ISAPI Extension TerminateExtension thread deadlock - multithreading

I needed to create statefull ISAPI extension for my project. I successfully made a TSession object that is contained in a TSessionList = class(TObject). For cleanup of expired sessions I made a cleanup thread (TThread descendant) that periodically scans TSessionList and frees all expired sessions.
I create the TSessionList and the CleanupThread in the dpr main execution block. Which is just fine. But actually I am not sure, where to put the destruction of CleanupThread. From documentation I found that ISAPI extension has to export TerminateExtension, which gets called just before the extension is unloaded. Default Delphi ISAPI extension of course exports such a function. So I've "overriden it" = exported my TerminateExtension that frees my session objects and then call default ISAPIAPP.TerminateExtensionProc.
Here it is how it looks like:
function TerminateExtension(dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
Result:= ISAPIApp.TerminateExtension(dwFlags);
Application.CreateForm(TSOAPWebModule, SOAPWebModule);
The CleanupThread destruction is done in DoneSessions this way:
The CleanupThread is simple descendant of TThread, so do not look for anything specific in its destruction code.
The problem is that the TerminateExtension freezes just in CleanupThread.Free. Debugging further I did find that freeze happens in the TThread.WaitFor. I suspect there must be some kind of thread deadlock = ISAPI worker thread is waiting for my extension to terminate, which waits in TThread.WaitFor for the main thread to get signaled (or whatever).
I know I could overcome this situation calling CleanupThread.Terminate, then using direct WaitForSingleObject (or Multiple???) and finally freeing it. But that sounds a bit ... nonstandard.
Therefore my question is: How and when should i Free (Terminate - WaitFor - Destroy) any support threads in ISAPI extension to avoid thread deadlock?
BTW: I already found the same in standard DLL. If you put any thread.WaitFor in the dll unload proc, your main app freezes just in library unload. So the same question/answer hopefully applies here.

You should try signalling the thread terminate before calling free, for example;
if CleanupThread.Waitfor(60000)<>WR_Abandoned then //wait for 60sec for cleanup
//do something sensible on timeout or error
But without knowing what, exactly, the cleanup thread is trying to do it is hard to say what could be causing a deadlock. Often these are the result of race conditions, especially if a terminate & waitfor times out, so you need to specify what the thread is doing.
As a hack (and not good practice for multithreading) you can force a thread to exit using the winapi call TERMINATETHREAD (in the Windows unit);
As this forces an immediate exit on the thread but also means no thread cleanup is performed - remember that calling TTHREAD.TERMINATE does not guarantee that a thread will exit - this is entirely dependant on your thread code, if something is blocking your thread then it will not terminate in the normal manner. TerminateThread can solve this, at the expense of the code simply stopping where it is with no regard for any resource freeing or what other threads are up to.


Ensure all TThread.Queue methods complete before thread self-destructs

I have discovered that if a method queued with TThread.Queue calls a method that invokes TApplication.WndProc (e.g. ShowMessage) then subsequent queued methods are allowed to run before the original method has completed. Worse still, they don't seem to be invoked in FIFO order.
[Edit: Actually they do start in FIFO order. With ShowMessage it looks like the later one ran first because there is a call to CheckSynchronize before the dialog appears. This unqueues the next method and runs it, not returning until the latter method has completed. Only then does the dialog appear.]
I'm trying to ensure that all methods queued from the worker thread to run in the VCL thread run in strict FIFO order, and that they all complete before the worker thread is destroyed.
My other constraint is that I am trying to maintain strict separation of the GUI from the business logic. The thread in this case is part of the business logic layer so I can't use PostMessage from an OnTerminate handler to arrange for the thread to be destroyed (as recommended by a number of contributors elsewhere). So I'm setting FreeOnTerminate := True in a final queued method just before TThread.Execute exits. (Hence the need for them to execute in strict FIFO order.)
This is how my TThread.Execute method ends:
// Queue a final method to execute in the main thread that will set an event
// allowing this thread to exit. This ensures that this thread can't exit
// until all of the queued procedures have run.
if Assigned(fOnComplete) then
// Handler sets fWorker.FreeOnTerminate := True and fWorker := nil
WaitForSingleObject(fCanExit, INFINITE);
but as I said this doesn't work because this queued method executes before some of the earlier queued methods.
Can anyone suggest a simple and clean way to make this work, or a simple and clean alternative?
[The only idea I've come up with so far that maintains separation of concerns and modularity is to give my TThread subclass a WndProc of its own. Then I can use PostMessage directly to this WndProc instead of the main form's. But I'm hoping for something a bit more light-weight.]
Thanks for the answers and comments so far. I now understand that my code above with a queued SetEvent and WaitForSingleObject is functionally equivalent to calling Synchronize at the end instead of Queue because Queue and Synchronize share the same queue. I tried Synchronize first and it failed for the same reason as the code above fails - the earlier queued methods invoke message handling so the final Synchronize method runs before the earlier queued methods have completed.
So I'm still stuck with the original problem, which now boils down to: Can I cleanly ensure that all of the queued methods have completed before the worker thread is freed, and can I cleanly free the worker thread without using PostMessage, which requires a window handle to post to (that my business layer doesn't have access to).
I've also updated the title better to reflect the original problem, although I'd be happy for an alternative solution that doesn't use TThread.Queue if appropriate. If someone can think up a better title then please edit it.
Another update: This answer by David Heffernan suggests using PostMessage with a special AllocateHWnd in the general case if TThread.Queue isn't available or suitable. Significantly, it's never safe to use PostMessage to the main form because the window can be spontaneously recreated changing its handle, which would cause all subsequent messages to the old handle to be lost. This makes a strong argument for me adopting this particular solution, since there's no additional overhead to creating a hidden window in my case since any application using PostMessage should do this - i.e. my separation of concerns argument is irrelevant.
TThread.Queue() is a FIFO queue. In fact, it shares the same queue that Thread.Sychronize() uses. But you are correct that message handling does cause queued methods to execute. This is because TApplication.Idle() calls CheckSynchronize() whenever the message queue goes idle after processing new messages. So if a queued/synched method invokes message processing, that can allow other queued/synched methods to being running even if the earlier method is still running.
If you want to ensure a queue method is called before the thread terminates, you should be using Synchronize() instead of Queue(), or use the OnTerminate event instead (which is triggered by Synchronize()). What you are doing in your finally block is effectively the same as what the OnTerminate event already does natively.
Setting FreeOnTerminate := True in a queued method is asking for a memory leak. FreeOnTerminate is evaluated immediately when Execute() exits, before DoTerminate() is called to trigger the OnTerminate event (which is an oversight in my opinion, as evaluating it that early prevents OnTerminate from deciding at termination time whether a thread should free itself or not after OnTerminate exits). So if the queued method runs after Execute() has exited, there is no guarantee that FreeOnTerminate will be set in time. Waiting for a queued method to finish before returning control to the thread is exactly what Synchronize() is meant for. Synchronize() is synchronous, it waits for the method to exit. Queue() is asynchronous, it does not wait at all.
I fixed this problem by adding a call to Synchronize() at the end of my Execute() method. This forces the thread to wait till all of the calls added with Queue() are completed on the main thread before the call added with Synchronize() can be called.
TMyThread = class (TThread)
procedure QueueMethod;
procedure DummySync;
procedure Execute; override;
procedure TMyThread.QueueMethod;
// Do something on the main thread
procedure TMyThread.DummySync;
// You don't need to do anything here. It's just used
// as a fence to stop the thread ending before all the
// Queued messages are processed.
procedure TMyThread.Execute;
while SomeCondition do
// Some process
This is the solution I finally adopted.
I used a Delphi TCountdownEvent to track the number of outstanding queued methods from my thread, incrementing the count just before queuing a method, and decrementing it as the final act of the queued method.
Just before my override of TThread.Execute returns, it waits for the TCountdownEvent object to be signalled, i.e. when the count reaches zero. This is the crucial step that guarantees that all of the queued methods have completed before Execute returns.
Once all of the queued methods are complete, it calls Synchronize with an OnComplete handler - thanks to Remy for pointing out that this is equivalent to but simpler than my original code that used Queue and WaitForSingleObject. (OnComplete is like OnTerminate, but called before Execute returns so that the handler can modify FreeOnTerminate.)
The only wrinkle is that TCountdownEvent.AddCount works only if the count is already greater than zero. So I wrote a class helper to implement ForceAddCount:
procedure TCountdownEventHelper.ForceAddCount(aCount: Integer);
if not TryAddCount(aCount) then
Normally this would be risky, but in my case we know that by the time the thread starts waiting for number of queued methods outstanding to reach zero no more methods can be queued (so from this point once the count hits zero it will stay at zero).
This doesn't completely solve the problem of queued methods that handle messages, in that individual queued methods could still appear to run out of order. But I do now have the guarantee that all queued methods run asynchronously but will have completed before the thread exits. This was the primary goal, because it allows the thread to clean itself up without the risk of losing queued methods.
A few thoughts:
FreeOnTerminate is not the end of the world if you want your thread to delete itself.
Semaphores let you maintain a count should you feel the need, there are such constructs.
There's nothing to stop you writing or using your own queueing primitives and AllocateHWnd if you want some fine grained control.

How to close thread winapi

what is the rigth way to close Thread in Winapi, threads don't use common resources.
I am creating threads with CreateThread , but I don't know how to close it correctly in ,because someone suggest to use TerminateThread , others ExitThread , but what is the correct way to close it .
Also where should I call closing function in WM_CLOSE or WM_DESTROY ?
Thx in advance .
The "nicest" way to close a thread in Windows is by "telling" the thread to shutdown via some thread-safe signaling mechanism, then simply letting it reach its demise its own, potentially waiting for it to do so via one of the WaitForXXXX functions if completion detection is needed (which is frequently the case). Something like:
Main thread:
// some global event all threads can reach
ghStopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
// create the child thread
hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadProc, NULL, 0, NULL);
// ... continue other work.
// tell thread to stop
// now wait for thread to signal termination
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
// important. close handles when no longer needed
Child thread:
// do threaded work
while (WaitForSingleObject(ghStopEvent, 1) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// do thread busy work
return 0;
Obviously things can get a lot more complicated once you start putting it in practice. If by "common" resources you mean something like the ghStopEvent in the prior example, it becomes considerably more difficult. Terminating a child thread via TerminateThread is strongly discouraged because there is no logical cleanup performed at all. The warnings specified in the `TerminateThread documentation are self-explanatory, and should be heeded. With great power comes....
Finally, even the called thread invoking ExitThread is not required explicitly by you, and though you can do so, I strongly advise against it in C++ programs. It is called for you once the thread procedure logically returns from the ThreadProc. I prefer the model above simply because it is dead-easy to implement and supports full RAII of C++ object cleanup, which neither ExitThread nor TerminateThread provide. For example, the ExitThread documentation : C++ code, the thread is exited before any destructors can be called
or any other automatic cleanup can be performed. Therefore, in C++
code, you should return from your thread function.
Anyway, start simple. Get a handle on things with super-simple examples, then work your way up from there. There are a ton of multi-threaded examples on the web, Learn from the good ones and challenge yourself to identify the bad ones.
Best of luck.
So you need to figure out what sort of behaviour you need to have.
Following is a simple description of the methods taken from documentation:
"TerminateThread is a dangerous function that should only be used in the most extreme cases. You should call TerminateThread only if you know exactly what the target thread is doing, and you control all of the code that the target thread could possibly be running at the time of the termination. For example, TerminateThread can result in the following problems:
If the target thread owns a critical section, the critical section will not be released.
If the target thread is allocating memory from the heap, the heap lock will not be released.
If the target thread is executing certain kernel32 calls when it is terminated, the kernel32 state for the thread's process could be inconsistent.
If the target thread is manipulating the global state of a shared DLL, the state of the DLL could be destroyed, affecting other users of the DLL."
So if you need your thread to terminate at any cost, call this method.
About ExitThread, this is more graceful. By calling ExitThread, you're telling to windows you're done with that calling thread, so the rest of the code isn't going to get called. It's a bit like calling exit(0).
"ExitThread is the preferred method of exiting a thread. When this function is called (either explicitly or by returning from a thread procedure), the current thread's stack is deallocated, all pending I/O initiated by the thread is canceled, and the thread terminates. If the thread is the last thread in the process when this function is called, the thread's process is also terminated."

Why does my multi-threaded app sometimes hang when it closes?

I'm using several critical sections in my application. The critical sections prevent large data blobs from being modified and accessed simultaneously by different threads.
AFAIK it's all working correctly except sometimes the application hangs when exiting. I'm wondering if this is related to my use of critical sections.
Is there a correct way to free TCriticalSection objects in a destructor?
Thanks for all the answers. I'm looking over my code again with this new information in mind. Cheers!
As Rob says, the only requirement is that you ensure that the critical section is not currently owned by any thread. Not even the thread about to destroy it. So there is no pattern to follow for correctly destroying a TCriticalSection, as such. Only a required behaviour that your application must take steps to ensure occurs.
If your application is locking then I doubt it is the free'ing of any critical section that is responsible. As MSDN says (in the link that Rob posted), the DeleteCriticalSection() (which is ultimately what free'ing a TCriticalSection calls) does not block any threads.
If you were free'ing a critical section that other threads were still trying to access you would get access violations and other unexpected behaviours, not deadlocks, as this little code sample should help you demonstrate:
tworker = class(tthread)
procedure Execute; override;
cs: TCriticalSection;
worker: Tworker;
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
cs := TCriticalSection.Create;
worker := tworker.Create(true);
worker.FreeOnTerminate := TRUE;
showmessage('will AV before you see this');
{ tworker }
procedure tworker.Execute;
Add to the implementation unit of a form, correcting the "TForm2" reference for the FormCreate() event handler as required.
In FormCreate() this creates a critical section then launches a thread whose sole purpose is to free that section. We introduce a Sleep() delay to give the thread time to initialise and execute, then we try to enter the critical section ourselves.
We can't of course because it has been free'd. But our code doesn't hang - it is not deadlocked trying to access a resource that is owned by something else, it simply blows up because, well, we're trying to access a resource that no longer exists.
You could be even more sure of creating an AV in this scenario by NIL'ing the critical section reference when it is free'd.
Now, try changing the FormCreate() code to this:
cs := TCriticalSection.Create;
worker := tworker.Create(true);
worker.FreeOnTerminate := TRUE;
showmessage('appearances can be deceptive');
This changes things... now the main thread will take ownership of the critical section - the worker thread will now free the critical section while it is still owned by the main thread.
In this case however, the call to cs.Leave does not necessarily cause an access violation. All that occurs in this scenario (afaict) is that the owning thread is allowed to "leave" the section as it would expect to (it doesn't of course, because the section has gone, but it seems to the thread that it has left the section it previously entered) ...
... in more complex scenarios an access violation or other error is possibly likely, as the memory previously used for the critical section object may be re-allocated to some other object by the time you call it's Leave() method, resulting in some call to some other unknown object or access to invalid memory etc.
Again, changing the worker.Execute() so that it NIL's the critical section ref after free'ing it would ensure an access violation on the attempt to call cs.Leave(), since Leave() calls Release() and Release() is virtual - calling a virtual method with a NIL reference is guaranteed to AV (ditto for Enter() which calls the virtual Acquire() method).
In any event:
Worst case: an exception or weird behaviour
"Best" case: the owning thread appears to believe it has "left" the section as normal.
In neither case is a deadlock or a hang going to occur simply as the result of when a critical section is free'd in one thread in relation to when other threads then try to enter or leave that critical section.
All of which is a round-a-bout way of saying that it sounds like you have a more fundamental race condition in your threading code not directly related to the free'ing of your critical sections.
In any event, I hope my little bit of investigative work might set you down the right path.
Just make sure nothing still owns the critical section. Otherwise, MSDN explains, "the state of the threads waiting for ownership of the deleted critical section is undefined." Other than that, call Free on it like you do with all other objects.
AFAIK it's all working correctly except sometimes the application hangs when exiting. I'm wondering if this is related to my use of critical sections.
Yes it is. But the problem is likely not in the destruction. You probably have a deadlock.
Deadlocks are when two threads wait on two exclusive resources, each wanting both of them and each owning only one:
The way to fight these is to order your locks. If some thread wants two of them, it has to enter them only in specific order:
This way deadlock will not occur.
Many things can trigger deadlock, not only TWO critical sections. For instance, you might have used SendMessage (synchronous message dispatch) or Delphi's Synchronize AND one critical section:
Synchronize and SendMessage send messages to Thread1. To dispatch those messages, Thread1 needs to finish whatever work it's doing. For instance, OnPaint handler.
But to finish painting, it needs FooLock, which is taken by Thread2 which waits for Thread1 to finish painting. Deadlock.
The way to solve this is either to never use Synchronize and SendMessage (the best way), or at least to use them outside of any locks.
Is there a correct way to free TCriticalSection objects in a destructor?
It does not matter where you are freeing TCriticalSection, in a destructor or not.
But before freeing TCriticalSection, you must ensure that all the threads that could have used it, are stopped or are in a state where they cannot possibly try to enter this section anymore.
For example, if your thread enters this section while dispatching a network message, you have to ensure network is disconnected and all the pending messages are processed.
Failing to do that will in most cases trigger access violations, sometimes nothing (if you're lucky), and rarely deadlocks.
There are no magical in using TCriticalSection as well as in critical sections themselves. Try to replace TCriticalSection objects with plain API calls:
Windows, ...
CS: TRTLCriticalSection;
here goes your code that you have to protect from access by multiple threads simultaneously
Switching to API will not harm clarity of your code, but, perhaps, help to reveal hidden bugs.
You NEED to protect all critical sections using a try..finally block.
Use TRTLCriticalSection instead of a TCriticalSection class. It's cross-platform, and TCriticalSection is only an unnecessary wrapper around it.
If any exception occurs during the data process, then the critial section is not left, and another thread may block.
If you want fast response, you can also use TryEnterCriticalSection for some User Interface process or such.
Here are some good practice rules:
make your TRTLCriticalSection a property of a Class;
call InitializeCriticalSection in the class constructor, then DeleteCriticalSection in the class destructor;
use EnterCriticalSection()... try... do something... finally LeaveCriticalSection(); end;
Here is some code sample:
TDataClass = class
fLock: TRTLCriticalSection;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure SomeDataProcess;
constructor TDataClass.Create;
destructor TDataClass.Destroy;
procedure TDataClass.SomeDataProcess;
// some data process
If the only explicit synchronisation code in your app is through critical sections then it shouldn't be too difficult to track this down.
You indicate that you have only seen the deadlock on termination. Of course this doesn't mean that it cannot happen during normal operation of your app, but my guess (and we have to guess without more information) is that it is an important clue.
I would hypothesise that the error may be related to the way in which threads are forcibly terminated. A deadlock such as you describe would happen if a thread terminated whilst still holding the lock, but then another thread attempted to acquire the lock before it had a chance to terminate.
A very simple thing to do which may fix the problem immediately is to ensure, as others have correctly said, that all uses of the lock are protected by Try/Finally. This really is a critical point to make.
There are two main patterns for resource lifetime management in Delphi, as follows:
The other main pattern is pairing acquisition/release in Create/Destroy, but that is far less common in the case of locks.
Assuming that your usage pattern for the locks is as I suspect (i.e. acquireand release inside the same method), can you confirm that all uses are protected by Try/Finally?
If your application only hangs/ deadlocks on exit please check the onterminate event for all threads. If the main thread signals for the other threads to terminate and then waits for them before freeing them. It is important not to make any synchronised calls in the on terminate event. This can cause a dead lock as the main thread waits for the worker thread to terminate. But the synchronise call is waiting on the main thread.
Don't delete critical sections at object's destructor. Sometimes will cause your application to crash.
Use a seperate method which deletes the critical section.
procedure someobject.deleteCritical();
destructor someobject.destroy();
// Do your release tasks here
1) You call delete critical section
2) After you release(free) the object

Let stay thread running on form close

I made a syncing thread on my application and I want to know is there a way to let the thread stay open until it finishes it's syncing process, if i close the application form?
Call the thread's WaitFor method in your DPR file, after the Application.Run line. If the thread has already finished running, then WaitFor will return immediately. Otherwise, it will pause the main thread until the other thread terminates. (You'll have to make sure the variable still refers to a valid TThread instance, so don't set its FreeOnTerminate property.)
There are additional things you may wish to consider, beyond the simple issue of allowing the thread to continue running:
Programs only have limited time to stop running if the OS is shutting down or the user is logging out, so you might not have time to wait for synchronization to finish before the OS kills your program.
Users might wonder why the program is still running even though they told it to close, so consider showing some UI while synchronization continues.
Users might not care about synchronization if they're in a hurry and need the program to stop running immediately, so in that UI, you may wish to offer an "abort sync" command.
In the commentary to Rob's excellent answer, the question of showing UI whilst waiting was raised. If you need to show UI whilst waiting, then you will need a more advanced wait that TThread.WaitFor. This is what I use in its place, relying on MsgWaitForMultipleObjects.
procedure WaitUntilSignaled(Handle: THandle; ProcessMessages: Boolean);
if ProcessMessages then begin
Application.ProcessMessages;//in case there are any messages are already waiting in the queue
while MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, Handle, False, INFINITE, QS_ALLEVENTS)=WAIT_OBJECT_0+1 do begin
end else begin
WaitForSingleObject(Handle, INFINITE);
WaitUntilSignaled(Thread.Handle, True);

Delphi - Help calling threaded dll function from another thread

I'm using Delphi 2006 and have a bit of a problem with an application I'm developing.
I have a form that creates a thread which calls a function that performs a lengthy operation, lets call it LengthyProcess. Inside the LengthyProcess function we also call several Dll functions which also create threads of their own.
The problem that I am having is that if I don't use the Synchronize function of my thread to call LengthyProcess the thread stops responding (the main thread is still responding fine). I don't want to use Synchronize because that means the main thread is waiting for LengthyProcess to finish and therefore defeats the purpose of creating a separate thread.
I have tracked the problem down to a function inside the dll that creates a thread and then calls WaitFor, this is all done using TThread by the way. WaitFor checks to see if the CurrentThreadID is equal to the MainThreadID and if it is then it will call CheckSychronization, and all is fine. So if we use Synchronize then the CurrentThreadID will equal the MainThreadID however if we do not use Synchronize then of course CurrentThreadID <> MainThreadID, and when this happens WaitFor tells the current thread (the thread I created) to wait for the thread created by the DLL and so CheckSynchronization never gets called and my thread ends up waiting forever for the thread created in the dll.
I hope this makes sense, sorry I don't know any better way to explain it. Has anyone else had this issue and knows how to solve it please?
If your secondary thread "stops responding," then I assume it has a message pump. (Otherwise, you need to explain what it stops responding to.) You appear to also wish for the thread to be able to detect when the tertiary thread finishes running. (The "primary" thread here is the VCL thread, which isn't involved at all.)
You tried using WaitFor, but were disappointed when you discovered that it blocks. That's what it has always been designed to do, though. Its behavior in the main thread is where it gets weird, so it's safe to call from the VCL thread even though it was never really meant to be used that way originally.
To process messages and wait for threads to finish running, you need to use one or more of the wait functions from the Windows API. Start with MsgWaitForMultipleObjects. It can wait for various types of kernel handles, including thread handles, but also notify you when messages are available. The idea is that you'll call that function in a loop. When it says messages are available, handle them, and then loop again to continue waiting.
The following is just an outline. You'll want to check the documentation for all the API functions used, and combine that with the rest of the knowledge you have about your own threads.
procedure TSecondaryThread.Execute;
ret: DWord;
ThreadHandle: THandle;
Msg: TMsg;
ThreadHandle := TertiaryThread.Handle;
ret := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, ThreadHandle, False, Infinite, qs_AllEvents);
case ret of
Wait_Object_0: begin
// The thread terminated. Do something about it.
// Put *something* in the parameter so further calls to MWFMO
// will have a valid handle. May as well use a handle to something
// that will never become signaled so all we'll get are more
// messages. I'm pretty sure you can't pass an empty array of
// handles; there must be at least one, and it must be valid.
ThreadHandle := Self.Handle;
Wait_Object_0 + 1: begin
// At least one message is available. Handle *all* of
// them before calling MsgWaitForMultipleObjects again
while PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, pm_Remove) do
case Msg.Message of
wm_Quit: begin
// Do something about terminating the tertiary thread.
// Then stop the message loop and the waiting loop.
else begin
Wait_Timeout: Assert(False, 'Infinity has passed');
Wait_Failed: RaiseLastOSError;
else Assert(False, 'Unexpected return value');
until False;
The part about handling all the messages is important. As soon as you call GetMessage, PeekMessage, or WaitMessage, the OS marks all messages in the queue as "old," but MsgWaitForMultipleObjects will only return when there is a "new" message on the queue — one that arrived after the last call to PeekMessage.
HI, Thanks for your reply, yes i realize that my question isn't very clear and somewhat confusing; so i'll try to clarify things a bit, here goes..
All of the threads described below are derived from TThread.
I have a form which starts a thread but does not wait for it. The thread started by the form calls a function that performs a long task.
The function calls another function in a DLL, the function in the DLL starts a thread and waits for it. The thread started by the DLL function calls another function via synchronize.
Form->Starts a thread but does not wait->The thread calls a functions->The function calls a DLL function->The Dll function starts a thread and waits->The thread started by the DLL function calls another function via synchronize i.e Synchronize(UpdateRecords).
The problem is that the call to synchronize never returns because, from what i can see, it has entered some sort of dead lock.
How synchronize works: Synchronize puts the method call into a queue and sets an event, Synchronize then waits for the event to become signaled. When the main thread is idle it will process the method calls that are waiting in the queue, after it has processed a method call it will signal the associated event so that the thread that initiated the synchronization can continue on.
The thread that was started by the form does not use synchronize to call the function that performs the long task, if it does use synchronize then the application does not dead lock, but this defeats the purpose of use a thread for the long process.
I've tracked down the problem, it seems to be that the TApplication object created by the dll is not processing messages and has a handle of 0, how this happened I don't know (I didn't write the DLL, it was written by someone else), but it is a cause of the problem because it will never process the method called queued by synchronize.
I mentioned earlier that if i call the function that performs the long process from my thread using synchronize then the application does not dead lock. This is because the main thread will be responsible for calling the function that performs the long process. So the long process function calls a DLL function which starts another thread and then calls WaitFor. WaitFor checks to see if the current thread is the main thread, and if it is, it processes method calls which have been queued by synchronize, continuously in a loop until the thread the thread that it is waiting for is released (i.e. the method it queued via synchronize gets called and the wait event is signaled).
In WaitFor, if the current thread is not the main thread then WaitFor simply blocks until the thread it is waiting for is released.
Anyway i can't do anything about the application object in the dll because that dll is quite complex and used by a larger system. I guess i can expose a method in the dll which can process the methods in the synchronization queue, i can then call this method from my application while its idle.
Anyway again thanks for your help but i've solved this problem now.
Using the TThread class or even the Application object in a Delphi DLL is extremely unsafe. The RTL and VCL core classes, globals and singleton objects are designed to exist once per process and can't handle the namespace duplication and incomplete initialization in a stadard DLL library.
You may get around it by building with runtime packages (RTL & VCL are enough; you may also build your own with just the system units you reallt need), in the EXE and all DLLs referencing the runtime units (Forms and Classes, especially) - they get single shared namespace and the full EXE initialization sequence this way.
If you can't modify the DLL at all, you may try to set it's Application.Handle, MainThreadID, SyncEvent and WakeMainThread to the corresponding values in the main EXE module - this may work, but it's just as ugly as it looks like and it doesn't cover all edge-cases (the classes and important globals will still be duplicated).
