unix - breakdown of how many lines with number of character occurrences - linux

Is there an inbuilt command to do this or has anyone had any luck with a script that does it?
I am looking to get counts of how many lines had how many occurrences of a specfic character. (sorted descending by the number of occurrences)
For example, with this sample file:
Suggested input (for the 'p' character)
bash/perl some_script_name "p" samplefile
Desired output:
occs count
4 1
3 2
0 2
How would you write a solution that worked off a 2 character string such as 'gd' not a just a specific character such as p?

$ sed 's/[^p]//g' input.txt | awk '{print length}' | sort -nr | uniq -c | awk 'BEGIN{print "occs", "count"}{print $2,$1}' | column -t
occs count
4 1
3 2
0 2

You could give the desired character as the field separator for awk, and do this:
awk -F 'p' '{ print NF-1 }' |
sort -k1nr |
uniq -c |
awk -v OFS="\t" 'BEGIN { print "occs", "count" } { print $2, $1 }'
For your sample data, it produces:
occs count
4 1
3 2
0 2
If you want to count occurrences of multi-character strings, just give the desired string as the separator, e.g., awk -F 'gd' ... or awk -F 'pp' ....

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict; use warnings;
my $seq = shift #ARGV;
die unless defined $seq;
my %freq;
while ( my $line = <> ) {
last unless $line =~ /\S/;
my $occurances = () = $line =~ /(\Q$seq\E)/g;
$freq{ $occurances } += 1;
for my $occurances ( sort { $b <=> $a} keys %freq ) {
print "$occurances:\t$freq{$occurances}\n";
If you want short, you can always use:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
;print"$_:\t$f{$_}\n"for sort{$b<=>$a}keys%f;
or, perl -e '$x=shift;/\S/&&++$f{$a=()=/(\Q$x\E)/g}while<>;print"$_:\t$f{$_}\n"for sort{$b<=>$a}keys%f' inputfile, but now I am getting silly.

Pure Bash:
declare -a count
while read ; do
cnt=${REPLY//[^p]/} # remove non-p characters
((count[${#cnt}]++)) # use length as array index
done < "$infile"
for idx in ${!count[*]} # iterate over existing indices
do echo -e "$idx ${count[idx]}"
done | sort -nr
Output as desired:
4 1
3 2
0 2

Can to it in one gawk process (well, with a sort coprocess)
gawk -F p -v OFS='\t' '
{ count[NF-1]++ }
print "occs", "count"
coproc = "sort -rn"
for (n in count)
print n, count[n] |& coproc
close(coproc, "to")
while ((coproc |& getline) > 0)

Shortest solution so far:
perl -nE'say tr/p//' | sort -nr | uniq -c |
awk 'BEGIN{print "occs","count"}{print $2,$1}' |
column -t
For multiple characters, use a regex pattern:
perl -ple'$_ = () = /pg/g' | sort -nr | uniq -c |
awk 'BEGIN{print "occs","count"}{print $2,$1}' |
column -t
This one handles overlapping matches (e.g. it finds 3 "pp" in "pppp" instead of 2):
perl -ple'$_ = () = /(?=pp)/g' | sort -nr | uniq -c |
awk 'BEGIN{print "occs","count"}{print $2,$1}' |
column -t
Original cryptic but short pure-Perl version:
perl -nE'
++$c{ () = /pg/g };
say "occs\tcount";
say "$_\t$c{$_}" for sort { $b <=> $a } keys %c;


Find number of unique values in a column

I would like to know the count of unique values in column using linux commands. The column has values like below (data is edited from previous ones). I need to ignore .M, .Q and .A at the end and just count the unique number of plants
I've tried this code but I'm not able to avoid those suffix
cat ELEC.txt | grep 'series_id' | cut -d, -f1 | wc -l
For above sample, expected count should be 6 but I get 8
This should do the job:
grep -Po "ELEC.PLANT.*" FILE | cut -d. -f -4 | sort | uniq -c
You first grep for the "ELEC.PLANT." part
remove the .Q,A,M
remove duplicates and count using sort | uniq -c
for the new data it should be only necessary to do the following:
grep -Po "ELEC.*" FILE | cut -d. -f -4 | sort | uniq -c
When you have to do some counting, you can easily do it with awk. Awk is an extremely versatile tool and I strongly recommend you to have a look at it. Maybe start with Awk one-liners explained.
Having that said, you can easily do some conditioned counting here:
What you want, is to count all unique lines which have series_id in it.
awk '/series_id/ && (! $0 in a) { c++; a[$0] } END {print c}'
This essentially states: if my line contains "series_id" and I did not store the line in my array a, then it means I did not encounter my line yet and increase the counter c with 1. At the END of the program, I print the count c.
Now you want to clean things up a bit. Your lines of interest essentially look like
"something":"something else"
So we are interested in something else which is in the 4th field if " is a field separator, and we are only interested in that if something is series_id located in field 2.
awk -F'"' '($2=="series_id") && (! $4 in a ) { c++; a[$4] } END {print c}'
Finally, you don't care about the last letter of the fourth field, so we need to make a small substitution:
awk -F'"' '($2=="series_id") { str=$4; gsub(/.$/,"",str); if (! str in a) {c++; a[str] } } END {print c}'
You could also rewrite this differently as:
awk -F'"' '($2 != "series_id" ) { next }
{ str=$4; gsub(/.$/,"",str) }
( str in a ) { next }
{ c++; a[str] }
END { print c }'
My standard way to count unique values is making sure I have the list of values (using grep and cut in your case), and add the following commands behind a pipe:
| sort -n | uniq -c
The sort does the sorting, based on number sorting, while the uniq gets the unique entries (the -c stands for "count").
Do this : cat ELEC.txt | grep 'series_id' | cut -f1-4 -d. | uniq | wc -l
-f1-4 will remove the the fourth . from each line
Here is a possible solution using awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS="[:.\"]+"} /^"series_id":/{print $6}' \
ELEC.txt |sort -n |uniq -c
The ouput for the sample you posted will be something like this:
1 56841-WND-WT
2 56855-ALL-ALL
1 56855-WND-ALL
2 56868-LFG-ALL
If you need the entire string, you can print the other fields as well:
awk 'BEGIN{FS="[:.\"]+"; OFS="."} /^"series_id":/{print $3,$4,$5,$6}' \
ELEC.txt |sort -n | uniq -c
And the output will be something like this:

Count number of patterns with a single command

I'd like to count the number of occurrences in a string. For example, in this string :
there are 2 different strings separated by | character.
Another example :
In this case there are 4 different strings separated by | character.
Would you know a shell or perl command that could simply count this for me?
you can use awk command as below;
echo "apache2|ntpd" | awk -F'|' '{print NF}'
-F'|' is to field separator;
NF means Number of Fields
user#host:/tmp$ echo 'apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius' | awk -F'|' '{print NF}'
you can also use this;
user#host:/tmp$ echo "apache2|ntpd" | tr '|' ' ' | wc -w
user#host:/tmp$ echo 'apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius' | tr '|' ' ' | wc -w
tr '|' ' ' : translate | to space
wc -w : print the word counts
if there are spaces in the string, wc -w not correct result, so
echo 'apac he2|ntpd' | tr '|' '\n' | wc -l
user#host:/tmp$ echo 'apac he2|ntpd' | tr '|' ' ' | wc -w
3 --> not correct
user#host:/tmp$ echo 'apac he2|ntpd' | tr '|' '\n' | wc -l
tr '|' '\n' : translate | to newline
wc -l : number of lines
Do can do this just within bash without calling external languages like awk or external programs like grep and tr.
num_strings=$(( ${#res} + 1 ))
echo $num_strings
Let me explain.
res=${data//[!|]/} removes all characters that are not (that's the !) pipes (|).
${#res} gives the length of the resulting string.
num_strings=$(( ${#res} + 1 )) adds one to the number of pipes to get the number of fields.
It's that simple.
Another pure bash technique using positional-parameters
$ userString="apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius"
$ printf "%s\n" $(IFS=\|; set -- $userString; printf "%s\n" "$#")
Thanks to cdarke's suggestion from the commands, the above command can directly store the count to a variable
$ printf -v count "%d" $(IFS=\|; set -- $userString; printf "%s\n" "$#")
$ printf "%d\n" "$count"
With wc and parameter expansion:
$ data='apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius'
$ wc -w <<< ${data//|/ }
Using parameter expansion, all pipes are replaced with spaces. The result string is passed to wc -w for word count.
As #gniourf_gniourf mentionned, it works with what at first looks like process names but will fail if strings contain spaces.
You can do this with grep as well-
echo "apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius" | grep -o "|" | wc -l
That output is the number of pipes.
To get the number of commands-
var=$(echo "apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius" | grep -o "|" | wc -l)
echo $((var + 1))
Output -
You could use awk to count the occurrances of delimiters +1:
$ awk '{print gsub(/\|/,"")+1}' <(echo "apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius")
may be this will help you.
mails=$(echo $IN | tr "|" "\n")
for addr in $mails
echo "> [$addr]"

Print line numbers of duplicate entries

I have a file in the following format:
meds toys
I'd like to have the line number returned of any duplicate lines, so the results would look like the following:
I'd prefer a short one-line command with linux tools. I've tried experimenting with awk and sed but have not had success as of yet.
This would work:
nl file.txt | uniq -f 1 -D | cut -f 1
nl prepends a line number to each line
uniq finds duplicates
-f 1 ignores the first field, i.e., the line number
-D prints (only) the lines that are duplicate
cut-f 1 shows only the first field (the line number)
With a combination of sort, uniq, and awk you can use this series of commands.
sort File_Name | uniq -c | awk '{print $2}'
uniq -d < $file | while read line; do grep -hn "$line" $file; done
Do this:
perl -e 'my $l = 0; while (<STDIN>) { chomp; $l++; if (exists $f{$_}) { if ($f{$_}->[0]++ == 1) { print "$f{$_}->[1]\n"; print "$l\n"; } } else { $f{$_} = [1,$l]; } }' < FILE
Ugly, but works for unsorted files.
$ cat in.txt
meds toys
$ perl -e 'my $l = 0; while (<STDIN>) { chomp; $l++; if (exists $f{$_}) { if ($f{$_}->[0]++ == 1) { print "$f{$_}->[1]\n"; print "$l\n"; } } else { $f{$_} = [1,$l]; } }' < in.txt
EDIT: Actually it will shorten slightly:
perl -ne '$l++; if (exists $f{$_}) { if ($f{$_}->[0]++ == 1) { print "$f{$_}->[1]\n"; print "$l\n"; } } else { $f{$_} = [1,$l]; }' < in.txt
to get all "different" duplicates in all lines you can try:
nl input.txt | sort -k 2 | uniq -D -f 1 | sort -n
this will not give you just the line numbers but also the duplicate found in those lines. Omit the last sort to get the duplicates grouped together.
also try running:
nl input.txt | sort -k 2 | uniq --all-repeated=separate -f 1
This will group the various duplicates by adding an empty line between groups of duplicates.
pipe results through
| cut -f 1 | sed 's/ \+//g'
to only get line numbers.
$ awk '{a[$0]=($0 in a ? a[$0] ORS : "") NR} END{for (i in a) if (a[i]~ORS) print a[i]}' file

Print columns from specific line of file?

I'm looking at files that all have a different version number that starts at column 18 of line 7.
What's the best way with Bash to read (into a $variable) the string on line 7, from column, i.e. "character," 18 to the end of the line? What about to the 5th to last character of the line?
sed way:
variable=$(sed -n '7s/^.\{17\}//p' file)
EDIT (thanks to commenters): If by columns you mean fields (separated with tabs or spaces), the command can be changed to
variable=$(sed -n '7s/^\(\s\+\S\+\)\{17\}//p' file)
You have a number of different ways you can go about this, depending on the utilities you want to use. One of your options is to make use of Bash's substring expansion in any of the following ways:
string=$(sed -n "${line}p" /etc/passwd)
echo "${string:17}"
string=$(awk "NR==${line} {print}; {next}" /etc/passwd)
echo "${string:17}"
string=`{ head -n $line | tail -n1; } < /etc/passwd`
echo "${string:17}"
var=$(head -n 17 filename | tail -n 1 | cut -f 18-)
var=$(awk 'NR == 17' {delim = ""; for (i = 18; i <= NF; i++) {printf "%s%s", delim, $i; delim = OFS}; printf "\n"}')
If you mean "characters" instead of "fields":
var=$(head -n 17 filename | tail -n 1 | cut -c 18-)
var=$(awk 'NR == 17' {print substr($0, 18)}')
If by 'columns' you mean 'fields':
a=$( awk 'NR==7{ print $18 }' file )
If you really want the 18th byte through the end of line 7, do:
a=$( sed -n 7p | cut -b 18- )

sorting a "key/value pair" array in bash

How do I sort a "python dictionary-style" array e.g. ( "A: 2" "B: 3" "C: 1" ) in bash by the value? I think, this code snippet will make it bit more clear about my question.
State="Total 4 0 1 1 2 0 0"
W=$(echo $State | awk '{print $3}')
C=$(echo $State | awk '{print $4}')
U=$(echo $State | awk '{print $5}')
M=$(echo $State | awk '{print $6}')
WCUM=( "Owner: $W;" "Claimed: $C;" "Unclaimed: $U;" "Matched: $M" )
echo ${WCUM[#]}
This will simply print the array: Owner: 0; Claimed: 1; Unclaimed: 1; Matched: 2
How do I sort the array (or the output), eliminating any pair with "0" value, so that the result like this:
Matched: 2; Claimed: 1; Unclaimed: 1
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions. Cheers!!
Quick and dirty idea would be (this just sorts the output, not the array):
echo ${WCUM[#]} | sed -e 's/; /;\n/g' | awk -F: '!/ 0;?/ {print $0}' | sort -t: -k 2 -r | xargs
echo -e ${WCUM[#]} | tr ';' '\n' | sort -r -k2 | egrep -v ": 0$"
Sorting and filtering are independent steps, so if you only like to filter 0 values, it would be much more easy.
Append an
| tr '\n' ';'
to get it to a single line again in the end.
nonull=$(for n in ${!WCUM[#]}; do echo ${WCUM[n]} | egrep -v ": 0;"; done | tr -d "\n")
I don't see a good reason to end $W $C $U with a semicolon, but $M not, so instead of adapting my code to this distinction I would eliminate this special case. If not possible, I would append a semicolon temporary to $M and remove it in the end.
Another attempt, using some of the bash features, but still needs sort, that is crucial:
#! /bin/bash
State="Total 4 1 0 4 2 0 0"
for i in 1 2 ; do # remove unnecessary fields
string=${string#* }
string=${string% *}
# Insert labels
string=Owner:${string/ /;Claimed:}
string=${string/ /;Unclaimed:}
string=${string/ /;Matched:}
# Remove zeros
string=(${string[#]//;/; })
# Format
string=${string//:/: }
# Sort
string=$(sort -t: -nk2 <<< "$string")
echo "$string"
