How to generate call to a mobile using asterisk - voip

I am a college student and a complete newbie to asterisk.
I'm currently working on a project 'email to voice call'.
Using python i'v extracted the email & converted it into speech and saved in a WAV file.
Now using asterisk i want to generate call to the mobile of the user through my system.
I have read the book 'Asterisk: The Future Of Telephony' as suggested by many. But i'm still not able to understand what all things i need to setup to generate a call to mobile.
What i understood is that i need to configure two files i.e. sip.conf where i need to give the details of VoIP provider and extensions.conf for dial-plan. Asterisk will tell the VoIP provider to generate a call.
Now can anyone please tell me what things i need to setup other than these? Also can you help me in the configuration of these two files??
Please help. Any information will be appreciated.
Thank You.

I am not fully understand your case.
You want to generate call on user's mobile (cellular telephony)?
You want to generate call on user's mobile voip application?
If you case is second then you only need to configure 2 files as you have mentioned. And you can easily get pre-configured files from internet (
But if you fall in to case one then you need following apart from those 2 files.
Additional hardware FXO card.
Need to configure zaptel driver for that FXO card.
One telephone line.


Audio calling with nodejs

I want to create a real-time audio-calling application with nodejs. It will have a feature like Omegle (randomly) but only audio calling. A user also should be able to call people who he/she talked to before.
I found that Twillo and other sites have services like this but I want it to be free. Could you please suggest to me what to use and how to implement it? Any links or videos? Thanks!

How do I use twiml.gather continuously in existing call?

I want to be able to capture both parties speech to text continuously in a call and send those strings off to be translated in real-time and then use twiml.say to speak the text back. I have not been having much luck with this and wondering how I should go about doing this.
The one user will make a call from their phone to the other support person which is at a web browser. I have the call setup and working fine, however I cannot find any documentation anywhere that is aligned with what I am wanting to do and wondering if it is possible or if I need to be looking down a different route.
Should anyone have any advice or has seen samples similar to this I would love to see them. Thanks!
Twilio developer evangelist here.
It's not currently possible to capture a two legged conversation with <Gather> and speech recognition. So you might need to look somewhere else for this functionality.

Get the audio data from Google Assistant

As of now (is using what I see is, I get the string format of what the user speaks.
I would like to access the raw audio file the user speaks to interact with Google Assistant using the platform.
Is there a way to get the audio file ?
We are aiming to evaluate the quality of speech of the user hence we would need to run the algorithms on the audio.
No, there is currently no way to get the audio content of what has been sent.
(However, the team is looking to understand the use cases of why you might want or need this feature, so you may want to elaborate on your question further.)

Issues Getting Started with Restcomm

I've been trying to get started with programming with Restcomm for a few weeks now, and I'm having trouble figuring what I need in order to get myself set up with all of the services.
So far, I have gotten myself situated with the Restcomm software via the AWS Marketplace; I am able to log into the software, but have failed to register a phone number yet. Whenever I select a number from the page by clicking "Register Number," a message comes up saying that registration "failed" without any additional information.
Additionally, I have downloaded and unzipped the folders for Mobicents (which I have not read much about the use of on my desktop yet) and the Telscale USSD Gateway (which I have read most of the background documentation for, but am yet to get in motion with because of my inability to utilize Restcomm).
I have really been trying to make sense of all of these pieces on my own, but I'm at a point of frustration. Could I get some guidance just walking me through what I need in order to get started with using Restcomm and having functions through telephones correspond with a simple database?
If you have been able to log into Restcomm AMI, you should be able to use the pre-packaged demo apps. Here is the documentation explaining how to test the demo apps.

Is there a way to automate NACHA batch file payments to banks from a generated NACHA file?

Is there a way to automate NACHA batch file payments to banks from a generated NACHA file?
I want to get customers bank info into a system then take that info and generate payments to
my account with a batch file.
How can this be done with node.js??
I've open sourced an ACH file generation library called nACH2
This has been a while, but for anyone interested, there is an NPM module called nacha that does what you want. It was made by Bitfloor, the Bitcoin exchange company who recently closed their doors after they were hacked. It's still on their ghostly Github account and I contacted the the man who wrote it. He said he had used it in production for several months without problems. But...he would advise that some work be put in to adding more tests, making the module more extensible and just testing it to be sure it is generating the correct files. I've taken a look at it, and I might attempt to re-write the NPM module for the company I'm working for and then open source it so others can benefit. In the meantime, you could take a look at that NPM module for generating ACH NACHA files.
Any of us that have worked with multiple data formats and are familiar with the NACHA (or ACH) file format know that it is awful. It is a fixed width file that is inconsistent from row to row and nearly impossible to work with. Banks in the United States are required to utilize this format with organizations like Federal Reserve, but technically savvy banks will not require that format from their customers.
You might ask your bank if they accept file formats other than NACHA formatted files. For example, our bank accepts NACHA, XML, EDI820, ISO20022, .CSV, fixed width, and delimited files that are much easier to work with. We also provide information back to systems regarding the status of those payments after they are initiated.
Regarding the automation piece, absolutely. Files can be automatically encrypted with PGP, transmitted via SFTP. Likewise, some banks will also deliver files to you via SFTP or have a server where you can pick the data up. There are many free open source applications that can help you accomplish this WinSCP and Cleopatra are two widely used applications that will keep the data secure and get it where it needs to go.
If your banker is not able to help you with these functions or you are looking for a technically savvy bank, please feel free to give our Treasury Management department a call at 913-563-5600 and ask them to schedule a technical call with the IT staff and we can help point your team in the right direction.
