Run nodejs npm package from notepad++ console - node.js

I'm trying to run some nodejs apps in Notepad++. I installed NppExec and node works just fine in the console, but npm packages don't run even though I installed them with the -g flag. My current workaround is to call cmd from the console and then running the app like:
// `cmd` inside Notepad++ console
How can I run it straight from the Notepad++ console without having to go into cmd?

Frankly this looks like a bug in NppExec, where it cannot run .cmd files from PATH.
A workaround would be to run:
where lessc
You'll get the path to the command like: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm\lessc.cmd
Use that path inside NppExec console.
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm\lessc.cmd "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" > "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)\$(NAME_PART).css"
However I'd stick to the solution you already found, looks far more better to me.

Know this is old but still appears high up google results.
To run .bat or .cmd you need to add the extension.
npp.cmd start
From Docs Npp_Exec Manual:
The same approach can be used to execute .bat and .cmd files - but the file extension (.bat or .cmd) can not be omitted in this case.

cmd /c cd $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) & node $(FILE_NAME) & pause


Cannot start npm serve on MacOS, IntelliJ ultimate on vuejs project

I am failing to start npm serve at Run/Debug Configuration in IntelliJ.
But doing it separately in Terminal within IntelliJ or on plain console works.
What's going on? How to solve that?
Here's what the Run console shows:
/usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js run serve --scripts-prepend-node-path=auto
> pwdstorage#0.1.0 serve
> node_modules/.bin/vue-cli-service serve
env: node: No such file or directory
Process finished with exit code 127
As mentioned before running the command
/usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js run serve --scripts-prepend-node-path=auto
on a terminal will properly work; even in IntelliJ.
At IntelliJ/Preferences.../Languages & Frameworks/Node.js and NPM the Node interpreter is set to /usr/local/bin/node and the Package manager is set to /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm They both do exist.
What the frag is going on?
I would love to get a deeper understanding of the whole thing and do appreciate any inseide views on this.
The issue is that node is not on your $PATH; on MacOSX the environment variables differ between GUI applications and within the terminal. Terminal environment is only available to applications started from terminal.
To solve this problem, IDEA tries to load terminal environment by executing some scripts on startup, but it seems that it can't retrieve all needed stuff in your case - thus the issue. As a workaround, you can try starting IDEA from terminal.
Some links you may find useful:, The problem is that the way to define system-wide environment variables on Mac changes from one version to another (even minor system updates may break your environment)
As lena answered, it did help. Thank you for your help!
Starting it from the terminal does the job.
In my case I build a starter script
#! /bin/bash
/Applications/IntelliJ\ &
I am running the ultimate version of IntelliJ. The CE version does have another path to start!
The next two nice things to have would be
to have the opened terminal window automatically closed
link it with a proper icon placed on the desktop.
If anyone can help, go ahead!-)

How to use Command Prompt after ng serve was compiled

In Angular 5, after creating project folder, installing Angular CLI, Node.js (all latest versions) and ng serve was compiled successfully through command prompt. Then I tried to use command prompt to install bootstrap. I could not control / use command prompt. What might be the cause and effect?
Command prompt stuck after compilation
There are simple ways:
If you use Command Prompt(Terminal), open another Command Prompt inside your project path.
If you use IDE like Visual Studio Code, open Terminal and then you can use Plus(+) sign for openning anothor Terminal like below image:
If you use IDE like WebStrom (Jetbrains IDE), first open IDE Terminal then make right click and select New Session and new terminal openning like below image:
There are couple of ways you can do that.
The official way of deployment of angular app.
Create a start.bat (if you are using windows) and write the ng serve --open command there. Now you can run this file which will internally run your angular app, using forever or pm2 npm modules.
If you do that these will demonise your process to run in background and your same command prompt becomes usable again.
Once the process is finished( compiled successfully), you would notice that the cmd -prompt newline doesn't show any directory and its blank.
This means that, you just have to open an another (new terminal), get to the right directory using "cd command "and implement your desired commands or operations again.
use ctrl + v it will ask weather to terminate say Y, cursor will go back

Can't run npm or any Node Module on Cmder (Windows 7)

I simply can't run "npm" or, for instance, "gulp" in my cmder. But I can run it if I manually open the cmd
λ gulp
'gulp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
If I run npm manually from the Nodejs directory, it works. So I added an alias with alias npm=C:\Progra~1\nodejs\npm.cmd $* and now npm works, but I guess that's not the best solution, since I can't run Node modules.
What I've tried
I've tried to add "%APPDATA%\npm\node_modules" and
"AppData\Roaming\npm" to both System and User environment variables
Restarting the computer
Running cmd as admin inside of Cmder
Add "%APPDATA%\npm\node_modules" and "AppData\Roaming\npm" to
"Cmder's user-startup.cmd" path.
I can run Ruby's gem or Python inside of cmder just fine, but Node just won't work specifically inside of Cmder (but will work on window's native cmd.exe)
Download the lastest version of Cmder through the github repo instead of downloading it from the website.
Add the "C:\Progra~1\nodejs\" to your user path in Windows using the System Properties window. Restart Cmder. Cmder can then see all the nodejs related executables, including npm.
The standard release from the website will work.
source: this has worked for me.
Run cmder as admin..
The reason why the workaround (moving files in the same directory) works is because running the cmder does not have privileges to access files outside of its directory. So either give it orivelages or Run as Admin. That it expands da the paths it can access and removes limitations/restrictions.
problem solved
For me what worked was using the cmder from selecting save file instead of open with Windows Explorer (default)
Create shortcuts for npm.cmd and npx.cmd and put them to ../cmder/bin/ folder.
Install nodejs. For example, to C:/Program Files/nodejs
Install cmder. For example, to C:/cmder
Go to nodejs folder and create shortcuts for npm.cmd and npx.cmd (right click - create shortcut). Windows will show message that cannot create here, will be created on Desktop instead - agree.
Copy shortcuts from Desktop to /cmder/bin/.
Rename them to npm.cmd and npx.cmd relatively (remove - Shortcut).
Reopen cmder, run npm.

Nodejs on Win7 - use npm only through Nodejs command prompt

I have a question about usage of Nodejs.
I installed it on Win7 and run (green Node.js icon) it, but when I tried to run "npm install" command it dodn't work. I had to move to Nodejs command prompt where npm is working.
Is that how it supposed to work?
Once you install NodeJS under Windows, it goes into the global PATH, meaning that it is available in the usual Windows command prompt. So, just open one by pressing:
Type cmd and press Enter
Then type node -v. You should be able to see an appropriate response.
Add your AppData\Roaming\npm and Program Files\nodejs folder to your path.
Also have a look at this:
Node.js doesn't recognize system path?
Second answer helped me to add my Roaming folder.

Node.JS - How to Run Node Command from any path?

I have installed the latest node.js from here . I see the %Path% variables have been set for Node.js. But, When i run node from C:\ , i get a "Node is not an recognized comman". But node command is working fine from "C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs" path. Can i not run Node commands from C:\ or Say from an other path if i set the Env variables right? Please help. I am running a Win7 X64.
Thank You,
I had the exact same problem, but in my PATH variable I had: C:\Program Files\nodejs\.
After changing it to C:\Program Files\nodejs I could access it from anywhere.
What happens if you run node --version? I have never tried node.js from windows but if that doesn't work there is something wrong with your paths.
What do you get when you run echo %PATH%?
You should check if the path C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs is present in your %PATH. If not, add it via the system properties (persistent change). In any case, restart your command prompt, it'll reload the %PATH variable. If you're lucky, it should work now :)
Most likely it happens because there is no Node path in your PATH environment variable.
I see two ways to solve this
Just add Node path into the end of PATH.
Reinstall Node as administrator
run 7-zip (or some file manager) with administrator privileges >>
browse to node-installer.msi >> open it, install node >> enjoy
My Sublime was working with Nodejs fine. I could press Alt-R and see the output from Node in Sublime. Then at some point I upgraded Sublime. I now have version 2.02 build 2221
And at some later point I tried Alt-R and got this infamous message
'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command
But it had worked, so what changed?
The steps I took to fix it were to install git bash and then
$ git clone
$ cd SublimeText-Nodejs/
$ git checkout 095ba03344
Back in Sublime I clicked Preferences > Browse Packages. This opened up Windows Explorer with the folder:
C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages
I replaced the contents of the Nodejs folder with the git version. Re-started Sublime and then Alt-R sprang back into life.
Other things that turned out to be irrelevant were changing the file Nodejs.sublime-settings and tampering with system environment variables. The only thing that worked was 095ba03344 as described here
