I'm using eConnect to create and update various items in Dynamics GP, but I can't seem to find how to use it to read data from GP.
For example, I'd like to get the Vendor and Account lists from GP. Is there a way to do this from eConnect? Do I have to use SQL?
You don't have to use SQL; you can use eConnectOut to retrieve data, but the result sets are somewhat limited out of the box. In the end I found that just dealing with SQL was easier for me because eConnectOut doesn't give you access to all of the GP data without manipulation to the eConnect_Out_Setup table which is cumbersome at best.
There's a long list of DOCTYPEs in the eConnect_Out_Setup table for pre-existing eConnectOut queries if you're interested. The DOCTYPE you are probably looking for is Vendor (which is in the PM00200 table if you're using SQL).
Here's an example of eConnectOut using C#: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff623639.aspx
If you are using XML for eConnect transactions, here's an example of that:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<eConnect xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes">
More documentation on eConnectOut can be found on MSDN.
i use gpwebservice for this
use webservice method
alternatively you can use the below query
select VendorId,VENDname as VendorName from PM00200
The current CRM UI allows you to create relatively complex queries which you can even extend further with tools like FetchXML Builder.
However, when we get to select the columns in the View layout, the interface provides access only to the first direct related set of entities and does not navigate further down.
There are many cases where the column you want to include in the View is just "two-clicks" away and you cannot include it because is "too far". To make things worse, the FetchXML Builder allows you to re-write the join but it does not allow you change the the columns layout you started with when you opened the View initially. IOW, you can modify the query logic but you cannot include additional columns as required.
One possible solution would be to edit the solution directly and inject the FetchXML directly (I have not tried this though) but I would like to listen to the community opinion first or to other possible solution.
Regards and thank you for taking your time.
Unfortunately this is a long existing limitation. There is no supported customization workaround to circumvent this other than building a Fetchxml report or Power BI report to embed with the necessary layout.
From documentation:
You can include columns from the current entity or any of the related entities that have a 1:N entity relationship with the current entity.
You can tweak the layoutxml of any view, but still it has to be in supported zone to avoid failures.
I am using extension library Rest controls ViewJsonservice to provide the data from Notes database, is there a easy way using same control I can provide the data from two databases, I can put the similar view from dbA to dbB
Short answer: no
Long answer:
I presume you want the data from 2 views available in a single endpoint. Either after each other (appended) or somehow merged.
You can do that using code. Check this article for basic info.
In a nutshell: use the ViewNavigator class in both databases to retrieve results and append or merge the data before you return it.
Nice side effect : you can return all the data.
Can I update columns in my data table and write them back to the database? Basically, it is only a column that I have to update with a Y/N .
you can do this with IronPython script, however it's not supported by TIBCO and does not share the information model you create in the Info Designer.
more here: http://spotfired.blogspot.com/2014/04/write-back-to-database-from-spotfire.html
3 possible ways that I can think of..
Iron Python script and update the flags based on marking
step 1:Use spotfire standard HTML wrapper that holds your Spotfire analysis
step 2:Create a Java function in HTML to pass the key identifiers as input that you want to updates the flags and java function to in turn call a stored procedure to switch the flags.
Leverage TSSS and write a data function to pass the SQL for sjdbc that helps to connect to database and execute statements...
This is not possible out-of-the-box. You would have to customize the product to attain such functionality.
Using multicore functionality of solr, we implemented multiple cores into one solr instance and each core having some specific information, like one core is stored Hotel's details along with city while another stored details of Events happening over the city and 3rd core stored details about restaurants in the city. There are other parameters so that we created separate cores.
My application is given search by keyword and I want to show list as:
then user can drill down into his interested thing.
How can we achieve this by querying to all cores and get the result as number of records found(numFound) for each core.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<solr sharedLib="lib" persistent="true">
<cores adminPath="/admin/cores" hostPort="${jetty.port:8983}" hostContext="${hostContext:solr}">
<core default="true" instanceDir="hotelDetails" name="hotelDetails"/>
<core default="false" instanceDir="Events" name="Events"/>
<core default="false" instanceDir="Restaurants" name="Restaurants"/>
You need to use Solr's Faceted search mechanism. This link will guide you to get the faceted search.
There might be a lot of ways to achieve what you need. Here's my solution
First create a custom field called "type". Depending upon each core update it's relevant value (e.g For hotelDetails type:hotel) in each document.
Do a distributed search using faceting. Add the following command in your search query and you'll get the result as expected.
For distributed search add
For faceting
Check with the following queries. I hope both the query should work.
I am still new to sharepoint and would like to know if it is possible to make a query that works across several lists. My list looks like this
Customers (id, name and so forth)
Orders ( id, order number, customer and some additional info)
OrderItems (id, name, price, description and so on)
I would like to create a view that will display the OrderItems grouped by Order which again will be grouped by Customer.
In pure .net code that is pretty easy but is it possible to implement it only using sharepoint lists?
Without custom code or third party components you would have only a few options. Using SharePoint Designer to create a Data View or creating a custom Query with some complex CAML which I'm not even sure is entirely possible.
Personally I would look more towards using Master Detail functionality using a combination of web part connections and filtering. By activating Enterprise features you have available a number of Filter Web Parts that should be able to be combined to filter lists to selected values.
Personally I have gone with custom code to bring back list data based on queries and then used the GetDataTable() method of the SPListItemCollection object. Once you have the list items in DataTables you have numerouse ways to sort filter and aggregate the information.
I should add to this that there is a great article on displaying information from a dataset using the SPGridView and SPMenuField. Once you have your DataTables you could establish relationships in a dataset to display the information using these controls:
Connected web parts can do this...
I think SPD can do that.
If you do not want get yourself dirty, take a look at SharePoint List Collection, which is perfect to you.