What do I have to do to use Facebook authentication with ServiceStack? - servicestack

I'm new to OAuth and ServiceStack so I've been reading through the source for ServiceStack relating to FacebookAuthProvider. It seems that adding the keys for oauth.facebook.AppId and oauth.facebook.AppSecret in in web.config should do the trick.
I then tried to do a GET on /api/auth/facebook and got an error page from facebook. Is there something I'm missing?


Cors no-access-control-allow-origin when trying to call B2C login

I cannot resolve this error, i have a .net core web api, with a react application inside of it ( net core react template )
I have also added cors:
services.AddCors(options =>
builder => builder.WithOrigins("https://localhost:44300")
I have tried multiple things but i cant get past this error.
I have found loads of material online to try and nothing seems to work i feel like i am missing something really obvious?
Can someone point me in the right direction.
I expect that there should be an allow origin header:
I also tried using the Mosif browser extension to turn cors on, this stoped the cors error from showing but now i have a 404 (notfound ) on:
You mention that you get an 404 error when opening the openid-configuration url. This means that part of your configuration is incorrect. You must be able to open this url in your browser and get back a JSON document. Copy it to a new tab and tweak it until you get back a result.
Please double check your configured policy and tenant name. The full url usually looks like this:
All of these are equally valid and can be used depending on your scenario.
The config should then look something like this:
instance: 'https://tenantname.b2clogin.com/',
tenant: 'tenantname.onmicrosoft.com',
Another issue might be if your B2C tenant quite new, Microsoft could be blocking support for microsoftonline for your tenant. In this case, try switching to the b2clogin.com domain as your instance.
You can see a possible value for this url when opening the user flow in the Azure Portal.
As a sidenote, I would suggest switching to a different react library. The one you are using is not really being maintained. We are currently using https://github.com/syncweek-react-aad/react-aad

Instagram users/self/feed 404 errorcode

I am trying to get myself mediafeeds information with the following API (using JInstagram library):
https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/self/feed?access_token={valid access_token}
The response code is 404. I am not sure what I'm missing since the access_token is valid, the API is listed in the Ruby library, but it can't be found on the develop website.
I see there is a 404 error in this site for feeds to, but it are not same API.
Instagram changed their policy and also deprecated some APIs. Check the below link.
https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/self/feed?access_token={valid access_token}
Use the below API instead of the above one

Twitter API get Parameters after Oauth

I'm using Allauth for Twitter, works like a charm.
I have never worked with Scopes, so my question is, is there any support to get for example the twitter user stream?
Or anyone got any ideas how to get the request working?
I'm struggeling with the twitter api, it seems way more complicated then facebook or foursquare or any other api i have come across.
with facebook it's like this
return requests.get("https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/%s&access_token=%s" % (path, access_token)).json()
Now if i send
requests.get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/home_timeline.json&oauth_consumer_key=' +oauth_con+ 'oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1"&oauth_nonce="'+now+'"&oauth_token="'+twitter+'"&oauth_timestamp="'+now+'"&oauth_version=1.1"')
I get a either a 400 error or a 404 error depending on .json? or json&.
According to the doc you have to have "" around every parameter. Didn't help.

Twitter API 1.1 OAuth Get Use Data

I read this tutorial to implement twitter oauth in nodejs (for "login with twitter" purpose) -
The last piece of code has this variable called results which is supposed to hold the user data sent back by twitter, but for me it only contains screen_name and user_id which is not enough. I need much more data like profile image, etc.
So I looked at the twitter documentation -
The sample URL seems to work fine -
But recently I read twitter will shut down API 1 soon and replace it with API 1.1
So I tried the 1.1 API -
The sample URL does not work -
Gives error -
{"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]}
What am I doing wrong ? How do I get user info properly from twitter and hopefully in my Node.js code that uses this module - https://github.com/ciaranj/node-oauth ?
Thanks in advance!
API v1.1 endpoints require OAuth authentication.
You might look at a different oauth module: ntwitter

Using OAuth dialog for facebook app do not allow to use canvas URL as redirect_uri

I am starting a Facebook app. Following the Getting Started tutorial in the Authorization section, it says I should use this URL to get permission from users:
I am replacing YOUR_CANVAS_PAGE with my canvas URL, the one I see on my app settings:
But, then, if I navigate to that page, I get the following error:
An error occurred with Elecciones 2012. Please try again later.
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.
If I replace YOUR_CANVAS_PAGE with:
The permission dialog works fine. But then I get redirected to my website, not the app inside facebook.com
Any idea why is this happening??
I have seen other apps using a different permission dialogue:
But it looks it is part of another set of APIs.
I got the same problem too. Looks like the problem is in "Canvas URL". You cannot use your app id in canvas URL like:
Instead, the namespace should be used as your canvas URL. for example:
You can set your app namespace in the application settings in facebook.
