I'm trying to understand how to write a web service using warp that has a long lived resource that I want access to from all my requests (i.e. I want the resource to exist for the life time of server, not per request). I'm assuming this is a use for ResourceT, but I'm unsure how I actually do this.
My particular use is that I want to expose a file handle, that I currently have wrapped up in the state monad. I'm happy to change this approach, if this doesn't make sense when using warp and ResourceT. An early version of this code can be seen on code review: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/9177/my-simple-haskell-key-value-file-store
Thanks in advance,
The most obvious way is to pass the file handle in as a parameter to the Application.
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as Bl
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import System.IO
doSomethingWithAFileHandle :: Handle -> IO ()
doSomethingWithAFileHandle =
undefined -- insert your logic here
app :: Handle -> Application
app h req = do
let headers = []
body = Bl.empty
liftIO $ doSomethingWithAFileHandle h
return $! responseLBS ok200 headers body
main :: IO ()
main =
-- get some file handle
withBinaryFile "/dev/random" ReadMode $ \ h ->
-- and then partially apply it to get an Application
Warp.run 3000 (app h)
I am following the basic dispatching section of wai application.
I am able to catch the url parameter. How can I perform IO operation using these params.
I would like to use runCommand of System.Process to execute a system command using these parameters.
:t runCommand give
runCommand :: String -> IO ProcessHandle
my Main.hs
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Network.Wai
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Data.ByteString
import Control.Monad
import System.Process
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
main :: IO ()
main = do
run 8080 app
app :: Application
app request respond = respond $ case rawPathInfo request of
"/" -> indexHtml
"/wake" -> wakeMeUP request
_ -> fourNotFour
indexHtml :: Response
indexHtml = responseFile
wakeMeUP :: Request -> Response
wakeMeUP request =
let query = queryString request
hour = join $ lookup "hour" query
min = join $ lookup "min" query
--I would like to use runCommand "using hour and min variables"
in responseLBS
"Alarm set at...to be coded later"
fourNotFour :: Response
fourNotFour = responseLBS
"404 not found"
Your design prevents it, because of how you have written app,
app request respond = respond $ case rawPathInfo request of
which says that you immediately respond. Note the type of Application:
type Application = Request -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived) -> IO ResponseReceived
Since the result type has an IO, you have the opportunity to do I/O before yielding a value. So you could:
app request respond = do
whateverResult <- runCommand "whatever"
respond $ ...
(You could also do it afterward, at least according to the types:
app request respond = do
rcvd <- respond $ ...
runCommand "whatever"
return rcvd
Though that's a bit odd to do for the continuation-passing idiom being used here (the (a -> b) -> b pattern in the Application type). It means that the command will be run after everything else, for some definition of "everything else" that we can't know without reading the wai source.)
Anyway, you probably don't want the command to be run inside app, but rather in wakeMeUp, which means you need to change some types around. In particular,
wakeMeUp :: Request -> IO Response
-- ^^
and suitably monadify the function. Then your app needs to not call respond immediately, so you can say
app request respond =
response <- case rawPathInfo request of
"/" -> return indexHtml
-- ^^^^^^
"/wake" -> wakeMeUp request
-- no change, because wakeMeUp now has an IO return type
respond response
If this is gibberish to you, it's time to do some monad tutorials. Or if you just want to get the damn thing working, I recommend Dan Piponi's The IO Monad For People who Simply Don't Care. Happy hacking!
What I'm trying to do is to create a somewhat smart reverse proxy server that should process some requests on its own and forward the others to the backend of choice. To make it challenging I'm trying hard to do it in Haskell, which I am a total newbie in.
Here's the code I've come up so far:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Data.ByteString
import Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HC
helloApp :: Application
helloApp req respond =
respond $ responseLBS status200 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] "Hello"
proxyStubApp :: Application
proxyStubApp req respond =
respond $ responseLBS status200 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] "You've hit the stub"
proxyApp :: IO Application
proxyApp = do
manager <- HC.newManager HC.defaultManagerSettings
return $ waiProxyTo (const $ return $ WPRProxyDest ProxyDest { pdHost = "localhost", pdPort = 9393 }) defaultOnExc manager
app :: Application
app req respond =
serve req respond
where serve = lookupServeFunction req
lookupServeFunction :: Request -> Application
lookupServeFunction req
| isInfixOf "sample_path" (rawPathInfo req) = proxyStubApp
| otherwise = helloApp
main = run 3011 =<< (logStdoutDev <$> return app)
It works fine, but when I exchange proxyStubApp for actual proxyApp I am forced to add IO all over the place. Particularly it gets added to app, consequently leaving me with the following compilation error message:
Couldn't match expected type ‘Request -> t5 -> t4’
with actual type ‘IO Application’
The equation(s) for ‘app’ have two arguments,
but its type ‘IO Application’ has none
I feel like I understand why it is happening, but I'm out of ideas of how to cope with it :( Or am I doing something totally wrong?
Thank you!
P.S. Here are the dependencies should you want to compile the thing on your own: wai warp http-types text bytestring wai-extra time http-reverse-proxy http-client
The IO in IO Application is kind-of redundant. Note that
type Application = Request -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived) -> IO ResponseReceived
so, expanding proxyApp's arguments (what you already do in proxyStubApp), you get
proxyApp :: Request -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived) -> IO ResponseReceived
proxyApp req continuation = do
manager <- HC.newManager HC.defaultManagerSettings
waiProxyTo (...) req respond
That works, because in either case
proxyApp :: IO Application
proxyApp = do
manager <- HC.newManager ...
proxyApp :: Request -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived) -> IO ResponseReceived
proxyApp req continuation = do
manager <- HC.newManager ...
the IO action HC.newManager ... is "run within IO".
You may find it conceptually clearer to construct an Application in IO and hand it to some other place, and I won't argue with you. I want to note though, that you choose the Application based on the Request, so in a way you are in the hypothetical HTTP monad when choosing, so lookupServeFunction's signature Request -> Application makes more sense to me.
If you want to keep that type signature for proxyApp,
lookupServeFunction and app will have to be in IO as well and main will have to change accordingly, e.g.
myApp <- app
As haoformayor said, It is generally easier to work without the outer IO layer.
You might also like to simplify main.
fmap logStdoutDev (return app)
is the same as
return (logStdoutDev app)
run 3011 =<< return (logStdoutDev app)
is the same as
run 3011 (logStdoutDev app)
You might want to install hlint, which will help you spot these.
In the question Web, Scotty: connection pool as monad reader it is shown how to use ScottyT to embed a Reader monad in the stack to access a static configuration (in that case, a connection pool).
I have a similar question, but simpler – or at least I thought so…
I want to add a Reader to a single handler (i.e. a ActionT), not the whole app.
I started modifying the program from the question above, but I cannot figure out how to turn an ActionT Text (ReaderT String IO) into the ActionT Text IO the handler needs to be. After fumbling around and trying to use typed holes hoping to see how to construct this I have to give up for now and ask for help. I really feel this should be simple, but cannot figure out how to do this.
Here's the program, with the lines where I'm stuck highlighted:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Web.Scotty.Trans
type ActionD = ActionT Text (ReaderT String IO)
main :: IO ()
main = do
scottyT 3000 id id app
-- Application
app :: ScottyT Text IO ()
app = do
get "/foo" $ do
h <- handler -- ?
runReaderT h "foo" -- ?
--get "/bar" $ do
-- h <- handler
-- runReaderT h "bar"
-- Route action handler
handler :: ActionD ()
handler = do
config <- lift ask
html $ T.pack $ show config
If you want to run each action in a separate reader, you don't need the more complex Scotty.Trans interface at all. You can just build you monad stack the other way around, with ReaderT on top.
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Web.Scotty
type ActionD = ReaderT String ActionM
main :: IO ()
main = do
scotty 3000 app
-- Application
app :: ScottyM ()
app = do
get "/foo" $ do
runReaderT handler "foo"
-- Route action handler
handler :: ActionD ()
handler = do
config <- ask
lift $ html $ T.pack $ show config
I've written a small server which accepts registrations as POST requests and persists them by appending them to a file. As soon as I put this server under load (I use Apache JMeter with 50 concurrent threads and a repeat count of 10, and the post consists of one field with ~7k of text data), I get lots of "resource busy, file is locked" errors:
02/Nov/2013:18:07:11 +0100 [Error#yesod-core] registrations.txt: openFile: resource busy (file is locked) #(yesod-core- ./Yesod/Core/Class/Yesod.hs:485:5)
Here is a stripped-down version of the code:
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings, TypeFamilies #-}
import Yesod
import Text.Hamlet
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.String
import System.IO (withFile, IOMode(..), hPutStrLn)
data Server = Server
data Registration = Registration
{ text :: Text
deriving (Show, Read)
mkYesod "Server" [parseRoutes|
/reg RegR POST
instance Yesod Server
instance RenderMessage Server FormMessage where
renderMessage _ _ = defaultFormMessage
postRegR :: Handler Html
postRegR = do
result <- runInputPost $ Registration
<$> ireq textField "text"
liftIO $ saveRegistration result
defaultLayout [whamlet|<p>#{show result}|]
saveRegistration :: Registration -> IO ()
saveRegistration r = withFile "registrations.txt" AppendMode (\h -> hPutStrLn h $ "+" ++ show r)
main :: IO ()
main = warp 8080 Server
I compiled the code on purpose without -threaded, and the OS shows only a single thread running. Nonetheless it looks to me like the requests are not completely serialised, and a new request is already handled before the old one has been written to disk.
Could you tell me how I can avoid the error message and ensure that all requests are handled successfully? Performance is not an issue yet.
It's perfectly OK to write to a Handle from several threads. In fact, Handles have MVars inside them to prevent weird concurrent behaviour. What you probably want is not to handle [sic] MVars by hand (which can lead to deadlock if, for instance, a handler throws an exception) but lift the withFile call outside the individual handler threads. The file stays open all the time - opening it on each request would be slow anyway.
I don't know much about Yesod, but I'd recommend something like this (probably doesn't compile):
data Server = Server { handle :: Handle }
postRegR :: Handler Html
postRegR = do
h <- handle `fmap` getYesod
result <- runInputPost $ Registration
<$> ireq textField "text"
liftIO $ saveRegistration h result
defaultLayout [whamlet|<p>#{show result}|]
saveRegistration :: Handle -> Registration -> IO ()
saveRegistration h r = hPutStrLn h $ "+" ++ show r
main :: IO ()
main = withFile "registrations.txt" AppendMode $ \h -> warp 8080 (Server h)
-- maybe there's a better way?
Aside: if you wanted to file to be written asynchronously you could write to a queue (if it were a log file or something), but in your use case you probably want to let the user know if their registration failed, so I'd recommend staying with this form.
Even without -threaded the Haskell runtime will have several "green threads" running cooperatively. You need to use Control.Concurrent to limit access to the file because you cannot have several threads writing to it at once.
The easiest way is to have an MVar () in your Server and have each request "take" the unit from the MVar before opening the file and then put it back after the file operation has been completed. You can use bracket to ensure that the lock is released even if writing the file fails. E.g. something like
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (bracket_)
type Lock = MVar ()
data Server = Server { fileLock :: Lock }
saveRegistration :: Registration -> Lock -> IO ()
saveRegistration r lock = bracket_ acquire release updateFile where
acquire = takeMVar lock
release = putMVar lock ()
updateFile =
withFile "registrations.txt" AppendMode (\h -> hPutStrLn h $ "+" ++ show r)
Using the websockets library in the following way
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Network.Socket hiding (recv)
import Network.WebSockets
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Applicative
fetch :: IO B.ByteString
fetch = do
B.putStrLn "connected"
[v4] <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just "") (Just "3000")
c <- socket (addrFamily v4) Stream 0x6
c `connect` (addrAddress v4)
recv c 512000
proxy :: TextProtocol p => WebSockets p ()
proxy = sendTextData . unsafePerformIO $! fetch
app :: Request -> WebSockets Hybi00 ()
app r = acceptRequest r >> r `traceShow` proxy
main :: IO ()
main = withSocketsDo $! runServer "" 4000 app
causes fetch to occur only once and all websocket clients receive the same not fresh data.
How can I do arbitrary IO with websockets?
How can I get the above example to work with fresh fetches?
I would love to hear any suggestions or complete solutions. A way of doing it without touching iteratee would be exceptionally appreciated.
The WebSockets monad is an instance of the MonadIO typeclass, so you can do arbitrary IO-operations with the liftIO function.
In this case I'm guessing you want to do
proxy = liftIO fetch >>= sendTextData
You also need to add the import
import Control.Monad.IO.Class