XPage plugin working in Lotus Notes but not Notes browser - lotus-notes

I have created an extension library component but my XPages Extension Library is working on my local Notes Browser. If I run my XPage in notes itself it works fine.
When I run it in the browser I get the following error is thrown:
Cannot find the library com.example.blank.library, required by the application /ForLearnCopy.nsf.
What does this mean, and how can I solve it? Thanks!

You have to install your plugin like a server plugin.
Have a look here:
Running XPages Extension Library on local machine
Hope this helps

check the documentation of the extension library. It shows nicely what you have to do to get a plugin working everywhere. There are 3 places:
install using an update site in Notes client - to work in the Notes client. Usually ends in NotesData/workspace/applications
install into NotesData/domino/workspace/applications (look for plugins/features folder there) - to make it work on the local browser preview
in the Domino server (use the updatesite.nsf and the right parameter)
Hope that helps


HTTP error 404 when previewing XPages in a web browser after installing XPages Extension Library

After installing the XPages Extension Library v15 from openNTF.org the required way I get an 404 Error when previewing XPages in a browser. Previewing XPages in Notes works fine.
IBM states an issue that you need to check the Build Automatically in Project menu item of Domoino Designer to avoid 404 Error. But that item is checked.
What do I miss ?
Make sure you installed ExtLib on server too.
Restart task http on server.
Clean your project with menu Project/Clean. This way it gets rebuild completely.
If it's still showing 404 error then have a look at error.log file on server.
You pointed out in your comment that you use "Preview in Web Browser" without a server.
The local preview loads plugins from
Copy all ExtLib's features/plugins from
into this directory and restart Notes Client & Domino Designer.

Error 500 in IBM Notes Client 9.0.1

I am facing issue (Error:500 Unexpected run time error ) in some cases when xpages based application is opened in Note 9.0.1 client. This issue is not reproduce because when you restart your client it automatically resolve the problem and its not come very often.
Initially we were using Server 8.5.3 but we have upgraded server to 9.0.1 FP4HF71. We have not observed this issue on 8.5.X clients.
Can anybody tell why this issue sometime occur on some machine and automatically issue is fixed when machine re-starts .
Anybody else facing same issue or not? Possible solution?
It works well other than xpages apps.
Is this while you're developing? If you make a change in Domino Designer and want to see the change in XPiNC, you need to close Notes and re-open. It's to do with how the applications are loaded and how the XPages runtime differs in XPiNC vs server. (My guess is that the XPiNC XPages runtime uses the .class files for the application loaded in memory, but building the application recreates those - it has to - so the files are no longer available for the XPiNC runtime.)
There's no way round it and my recommendation (and what I've used for XPiNC development on other projects) is develop and test in Firefox, then do a final review in XPiNC when complete. Troubleshooting in Firefox is significantly easier than XPiNC, even with Firebug Lite plugin, so it will be an easier development experience.
The biggest single different with XPiNC look and feel / processing is if #DbLookup and #DbColumn are coded with "" as the first parameter, which works on browser but is bad practice. Following best practice of using #DbName() as the first parameter will yield consistent results on XPiNC and browser.
It won't occur for non-XPages applications, because they are the only applications using the XPages runtime built into the Notes Client for XPiNC.
Try changing the port under Preferences -> Domino Designer -> Web Preview Port to 8080 or something along those lines. Maybe port 80 is already in use.

Installing xpage extension library does not load any extension library controls in browser

I am installing the extension library in one of my local machine,I have previously also installed extension library in another machine and that is working fine,but now in another machine all settings and process is same, To test whether the extension library is installed or not I have created a test page and added layout control and according from extension library to the page and executed the page from the browser,It is not giving any error and prints the values which i have given in the layout.but layout is not visible.
In short the controls from the extension library are not visible when executed the page in browser,
I have Verified the extension library installed on designer as below image.
I have Verified the extension library installed on server as below image.
So in server responses the state is LAZY,bit confused here whether the library is loaded on server properly or not.Or i have to do all the process again to get library started.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Edit 1: I forgot to mention that I am using domino designer 9 and notes 9,the domino server version is 8.5,Is there any issues with version?
Edit 2:Now I have converted domino server, domino designer,notes client to version 8.5,Currently I have every thing of same version,I tried loading extension library it loads but only some controls works and some are not.
For example I have added "dialog box,application-layout" this works with no issue but, when I add name picker and value picker is shows Unhandled exception.
To be more clear,
when I add name-picker and value picker without any values it looks perfectly working as in image.
Now when I add values in name picker or value picker or accordian is shows the error,
<xe:namePicker id="namePicker2" for="members"
dialogTitle="Teilnehmer auswählen">
addressBookSel="all" nameList="peopleAndGroups"
<xe:this.addressBookDb><![CDATA[# {javascript:var nab:NotesDatabase=session.getDatabase(database.getServer(),"names.nsf");
return database.getServer() + "!!" + nab.getFilePath();}]]> </xe:this.addressBookDb>
Extension Library relies on code available in the underlying XPages-related classes installed with the server. So if you install a ...9.0.1 version of Extension Library on an earlier server version, it will not be able to run properly. Always ensure the Extension Library version is appropriate for the server and bear in mind some functionality will not be available (so you won't be able to use deviceBean, some mobile components or the Bootstrap functionality included in more recentl versions of Extension Library.
I would still encourage you to use the latest Domino Designer, for better stability and tooling options. You can still have a 9.0.1 version of Extension Library installed, as far as I know. Designer just picks up tooling and doesn't includes Extension Library source code in the compiled NSF, so there's no conflict. An 8.5.3 version of Extension Library may not even install on a 9.0.1 client, I haven't tried.
On Xsp Properties, General tab, setting "Minimum Supported Release" to 8.5.3 will ensure it still compiles against the 8.5.3 limitations, which should ensure you don't accidentally use properties or functions that didn't exist until after 8.5.3.

CKEditor not working after server upgrade

After server upgrade from Domino 8.5.3 to 9.0.1FP2, the CKEditor in one of our applications stopped working but only on a few PC's. Some users see the full CKEditor in that appliacation some users don't. All of them have the same browsers (Firefox and IE) in the same versions.
Those, who does not see that CKEditor, see only a simple TextArea on it's place.
Has anybody any idea, where could be a problem?
Thanks, JiKra
You need to refresh the browser cache in order for the updated CKEditor files to be downloaded (and used).
There's a similar discussion on my blog at http://per.lausten.dk/blog/2014/08/xpages-and-domino-9-0-1-fp2-upgrades-to-ckeditor-and-dojo.html.
Cleaning and rebuilding the application worked for us.

xPage launched in Notes Client 853 FP5 on win7 displayed as html web pages, no error though

The xPage app was developed and compiled using 851 designer by someone else...
Were suppose to be used inside Notes Client.
Only two of my users when they open the xpage app in the Notes Client 853FP5 standard config on win7 everything displays and no error however it wasn't in xpage UI, instead it looks like some domino view being loaded in a web browser. but all xpage buttons and links are working and displayed. Just the not xpage UI.
If I try to load the app in a web browser, all seems to load fine.
Any ideas? as no other user has got the same issue. If it is an issue with win7, then they are all on win7 though, Or any suggestions in terms of where to start from to debug this issue?
Many thanks
You mention that it's not the "xpage UI" but that "xpage buttons and links are working". It sounds like a caching issue for the CSS files. Try the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-Delete to clear the local cache.
Source: http://ypastov.blogspot.dk/2013/08/xpinc-clearing-cache.html
