Replacing comma on specific lines only - text

I have a dataset that is comma separated. But I have a little problem with its format. I want everything to be in the form x,x,x
Below is a sample of my dataset:
As you can see, most of my dataset is in the proper format but I have those commas on single id#'s also (my data is in form id#, connection#). How would I go about removing the commas on those single id#'s? I can't seem to figure it out just using a text editor. Any suggestions?
Edit: can I use some sort of regex expression to only remove it from those ids that have a specified length?
Edit2: Ok I figured it out using some regex, thanks for all the help!

In vi one would do something like
This means
: (enter a line mode command)
% (try the command on every line)
s (substitute)
,$ (match a comma at the end of a line)
(empty replacement text)
Sometimes you need something like /, *$/ do match a comma followed by 0 or more trailing spaces. You can get vi on windows in various different ways; one way is to install Cygwin.

You can select regular expression mode in Notepad++ and do find and replace using the following regex ,$. Leave the replace field blank.

With the sed command:
sed 's/, *//' < FILE
or inplace (requires GNU sed):
sed -ie 's/, *//' FILE


Finding and replacing text within a file

I have a large taxonomy file that I need to edit. There is an issue with the file as "Candida" is listed as both Candida and [Candida]. What I want to do is change every case of [Candida] to Candida within the file.
I have tried doing this several ways but never get the output I am after. This is the first few lines of the taxonomy file:
Using sed gives me this output:
$ sed -i -e 's/[Candida]/Candida/g' Full_HMS_Taxonomy.txt
Using awk gives me this output:
$ awk '{gsub(/[Candida]/,"Candida")}1' Full_HMS_Taxonomy.txt
In both cases it is adding Candida to multiple places and multiple lines, instead of just replacing each instance of [Candida]. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
[] are special characters in regexp, so you should escape them like that:
Brackets are treated specially by regular expression parsers, matching each character listed inside them. So, [Candida] matches any of the characters inside it (C, a, n...). That's why you get a lot of substitutions.
You need to tell those utilities that you want literal brackets by escaping them with backslashes, e.g. with sed:
sed -i 's/\[Candida\]/Candida/g' Full_HMS_Taxonomy.txt

Sed - delete all chars before dash

I have below in file with contents
I want to remove devtools- and keep the rest of characters same, I tried below command but its removing all dashes
sed 's/.*-//' projects.txt
This worked for me
sed 's/-/\n/;s/.*\n//' projects.txt
If I understood well, you want to delete everything up till the first dash.
Try this:
sed 's/[^\-]*-//'
This deletes this first dash as well.
In case you want to maintain that first dash:
sed 's/[^\-]*-/-/'
The reason your solution doesn't work is the fact that the regular expression .*- means 'anything followed by a dash'.
The string devtools-common- matches this criterion and is therefore removed.
The expression I suggest says 'anything but a dash, followed by a dash'.

I am trying to replace a text for example

"word" -nothing
word" - nothing
in gvim.
I tried
But what I get is: -nothing
Well I am new to scripting so I would like to know if it can be done in any other way like using gvim or awk or sed.
In vim... Check for \(word + quote + space + hyphen\) as first reference, followed directly by another \(word\) as second reference... replace by first reference + space + second reference... Make sure the find/replace can happen multiple times on a line with g suffix.
:%s/\(\w" -\)\(\w\)/\1 \2/g
Note that I left out the leading quote... I suppose it is possible you might have spaces in the quoted text - and I think this form might be better for you. Now in sed, that is the really cool thing about the relationship between *nix tools - they all use similar (or the same) regular expressions pattern language. So, the same exact pattern as above can be done in sed (using : as delimiter for clarity).
sed 's:\(\w" -\)\(\w\):\1 \2:g'
Awk doesn't do back references; so, not to say it can't be done, but it is not so convenient.
Could you please try following and let me know if this helps you.
awk '{sub(/^"/,"");sub(/-/,"- ")} 1' Input_file
Solution 2nd: With sed.
sed 's/^"//;s/-/- /' Input_file
Since you also tagged grep: GNU grep has the -P switch for PCRE (Perl compatible reg ex) which has \K: Keep the stuff left of the \K, don't include it in $&, so:
$ echo \"word\" | grep -oP "\"\Kword\""
If I understand your question correctly you want to replace first " in each line with empty string. So in sed it is just:
sed 's/"//'
Without g flag it will replace only first occurrence in each line.
The same way it will work in Vim (unless you have 'gdefault' option set), so in Vim you can:
try this :

Linux Sed command replace after special character

How can I use sed command in Linux to replace key value pair. I want to replace characters that occur after “:”
For example
App.log.level: “xyz”
It sounds like you just want something like sed 's/:.*$/: YOURTEXTHERE/' where the general format is sed 's/REPLACE_THIS/WITH_THIS/g'
The /:.*$/ bit means I want to replace all text from a colon to the end of the line. The : YOURTEXTHERE is what you're replacing with. (I'm putting the colon back in and putting the extra text.) Since I'm only doing one replacement per line, I don't need the g at the end (although it wouldn't hurt anything.)
A real example:
>> echo App.log.level: \"xyz\" | sed 's/:.*$/: YOURTEXTHERE/'
App.log.level: YOURTEXTHERE

How to convert two characters to one using sed

I need to change two characters (\t\n) for only one (\t).
All lines ending in Tab will join with the next line.
I used this command:
sed -i 's/\t\n/\t/g' file.txt
but it doesn't do anything.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '1h;1!H;$!d;x;s/\t\n/\t/g' file
Sed is line based and uses the \n to delimit what it presents in its pattern space. The above solution gathers up the entire file into the hold space ( a spare register) and then does the global substitution returning the desired result.
