Cannot locate a text_field with dynamic id - watir

<div id="temp_1333021214801">
<input type="text"/>
I am getting error "unable to locate element", because the ID changes dynamically.
Please help me to set the text in the text field.

It seems like your dynamic id is temp_ so this should do it given information above:
browser.div(:id, /temp_\d+/).text_field.set 'something'
Issues with my solution is that it assumes id will always be temp_ regex matching any number set consecutively, which seems to be the case with your sample above. Also, it assumes there is no other div(:id, /temp_\d+/) combination in the DOM of that page, most likely should not be an issue.

If you have dynamic IDs I can suggest the following:
Code to object counts. For example
$browser.text_field(:index => 2)
gives the third text_field on the page.
Code to what is around the thing you're trying to find.
$browser.div(:name => 'mydiv').text_field(:index=>2)
gives the third text field in the div called 'mydiv'.
If your front-end is less-than-testable in this way I highly suggest you put time into thinking over your commitment to automated testing in the first place. Any minor change to the software is going to have you working until 9pm pulling your hair out and rocking back and forth as you update all your scripts, so unless code maintenance is your weekend hobby think about semi-automation or exploratory testing or manual scripts. Talk to development (whomever that might be. It might be you!) or the higher-ups (unless that's you too) to see if it can be made more testable. Also don't use xpaths unless you take some deviant pleasure in it.
Hope that was helpful, I can't do anything specific without the source HTML.


Pulling Django variable data using Python

I am currently working on a project to grab live match data for eSports (yeah I'm a nerd, aren't we all?). So I am pulling HTML from a page and checking if my favorite team is playing and if so, go the page and check the scores every few minutes to get updates. The part I am now having trouble with is getting the names of teams and the match ID's. The reason for this is because when I grab the HTML data, inline JS variable names are included instead of their values which is what I need. Here is an example of what I am talking about:
<div class="col-xs-12 schedule-{[{schedule.state}]}" ng-if="schedules.length>0" ng-repeat="schedule in schedules track by schedule._id">
I need a way to grab the value of "schedule.state". Hopefully you guys can help. Also if there is already a similar solution I would be happy to be directed to it! Cheers!
I have just realized through a little more researech that the variables are not JS but Django. Given the same problem just on how to get Django variable data instead of JS.

what are disadvantages of using ":xpath" attribute to identify an object using Watir?

I am using :xpath attribute frequently to identify an element for my automation scripts using Watir and found it really amazing. It is least changing attribute so less work to maintain automated scripts.. off course for those elements which can't be identified otherwise easily through :id, :name, :value attributes..
I am bit concerned to take some expert advise before building so many automated scripts using :xpath.
What is disadvantage of using :xpath to identify an object using Watir?
Do :xpath value of an element will be same in IE, Chrome and FF?when
Is there anything else important i should be aware about using :xpath?
The xpath should always be the same in all browsers.
The problem with using xpath is that it is the easiest locator to break, as the locator for the element is dependant on nothing else in that xpath changing. e.g. if you are locating a results table on a page using an xpath and at a later date another table gets added above the table, then the xpath will be broken and your tests will fail until you update the xpath. If that table was located using an id then adding the second table wouldn't break anything as the new table would have a different id.
If the pages you're working on don't have id's and it isn't an option to add some/ ask for some to be added then remember that in watir you can use multiple locators.
e.g. #browser.table(class: 'results_table', text: /Original results table/)
This is a silly example but hopefully it illustrates the point. If there are cases when using multiple locators still won't work for any reason, then I would look into using css selectors instead of xpath as you should be able to achieve the same things but it will be less brittle.
The issue of how often tests break isn't too important in a small test suite, especially if you're the only one working on the tests. However, a couple of years from now when you have hundreds of tests to maintain and two or three people sharing the codebase you can end up spending longer fixing old tests that you spend writing the new ones. It's worth doing anything you reasonably can to minimise this as you go along as doing a rewrite later will always take longer.
Hopefully some of this helps!

Search Algorithm for a web application that needs to look for a specific value

I'm developing a webapp that will need to download the html form a website and then iterate through the code and try to find a specific but ever changing value (in our case it will be the price for the product).
For this, I was thinking about asking the user (upon installation and setup) to provide the system with a few lines of html from the page (that has the price) and then from then on, every time we need to fetch the price we would try to search for those lines and find the price.
Now, I believe this is a horrible and slow way of doing this and since there are no rules and the html can be totally different from one website to another (even the same website might change) I couldn't find a better way.
One improvement that I thought about was to iterate through the first time and record the line at which we find the code. Once found, the subsequent times we would then start from a few lines before the expected location and start the search. Any Thoughts on how I can improve on this?
I posted this question on but they commented that it's not on topic and that I should post it here.
I have the code for the above and if needed I can post it, I'm simply thinking that there must be a better, faster way of doing this.
This is actually something I tried for a project recently (using BeautifulSoup and Python). The solution that worked for me was to workout CSS selectors (which can map to jQuery selectors) that targeted the elements that contained the values I was looking for. In my case I was able to narrow down the full document to just the elements that contained what I was looking for but if you couldn't get exactly what you where after you could combine this with some extra lactic like test to see if it looks like a price (via regex) or test what it is next to.

What text processing tool is recommended for parsing screenplays?

I have some plain-text kinda-structured screenplays, formatted like the example at the end of this post. I would like to parse each into some format where:
It will be easy to pull up just stage directions that deal with a specific place.
It will be easy to pull up just dialogue belonging to a particular character.
The most obvious approach I can think of is using sed or perl or php to put div tags around each block, with classes representing character, location, and whether it's stage directions or dialogue. Then, open it up as a web-page and use jQuery to pull out whatever I'm interested in. But this sounds like a roundabout way to do it and maybe it only seems like a good idea because these are tools I'm accustomed to. But I'm sure this is a recurring problem that's been solved before, so can anybody recommend a more efficient workflow that can be used on a Linux box? Thanks.
Here is some sample input:
A guy named BOB is sitting at his computer.
Mmmm. Stackoverflow. I like.
Footsteps are heard approaching.
Where's that report you said you'd have for me?
Closeup of clock ticking.
BOB (looking up)
Huh? What?
Some more dialogue.
Some more stage directions.
Here is what sample output might look like:
<div class='scene somewhere_corporation'>
<div class='comment'>OPTIONAL COMMENT</div>
<div class='direction'>A guy named BOB is sitting at his computer.</div>
<div class='dialogue bob'>Mmmm. Stackoverflow. I like.</div>
<div class='direction'>Footsteps are heard approaching.</div>
<div class='dialogue alice'>Where's that report you said you'd have for me?</div>
<div class='direction'>Closeup of clock ticking.</div>
<div class='comment bob'>looking up</div>
<div class='dialogue bob'>Huh? What?</div>
<div class='dialogue alice'>Some more dialogue.</div>
<div class='direction'>Some more stage directions.</div>
I'm using DOM as an example, but again, only because that's something I understand. I'm open to whatever is considered a best practice for this type of text-processing task if, as I suspect, roll-your-own regexps and jQuery is not the best practice. Thanks.
You could use Celtx to import plain text scripts and export them to HTML (and RDF/XML for the metadata) (see this related thread and this blog post, which describes the file structure).
Other screenplay editors like Trelby might offer this feature, too.
There is also Fountain, a plain text markup language for screenwriting. They offer libraries which you might (I did not check if they offer something for importing and converting) use for your cause:
Fountain is free and open-source, with libraries that make it easy to add support in your apps.
Even if those projects can’t be used for your cause, you could at least reuse their format for your output.
If your input is not too noisy, i.e. if you can trust some regularities like the indentation which is larger for dialogs as opposed to comments, I would use a simple Context Free Grammar. You have good implementations in all languages and you'll find lot of information on SO.
If your input varies a lot, then take the machine learning route, but you'll need to have a big number of inputs with human-validated output for training, which might be a hassle.
In any case, I would never, ever use regular expressions for problems like that.

Masked Text Box issue

i m using the rad masked control for phone field.
telerik:RadMaskedTextBox ID="txtPhone1" runat="server" EnableAjaxSkinRendering="False" Mask="(###) ###-####" Skin="Hay" ZeroPadNumericRanges="False" MaxLength="20" TabIndex="30" Width="200px"></telerik:RadMaskedTextBox
when i m trying to add phone using watir, using this code
browser.text_field(:id => 'ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Registration2_txtPhone1_text').set '7893457889'
only last value has been added. kindly help me out. how to fill masked value.
Using Watir-webdriver and the example from Teleriks demo site, and IE browser, I was able to set the value with
browser.text_field(:id,"RadMaskedTextBox1_text").set '1234567890'
This seemed to work just as expected, added the formatting, and seemed functional to me.
With Watir I was able to set it via using
browser.text_field(:id, 'RadMaskedTextBox1_text').value='1234567890'
However although the value showed up in the field, it was not formatted and I was never able to get it to actually validate that input. I tried firing various events such as onchange, to get the client side code to process it, but no joy. If I was using this tool I might consider calling the vendor or getting on their site and asking them for assistance at this point. (provided you need to use Watir)
If watir-webdriver is not a viable option for you (I like it for cross browser testing) then perhaps someone else can spend the time to dig a bit deeper. (I'm personally past the point where digging into this control to extend my own knowledge is worth my employers time...)
Possibly there might be some way around this with Rautomation, but I'm new enough with it where I don't immediately see an easy solution there.
OMG. This is so old. But I am going to add to it. When dealing with masked elements, I am successful using the following sendkeys technique instead of injecting the value into the inner element text. Send Ctrl-A to highlight everything, then start typing, then tab out of control.
e = #browser.text_field(id: OrderEntryPOM.stop_window_start_date)
e.send_keys [:control, 'a'], start_date, :tab
