ERROR with my Ubuntu: Cannot open the disk 'D:\My Documents\My Virtual Machines\Ubuntu\Ubuntu-1.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on - ubuntu-10.04

Cannot open the disk 'D:\My Documents\My Virtual Machines\Ubuntu\Ubuntu-1.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.
Reason: The physical disk is already in use.
When I powered on my Ubuntu on VMwave, a window showed up within words above.
I tried to remove the old hard disk in settings and created a new one, but it still doesnot work.
Has someone solved this problem? PLEASE do me a favour!!Many thanks!!

If you're sure it's not in use, I think from memory that VMWare protects them with *.lock files in the same directory as the VMDK files.
So you could try deleting the lock files after backing up the directory first!!!
I'm not entirely certain this is a programming question; and
I'm not entirely certain I'm right :-)
So I've marked it community wiki and voted to move your question to SuperUser (you may also want to hassle the bods at AskUbuntu.


Recover deleted folder from Google VPS

We have a VPS running on Google Cloud which had a very important folder in a user directory. An employee of ours deleted that folder and we can't seem to figure out how to recover it. I came across extundelete but it seems the partition needs to be unmounted for it to work but I don't understand how I would do it on Google. This project took more than a year and that was the latest copy after a fire which took out the last copy from our local servers.
Could anyone please help or guide me in the right direction?
Getting any files back from your VM's disk may be tricky (at best) or impossible (most probably) if the files got overwritten.
Easiest way would be to get them back from a copy or snapshot of your VM's disk. If you have a snapshot of your disk (either taken manually or automatically) from before when the folder in question got delete then you will get your files back.
If you don't have any backups then you may try to recover the files - I've found many guides and tutorials, let me just link the ones I believe would help you the most:
Unix/Linux undelete/recover deleted files
Recovering accidentally deleted files
Get list of files deleted by rm -rf
------------- UPDATE -----------
Your last chance in this battle is to make two clones of the disk
and then detach original disk from the VM and attach one of the clones to keep your VM running. Then use second clone for any experiments. Keep the original untouched in case you mess up the second clone.
Now create a new Windows VM and attach your second clone as the additional disk. At this moment you're ready to try various data redovery software;
UFS Explorer
Virtual Machine Data Recovery
There are plenty of others to try from too.
Another approach would be to create an image from the original disk and export it as a VMDK imagae (and save it to a storage bucket). Then download it to yor local computer and then use for example VMware VMDK Recovery or other specialized software for extracting data from virtual machines disk images.

Proxmox VE: How to create a raw disk and pass it through to a VM

I am searching for an answer on how to create and pass through a raw device to a VM using proxmox. Through that I am hoping to have full control of the disk including S.M.A.R.T. stats and disk spindown.
Currently I am using passthrough using the SATA passthrough offered by proxmox.
Unfortunately I have no clue how to create a raw disk file from my (empty) disk). Furthermore I am not entirely certain on how to bind it to the VM.
I hope someone knows the relevant steps.
Side notes:
This question is just a measure I want to try out to achieve a certain goal. For the sake of simplicity I posed my question confined to the part above. However, if you have a better idea, feel free to give me a hint. So far I have tried a lot of things to achieve my ultimate goal.
Goal that I want to achieve:
I am using Proxmox VE 5.3-8 on a HP Proliant Gen 8 server. It hosts several VMs among which OMV should serve as a NAS. Since the files will not be accessed too often, I opt for a spindown of the drives.
My goal is reduction of noise and power savings.
Current status:
I passed through two disks by adding them to
sata1: /dev/disk/by-id/{disk-id}
Through that I do see SMART stats and everything except disk spindown works fine. Using virtio instead of SATA does not give me SMART values.
using hdparm -y to put a drive to sleep does not work inside the VM. Doing the same on the proxmox console result in a sleep, but it wakes up a few seconds later.
Passing through the entire HBA is currently not an option.
I read in a forum that first installing Debian and then manually installing the proxmox packages resulted in a success. However that was still for Debian jessie and three years ago.
Install Proxmox VE on Debian Stretch
Before I try this as a last resort, I want to make sure if passing the disk through as a raw file will lead to the result.
Maybe someone has an idea on how to achieve my ultimate goal.
I do not have a clear answer to your question, as per "passing through" the disk, but i recently found a good enough solution for my use case.
I have an HDD that i planned to use as a backup dir for VMs, but i also wanted to put any kind of data on it, and share that disk with any VM that would like to.
The solution i found is to format the disk using ZFS, then creating mount points for different usage (vzdump backup, shared nas folder accross VMs + ISO mounting point etc...). I followed this guide:
I ended up installing samba on proxmox host itself, with a config to share some folder/mount point of the disk, via SMB. Now the device appears as a normal disk over the network, with excellent read/write speed as everything is local.
Sorry that this post does not "answer" your question (no SMART data or things low level like that :'( ) BUT shared storage ^^'

Unable to increase disk size on file system

I'm currently trying to log in to one of the instances created on google cloud, but found myself unable to do so. Somehow the machine escaped my attention and the hard disk got completely full. Of course I wanted to free some disk space and make sure the server running could restart, but I am facing some issues.
First off, I have found the guide on increasing the size of the persistent disk ( I followed that and already set it 50 GB which should be fine for now.
However, on file system level because my disk is full I cannot make any SSH connection. The error is simply a timeout caused by the fact that there is absolutely no space for the SSH deamon to write to its log. Without any form of connection I cannot free some disk space and/or run the "resize2fs" command.
Furthermore, I already tried different approaches.
I seem to not be able to change the boot disk to something else.
I created a snapshot and tried to increase the disk size on the new
instance I created from that snapshot, but it has the same problem
(filesystem is stuck at 15GB).
I am not allowed to mount the disk as an additional disk in another
Currently I'm pretty much out of ideas. The important data on the disk was back-upped but I'd rather have the settings working as well. Does anyone have any clues as where to start?
Currently still trying out new things. I have also tried to run shutdown- and startup scripts that remove /opt/* in order to free some temporary space but the script either don't run or provide some error I cannot catch. It's pretty frustrating working nearly blind I must say.
The next step for me would be to try and get the snapshot locally. It should be doable using the bucket but I will let you know.
Getting a snapshot locally is not an option either or so it seems. Images from the google cloud instances can only be created or deleted, but not downloaded.
I'm now out of ideas.
So I finally found the answer. These steps were taken:
In the GUI I increased the size of the disk to 50 GB.
In the GUI I detached the drive by deleting the machine whilst
ensuring that I did not throw away the original disk.
In the GUI I created a new machine with a sufficiently big harddisk.
On the command line (important!!) I attached the disk to the newly
created machine (the GUI option has a bug still ...)
After that I could mount the disk as a secondary disk and perform all the operations I needed.
Keep in mind: By default google cloud solutions do NOT use logical volume management, so pvresize/lvresize/etc. is not installed and resize2fs might not work out of the box.

How to back up Fedora Linux and restore or load image in VMWare

Good afternoon,
I have a task of backing up an entire drive ~20gB of a Fedora Installation (don't know the exact release). I would prefer to back this up into an image on an External Hard drive, so if the system fails, I will be able to easily restore it onto an identical drive. The drive the system is on is not a hard drive, it is I believe a CF Card. But it may actually be a small hard drive.
So, to my understanding, in order to restore it, I would need to use another linux computer to flash the CF card using the image.
I have no previous experience backing up files in Linux, so in order for me to use any of your help, I would like to request that the answers have the exact commands I will need to do this backup and restore.
It is also imperative that the original installation remains intact and does not get damaged by this backup process.
Thank you,
Your help is appreciated,
Rsync is a good backup tool, but if you want a complete dump of everything that can only be restored to the same drive, look at the good old dd. It can dump the whole drive to a file that you can later use to restore.
To create a backup that you could use for bare metal restore, I'd recommend using a Live CD to create a complete backup or an image.
Clonezilla and fsarchiver are free applications that come to mind, Acronis (commercial) is also quite good.

Bad PBR signature in centOS

Please help,I had 80gb harddisk of CentOS 6 with full important files.Unfortunately it shows bad PBR signature.I want to copy all those files and configuration files to another fresh harddisk of size 80gb and run the programs well.
Please suggest me to take steps ahead.
Thanks in Advance.
install a new OS on the second hard disk and attach the second drive as a secondary drive. make sure you mount it and then copy the files to the new hard disk.
