint on the second run. (It gets to the breakpoint on the first run but not the second one).
I dont know how but with the same material it works fine later again at the first time but still on the second time i cant get the error again.
Can anyone please help me on this?

Basically problem was the developement system from the beginning (sigh -_-). While having other errors rather than my errors, i assume my error gets stuck sometimes and never pop up because of the standard SAP procedure. So in test system (QA) me51n works perfectly when I'm just trying to have only my error.
Thanks for anyone who actually tried to help and I hope this might be useful sometime for someone in future.


Discord.js client doesn't work and doesn't give any errors

So my discord bot that I host on for free (so that might be the problem) works fine most of the time but sometimes, it will just randomly stop working. Even when I restart it, the client.on("ready") function won't trigger and nothing works. This problem just fixes it self after some time but it is really anoying and it keeps happening. It has nothing to do with my code as it works and there is nothing chance based in my code that may break it, and even then it would trow an error, this just doesn't work and doesn't give any errors. If you would like to take a look at my code it is on here. Thanks in advance!
Replit is a free hosting platform but if I remember well, if no one get into the page for a certain time, the program will stop. It is probably that that stops your bot.
(sorry if you don't understand well my English)
heyy, you can fork your repl, if you're token is in the process.env you must add it, else if your token is in a config.json file, it's ok, just fork it and it's done

There is an error shown in grocery store project. Can you help me solve it?

it is error shown when i go to main url i.e, '/'. except this everything is okay
The reason for this is stated in the error. Admittedly it's a little hard to spot, but it is: "products is not defined at eval (E:\IT\SEM-7\Project\a\project\views\products\index.ejs)". Without seeing your code, it's impossible to pinpoint why exactly this is happening.

How to get Flow type checker to detect changes in my files?

So Flow only works correctly the first time I run it, and then I have to restart my computer before it'll work correctly again.
Specifically, the problem I'm seeing is that we are using the Flow language to add type annotations to our JS code. Our linter script is setup to run flow type checking among other things. However, when I fix an issue in my code and then rerun the linter script, it still comes back with the exact same errors... BUT when it shows the piece of code where the error is supposed to be, it actually shows my updated code that's fixed.
So as an example, I had a file I copied into the project, that I didn't think I really needed, but maybe I would. So I copied it in just in case. Well then it came up with a bunch of linter errors, so I decided to just delete the file since I didn't really need it. So then I run "yarn lint --fix" again, but it's still complaining about that file, EVEN THOUGH THE FILE DOESN"T EXIST! Now interestingly, where the linter output is supposed to show the code for those errors it's just blank.
Or another example, let's say I had a couple of functions in my code:
100: function foo() {}
150: function bar() {}
And foo has a lot of errors because it was some throw away code I don't need anymore and so I just delete it. So the new code looks like:
100: function bar() {}
Well I rerun the linter and get an error like:
Error ------------------------ function foo has incorrect
something...blah blah
100| function bar() {}
I also tested this out on a coworker's machine and they got the same behavior that I did. So it's not something specific to my machine, although it could be specific to our project?
Note: There doesn't appear to be a tag for Flow, but I couldn't post without including at least one tag, so I used flowlang even though that's actually a different language :-( I'm assuming that anyone looking for flow would also use that tag since it's the closest.
The first time you launch Flow it starts up a background process that is then used for subsequent type checking. Unfortunately this background process is extremely slow, and buggy to boot. In linux you can run:
killall flow
To stop the background process. Then if you rerun the flow type checker, it will actually see all your latest changes.

Loadframe Fails at CreateEx for no apparent reason in CMainFrame

Okay so my MFC application was working fairly well until I cleared the application from the system registry. Now I am unable to run the program. Whenever I try running the program I get an exception. Checking the stack I noticed that CreateEx in LoadFrame for CMainFrame was crushing. This crash occurs when ProcessShellCommand is called in the derived CwinApp of the application.However, I have not been able to pinpoint the exact cause of the crash. I have a hunch it might have something to do with the loading of resource but I don't know exactly how. I have checked the .rc include file and it looks fine to me. I just don't understand how clearing the registry could cause such a mess. Been at it for the past 4 hours.
So basically I am asking if any of you have faced this problem before, and how did you managed to fix it without starting right from scratch? I am not sure of the exact part of the code I should put here to clarify my question so I hope this is clear enough.

Issue with basic AS3 workers classes

I have followed Lee Brimelow's tutorials (part 1, part 2), but somehow my project doesn't work as expected.
Currently, publishing "src/" to "www/assets/swf/secondary.swf" works properly, however when trying to run "src/", an error shows up:
Exception fault: TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at Main/init()[/Volumes/DOCUMENTS/Tests/AS3/test-workers/src/]
at Main()[/Volumes/DOCUMENTS/Tests/AS3/test-workers/src/]
If anybody has time, you can look at my code on Github and maybe see where I screwed up? Thanks a bunch!
As your error message says: the problem raised in Line 52 in your Main.init()method. What you try to do there is to create a new instance of SecondarySWF. I would say that your embedment of Secondary class into SecondarySWF doesn't work properly, so it is not available in your init-method. You should set a breakpoint at the first line of your init-method and when the debugger reaches this point check what's in SecondarySWF. I expect that there's nothing in that variable, so what your new SecondarySWF() then means actually is new null().
Because you embed your secondary.swf with a MIME-type specified the Flex compiler ignores it because it is unable to detect the actual type of data in the loaded file. I found this post on Adobe's cookbook page that explains what you have to do in addition to adding the file using [Embed]. Hope this will fit your needs.
