Map: mix regions and markers - svg

I need to display both color coded states and cities on a US map.
Is this possible with Google geocharts?
Basically what I'm looking for is a way to mix the regions and markers display modes.
If not, any alternate options to achieve this?

I also answered a similar question here, but here it goes again:
Regions and Markers wont work at the same time. So if you want to color the background of the states, using markers mode, you can do it with CSS.
I'm documenting some examples for a Wordpress plugin i developed here:
Check the last example. It's not easy, since you have to find which child path number you want to color, and then you can do it. Example:
#visualization path:nth-child(5) {
Here's an example, forkerd from another user, with the CSS above:
Hope it helps!

No, this is impossible with GeoCharts. I would recommend you to try jVectorMap library for that.


How to avoid the background to appear in between two edge-to-edge-placed antialiased patterns described in SVG?

As shown in the above picture, the default (and logic) behavior of SVG rasterizers will let the background appear in between two edge-to-edge placed antialiased patterns. Is there a way to tell the rasterizer to somehow merge the patterns together so to avoid this artifact?
Let's be clear. I have no intention whatsoever to create a new rasterizer for this. I am just asking wether SVG implements such an option or not.
Many thanks ;)
There are many options to solve this. The easiest is to specify "shape-rendering=crispEdges" which will remove anti-aliasing.

Creating an image whith GIMP hiding another image unless we add a color filter in real life

The idea is like the inverse of Ishihara test (
I want to create with GIMP an image that showing something and then if I add a color layer, for exemple green glasses, then I see something new appearing.
I've searching far in Google and so but didn't found anything. Do you know how would I make this?
The Ishihara tests use the principle of combining things color blind persons cannot differentiate.
Coloured glass filters will only remove other colours from what you see. They don't add something. Therefor it is not possible to create a digital image that contains no information unless seen through a colour filter.
The only thing you can do is overlap your "hidden" information with high contrast colour noise.
Like here:
Using the glasses / filter only improves the visibility. The information is not added. It was always there.

Can I create a Calligraphy look with SVG?

is it possible to create a stroke with a dynamic width with SVG? I want to achieve a Calligraphy look like here, here or here.
Is this even possible? It seems customization of strokes in SVG is fairly limited. Even gradients in strokes seem to be non-trivial (see here).
There is a proposal to add into SVG standard a mechanism, that does exactly what you want:
There's even an example implementation available here:
It is, however, by no means official and we cannot be even sure it'll ever be.
Until then you'll need to stick to Bezier curves and object filling:
You can also use calligraphic fonts, for example - Tangerine available on Google CDN:
This approach requires less work since you don't need to draw everything from scratch, but then again, using third party fonts leaves you with little control over the final result.
You can't dynamically adjust the stroke of a path element. However you could draw a path, use a fill color on it instead of stroke, then double back upon the letters at a slight distance away from the original line.
Also, if you are using the SVG on the web then you can use css fonts on text elements. There are some pretty good cursive fonts that you can use for free... just check google web fonts.

Advanced CSS Circles

I'm trying to make 3 different circles to my website. I don't want to insert it as a graphic/image file. So I've been trying to achieve it using CSS3, but I can't really work my fingers around it.
What will it look like?
I have uploaded a picture of what I'm trying to achieve at:
I can't really show the code I've been trying to use to achieve this, as it all looks totally weird and nothing floats currectly.
What I've tried
What I've tried is to make 3 circles with position absolute and then use % (percentage) to determine the width of the colored parts, but I can't twist my mind around how it should be set up.
Any suggestions is appreciated,
Here is a simple try of me to achieve the effect you want:
edit: css-only solution
It can be easily animated with javascript or keyframes. Arbitrary content would go into the inner div. To change the percentage, simply adjust the angle of the pseudo-elements.
With a little more effort this could be easily refined I guess;)
Note: the transform has the webkit-prefix, so it works only in chrome/safari - to see it in firefox or other browsers, you need to change the prefix.
P.S. I will animate it when I'm home from work.
Good one by Christoph but he is using SASS/SCSS which are comparatively slow then normal CSS because they have to be converted to CSS before browser render it so I have have a different Solution for you
try this fiddle

How can I make a custom layout / change header background color … with Tex, Latex, ConTeXt?

currently I produce dynamically this document with Python Report Labs… to produce pdf documents.
Now, I would like try to produce this document with Tex / Latex / ConTeXt…
I've some questions :
how can I make the layout ?
how can I make header background color ?
how can I define my custom title (with blue box) ?
what is the better choice for my project : Latex or ConTeXt ?
What package I need to use ?
geometry ?
fancyhdr ?
Have you some example ? some resource ?
Yesterday, I've read many many documentation… and I don't found a solution / example for my questions.
Some useful packages apart from the fancyhdr you already mentioned are:
titlesec for more control over your section titles
booktabs for more control over table layout
PGF/TikZ for the graphics in your document, i.e., the page turn effect in the corner and maybe the blue boxes (although that might be considered a bit overkill :))
memoir for more control over your document layout, but the package is more book-oriented than you need probably
koma-script might be a good alternative for memoir but I'm not familiar with it so I don't know about its weaknesses
This is list is not exhaustive and I am not experienced enough in this kind of typesetting meets lay-out stuff to be of much help, but these are packages that come to my mind given your problem :).
Using inputenc there shouldn't be a problem typesetting Russian text.
Maybe the actual process will be easier in ConTeXt, it is more oriented towards control over your typesetting but I'm not familiar with it.
Good luck!
I'd certainly do this kind of think in Context rather than Latex: Context permits grid layout, and allows you to define layers for putting text and other graphics on top of background graphics. But as Pieter says, you could try using TikZ to do this with Latex.
Unicode is no barrier to regular Latex or Context: with either, just specify that you want to use utf-8 as input encoding.
If you do use Latex, don't have headers or footers, and allocate no vertical space for them either.
With Context:
how can I make the layout? — Use grid layout.
how can I make header background color? — Use \setupbackground
how can I define my custom title (with blue box) ? — I don't understand what you want to do here.
Everything you need to do this, except grid mode and how to put graphics in the background, is documented in Context an excursion. Grid mode is explained in the Context manual. Layers are a bit tricky to get to grips with, but Layers in the Context wiki is a good place to start.
With titlesec and color packages use this in LaTeX head (before \begin{document})
% Colors
% Header style
to make the blue box and change header color, font and remove numbering.
