Any way to force Mathematica to remove the Locked attribute? - attributes

Obviously Mathematica is able to remove this attribute; it's just not letting me. Does anyone know of any hacks to force Mathematica to do what I say?

This is not a positive answer.
One particular use case that might require removing the Locked attribute would be the local modification of a symbol with e.g. Internal`InheritedBlock. Often this scoping construct is used to change/remove attributes locally of system symbols, to yield a different behaviour for the scope of the block (see for example this answer).
However, according to my research, out of the 38 Locked symbols (out of all contexts and packages loaded with Quiet[Needs /# Contexts[]]!) none have any other functional attributes that, if changed, would result in modified behaviour (e.g. no Flat, Orderless, Hold***, etc.) and none of them have any Options that could be changed. Usually these symbols are very basic ones, almost all from the System` context e.g. I, List or True. The only 3 exceptions having either functional attributes or options are:
(* Symbol *) (* Attributes *) (* Options *)
Remove {HoldAll, Locked, Protected} {}
$ProductInformation {Locked, Protected} {"ProductIDName" -> "Mathematica", "ProductKernelName" -> "Mathematica 9 Kernel", "ProductVersion" -> "9.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (January 25, 2013)", "ProductVersionNumber" -> 9.}
Developer`StartProtectedMode {Locked, Protected} {"Allow" -> Null, "Deny" -> Null, "Execute" -> {}, "Read" -> {}, "ReadWrite" -> {}, "Write" -> {}}
So apart from modifying these remotely used functions, the only reason one would want to remove Locked is to directly modify some symbol's definitions. But this could only be performed if symbol also is ReadProtected, otherwise the code is written in lower-than-Mathematica-level that is completely hidden from the user (except perhaps high-level wrappers). There are only three such symbols (again, out of all standard contexts and packages):
I (* with {Locked, Protected, ReadProtected} *)
$InputStreamMethods (* with {Locked, Protected, ReadProtected} *)
$OutputStreamMethods (* with {Locked, Protected, ReadProtected} *)
As a conclusion, I would say removing Locked wouldn't really give any advantage on exploring/modifying function internals for a great many functions, and also changing behaviour of such fundamental functions as I or $Input seems to be a very bad idea, so no one is likely to invest too much time in figuring out a hack.
Furthermore, since Locked itself has the attribute Locked (since v9, in v8 it was only Protected), it cannot be redefined to e.g. Locked = Sequence[] before loading a package to bypass security even for encrypted stuff. One could redefine Attributes and SetAttributes before loading packages, but god knows what could go wrong if done so.
Of course if the function is a packaged one and the package files are available and not encoded, one can remove attributes manually by editing the files directly. But according to my experience, the common tradition is that functions that are freely explorable in packages are not Locked.


Link two functions without a space between them

I am writing documentation for a library using haddock, and, for reasons that are not really necessary to explain, I need to include a little code block in my documentation that looks like:
Importantly there can be no space between z and (<>). It may be a bit esoteric but
z (<>)
would make my documentation incorrect, even if it is more stylistically correct.
Now I believe that hyperlinks to both z and (<>) would be helpful. Neither has a very informative name, so a link that helps people remember their definitions and purpose is nice.
So my code without the hyperlinks looks like:
And to add hyperlinks I just use single quotes:
Except that doesn't work, haddock sees 'z'' and thinks that I mean to link z' (a function that does exist in my module), and then just leaves the rest alone. The rendered output looks like
Now as an experiment I deleted the definition of z', however the only difference this makes is that the link to z' goes away. The raw text remains the same. The next thing I tried was ditching #s altogether and did
Which also created a hyperlink to z' and left the rest untouched, the same problem as earlier except now nothing is in a code block.
How can I make a code block that links two functions without a space between?
You can separate the two functions into different code blocks. If there is no space between the code blocks, it will appear no different than a single code block. So
will render as desired.
You can also do it in one code block by moving the 's inside of the parentheses to only surround <>.
This will render slightly differently with the parentheses not being part of any hyperlink, however this may be desired.
Here is an alternative solution to add to the answer you already provided:
You can mix and match ' and `. These two will also be rendered correctly by haddock:
-- | #`z`'(<>)'#
-- | #'z'`(<>)`#
At the same time I've tried your solution #'z'##'(<>)'# and for some reason it did not render for me properly, but with haddock you never know.
Here are all of the ones that I've tried:
-- * #'z'##'(<>)'#
-- * #'z'('<>')#
-- * #'z'`(<>)`#
-- * #`z`'(<>)'#
With corresponding result:

Variable argument list with different types in MetaTrader5

I have some mql5 code which I want to print debug messages if the DEBUG macro is set. I would like to use a different function (DebugPrint for that matter) for those debug messages. My first attempt was to create a regular function, but variable arguments don't seem to work. I then tried to use the precompiler to remove the DebugPrint-calls based on this answer, however the compiler's pre-processor doesn't seem to understand the variable argument list either. This is the code I tried:
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DebugPrint(...)
#define DebugPrint(...) Print(__VA_ARGS__)
Any ideas on how to achieve what I'm trying to do?
My few cents on MQL4/5:
Preprocessor directives:
while the revised New-MQL4.56789 compiler has opened some new, more complex constructs for #define preprocessor directives syntax, I have almost always burnt my fingers when trying to use them in production code.
Variadic arguments:
MQL4/5 is a strong-typed, compiled language and as such does not provide means for variadic functions. With some recent syntax aids, coming from ( OOP ) Class-based function ( method ) call-interface overrides and maybe using some advanced abstractions from so called function-template-s, there are chances to create some sort of syntax-support for your #define-dependent behaviour.
Function Overloading,template-sandtypename-dependent actions:
Whereas these techniques have brought even more "New" compiler features into the MQL4/5 software domain, the additional levels of complexity do not justify the efforts, given the resulting principles are restricted from being usable in cases where their use is restricted from export, virtual or #import constructs.
So how to make this work?
Well, for the sake of the rapid & iterative development needs, one may resort to an "almost-variadic" PrintFormat( DEBUG_MASK, ..., ..., ... ); using a context-full (known) matching set of attributes against a static, context-specific #define-ed DEBUG_MASK. Nested construction of FormatString( MASK_A, par1, par2[, FormatString( MASK_B, par3, par4[, FormatString( ... )[, ... ] )[, ... ]) are left for one's own kind imagination.

Prism over maybe-existent list element

today on "adventures in functional programming with lenses" our hero attempts to define a prism over a list element that may or may not exist.
It's a bit tricky to explain, so to avoid the X, Y problem I'll give the actual use-case in all its glory.
I'm writing a Text editor in Haskell called Rasa, the whole idea is that it's extremely extensible, and that means most functionality is written as extensions. Since it's a core principle, extensions ALSO depend on other extensions, so I needed a way to store their state centrally such that all extensions depending on an extension could access its current 'extension state'. Of course the types of these states is not known to the core of the editor, so at the moment I'm storing a list of Dynamic values. When the extension stores the state it converts to a Dynamic, then it can be extracted later via a prism like so:
data Store = Store
{ _event :: [Event]
, _editor :: E.Editor
, _extState :: [Dynamic]
ext :: Typeable a => Traversal' Store a
ext = extState.traverse._Dynamic
So now ext is a polymorphic Traversal that essentially operates over only the Dynamics that 'match' the type in question (if you set to it it'll replace values of the same type, if you 'get' from it, it acts as a traversal over the Dynamics that match the type of the outbound value). If that seems like magic, it basically is...
BTW, I'd love to have exactly 1 copy of a given Extension's state object in the list at any time.
So getting and setting is actually working fine IFF there's already a value of the proper type in the list, my question is how can I make a version of this Traversal such that if a value of the proper type is in the list that it will replace it (and getting works as expected), but that will ADD a value to the list if the traversal is SET to and there's NO matching element in the list. I understand that Traversal's aren't supposed to change the number of elements that they're traversing, so perhaps this needs to be a prism or lens over the list itself?
I understand this is really confusing, so please ask clarifying questions :)
As for things I've taken a look at already, I was looking at prefixed and _Cons as possible ways to do this, but I'm just not quite sure how to wire it up. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree entirely.
I could perhaps add a default value to the end of the traversal somehow, but I don't want to require Monoid or Default so I can't conjure up elements from nowhere (and I only want to do it when SETTING).
I'm also open to discussions about whether this is actually the proper way to store this state at all, but it's the most elegant of solutions I've found so far (though I know typecasting at run time is sub-optimal). I've looked into the Vault type, but passing keys around didn't really work well when I tried it (and I imagine it has similar type-casting performance issues).
Cheers! Thanks for reading.
I think the list of extensions is not proper solution for you. I would be added something like _extState :: Map TypeRep Ext where data Ext = forall a. Ext a. Then I would be added the lens:
ext :: forall a . Typeable a => Lens' Store (Maybe a)
ext = _extState . at (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)) . mapping coerce
coerce = iso (\(Ext x) -> unsafeCoerce x) Ext
This lens does like at. So you can simply get/set your extensions.
But there is one limitation, all extensions must be of different types.

Use Alex macros from another file

Is there any way to have an Alex macro defined in one source file and used in other source files? In my case, I have definitions for $LowerCaseLetter and $UpperCaseLetter (these are all letters except e and O, since they have special roles in my code). How can I refer to these macros from other .x files?
Disproving something exists is always harder than finding something that does exist, but I think the info below does show that Alex can only get macro definitions from the .x file it is reading (other than predefinied stuff like $white), and not via includes from other files....
You can get the sourcecode for Alex by doing the following:
> cabal unpack alex
> cd alex-3.1.3
In src/Main.hs, predefined macros are first set in variables called initSetEnv (charset macros $white, $printable, and "."), and initREEnv (regexp macros, there are none). This gets passed into runP, in src/ParseMonad.hs, which is used to hold the current parsing state, including all defined macros. The initial state is set using the values passed in, but macros can be added using a function called newSMac (or newRMac for regular expression macros).
Since this seems to be the only way that macros can be set, it is then only a matter of some grep bookkeeping to verify the only ways that macros can be added is through an actual macro definition in the source .x file. Unsurprisingly, Alex recursively uses its own .x/.y files for .x source file parsing (src/parser.y, src/Scan.x). It is a couple of levels of indirection away, but you can verify that the only way newSMac can be called is through the src/Scan.x macro
#smac = \$ #id | \$ \{ #id \}
<0> #smac #ws? \= { smacdef }
Other than some obvious predefined stuff, I don't believe reuse in lexers is all that typical anyway, because at the token level things are usually pretty simple (often simple tokens like SPACE, WORD, NUMBER, and a few operators, symbols and parens are all that are needed). The complexity comes at the parsing stage, although for technical reasons, parser-includes aren't that common either (see scannerless parsing for a newer technology that does allow reuse through nesting, like javascript embedded in html.... The tools for scannerless parsing are still pretty primitive though).

Adding Barewords to Lua

To implement a domain specific language, within lua,
I want to add barewords to the language.
So that
print("foo") could be written as print(foo)
The way I have done this is by changing the metatable of the enviroment table _G.
mt = {__index = function(tbl,key) return key end}
setmetatable(_G, mt)
And that works, because retrieving the value of variable foo is done by which is equivalent to _G["foo"]
Is this a good approach?
Are there hidden downsides?
Is there a better way?
Can I do it so that barewords only work inside a certain file?
(Perhaps by executing that file, from another luascript, using loadstring)
As soon as someone declares a local with the same name of your "keywords" it will shadow your "keyword/global var" and your mechanism will fail:
print(foo) -- does what you think
local foo = 2
print(foo) -- argh!
and note that you cannot prevent the definition of local variables in a script.
Edit: (answering to a comment).
Are you using a customized Lua engine? You cannot prevent entering local scope, because you are always in local scope. It is exactly the other way around: technically there is no global scope in Lua (with the same meaning as in C, for example). There is a global namespace (implemented as a table), instead. The mechanisms for accessing globals differs between Lua 5.1 (function environments) and Lua 5.2 (implicit _ENV prefixing), but the concept is almost the same.
In particular, when a Lua script is loaded, whether by the interpreter, or by load, loadstring, dofile, etc., it is interpreted as the body of an anonymous function (a closure), usually referred to as the "main chunk". Thus there is always a local scope. In standard Lua you cannot prevent the definition of a local variable when the parser encounters a local statement in the script being loaded.
