Dojo Radio button group linedirection? - xpages

I'm using a Dojo radio button group in a mobile Xpage and it is in page direction, I'd like it to be in line direction. It's a setting for the Xpage Domino radio button group, but I can't find how to do this with the Dojo version.
I have no problem using the Xpage Domino radio button group, but in some mobile orientations the radio button group is cut off part of the way across.
I've been digging into this across several fora and posts, but I've not found anything that does this in mobile Xpages.
Could someone please give me a pointer?

If you stick with the XPages provided radio button group you can change the direction by setting the direction property on the radioGroup control to either lineDirection or pageDirection.


Vertical Radio Buttons

So what is the best method to get vertical radio buttons to display in situations with limited screen space. I started with the standard xp:radioGroup, but I can't control the format to be vertical.
I have tried the multicolumnradiobutton on OpenNTF, but I was having problems getting an eventHandler to fire to force a partial refresh (tried using onclick). Would love to see a sample of that since that would solve the issue of formatting.
What I am seeing at this point is if you use a radiobutton group you are stuck with a horizontal layout of buttons. I haven't looked Dojo Radio Button to see if it was the answer.
Basically best option for vertical list of radio buttons that will allow partialRefresh of document.
You get vertical radio buttons with xp:radioGroup when you set layout="pageDirection":
You can use a radio button (not a group) and tie them together with the name. Then you can format them any way you want. This is useful when using Bootstrap since the radio button group puts everything in a table.

Show/ hide Spotfire web player toolbar buttons

In spotfire web player customization there is and option to show or hide the toolbar by setting the value of the "showToolbar" property as true or false.
I need to show only few buttons of the toolbar such as Filter, and Bookmarks and i haven't found a way to do that.
Is it even possible?
Thanks :)
You can parameterize your dashboard. This is perfect for embedding dashboards on iframes or mashing up (embed) visualizations on websites such as Sharepoints or blogs that allows them.

SharePoint default modal dialog box not showing buttons

I've been doing searches trying to find help on this, but so far all I have found is how to set options for popping up a SharePoint modal dialog box from custom code.
However, I haven't created any custom web parts to display modal dialogs. What's happening, is if someone clicks the upload document button in a library, the upload document modal dialog comes up, but the ok and cancel buttons are half off of the bottom of the box. Users can click on them, but it just doesn't look very good.
I started playing with the CSS to make the modal dialog box bigger to reveal the buttons, and that works for the most part, but the real problem is the grant user permission dialog box.
When that is clicked, it doesn't show the ok and cancel buttons, and maximizing the dialog box doesn't reveal them. The user has to hit tab about 5-10 times before the focus moves to the ok button and is then clickable.
I would post an image, but I don't have enough reputation to do so.
Has anyone come across this? It seems very strange that the out of the box setting would have this problem.
The CSS that I use to adjust the height and width of the modal dialog is:
.ms-dlgFrame, .ms-dlgContent, .ms-dlgBorder, .ms-dlgFrameContainer
I'm just trying to set the height/min-height values, but I haven't had much luck.
We're using Internet Explorer 11 to view the pages.
Stevangelista actually pointed me in the right direction, I wish I could mark comments as answers, and since I'm new I can't upvote the comment, but here's the solution:
I am using a customized master page, and that comment had me take a look at the elements in the page.
Since the master page is being used in the dialog boxes as well, I used the s4-notdlg class to remove parts that weren't needed in the dialogs. Those parts were pushing the buttons below the bottom of the screen.
I'm not a css expert, so there may be ways of keeping those parts and still have the buttons accessible, but the particular issue I was trying to fix was resolved by using the s4-notdlg class to objects in my custom master page.

Radio button focus on DocuSign templates

We have are getting a strange behavior with the radio groups in our templates. Each of the radio groups is required, however, when a radio button from a group is selected, the next radio button (not the next group) gets focus. This will confuse our users as they will think they have to click each radio. Moreover, it would be helpful if an entire group could have focus as opposed to individual radios.
Is there a way to give the group focus as opposed to the individual radio?
The manner in which Radio Buttons (or any other type of input element) get focus in the Signing Session UI is not configurable via the API, nor is it configurable via the DocuSign web console.
we can change this option from Docusign settings.
Preferences->Account Administration->Features->signing auto-navigation rule-> Navigate Blank Required Fields
This will move focus to next field when a radio button is selected from Radio group.

android - UI like sliding down notification bar

I want to develop a panel with animation same as notification panel. I mean to say the notification panel is a cool control where you grab and slide down the notification bar and see all the notifications.
Actually, I am having 2 UI , 1st should be shown with Button at top, when user click on that button, the 2nd UI with listview items should be slide down same as notification panel and again when user click or drag the 2nd UI at the top side, then 2nd UI should be become invisible. I hope i made clear my question.
From Christian's answer, I am trying to use a sliding drawer that will display a
list of options. I need this to expand over the current ListView on the page.
So if anybody know how to implement such layout or UI with sliding down animation then please share it.
Please suggest how to build with such control or layout? any ideas or suggestions
Have you tried the SlidingDrawer widget?
Paresh I found a solution in this post about sliding drawers.
android misc widgets has it implemented , though it still has some flaws but it will definitely prove helpful.
Though in the same SO post CommonsWare has quoted :
You similarly cannot make a
SlidingDrawer that descends from the
Good Luck.
You can use SlidingTray from: to make this happen
Alternatively you can also use a custom PopupWindow class which is part of Android API.
